Key: b = boxed material; f = figures; s = structural formulas; t = tables; boldface = boldfaced terms
- A. See adenine
- A. See absorbance
- A bands, 170, 171f
- A kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs), 420, 421f
- A site. See aminoacyl site
- AAA+ ATPase, 922, 923
- AAT. See aspartate aminotransferase
- abasic site, 280, 281f, 935
- ABC excinuclease, 936
- ABC transporters. See ATP-binding cassette transporters
- abiotic production, 32f
- Abl gene, 452b–453b
- absolute configuration, 72, 72f
- absorbance (A), 75b
- absorption, of dietary fats, 602–603, 602f
- ACAT. See acyl-CoA-cholesterol acyl transferase
- ACC. See acetyl-CoA carboxylase
- acceptor control, 687
- acceptor control ratio, 687
- accessory pigments, 705, 705f, 706f
- acetaldehyde, oxidation of, 490f
- acetals, 234
- acetate, 588b
- acetic acid, oxidation of, 490f
- acetic acid–acetate buffer system, 58–60, 60f
- acetoacetate, 619, 619s
- acetoacetate decarboxylase, 619f, 621
- acetoacetyl-ACP, 748, 749f
- acetone, 619, 619s
- acetylation, 216, 217f
- acetylcholine, in neuronal signaling, 443–444, 444f
- acetylcholine receptors, 380, 444
- acetyl-CoA. See acetyl-coenzyme A
- acetyl-CoA acetyl transferase, 773, 773f
- acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC), 744
- acetyl-coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA), 13f, 13s, 745s
- amino acid degradation to, 640f, 647–648, 647f, 648f
- in cholesterol synthesis, 772–775, 773f, 775f, 776f
- in citric acid cycle, 587f, 609–611
- fatty acid oxidation to. See fatty acid oxidation
- in fatty acid synthesis, 747, 748–750, 748f, 750f
- free energy of hydrolysis of, 481t, 482, 482f
- in glyoxylate cycle, 735–736, 736f
- ketone bodies from, 619–621, 619f, 620f
- in liver, 849, 850, 851f
- malonyl-CoA formation from, 744–745, 745f
- oxidation of. See citric acid cycle
- pyruvate kinase regulation by, 544, 544f
- pyruvate oxidation to, 545f, 574
- allosteric and covalent regulation of, 593–594, 593f
- oxidative decarboxylation reaction, 575, 576f
- PDH complex coenzymes, 576, 576f, 577f
- PDH complex enzymes, 576–577, 577f
- PDH complex substrate channeling, 577–578, 578f
- acetylene, oxidation of, 490f
- N-acetylglucosamine, 243, 243f, 244
- N-acetylglutamate, 637, 638, 638f
- N-acetylglutamate synthase, 637, 638, 638f, 639f
- N-acetylmuramic acid, 244
- N-acetylneuramine phosphotransferase, 1044f
- N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac), 236f, 237, 254, 256f, 351
- achiral molecules, 16f
- acid dissociation constants 57, 57f
- acid-base catalysis
- acidic activation domain, 1082, 1082f
- acidic R groups, 74f, 76
- acidosis, 56, 621, 877
- acids
- amino acids as, 76–79, 78f, 79f, 80f
- as buffers, 59–64, 60f, 61f, 62f
- ionization of
- acid dissociation constants and, 57, 57f
- equilibrium constants and, 54–55
- pH scale and, 55–56, 55t, 56f
- pure water, 54, 54f
- titration curves and, 58–59, 58f, 59f
- AcMNPV. See Autographa californica multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus
- aconitase, 581
- cis-aconitate, 581
- aconitate hydratase, 581
- ACP. See acyl carrier protein
- acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
- ACTH. See adrenocorticotropic hormone
- actin, 6, 8f, 169, 170f
- CDK phosphorylation of, 450
- myosin thick filament interactions with, 170–172, 172f
- actin filaments, 8f
- actinomycin D, 971
- action potential, 443, 857
- action potentials, voltage-gated ion channels producing, 443–444, 444f
- action spectrum, 705, 706f
- activation energy , 25–26, 181
- in enzymatic reactions, 180–181, 181f
- of transmembrane passage, 386, 386f
- rate constant relationship to, 182
- activation-induced deaminases (AIDs), 1014
- activators, 1056, 1057, 1058f
- active site, 179, 979f
- active transport, 385f, 386
- against concentration or electrochemical gradient, 391–392, 391f
- ion gradients providing energy for, 398–399, 400f
- proton-motive force driving, 683, 683f
- active transporters, 386
- activity, 90
- Actos. See pioglitazone
- acute intermittent porphyria, 819b
- acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), 810
- acute myeloid leukemia, 452b–453b
- acute pancreatitis, 628
- acyclovir, 929, 929s
- acyl carrier protein (ACP), 747, 747f
- acetyl and malonyl group transfer to, 747–748, 748f
- acyl groups
- acyl phosphate, 518
- acylation, in chymotrypsin mechanism, 204–208, 204f, 205f, 206f–207f
- acyl-carnitine/carnitine cotransporter, 605, 606, 606f
- acyl-CoA acetyltransferase, 608
- in fatty acid oxidation, 607f, 608
- in ketone body formation, 619f, 620
- acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, 607, 607f, 671
- acyl-CoA synthetases, 760
- in triacylglycerol and glycerophospholipid synthesis, 760, 761f
- acyl-CoA-cholesterol acyl transferase (ACAT), 776, 777f
- N-acylsphinganine, 768, 772f
- N-acylsphingosine, 770, 772f
- ADA. See adenosine deaminase
- adaptor hypothesis, 1006f
- adaptor proteins, 420
- ADARs. See adenosine deaminases that act on RNA
- Addison disease, 866
- adenine (A), 264, 264s, 265t
- base pairing of, 269f
- biosynthesis of, 825, 826f, 827f
- deamination of, 280, 281f
- degradation of, 833–836, 834f, 835f
- methylation of, 283
- origin of, 998–999, 999f
- adenine nucleotide translocase, 683, 683f
- adenosine, 266s
- adenosine (cyclic AMP, cAMP), 296
- in epinephrine and glucagon action, 566f
- FRET studies of, 416b–417b
- as regulatory molecule, 295f, 296
- as second messenger
- for β-adrenergic receptors, 413–416, 414f, 415f, 418f, 421f
- crosstalk with, 428
- other regulatory molecules using, 416b–417b, 420, 420t, 421f
- removal of, 415f, 417
- in triacylglycerol mobilization, 603, 604f
- adenosine deaminase (ADA), 833, 834f
- deficiency of, 834, 835
- adenosine deaminases that act on RNA (ADARs), 1014, 1014f
- adenosine diphosphate (ADP)
- ATP synthesis from, 487–488
- in coordinated regulation of cellular respiration pathways, 688–689, 689f
- in glycolytic pathway, 513f, 521
- in metabolic regulation, 502–503, 503t
- oxidative phosphorylation regulation by, 686–687, 688–689, 689f
- PFK-1 and FBPase-1 regulation by, 541–542, 541f, 542f
- as signaling molecule, 296
- adenosine monophosphates, 267s
- adenosine phosphoribosyltransferase, 835
- adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
- from β oxidation of fatty acids, 608–609, 610b, 611t
- in brain, 855–856, 855f
- in Calvin cycle
- in cellular metabolism, 26f, 27
- as chemical energy carrier, 294, 294f
- in cholesterol regulation, 782, 782f
- in coordinated regulation of cellular respiration pathways, 688–689, 689f
- energy from, 21, 21f
- in fatty acid synthesis, 750–751
- glucose oxidation yield of, 589t, 686–687, 686t
- in glycolytic pathway
- coupling of, 513–514
- net gain of, 521
- payoff phase of, 512f, 513, 513f, 518–521, 520f, 525f
- preparatory phase of, 511–513, 512f, 513f, 514–517, 515f, 517f, 519f
- histidine biosynthesis from, 814, 815f
- hydrolysis of
- in metabolic regulation, 502–503, 503t
- metabolism, role in, 26f
- muscle use of, 852–855, 854f, 855f, 856b–857b
- in nitrogen fixation, 800
- from oxidative phosphorylation, 659–660, 660f, 674–675
- active transport energized by proton-motive force in, 683, 683f
- ATP stabilization in, 677–678, 678f
- ATP synthase and domains in, 677, 678f
- conformations of ATP synthase β unit in, 678–680, 679f
- NADH shuttle systems for, 683–684, 684f, 686f
- nonintegral stoichiometries of consumption and ATP synthesis in, 682–683
- oxidation and phosphorylation coupling in, 675–677, 675f, 676f
- proton flow producing rotary motion in, 681–683, 681f
- proton gradient driving ATP release in, 678, 678f
- rotational catalysis in, 680–682, 680f, 681f
- PDH complex regulation by, 593–594, 593f
- PFK-1 and FBPase-1 regulation by, 541–542, 541f, 542f
- phosphoryl group transfers and
- in assembly of informational macromolecules, 485–487
- energy provided by, 482–484, 483f
- free-energy change for ATP hydrolysis, 479–481, 479f, 480t
- large free energies of hydrolysis, 481–482, 481f, 481t, 482f
- in muscle contraction, 483, 487
- reactions involved in, 484–485, 484f, 486b
- in transphosphorylations between nucleotides, 487–488, 487f
- pyrimidine biosynthesis regulation by, 829, 829f
- pyruvate kinase regulation by, 544, 544f
- in replication initiation, 923
- as signaling molecule, 296
- in skeletal muscle contractions, 170–171, 172f
- spliceosome and, 977
- in succinyl-CoA synthetase reaction, 579f, 584–586, 586f
- synthesis of, by photophosphorylation, 716, 716f
- urea cycle use of, 638
- S-adenosylhomocysteine, 641–642, 643f
- S-adenosylmethionine (adoMet), 641
- adenylate (AMP), 265t, 486
- biosynthesis of, 825–827, 826f, 827f
- degradation of, 833–836, 834f, 835f
- in metabolic regulation, 502–503, 503t
- PFK-1 and FBPase-1 regulation by, 541–542, 541f, 542f
- adenylate kinase, 487, 503, 829
- adenylyl cyclase, 413
- in GPCR signaling
- in triacylglycerol mobilization, 603, 604f
- adenylyl groups, ATP donation of, 484–485, 485f
- adenylylation, 217f, 485
- adenylyltransferase, 803, 804f
- adenylyltyrosine, 77s
- ADH. See antidiuretic hormone
- adipocytes, 602, 851
- beige, 852
- brown, 689–690, 690f, 851f, 852, 853f
- triacylglycerol mobilization out of, 603, 604f, 605f
- triacylglycerols in, 344–345, 344f
- white, 851–852, 851f
- adipogenesis, gut microbial influence on, 874–875, 875f
- adipokines, 846, 867
- adiponectin, 846, 869
- feeding behavior regulation by, 847t
- insulin sensitivity actions of, 869, 870f
- adipose tissue
- beige, 852
- brown, 610b, 689–690, 690f, 851f, 852, 853f
- cortisol effects on, 865–866
- endocrine functions of, 867–868, 867f, 868f
- epinephrine effects on, 864–865, 866t
- glucagon effects on, 862–863, 863f, 863t
- glucose uptake by, 389, 390b
- glyceroneogenesis in, 762–763, 762f, 763f
- insulin effects on, 859–860, 859t, 860f
- metabolic functions of, 848f, 851–852, 851f, 853f
- in starvation state, 863–864, 864t, 865f, 866f
- triacylglycerol recycling in, 761f, 762
- white, 851–852, 851f
- adoMet. See S-adenosylmethionine
- ADP. See adenosine diphosphate
- ADP-glucose, 733
- ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase, 735f, 735
- ADP-ribosylation, 216, 217f, 424–425, 424f
- adrenal gland, 846f
- adrenaline. See epinephrine
- β-adrenergic receptor kinase (βARK, GRK2), 418, 419, 419f
- adrenergic receptors, 412
- β-adrenergic receptors, 413
- cAMP as second messenger of, 412–413, 414f, 415f, 418f, 421
- cross talk in signaling by, 438, 438f
- desensitization of, 418–419, 419f
- as drug targets, 412
- termination of response by, 416–418
- adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH, corticotropin), 845–846
- Adriamycin. See doxorubicin
- adult stem cells, 1091
- advanced glycation end products (AGEs), 239b
- aerobic environments, 3
- afamelanotide, 819b
- affinity, of signal transduction, 409, 410f
- affinity chromatography, 86
- AFM. See atomic force microscopy
- A-form DNA, 272, 273, 273f
- A-form RNA, 276, 276f
- African sleeping sickness, 201b–202b, 256, 838
- agarose, 247t
- AGEs. See advanced glycation end products
- aggrecans, 250, 252f
- aging
- mitochondrial role in, 694
- telomere role in, 993
- agonists, 412
- AIDS. See acquired immune deficiency syndrome
- AIDs. See activation-induced deaminases
- AIR carboxylase, 825, 826f
- AKAPs. See A kinase anchoring proteins
- Akt. See protein kinase b
- ALA. See α-linolenic acid
- alanine, 72f, 74, 74s, 644, 809
- biosynthesis of, 809–810
- catabolism of, 640f, 644–647, 644f, 646t
- metabolism of, 626–627, 627f
- ammonia transport from muscle to liver, 632–633, 632f
- properties and conventions associated with, 73t
- alanine aminotransferase (ALT), 632, 632f
- tissue-damage assays using, 637b
- alanylglutamylglycyllysine, 81s
- Ala-tRNA synthetase, 1024f
- Alberts, Alfred, 786b–787b
- albinism, 646t
- albumin, 603, 604f
- alcohol consumption
- niacin deficiency and, 495
- thiamine deficiency and, 551, 578
- alcohol dehydrogenase, 127f, 530
- competitive inhibition of, 198
- in ethanol fermentation, 530, 530f
- alcohol fermentation. See ethanol fermentation
- aldehyde, 265s
- aldol condensation, 473, 474f
- aldolase, 516
- aldonic acids, 237
- aldoses, 230–231, 230f
- aldosterone, as cholesterol derivative, 356, 356f
- aldotriose, 230
- algal cell walls, heteropolysaccharides in, 244
- alkaline phosphatase, 303t
- alkalosis, 56, 64
- alkaptonuria, 646t, 650
- AlkB protein, 938, 939f
- alkylated nitrogenous bases, 938, 939f
- alkylating agents, 282–283, 282f
- ALL. See acute lymphoblastic leukemia
- allantoin, 834, 834f
- allergic response, IgE role in, 167
- alligators, lactic acid fermentation by, 529b
- allopurinol, 835
- allose, 233s
- allosteric effectors, 213
- allosteric enzymes, 213
- allosteric modulators, 213
- of allosteric enzymes, 214–215
- allosteric protein, 157
- allosteric regulation
- of acetyl-CoA carboxylase, 752–753, 752f
- of amino acid biosynthesis, 814–816, 816f
- of carbamoyl phosphate synthetase I, 637–638, 638f
- carbohydrate and lipid metabolism integration by, 570
- of global carbohydrate metabolism, 568–570, 569f, 570f
- of glutamine synthetase, 803, 803f
- of glycogen phosphorylase, 565–567, 565f, 566f
- of glycolysis, 526
- in metabolic regulation, 498, 499f, 500, 500t
- of PDH complex, 593–594, 593f
- of PFK-1 and FBPase-1
- of protein kinases, 413, 414f
- of pyrimidine biosynthesis, 829, 829f
- of pyruvate kinase, 544, 544f
- of ribonucleotide reductase, 832, 832f
- all-trans-retinol, 357
- Alper, Tikvah, 134b
- α helix, 111–114, 112f, 112t, 113b, 123t
- amino acid sequence and stability of, 113–114
- in membrane proteins, 374–375
- α oxidation, 618, 618f
- α/β barrel, 124, 125f
- ALT. See alanine aminotransferase
- alternative splicing, 981, 981b–982b, 982, 983f
- Altman, Sidney, 997
- altrose, 233s
- Alzheimer disease
- Amanita phalloides, 972
- α-amanitin, 972
- Amaryl. See glimepiride
- Ames test, 930, 931f
- amino acid arm, 1019, 1019f
- amino acid biosynthesis, 804–805, 804f, 806t
- allosteric regulation of, 814–816, 816f
- chorismate pathways, 811–812, 812f, 814f
- α-ketoglutarate pathways, 806, 807f
- oxaloacetate and pyruvate pathways, 809–811, 811f
- 3-phosphoglycerate pathways, 806
- regulation of, 816f
- ribose 5-phosphate pathway, 812–814, 815f
- special classes of reactions in, 804–805, 804f
- transcription attenuation of genes for, 1067–1068, 1067f, 1069f
- amino acid catabolism, 625, 626f
- carbon skeleton pathways, 639–640
- branched-chain amino acid degradation, 640f, 651–653, 654f
- conversion to α-ketoglutarate, 640f, 650, 651f
- conversion to glucose or ketone bodies, 640–641, 640f
- conversion to succinyl-CoA, , 650–651, 652f, 653b
- defects in, 646, 646t, 648–653, 649f, 653b, 654f
- degradation to acetyl-CoA, 640f, 647–648, 647f, 648f
- degradation to oxaloacetate, 640f, 653–654, 654f
- degradation to pyruvate, 640f, 644–647, 644f, 645f, 646t
- enzyme cofactors involved in, 641–644, 641f, 642f, 643f
- metabolic fates of amino groups, 626–627, 627f
- alanine transport of ammonia, 632–633, 632f
- ammonia toxicity and, 633
- enzymatic degradation of dietary proteins, 627–628, 628f
- glutamate release of ammonia, 630–631, 632f
- glutamine transport of ammonia, 631–632, 632f
- transfer of α-amino groups to α-ketoglutarate, 628–630, 629f, 630f
- nitrogen excretion via urea cycle, 633
- d-amino acid oxidase, 646
- amino acid residues, 70
- amino acid sequences
- of α helix, 113–114
- biochemical information from, 96, 98b
- coding nucleotide sequences correlating with, 886, 886f
- comparisons of, 317–318, 318f
- determination of, 91
- directed mutagenesis of, 312–313, 312f
- of hemoglobin and myoglobin, 153, 154f
- historical information from, 96–100, 99f, 100f
- of integral membrane proteins, topology predictions based on, 374–375, 375f, 376f
- nucleotide sequence relationship to, 263
- protein function and, 91–92
- tertiary structure and, 130–131, 130f
- amino acids, 14s, 70. See also specific amino acids
- abbreviations for, 71, 73t
- acid-base properties of, 76–79, 78f, 79f, 80f
- activation of, 1015, 1016f, 1016t
- bacteria use of d-, 820
- biosynthesis of, 805–816, 805f
- breakdown of, 590
- as buffers, 61, 61f, 79
- carbon atom designations in, 71–72
- classification of, 73–76, 74f, 75b, 75f, 77f
- codons coding for, 886, 886f, 1007, 1007f
- dietary protein degradation to, 627–628, 628f
- electric charge of, 79
- essential, 638, 638t, 805
- in general acid-base catalysis, 186–187, 187f
- in genetic code, 1025b–1027b
- glucogenic, 538, 538t, 640
- in glyoxylate cycle, 735, 736f
- ketogenic, 640
- in liver, 850, 850f
- molecules derived from
- biological amines, 821–822, 823f, 824f
- creatine and glutathione, 819–820, 821f
- NO, 822, 824f
- plant substances, 820–821, 822f
- porphyrins, 817–821, 817f, 819b, 820f
- nonessential, 805
- in peptides, 81, 81f
- and hydropathy index of, 73t
- posttranslational modifications of, 1036–1039, 1038f
- protein synthesis initiation by, 1023–1030, 1023f, 1028f, 1030f, 1031t
- in proteins, 9f, 13, 14f, 72, 80–83, 82t, 83t
- structural features of, 71–72, 71f, 72f, 73t
- titration curves of, 78–79, 78f, 79f, 80f
- uncommon, 76, 77f
- d-amino acids, bacteria use of, 820
- amino groups
- metabolic fates of, 626–627, 627f
- alanine transport of ammonia, 632–633, 632f
- ammonia toxicity and, 633
- enzymatic degradation of dietary proteins, 627–628, 628f
- glutamate release of ammonia, 630–631, 632f
- glutamine transport of ammonia, 631–632, 632f
- transfer of α-amino groups to α-ketoglutarate, 628–630, 629f, 630f
- in urea cycle. See urea cycle
- aminoacyl (A) site, 1028, 1028f
- aminoacyl adenylate (aminoacyl-AMP), 1020, 1021f
- aminoacyl-AMP. See aminoacyl adenylate
- aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, 1006, 1020, 1020t, 1021f, 1023f
- aminoacyl-tRNAs, 1006
- codons binding to, 1008, 1008t
- in elongation, 1030–1031, 1031f
- genetic code expansion and, 1025b–1027b
- structure of, 1020, 1022f
- synthesis of, 1020–1023, 1020t, 1021f, 1023f
- γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), 821
- δ-aminolevulinate, 817, 817f, 818f
- aminopterin, 836–837, 836f
- amino-terminal (N-terminal) residue, 81
- amino-terminal modifications, posttranslational, 1037
- aminotransferases, 628
- ammonia
- glutamate and glutamine assimilation of, 802–803
- glutamate release of amino group as, 630–631, 632f
- nitrate assimilation producing, 795, 795f
- nitrogen fixation to, 795
- oxidation of, by obligate anaerobes, 795, 795f, 798b–799b
- toxicity of, 633
- transport of
- urea production from, enzymatic steps of, 633–636, 634f–635f
- ammonotelic species, 626
- amoxicillin, 211, 212f
- AMP. See adenylate
- AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), 503, 869
- adiponectin actions through, 869, 870f
- catabolism and anabolism coordination by, 869–871, 870f
- in hormonal signaling, 847f
- leptin stimulation of, 869
- in metabolic regulation, 503
- in regulation of fatty acid oxidation, 616, 616f
- structure of, 870f
- in hormonal signaling, 847f
- amphibolic pathway, 590
- amphipathic helix, 388, 388f
- amphipathic solutes, 46
- examples of, 46t
- water structure effects of, 48, 48f
- amphitropic proteins, 372, 373f
- reversible associations of, 376
- ampholytes, 77
- amphoteric substances, 77
- amphotericin B, 361f
- AMPK. See AMP-activated protein kinase
- amplification, 409
- in epinephrine and glucagon action, 566, 566f
- in GPCR signaling, 416, 418f
- in hormonal signaling, 843, 845–846
- multivalent adaptor proteins involved in, 440, 441f
- protein production
- altered genes and proteins, 312–313, 312f
- bacteria systems used for, 310, 310f
- expression vectors for, 309, 310f
- insect and insect virus systems used for, 311–312, 311f
- mammalian cell systems used for, 312
- tags for purification of, 313–314, 313t, 314f
- yeast systems used for, 310–311
- in RTK signaling, 433f, 434–435, 434f
- in signal transduction, 409, 410f
- in vision signaling, 429, 429f
- α-amylases, 523
- amylo to transglycosylase, 563f
- amyloid, 133, 133f, 134–135
- in Alzheimer disease, gene mutations affecting, 333
- amyloidoses, 133, 133f, 134
- amylopectin, 242, 242f, 733. See also starch
- amylose, 242, 242f
- amytal, 666–667, 667t
- anabolism, 26, 462, 463f
- anaerobic environments, 3
- bacteria and archaea in, anammox by, 795, 795f, 798b–799b
- fermentation in, 514
- ethanol, 514, 525f, 530, 530f, 531–532
- foods and industrial chemicals produced by, 530–532
- lactic acid, 514, 525f, 526, 529b
- thiamine pyrophosphate in, 530, 531f, 532t
- analytes, 94
- analytical reagents, antibodies as, 167–168, 168f
- anammox, 795f, 796, 798b–799b
- anammoxosome, 799b
- anaplerotic reactions, 590
- androgens, 786
- anemia. See also sickle cell anemia
- folate deficiency causing, 643
- deficiency causing, 615b, 643
- aneuploidy, 946b
- ANF. See atrial natriuretic factor
- Anfinsen, Christian, 130
- angina pectoris, 423b
- angiogenesis, VEGFR role in, in cancer, 452b–453b
- animal cells, structure of, 6, 7f
- anion exchangers, 86
- Anitschkov, N. N., 786b
- annealing, 279
- annular lipids, 375f
- anomeric carbon, 234
- anomers, 234
- anorexigenic neurons, 868, 869f
- anorexigenic peptide hormones, leptin stimulation of, 868–869, 869f
- antagonists, 412
- of β-adrenergic receptors, 412, 414f
- antenna chlorophylls, 706f
- antenna molecules, 705
- in photosystem I, 710, 710f
- in photosystem II, 709
- anterior pituitary, 846f, 847f
- antibacterials, lysozyme, 210–211, 244
- antibiotics, 906b
- amino acid racemization inhibitors, 820
- enzyme mechanisms in development of, 210–211, 212f, 213f
- fermentation and, 532
- ion gradient disruptors, 399, 400f
- nucleotide biosynthesis targets of, 838
- polyketides, 360, 361f
- protein synthesis inhibition by, 1039–1040, 1039f
- protein targeting disruption by, 1042, 1043f
- resistance to, 211, 213f, 396, 887
- riboswitches as targets of, 1073
- sulfa, 548b
- antibodies, 165
- antigen binding by
- recombination and, 954
- anticoagulation, medical approaches to, 222, 360
- anticodon arm, 1019f, 1020
- anticodons, 1010, 1019f
- antidiuretic hormone (ADH), water regulation by, 400
- antifungals, polyketides, 360, 361f
- antigen, antibody binding of
- antigenic determinant, 165
- antigens, 165
- antimycin A, 667t
- antioxidants, lipid cofactors, 359–360, 359f
- antiparallel strands, 271, 271f, 275f
- antiport, 391, 391f, 399
- 220
- anti-silencing factor 1 (ASF1), 901
- antithrombin, heparan sulfate and, 249–250, 249f
- antithrombin III (ATIII), 222
- antitumor drugs, tumor resistance to, 396
- antiviral therapy, 929–930
- AP endonucleases, 935
- AP site, 281f, 935
- Apaf-1. See apoptosis protease activating factor-1
- APC gene, mutations in, 455
- apoB mRNA editing catalytic peptide (APOBEC), 1014, 1014f, 1015, 1015f
- APOBEC. See apoB mRNA editing catalytic peptide
- apoE, 778–779
- apoenzyme, 179
- apolipoproteins, 603, 777
- apolipoproteins B-48 (apoB-48), 603
- apolipoproteins C-II (aspC-II), 603
- apoprotein, 179
- apoptosis, 355, 455, 691
- mitochondrial triggering of, 691, 692f
- phosphatidylserine triggering of, 378
- regulation of, 455–456, 456f
- apoptosis protease activating factor-1 (Apaf-1), 691, 692f
- apoptosome, 691, 692f
- App(NH)p, 680, 680s
- aptamers, 1000b
- aquaporins (AQPs), 374f, 400
- aqueous solutions
- buffering of, 59
- ionization in
- acid dissociation constants and, 57, 57f
- equilibrium constants and, 54–55
- pH scale and, 55–56, 55t, 56f
- pure water, 54, 54f
- titration curves and, 58–59, 58f, 59f
- 43–53
- colligative properties and, 51–53, 51f
- electrostatic, 46, 46t, 47f, 50t
- entropy, 47, 47f
- hydrogen bonding, 44–45, 44f, 45f, 46f, 50, 50t
- macromolecular structure and function and, 49–51, 50f, 50t, 51f
- nonpolar compounds, 47–49, 48f, 49f, 50t
- nonpolar gases, 47, 47t
- polar solutes, 45, 45f, 46f, 50, 50t
- van der Waals interactions, 49, 49t, 50t
- Arabidopsis thaliana, cellulose synthesis in, 701, 737f
- arabinose, 232, 233s
- arachidic acid, structure and properties of, 342t
- arachidonate, 754
- arachidonic acid
- eicosanoids derived from, 355, 355f
- structure and properties of, 342t
- Archaea, 3, 4f, 5–6, 5f
- archaea
- cells of, 5–6, 5f
- nitrogen fixation by, 797–802, 797f, 800f, 801f
- obligate anaerobes, anammox by, 795, 795f, 798b–799b
- signaling in, 447f
- archaeal tetraether lipids, 346
- architectural regulators, 1057, 1078, 1079, 1079f
- arcuate nucleus, 868
- insulin actions on, 869
- leptin receptors in, 868, 868f
- ARF6, 424
- arginase, 634
- arginine, 74s, 76, 650, 806
- biosynthesis of, 806, 807f
- catabolism of, 640f, 650, 651f
- in general acid-base catalysis, 187f
- NO synthesis from, 822, 824f
- properties and conventions associated with, 73t
- in urea cycle, 634f–635f, 635, 636
- for urea cycle defects, 639
- argininemia, 646t
- argininosuccinase, 634
- argininosuccinate, 636
- in urea cycle, 634f–635f, 635
- argininosuccinate synthetase, 634
- argininosuccinic acidemia, 646t
- βARK. See β-adrenergic receptor kinase
- aromatic amino acids, 820–821
- aromatic R groups, 74f, 75–76, 75f
- β-arrestin (βarr), 418, 419, 419f
- arrestin 1, 431
- arrestin 2, 418–419, 419f
- ARSs. See autonomously replicating sequences
- Artemis, 949–950, 950f
- artificial chromosomes
- artificial mRNA templates, genetic code cracking using, 1007–1009, 1007f, 1008t, 1009f, 1010b–1011b, 1012t
- artificial sweeteners, 231b
- ascorbic acid. See vitamin C
- ASF1. See anti-silencing factor 1
- asparaginase, 653, 654f
- for acute lymphoblastic leukemia, 810
- asparagine, 74s, 76, 653, 809
- catabolism of, 653–654, 654f
- properties and conventions associated with, 73t
- aspartame, 82s, 231b, 650
- aspartate, 74s, 76, 653, 809
- biosynthesis of, 809, 816f
- in pathway, 730
- in citric acid cycle, 590
- in general acid-base catalysis, 187f
- gluconeogenesis from, 533f
- metabolism of, 627, 627f
- properties and conventions associated with, 73t
- in purine biosynthesis, 825, 825f
- in pyrimidine biosynthesis, 827–829, 828f, 829f
- aspartate aminotransferase (AAT), 637
- tissue-damage assays using, 637b
- aspartate transcarbamoylase (ATCase), 214–215, 215f, 216f, 828, 828f, 829, 829f
- aspartate-argininosuccinate shunt, 636, 636f
- aspartyl protease, 208
- aspirin, 222
- as anticoagulant, 222
- lipoxin synthesis stimulation by, 356
- prostaglandin synthesis inhibition by, 758f, 355–356, 355f, 758
- assisted protein folding, 132–133, 132f
- association constant 150, 150f
- asthma, 356
- ATCase. See aspartate transcarbamoylase
- atherosclerosis, 784, 784f
- reverse cholesterol transport by HDL countering, 785
- statin drugs and, 785, 786b–787b
- ATIII. See antithrombin III
- ATM, 447, 450, 455
- ATM gene, mutations in, 454
- atomic mass unit, 13b
- ATP. See adenosine triphosphate
- ATP synthase, 395, 677
- ATP release from, 678, 678f
- β unit conformations of, 678–680, 679f
- of chloroplasts, 716, 717–718
- domain of, 677–678, 678f, 679f
- in Fe-S reaction center, 708f
- domain of, 677–678, 679f, 680–682, 681f
- as F-type ATPase, 394–395, 395f, 677
- hypoxia-induced inhibition of, 687, 687f
- inhibition of, 667t
- orientation of, 717f
- in pheophytin-quinone reaction center, 708, 708f
- rotational catalysis by, 680–682, 680f, 681f
- structure and mechanism of, 717–718
- ATP synthasome, 683, 683f
- ATP6 gene, 695
- ATPases
- ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters, 395–396
- ATP-gated channels, 860, 862, 862f
- ATR, 447, 450, 455
- atractyloside, 667t
- atrial natriuretic factor (ANF), 422b
- attenuator, 1068, 1069f
- aurovertin, 667t
- autocrine hormones, 844
- Autographa californica multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (AcMNPV), recombinant protein expression using, 311
- automated DNA sequencing, 287, 290, 290f
- automated DNA synthesis, 283, 284f
- autonomously replicating sequences (ARSs), 928
- autophosphorylation, 434
- autotrophs, 4f, 5, 461
- auxin, 821, 821f, 822f
- Avandia. See rosiglitazone
- Avastin. See bevacizumab
- Avery, Oswald T., 270
- Azotobacter vinelandii, 800–801
- AZT, 991b
- B cells, 165, 166
- B lymphocytes, 165, 166
- bacmids, 311, 312
- BACs. See bacterial artificial chromosomes
- Bacteria, 3, 4f, 5–6, 5f
- bacteria. See also Escherichia coli
- cells of, 5–6, 5f
- cellulose synthesis in, 736–738, 737f
- chloroplasts evolution from, 717–718, 718f
- chromosomes of
- d-amino acids in, 820
- DNA organzation in, 909–910, 910f
- DNA repair in, 931t. See also DNA repair
- DNA replication in. See DNA replication
- elongation in, 1030–1035, 1031f, 1032f, 1034f
- evolution of, 717–718, 718f
- fatty acid synthesis in, 745, 753
- gene regulation in
- coordination of r-protein and rRNA synthesis, 1070–1071, 1070f, 1071f
- genetic recombination, 1073, 1074f, 1074t
- induction of SOS response, 1068–1070, 1070f
- positive regulation of lac operon, 1066–1067, 1066f
- sRNA regulation of mRNAs, 1071–1073, 1071f, 1072f
- transcription attenuation of genes for amino acid biosynthetic enzymes, 1067–1068, 1067f, 1069f
- genetic code variations in, 1010b–1011b
- glutamine synthetase in, 802, 803f
- glycogen synthesis in, 733
- homologous genetic recombination in, 941–943, 941f, 942f, 943f
- initiation in, 1023–1030, 1023f, 1028f, 1030f
- introns in, 975
- lectins of, 255, 256f
- lipopolysaccharides of, 253, 253f
- mitochondrial evolution from, 34, 35f, 692–693, 693f
- nitrogen fixation by, 797–802, 797f, 800f, 801f
- obligate anaerobes, anammox by, 795, 795f, 798b–799b
- operons in, 1058–1060, 1058f, 1059f
- phospholipid synthesis in, 766f, 767
- photosynthetic, reaction centers of, 707–708
- protein targeting in, 1045–1046, 1046f
- recombinant protein expression in, 310, 310f
- ribosomal RNA processing in, 983–984, 983f
- ribosomes of, 1015–1018, 1018f
- signaling in, 447f
- transcription and translation coupling in, 1036, 1036f
- transcription in
- transposition in, 951–953, 953f
- bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs), 307
- bacterial cell walls, heteropolysaccharides in, 244
- bacterial genes, naming conventions for, 914–915
- bacterial transposons, 952
- bacteriophages
- DNA of, 885f
- in recombinant DNA technology, 303t
- RNA, 993
- bacteriorhodopsin, 372–373, 373f, 375f
- baculoviruses, 311
- Baker, David, 138b
- baker’s yeast, ethanol fermentation by, 530, 530f
- ball-and-stick models, 15, 15f
- Ballard, John, 762
- Baltimore, David, 988, 989
- Banting, Frederick G., 876b
- BAR domains, 382
- barbiturates, P-450 enzyme metabolism of, 757b
- bariatric surgery, 878–879, 879t
- Barr body, 907b
- basal transcription factors, 1078
- base pairs, 268, 269f
- in codon and anticodon recognition, 1010–1012, 1012f, 1012t
- in DNA replication, 918f, 919f
- DNA stability and, 280
- DNA structure determination and, 270–271, 271f
- Hoogsteen, 274, 275f
- RNA, 276–277, 276f, 278f
- in transcription, 963
- base-excision repair, 931t, 934–935, 935f
- bases
- amino acids as, 76–79, 78f, 79f, 80f
- as buffers, 59–63, 60f, 62f
- ionization of
- acid dissociation constants and, 57, 57f
- equilibrium constants and, 54–55
- pH scale and, 55–56, 55t, 56f
- pure water, 54, 54f
- titration curves and, 58–59, 58f, 59f
- nucleotide. See nitrogenous bases
- basic helix-loop-helix, 1064, 1064f
- basic R groups, 74f, 76
- basophils, in allergic response, 167
- Bassham, James A., 719
- BAT. See brown adipose tissue
- Bateson, William, 1092b
- BCRP. See breast cancer resistance protein
- Beadle, George, 886
- beef fat, fatty acid composition, 345f
- beer, ethanol fermentation producing, 532f, 531–532
- beeswax, 346, 346f
- beige adipocytes, 852
- Benson, Andrew, 719
- benzene, lipid extraction using, 361
- benzoate, for urea cycle defects, 638, 639f
- Berg, Paul, 301, 304
- beriberi, 551, 578
- Bernard, Claude, 556
- Best, Charles, 876b
- beta blockers, 412
- β-α-β loop, 123, 123f, 124, 125f
- β barrel, 123, 123f, 374
- β cells. See pancreatic β cells
- β conformation, 112t, 114, 114f
- β oxidation, 601
- of fatty acyl-CoAs, 609f
- as first stage of fatty acid oxidation, 606, 607f
- of odd-number fatty acids, 612–613, 613f, 614b–615b
- overview of, 616f
- in peroxisomes, 617–618, 617f, 618f
- of saturated fatty acids
- of unsaturated fatty acids, 611–612, 612f
- β sheet, 114, 114f, 124f
- β sliding clamp, 920, 925, 926f
- β barrel, 123f
- β conformation, 111, 112t, 114, 114f, 117t, 123t, 124
- β-granule, 557–558, 558f
- β strand, 124f
- β turns, 112t, 114, 115f
- bevacizumab (Avastin), 453b
- Bextra. See valdecoxib
- B-form DNA, 272, 273, 273f
- BFP. See blue fluorescent protein
- bicarbonate
- bicarbonate buffer system, 62–63, 62f
- bicoid gene, 1088, 1089f
- biguanides, 879t
- bilayer, 368, 368f. See also lipid bilayer
- bile acids, 352, 602, 602f, 776
- biliary cholesterol, 777
- bilirubin, 817, 818, 820f
- biliverdin, 817, 818, 820f
- binding
- binding energy 183
- of ATP and ADP with ATP synthase, 677–678, 678f
- in enzyme catalysis
- in glycolysis, 514
- binding site, 147
- binding-change model, 681
- biochemical reactions
- basic principles of, 472, 472f
- energy changes in. See bioenergetics
- equations for, 478
- free-radical reactions, 475, 475f
- group transfer reactions, 475–476, 476f
- internal rearrangements, isomerizations, and eliminations, 474, 475f
- oxidation-reduction reactions, 476–478, 477f, 488
- dehydrogenases involved in, 493–494, 493f
- dehydrogenation, 477f, 489–490
- electron carriers in, 492–494, 493f
- flavin nucleotides in, 495–496, 495f
- free-energy change of, 491t, 492
- half-reactions describing, 489
- functions outside of, 494–495
- NADH and NADPH in, 493–495, 493f, 495f
- niacin deficiency and, 494, 495f
- oxidation of glucose to 492
- reduction potentials for, 490–492, 491f, 491t
- work provided by electron flow in, 488–489
- reactions making or breaking carbon-carbon bonds, 473–474, 474f, 475f
- repeating patterns of, 472–478
- biochemical standard free-energy change 180
- biochemistry, foundations of, 2, 2f
- cellular, 2–10, 2f, 3f, 4f, 5f, 7f, 8f, 9f
- chemical, 10–19, 10f, 11f, 12f, 13b, 13f, 14f, 14t, 15f, 16f, 17b, 18f, 19f
- evolutionary, 30–36, 31f, 32f, 33f, 35f
- genetic, 27–30, 28f, 29f
- models of, 15f
- physical, 19–27, 20f, 21f, 22b–23b, 24f, 26f
- bioenergetics, 22
- of ATP phosphoryl group transfers
- in assembly of informational macromolecules, 485–487
- energy provided by, 482–484, 483f
- free-energy change for ATP hydrolysis, 479–481, 479f, 480t
- in muscle contraction, 483, 487
- phosphorylated compounds and thioesters with large free energies of hydrolysis, 481–482, 481f, 481t, 482f
- reactions involved in, 484–485, 484f, 486b
- in transphosphorylations between nucleotides, 487–488, 487f
- of gluconeogenesis and glycolysis, 534, 535t, 537, 537t
- thermodynamics and
- additive nature of free-energy changes, 471
- first and second laws, 466–467, 467t
- free energy sources of cells, 467
- reactant and product concentration effects on actual free-energy changes, 470–471
- relationship between standard free-energy change and equilibrium constant, 182, 182t, 468–470, 468t, 469t
- biofuels, ethanol fermentation producing, 531–532
- bioinformatics, 96
- biological amines, amino acid decarboxylation producing, 821–822, 823f, 824f
- biological tethers, 593f
- bioluminescence, 486b
- biomass, ethanol from, 730b–731b
- biomolecules, 1
- abiotic production of, 32f
- carbon structure and functional groups, 10–11, 11f, 12f, 13f
- configuration and conformation, 14–18, 18f
- evolution of, 30–31, 32f
- interactions among, 18
- macromolecules. See macromolecules
- models of, 15, 15f
- small cellular, 11–12
- stereoisomerism of, 72
- stereospecific interactions of, 15, 18, 19f
- structural hierarchy, 9f
- three-dimensional structure of, 14–18, 15f, 16f, 18f, 19f
- biosignaling. See signaling
- biosynthesis. See anabolism
- biosynthetic precursors, 3–5, 4f
- biotin, 534, 590
- in acetyl-CoA carboxylase reaction, 744–745, 745f
- in amino acid degradation, 641, 641f
- 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate
- 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate (BPG), hemoglobin-oxygen binding regulation by, 161–162, 162f
- in pyruvate carboxylase reaction, 534, 535f, 590–591, 592f
- Bishop, Michael, 990
- 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate, 481, 482f, 518
- 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate (BPG), 161, 162
- bisulfite, DNA damage caused by, 282
- bitopic membrane proteins, 372
- Blackburn, Elizabeth, 993
- blacktongue, 494, 495f
- blindness, vitamin A deficiency causing, 358f, 358
- Blobel, Günter, 1041
- Bloch, Konrad, 775
- blood
- blood coagulation
- blood glucose, 857–859, 858f
- concentration of
- global regulation of, 568–570, 569f, 570f
- glucose 1-phosphate replenishment of, 559–560
- hormonal regulation of, 858–859
- cortisol in, 865–866
- diabetes mellitus and, 875–877
- epinephrine in, 864–865, 866t
- during fasting and starvation, 863–864, 864t, 865f, 866f
- glucagon effects in, 862–863, 863f, 863t
- insulin effects in, 859–860, 859t, 860f
- pancreatic β cell insulin secretion in, 860–862, 861f, 862f
- liver replenishment of, 849, 849f
- blood group type, gangliosides and, 253, 351, 351f
- blood plasma, 858, 858f
- blood-brain barrier, glucose transport across, 389t
- blue fluorescent protein (BFP), 416b–417b
- blunt ends, 304, 305f
- BMI. See body mass index
- Bmp4 gene, 1092b–1093b
- body mass index (BMI), 867
- body mass regulation
- adiponectin effects in, 869, 870f
- AMPK role in, 869–871, 870f
- diet effects on, 871–872, 871f
- endocrine functions of adipose tissue, 867–868, 867f, 868f
- ghrelin, , and cannabinoid effects in, 872–874, 874f
- gut microbial effects on, 874–875, 875f
- insulin effects in, 869
- leptin effects in, 869, 869f
- mTORC1 pathway in, 871, 871f
- Bohr, Christian, 160
- Bohr effect, 160
- boiling point, of water, 44–45
- Boltzmann constant (k), 182, 467t
- bond dissociation energy, 44
- bone spurs, 251b
- bonobo, human genome comparisons with, 329–331, 330f
- Botox. See botulinum toxin
- bottom-up signaling, hormonal, 846–847, 847f
- botulinum toxin (Botox), 383
- bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), 134b–135b
- box C/D snoRNPs, 984, 984f
- box H/ACA snoRNPs, 984, 984f
- Boyer, Herbert, 301
- Boyer, Paul, 680
- BPG. See 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate
- brain
- ammonia in, 633
- during fasting or starvation, 863–864, 864t, 865f, 866f
- glucose requirements of, 533, 557, 855–856, 855f
- ketone body use by, 619
- metabolic functions of, 848f, 855–857, 855f
- branch migration, 942
- branch synthesis, 564f
- branched-chain α-keto acid dehydrogenase complex, 651, 652, 654f
- branched-chain amino acids, degradation of, 640f, 651–653, 654f
- branched-chain ketoaciduria. See maple syrup
- brassinolide, 356, 356f
- brazzein, 231b
- BRCA1 genes, mutations in, 454
- BRCA1/2, 948b
- breakdown of amino acids, 590
- breast cancer, 948b
- hormone-based drugs targeting, 445
- protein kinase inhibitors for, 452b–453b
- breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP), 396
- brewing, ethanol fermentation in, 530, 530f, 531–532, 532f
- Briggs, G. E., 190
- 3-bromopyruvate, for cancer treatment, 527b–528b
- Brown, Michael, 781–782, 786b
- brown adipose tissue (BAT), 610b, 690, 690f, 851f, 852, 853f
- Bruce, Ames, 930
- BSE. See bovine spongiform encephalopathy
- Buchanan, John M., 825
- Buchner, Eduard, 178, 511
- buffering region, 60
- buffers, 59
- amino acids as, 61, 61f, 79
- in cells and tissues, 61–63, 61f, 62f, 63f
- composition of, 58, 59–60, 60f
- Henderson-Hasselbalch equation for, 60
- bundle-sheath cells, 729–731, 729f
- trans--butenoyl-ACP,
748, 749f
- butter, fatty acid composition, 345f
- butyrate, 874
- butyryl-ACP, 748, 749f
- Byetta. See exenatide
- C. See cytosine
- C. See flux control coefficient
- c ring, 680, 681f, 682f
- C segments, 954, 954f
- c subunits, 682f
- plants, 720, 732t
- pathway, 729
- plants, 729, 732t
- . See calcium ion
- ATPase, 393, 393f
- channels, voltage-gated, action potentials produced by, 443–444, 444f
- (CaM kinases), 426
- cadherins, 384
- CAF1. See chromatin assembly factor 1
- Cairns, John, 915, 919
- calcitonin gene, 983f
- calcium ion
- in muscle contraction, 171, 172f, 427
- oscillations, 428f
- as second messenger, 425, 425t, 427f
- SERCA pump movement of, 393, 393f, 394f
- calmodulin (CaM), 426
- Calvin, Melvin, 719
- Calvin cycle, 719
- in plants, 729–732, 729f
- in CAM plants, 732
- fixation into 3-phosphoglycerate, 720–721, 724f, 728f
- light activation in, 720f, 725–726, 727f
- NADPH and ATP requirements for, 722–724, 724f
- 3-phosphoglycerate conversion to glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate, 720f, 721–722
- ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate regeneration, 720f, 722, 724f, 728f
- rubisco in, 719–722, 724f, 728f
- transport system for, 720f, 724–725, 725f, 726f
- CaM. See calmodulin
- CaM kinases. See
- CAM plants, 732, 732t
- cAMP. See adenosine
- cAMP receptor protein (CRP), 966, 1066, 1066f, 1067
- cAMP response element binding protein (CREB), 420, 1084
- cAMP response element (CRE), 1084
- cAMP-dependent protein kinase, 413
- FRET studies of, 416b–417b
- in GPCR signaling
- Campto. See irinotecan
- camptothecin, 906b
- cancer, 948b. See also tumors
- DNA repair and, 932b
- hormone-based drugs targeting, 445
- mutations in, 930, 931f, 932b
- nonhomologous end joining and, 948–950, 950f
- protein kinase inhibitors for, 452b–453b
- retroviruses causing, 990–991, 990f, 991b
- Candida albicans, genetic code variations in, 1011b
- cannabinoids, body mass regulation by, 872–874, 874f
- canthaxanthin, 360f
- cap-snatching, 975
- carbamoyl glutamate, for urea cycle defects, 639, 639s
- carbamoyl phosphate, 827–829
- carbamoyl phosphate synthetase I, 634
- carbamoyl phosphate synthetase II, 828, 828f
- carbanions, 473, 551f
- carbocations, 473
- carbohydrate binding domain (CBD), 257
- carbohydrate metabolism
- adenine nucleotides in, 502–503, 503t
- enzyme regulation in, 498–501, 499f, 499t, 500f, 500t, 501f
- global regulation of, 568–570, 569f, 570f
- glycogenolysis and glycogenesis coordination in
- allosteric and hormonal regulation of glycogen phosphorylase, 565–567, 565f, 566f
- allosteric and hormonal signals in global carbohydrate metabolism, 568–570, 569f, 570f
- GSK3 mediation of insulin, 567–568, 568f
- phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of glycogen synthase, 565–567, 567f, 568f
- PP1 role in, 568, 569f
- glycolysis and gluconeogenesis coordination in, 539
- ATP in allosteric inhibition of pyruvate kinase, 544, 544f
- conversion of pyruvate to phosphoenolpyruvate, 544–545, 544f
- fructose 2,6-bisphosphate in allosteric regulation of PFK-1 and FBPase-1, 542, 543f
- hexokinase isozyme responses to glucose 6-phosphate, 539–541, 539f, 540b
- reciprocal regulation of phosphofructokinase-1 and fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase, 541–542, 541f, 542f
- transcriptional regulation of number of enzyme molecules, 545–546, 545t, 546f
- xylulose 5-phosphate as key regulator in, 543–544
- lipid metabolism integration with, 570
- in liver, 849–850, 849f
- reaction equilibria and, 501–502, 502t
- steady state maintenance in cells and organisms, 498
- xylulose 5-phosphate as key regulator of, 543–544
- carbohydrate response element binding protein (ChREBP), 545, 546, 546f
- carbohydrate synthesis
- pathway in, 729–732, 729f
- cellulose synthesis in, 736–738, 737f
- glucose synthesis, 733
- glycogen synthesis, 733
- glycolate pathway in, 720–721, 725f, 728f
- integrated processes in, 738–739, 739f
- pentose phosphate pathway in, 719
- starch synthesis, 733, 735f
- sucrose synthesis, 733, 733f
- carbohydrates, 9f, 18, 229
- analysis of, 258–260, 259f
- classes of, 229
- in glycoconjugates. See glycoconjugates
- information carried by, 247
- monosaccharides, 229
- asymmetric centers of, 232, 232f
- cyclic structures of, 232f, 233–235, 234f, 236f
- hexose derivatives in living organisms, 236–237, 236f
- as reducing agents, 237, 238b–239b
- symbols and abbreviations for, 240t
- two families of, 230–231, 230f
- oligosaccharides, 229
- analysis of, 258–260, 259f
- in feeder pathways for glycolysis, 522f, 523–525
- in glycoproteins, 251, 252f
- glycosidic bond in, 240, 240t
- information carried by, 247, 254–257, 255f, 256f, 257f, 258f
- nomenclature of, 240, 240t
- polysaccharides. See polysaccharides
- synthesis of, 533f
- carbon, 10–11
- carbon, in biomolecules, 10–11, 11f, 12f, 13f, 14f
- carbon bonds, 10–11, 11f
- carbon cycle, 461–462, 462f
- carbon dioxide
- biotin as carrier for, 590–591, 592f
- as buffer. See bicarbonate buffer system
- climate change and, 730b–731b
- glucose oxidation to. See glucose oxidation
- hemoglobin transport of, 160–161, 161f
- isocitrate oxidation to, 579f, 582, 583f
- α-ketoglutarate oxidation to, 579f, 582–584, 583f
- oxidation of, 490f
- in oxidation reactions, 476f
- carbon dioxide assimilation, 719
- into biomass, 720, 720f
- in plants, 729–732
- in plants, 729–732, 729f
- in CAM plants, 732
- fixation into 3-phosphoglycerate, 720–721, 724f, 728f
- light activation in, 720f, 725–726, 726f
- NADPH and ATP requirements for, 722–724, 724f
- 3-phosphoglycerate conversion to glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate, 720f, 721–722
- ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate regeneration, 720f, 722, 724f, 728f
- stages of, 719–722, 720f
- stoichiometry of, 724f
- transport system for, 720f, 724–725, 725f
- carbon dioxide fixation, 719
- carbon fixation, 719
- carbon flux, anthropogenic, 730b
- carbon monoxide (CO)
- hemoglobin binding of, 158b–159b
- oxidation of, 490f
- oxidative phosphorylation interference by, 667t
- regulatory or signaling functions of, 818
- carbon-assimilation reactions, 701f, 727
- carbon-carbon bonds, biochemical reactions making or breaking, 473–474, 474f, 475f
- carbon-fixation reactions, 701f
- carbonic acid, as buffer. See bicarbonate buffer system
- carbonic anhydrase, 160
- carbonyl groups, 473, 473f
- carbonylcyanide-p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone (FCCP), oxidative phosphorylation uncoupling by, 676, 676f
- 2-carboxyarabinitol bisphosphate, 721f
- γ-carboxyglutamate, 76, 77s
- γ-carboxyglutamate (Gla) residues, 222, 1038f
- carboxyl group, in fatty acid oxidation, 609f
- carboxylic acids, 877
- carboxyl-terminal (C-terminal) residue, 81
- carboxyl-terminal domain (CTD), 968, 971f
- carboxyl-terminal modifications, posttranslational, 1037
- carboxypeptidase, 123t
- carboxypeptidases A and B, 628
- carcinogens, 451
- cardiac muscle
- cardiolipin, 347, 348f, 765
- cardiovascular disease
- caretaker genes. See stability genes
- carnitine, 605
- carnitine acyltransferase 1, 605, 606f
- carnitine acyltransferase 2, 605, 606f
- carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 (CPT1), 605, 606f
- carnitine palmitoyltransferase 2 (CPT2), 605, 606f
- carnitine shuttle, 603, 605–606, 605f, 606f, 613
- carotene, 360
- β-carotene, 705
- carotenoids, 357, 705
- light absorption by, 705
- structure of, 704f
- Caruthers, Marvin, 283
- CAS. See cellular apoptosis susceptibility protein
- casein kinase II (CKII), 567
- caspase 8, in apoptosis, 455, 456f
- caspase 9, in apoptosis, 455, 456f, 691, 692f
- caspases, 691
- catabasis, 759
- catabolism, 26, 462, 463, 463f
- AMPK coordination of, 869–871, 870f
- high-energy phosphate compound synthesis, 484
- catabolite repression, 1066, 1066f
- catalase, 283, 617
- catalysis
- enzymatic, 25–27, 26f, 177, 179–188, 188f
- acid-base, 186–187, 187f
- at active site, 180, 180f
- binding energy in, 183–186, 183f, 184f, 185f, 186f
- covalent, 187
- kinetics of. See enzyme kinetics
- metal ion, 187–188
- principles of, 182–183
- reaction rate and equilibrium effects during, 180–182, 180f, 181f
- regulation of, 498–501, 499f, 499t, 500f, 500t, 501f
- specificity of, 182–183, 185, 186f
- thermodynamics of, 182, 182t, 470–471
- transition state role in, 183–186, 183f, 184f, 185f
- by RNA, 31–33, 33f
- catalytic triad, 205
- catecholamines, amino acid decarboxylation producing, 821, 823f
- catenanes, 896, 927, 927f, 928f
- cation exchangers, 86
- cation-exchange chromatography, 86
- Caudal protein, 1088
- caveolae, 381, 381f
- signaling protein segregation by, 442
- caveolin, 381, 381f, 1047, 1047f
- CD spectroscopy. See circular dichroism spectroscopy
- CDK. See cyclin-dependent protein kinase
- cDNA library, 316, 316f, 320f
- cDNAs. See complementary DNAs
- CDP. See cytidine diphosphate
- CDP-diacylglycerol, 765
- Cech, Thomas, 976
- Celebrex. See celecoxib
- celecoxib (Celebrex), 758
- cell cycle
- cell cycle regulation
- cell envelope, 5, 5f, 6
- cell fractionation, 6, 8f
- cell senescence, telomere role in, 993
- cell surface
- glycoproteins on, 253
- lectins on, 254–256, 255f, 256f
- proteoglycans on, 247–253, 247f, 248f, 249f, 252f
- sphingolipids at, as sites of biological recognition, 351
- cell surface receptors, for hormones, 842–843, 843f
- cell wall, 7f
- cell walls, bacterial and algal, heteropolysaccharides in, 244
- cells, 2–3, 2f, 9, 9f
- amino acid sources of, 625
- ATP concentrations in, 481
- bacterial and archaeal, 5–6, 5f
- buffers in, 61–63, 61f, 62f, 63f
- characteristics of, 2–3, 2f
- differentiation of, 1091f
- dimensions of, 3, 3f
- dynamic steady state maintenance in, 497–498
- energy sources and biosynthetic precursors of, 3–5, 4f
- eukaryotic, 6, 7f, 8f
- evolution of, 33–35, 35f
- fat sources of, 602
- first, 33–34, 35f
- free energy sources of, 467
- in immune response, 164–165
- macromolecules of, 8–9, 9f, 12–14, 14t, 15t
- membranes enclosing. See membranes
- protein concentrations in, 1054, 1055f
- protein import into, 1046–1048, 1047f
- protein localization within, 318–320, 318f, 319f, 320f
- small molecules of, 11–12
- supramolecular structures of, 8–9, 9f
- surface of, 3f
- in vitro studies of, 9, 9f
- cellular apoptosis susceptibility protein (CAS), 1045f, 1046
- cellular function, 317
- cellular immune system, 165
- cellular proteomes, 319
- cellular respiration, 574
- cellulase, 523
- cellulose, 229, 243
- folding of, 243–244, 243f, 244f
- glycosidic bond in, 244f
- structural role of, 243, 243f
- structure of, 736, 737f
- structures and roles of, 247t
- synthesis of, 736–738, 737f
- cellulose synthase, 737
- CENPA, 904b
- central dogma of molecular biology, 884
- centromere, 890, 890f
- ceramides, 350, 350f
- as intracellular signal, 355
- cerebrosides, 350, 770
- ceruloplasmin, lectin role in destruction of, 254
- cetuximab (Erbitux), 453b
- CF. See cystic fibrosis
- CFP. See cyan fluorescent protein
- CFTR. See cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator protein
- cGMP. See guanosine
- cGMP PDE. See cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase
- cGMP-dependent protein kinase, 123b, 422b
- Chagas disease, 256
- Chalfie, Martin, 319–320
- Changeux, Jean-Pierre, 158
- chaperones, 132, 132f
- chaperonins, 132f, 133, 1037, 1037f
- Chargaff, Erwin, 270
- charged solutes, electrostatic interactions of, 46, 46t, 47f, 50t
- Chase, Martha, 270
- CHD family, 1075
- chemical elements, 10, 10f
- chemical energy
- light energy from, 486b
- nucleotides as carriers of, 294, 294f
- protein interactions modulated by
- chemical equations, biochemical equations compared with, 478
- chemical evolution, 30–31, 32f
- chemical reactions
- activation energy of, 25–26, 181, 181f, 182, 185, 185f
- biological. See biochemical reactions
- cellular regulation of, 27
- of early cells, 33–34, 35f
- energy changes during, 24–27, 26f, 180–181, 180f, 181f, 185, 185f
- energy coupling of, 22–23, 24f
- enzyme catalysis of, 25–27, 26f, 177
- acid-base, 186–187, 187f
- at active site, 180, 180f
- binding energy in, 183–186, 183f, 184f, 185f, 186f
- covalent, 187
- kinetics of. See enzyme kinetics
- metal ion, 187–188
- principles of, 182–183
- reaction rate and equilibrium effects during, 180–182, 180f, 181f
- regulation of, 498–501, 499f, 499t, 500f, 500t, 501f
- specificity of, 182–183, 185, 186f
- thermodynamics of, 182, 182t, 470–471
- transition state role in, 183–186, 183f, 184f, 185f
- ground state of, 180, 180f
- intermediates of, 181, 181f
- and of, 23–25
- of nucleic acids
- denaturation, 278–280, 279f, 280f
- DNA amplification, 283–286, 285f, 288b–289b
- DNA chemical synthesis, 283, 284f
- DNA methylation, 283
- DNA sequencing, 287–293, 287f, 290f, 292f, 293f
- nonenzymatic transformations, 280–283, 281f, 282f
- prebiotic, 998–999, 999f
- rate of. See reaction rates
- rate-limiting step of, 181
- thermodynamics of. See thermodynamics
- transition state of, 25–26, 26f, 180f, 181, 181f
- chemical synthesis
- chemiosmotic model, 675
- chemiosmotic theory, 659
- for ATP synthase in chloroplasts and mitochondria, 702f
- of oxidative phosphorylation, 659–660, 660f
- nonintegral stoichiometries of consumption and ATP synthesis in, 682–683
- oxidation and phosphorylation coupling in, 675–677, 675f, 676f
- chemotaxis, in bacteria, 447f
- chemotherapeutic drugs
- glycolysis-based targets of, 527b–528b
- nucleotide biosynthesis targets of, 836–838, 836f
- protein kinases inhibitors, 452b–453b
- topoisomerase inhibitors as, 906b
- tumor resistance to, 396
- chemotrophs, 4f, 5
- chi, 942
- chimpanzee, human genome comparisons with, 329–330, 330f
- ChIP. See chromatin immunoprecipitation
- chiral centers, 16–17, 16f, 17b, 71
- chiral molecules, 16f
- chitin, 243
- structural role of, 243, 243f
- structures and roles of, 247t
- chloramphenicol, 1040, 1040s
- chloride ion CFTR protein transport of, 397b–398b
- chloride-bicarbonate exchanger
- chloroform, lipid extraction using, 361, 362f
- chlorophyll aα, 704f
- absorption spectrum of, 705, 705f
- in LHCII, 705, 706, 706f
- in P680, 709
- in P700, 711
- in P870, 708
- in photosystem I, 709
- in photosystem II, 709
- structure of, 704f
- chlorophyll b, 704f
- chlorophylls, 704
- chloroplast DNA (cpDNA), 887
- chloroplasts, 6, 7f, 701
- ATP synthase of, 716
- chemiosmotic mechanisms in, 702f
- electron flow and, 701–704
- in endomembrane system, 370
- evolution of, 34, 35f, 717–718, 718f
- fatty acid synthesis in, 750–751, 751f
- galactolipids and sulfolipids in, 349, 349f
- genome of, 301
- gluconeogenesis in, 735–736, 736f
- introns in, 975
- light absorption by, 703f, 704–705
- photochemical reaction systems in, 709, 709f
- photosynthesis, 701–704
- phosphate antiport system in, 724–725, 725f, 726f
- starch production in, 722, 733
- structure of, 701–702, 702f
- cholecalciferol, 357
- as hormone precursor, 357f
- cholecystokinin, 628
- cholera, ganglioside interactions in, 351
- cholera toxin, 424, 424f, 494
- cholesterol, 352
- biosynthesis of, 773f
- carbon atoms, origins of, 773f
- fused carbon rings of, 352, 352f
- hormones derived from, 354
- as membrane lipid, 352, 352f
- metabolic fates of, 775–777, 777f
- receptor-mediated endocytosis of, 781–782, 781f
- steroid hormones derived from, 356, 356f, 776, 777f, 785, 788f
- synthesis of
- alternative fates of intermediates in, 787–788, 788f
- four stages of, 772–775, 773f, 775f, 776f
- isoprene units in, 773f, 774
- regulation of, 782–784, 782f, 783f, 784f, 786b–787b
- trans fatty acid effects on, 345, 345f
- transport of
- by HDL, 778f, 778t, 779f, 779t, 780–781, 780f, 785, 785f
- by plasma lipoproteins, 777–780, 778f, 778t, 779f, 779t
- by receptor-mediated endocytosis, 781–782, 781f
- regulation of, 782–784, 782f, 783f, 785f, 786b–787b
- cholesteryl esters, 776, 777f
- cholestyramine, 786b
- chondroitin sulfate, 245, 246f, 248f, 250
- in proteoglycan aggregates, 250, 252f
- chorismate, in amino acid biosynthesis, 811–812, 811f, 812f, 814f
- ChREBP. See carbohydrate response element binding protein
- chromatids, sister, 944–946, 945f, 947f
- chromatin, 899
- chromatin assembly factor 1 (CAF1), 901, 904b
- chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP), 904b–905b
- chromatin modification and remodeling proteins, 1078
- chromatin remodeling, 1075, 1076t, 1077, 1078, 1079f
- chromatography
- chromosomal scaffolds, 902, 902f
- chromosome territory, 904, 908f
- chromosomes, 301, 885
- aneuploid, 946b
- artificial
- bacterial
- complete replication of, 950–951, 952f
- complexity of, 889–890, 889f, 890t
- disease gene localization on, 331–333, 332f
- elements of, 885–890
- eukaryotic, 887–890, 888t
- genes of, 886, 886f. See also genes
- mitochondrial, 692, 692t, 693f
- movement of, 169
- organization of, 903f
- segregation of, 946b
- structure of, –910
- in bacteria, 908–909, 908f
- cell cycle changes in, 898, 899f
- chromatin, 898–899, 899f, 901f, 904b–905b, 1075–1077, 1076t
- highly condensed structures, 902–905, 902f
- histones, 899–900, 899f, 900f, 900t, 901f, 904b–905b, 1075–1077, 1076t
- nucleosomes, 899f, 900–902, 900f, 901f, 902f, 904b–905b
- SMC proteins, 908, 908f, 909f
- supercoiling in, 891, 891f, 892f
- linking numbers describing, 893–895, 894f
- plectonemic and solenoidal, 898, 898f
- replication and transcription and, 891, 892f
- topoisomerases changing, 895–898, 895f, 896f, 897f, 897t, 906b
- underwinding of, 892–895, 893f, 894f, 895f
- viral, 885f, 886–887, 887t
- chronic myeloid leukemia, 453b
- chylomicrons, 602f, 603, 777
- chymotrypsin, 107f, 628
- chymotrypsinogen, 220, 220f, 628
- Cialis. See tadalafil
- cimetidine (Tagamet), 822
- cinnamate, 822f
- Cipro. See ciprofloxacin
- ciprofloxacin (Cipro), 906b
- circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, 116, 116f
- cis-trans isomers, 15, 15f
- citrate, 581
- asymmetric reactions of, 588b
- citric acid cycle formation of, 579f, 581, 581f, 582f, 587f
- PFK-1 and FBPase-1 regulation by, 541f, 542, 542f
- PFK-1 regulation, 689
- in regulation of fatty acid synthesis, 752–753, 753f
- shuttling of acetate as, 751–752, 752f
- citrate lyase, 751, 752f
- citrate synthase, 477b, 581, 751, 752f
- citrate transporter, 751, 752f
- citric acid cycle, 574
- acetyl-CoA production for, 574
- allosteric and covalent regulation of, 593–594, 593f
- from fatty acid oxidation, 606, 607f, 609–611, 611t
- oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate, 575, 576f
- PDH complex coenzymes, 576, 576f, 577f
- PDH complex enzymes, 576–577, 577f
- PDH complex substrate channeling, 577–578, 578f
- anaplerotic reactions replenishing intermediates of, 590, 591f, 591t
- biosynthetic intermediates from, 590, 591f, 591t
- biotin as group carrier in, 590–591, 592f
- cancer-causing mutations in, 594–595, 595f
- catabolic and anabolic processes, 590
- chemical sense of reaction sequence used in, 579f, 580
- conservation of energy of oxidations in, 587–589, 589t
- as cyclic metabolic pathway, 579f
- eight steps of, 580–587
- conversion of succinyl-CoA to succinate, 579f, 584–586, 586f
- formation of citrate, 579f, 581, 581f, 582f, 587f
- formation of isocitrate via cis-aconitate, 579f, 581–582, 583f, 584b–585b
- hydration of fumarate to malate, 579f, 587
- oxidation of α-ketoglutarate to succinyl-CoA and , 579f, 582–584, 583f
- oxidation of isocitrate to α-ketoglutarate and , 579f, 582, 583f
- oxidation of malate to oxaloacetate, 579f, 587
- oxidation of succinate to fumarate, 579f, 586
- gluconeogenesis from intermediates of, 533f, 538, 538t
- in liver, 849, 850f
- products of, 587f
- reactions to, 578–580
- regulation of
- as stage in cellular respiration, 574, 575f
- urea cycle links to, 636–637, 636f
- citrulline, 76, 77s
- CKII. See casein kinase II
- . See chloride ion
- Claisen condensation, 473–474, 474f, 608
- as first step of citric acid cycle, 579f, 581f, 582f
- as first step of fatty acid synthesis, 748, 749f
- class I aldolase, 513f, 516, 517f
- clathrates, 48
- clathrin, 1046, 1047f
- Claude, Albert, 6
- Clausius, Rudolf, 22b
- clavulanic acid, 211, 213f
- Cleland, W. W., 195
- Cleland nomenclature, 194f, 195
- climate change, 730b–731b
- clonal selection, 165
- clone, 167, 302
- cloning. See DNA cloning
- cloning vectors, 302
- clopidogrel (Plavix), 296
- closed complex, 964
- closed system, 20
- closed-circular DNAs, 892, 894
- Clostridium acetobutyricum, 532
- Clostridium botulinum toxin, 383
- Clostridium tetani toxin, 383
- CMP. See cytidylate
- CO. See carbon monoxide
- . See carbon dioxide
- CoA. See coenzyme A
- coactivators, 1079–1080
- coagulation cascade, 220–223, 220f, 221f
- coated pits, 1046, 1047f
- cobalamin. See
- cobrotoxin, 444
- coding strand, 962
- CODIS. See Combined DNA Index System
- codon bias, 1011b
- codons, 886, 886f, 1007, 1007f
- anticodon pairing with, 1010–1012, 1012f, 1012t
- determination of, 1007–1009, 1007f, 1008t, 1009f, 1010b–1011b, 1012t
- genetic code expansion and, 1025b–1027b
- initiation, 1009
- termination, 1009
- variations in, 1010b–1011b
- coelacanths, lactic acid fermentation by, 529b
- coenzyme A (CoA), 294–295, 295f, 576s, 606
- coenzyme 613, 613f, 614b–615b
- coenzyme Q. See ubiquinone
- coenzymes, 2, 178. See also specific coenzymes
- cofactors, 178, 478. See also specific cofactors
- adenosine in, 294–295, 295f
- in amino acid degradation, 628–630, 629f, 630f, 641–644, 641f, 642f, 643f
- inorganic ions serving as, 178, 178t
- for intron splicing, 975, 976f
- lipids as
- Cohen, Stanley N., 301
- cohesins, 908, 908f, 909f, 944
- cointegrate, 953
- collagen, 118
- collagen fibrils, 120, 120f
- colligative properties, 51
- Collins, Kathleen, 141, 142
- Collip, J. B., 876b
- color blindness, 430b
- color vision, 430b, 430f
- colorectal cancer, mutations in, 454f, 455
- column chromatography, 84
- combinatorial control, 1065, 1077, 1078f
- combinatorial gene library, 316
- Combined DNA Index System (CODIS), 289b, 289t
- compactin, 786b–787b
- comparative genomics, 36, 317, 318f
- competitive inhibitor, 197, 197f, 198
- complementarity, of DNA strands, 28–29, 29f, 271, 271f
- complementary DNAs (cDNAs), 316, 316f, 320f, 990
- complementary protein-ligand interactions, in immune system
- complementary strands, 271
- Complex I, 665, 665t, 666–667, 666f, 672f
- Complex II, 665t, 666f, 667–668, 667, 667f, 672f
- Complex III, 665t, 666f, 668f, 668–669, 669f, 672f
- Complex IV, 665t, 666f, 669, 670–671, 670f, 672f
- in hypoxic conditions, 688
- complex transposons, 952
- Complex V. See ATP synthase
- computational biochemistry, 138b–139b
- concentration gradient, active transport against, 391–392, 391f
- concerted inhibition, 814
- concerted model, 158, 160f
- condensation, 81
- condensation reaction. See also Claisen condensation
- peptide bond formation by, 81, 81f
- condensins, 908, 908f, 909f
- cone cells, GPCR signaling in, 429f, 430b, 430f
- configuration, 14–18, 15, 15f, 16f
- conformation(s), 18, 18f, 108
- of allosteric enzymes, 214–215, 214f, 215f
- of ATP synthase β units, 678–680, 679f
- ATP-driven changes in, 483
- of biomolecules, 14–18, 18f
- of DNA, 272–273, 272f, 273f
- of GLUT1, 388, 389f
- of hemoglobin, 153, 155f, 156f, 157, 160f
- in homopolysaccharides, 243–244, 243f, 244f
- induced fit changes in, 186
- of proteins, 29
- weak interactions stabilizing, 107–108
- of pyranose ring, 235, 236f
- congenital hyperinsulinemia, 862
- congenital malformations, vitamin A deficiency causing, 357–358
- conjugate acid-base pair, 57, 57f
- conjugate redox pair, 489
- conjugated dienes, lipidic, 360
- conjugated proteins, 83, 83t
- consensus sequences, 96, 98b, 98f, 414–415, 963
- for E. coli promoters, 1056f
- of PKA protein substrates, 414–415
- of PKC protein substrates, 425
- for protein kinases, 219, 219t
- in transcription, 963, 964f
- conservation of energy, 466
- constitutive gene expression, 1056
- contigs, 293
- contraceptives, mifepristone, 445
- contraction
- convergent metabolic pathways, 463
- cooking oils, partial hydrogenation of, 345, 345f
- Coomassie blue, 87f, 88
- cooperative binding
- conformational changes in, 155–156, 156f, 160f
- hemoglobin and carbon monoxide, 158b–159b
- hemoglobin and oxygen, 155–156, 156f
- mechanistic models of, 158–160, 160f
- quantitative description of, 156–157, 160f
- cooperativity, of signal transduction, 409, 410f
- Corey, Robert, 109, 111–116
- Cori, Carl F., 529b, 561b–562b, 565
- Cori, Gerty T., 529b, 561b–562b, 565
- Cori cycle, 529b, 533, 561b–562b
- Cornforth, John, 775
- Coronary Primary Prevention Trial, 786b
- corrin ring system, 614b
- corticotropin. See adrenocorticotropic hormone
- corticotropin-releasing hormone, 845, 846f
- cortisol, 845–846, 865
- as cholesterol derivative, 356, 356f
- phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase regulation by, 763, 763f
- stress signaling by, 865–866
- cotransport systems, 391
- Coumadin. See warfarin
- coumarins, 906b
- coumermycin A1, 906b
- covalent catalysis, 187
- covalent modification, 214
- of acetyl-CoA carboxylase, 753, 753f
- of glutamine synthetase, 803–804, 804f
- of histones, 904b–905b, 1075–1077, 1076t
- of HMG-CoA reductase, 782, 782f
- of PDH complex, 593–594, 593f
- of regulatory enzymes, 216–217, 217f
- COX. See cyclooxygenase
- COX-1. See cyclooxygenase 1
- COX-2. See cyclooxygenase 2
- COX4-1, 688
- COX4-2, 688
- cpDNA. See chloroplast DNA
- CpG sequences, methylation of, 283
- CPT1. See carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1
- CPT2. See carnitine palmitoyltransferase 2
- Crassulaceae, photosynthesis in, 732
- CRE. See cAMP response element
- creatine, 819
- creatine kinase, 487, 637b
- creatine phosphate. See phosphocreatine
- creatinine, 856b–857b
- CREB. See cAMP response element binding protein
- Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, 134b–135b
- Crick, Francis, 91, 117, 883, 1005, 1006f
- CRISPR/Cas systems, 317t, 322–324, 323f, 325, 325b, 326f
- cristae, 660
- crocodiles, lactic acid fermentation by, 529b
- cross talk, among signaling systems, 438, 438f
- crossing over, 945f, 946
- CRP. See cAMP receptor protein
- cruciform, 273
- cruciform DNA, 895, 895f
- crude extract, 84
- cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM), 139–142, 140, 141f
- crystalline substances, entropy of dissolving, 47, 47f
- CTD. See carboxyl-terminal domain
- C-terminal residue. See carboxyl-terminal residue
- CTF1, 1081–1083, 1082f
- CTP. See cytidine triphosphate
- curvature, of membranes, biological processes using, 382–383, 383f, 384f
- Cushing disease, 866
- cyan fluorescent protein (CFP), 416b–417b
- cyanide, 667t
- cyanobacteria, 6
- phosphorylation/photophosphorylation in, 718, 718f
- photosynthetic membranes of, 718f
- reaction center of, 707
- cyanocobalamin, 614b
- cyclic AMP. See adenosine
- cyclic electron flow, 713
- cyclic electron transfer, 708, 709f
- cyclic GMP. See guanosine
- cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase (cGMP PDE), 423b
- cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase, 417
- cyclic photophosphorylation, 713
- cyclin, 447
- cyclin-dependent protein kinase (CDK), 447
- cell cycle regulation by
- growth factor regulation of, 448, 449f
- inhibition of, 450
- cycloheximide, 1040, 1040s
- cyclooxygenase (COX), 755
- cyclooxygenase 1 (COX-1), 758
- cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2), inhibition of, 355–356, 355f, 758, 758f
- cycloserine, 820
- cystathionine β-synthase, 808
- cystathionine γ-lyase, 808
- cysteine, 74s, 76, 76f, 644, 808
- cystic fibrosis (CF), 1049
- defective ion channel in, 397b–398b
- protein misfolding in, 135
- cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) protein, 135, 396, 397b–398b
- cystine, 76
- cytidine, 266s
- cytidine diphosphate (CDP), in phospholipid synthesis, 764f, 765
- cytidine triphosphate (CTP)
- as chemical energy carrier, 294
- pyrimidine biosynthesis regulation by, 829, 829f
- cytidylate (CMP), 265t, 486
- cytidylate synthetase, 828f, 829
- cytochrome complex, 709, 709f, 710, 714f, 718f
- cyclic electron flow with, 713
- dual roles of, 718, 718f
- PSI and PSII link with, 712–713
- cytochrome complex, 666f, 668, 668f, 669, 669f
- cytochrome c
- composition of, 82, 82t, 83t
- in mitochondrial respiratory chain, Complex II electron transfer to, 665t, 666f, 667–668, 668f, 669, 669f
- in mitochondrial triggering of apoptosis, 691, 692f
- residues, 123t
- cytochrome dual roles of, 718, 718f
- cytochrome f, water chain in, 51, 51f
- cytochrome oxidase, 665t, 666f, 669, 670–671, 670f
- cytochrome P-450 family, 690, 756b
- cytochromes, 663
- cytoglobin, function of, 149
- cytokines, 165
- cell cycle regulation by, 448, 449f
- cytoplasm, 2, 2f, 6–8
- cytoskeleton organization of, 6–8, 8f
- cytosine (C), 264, 264s, 265t
- cytoskeleton, 6–8, 7f, 8f
- of eukaryotic cells, 6–8, 8f
- cytosol, 2, 371f
- cytotoxic T cells, 165
- d, l system, 72, 72f
- in monosaccharide nomenclature, 232, 232f
- D arm, 1019f, 1020
- ,-enoyl-CoA isomerase, 611, 612f
- dalton, 13b
- Dalton, John, 430b
- Dam methylase, 923t, 924
- Darwin, Charles, 30, 1092b
- David, Jacques Louis, 465
- Davies, H. W., 56b
- Dayhoff, Margaret Oakley, 71
- DBRP. See destruction box recognizing protein
- DCC gene, mutations in, 455
- DCCD. See dicyclohexylcarbodiimide
- dCDP. See deoxycytidine diphosphate
- DDI. See dideoxyinosine
- ddNTPs. See dideoxynucleoside triphosphates
- de novo pathways, 823
- of nucleotide biosynthesis, 823–824
- deacylation, in chymotrypsin mechanism, 204–208, 204f, 205f, 206f–207f
- deamination, of nucleotides, 280–283, 281f, 282f
- debranching enzymes, 559
- decarboxylations, 473, 474f
- deep sequencing, 291
- degenerate codons, 1009, 1012t
- dehydration
- dehydrogenases, 477b, 489
- in mitochondrial respiratory chain, 660–662, 662t
- NADH and NADPH actions with, 493–494, 493f
- in oxidation-reduction reactions, 476
- dehydrogenation, 489
- in biological oxidations, 477f, 489–490
- in oxidation-reduction reactions, 476
- dehydrohydroxylysinonorleucine, 120s
- deletion mutation, 930, 952f
- denaturation, 129
- denaturation mapping, 916
- dendrotoxin, 444
- Denisovans, 333, 336f
- denitrification, 795, 795f
- deoxyadenosine, 266s
- 5′-deoxyadenosyl group, 614b
- 5′-deoxyadenosylcobalamin, 613, 614b, 615b
- deoxyadenylate, 265t
- deoxycytidine, 266s
- deoxycytidine diphosphate (dCDP), thymidylate synthesis from, 833, 833f
- deoxycytidylate, 265t
- 2-deoxy-d-ribose, 230s
- 2′-deoxy-d-ribose, in DNA, 264–265
- 2-deoxyglucose, for cancer treatment, 527b–528b
- deoxyguanosine, 266s
- deoxyguanylate, 265t
- deoxyhemoglobin, 155, 155f
- deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), 13, 28, 263
- amplification of
- in bacteria, 887, 888f, 888t, 909–910, 910f
- chemical synthesis of, 283, 284f
- chloroplast, 887
- chromosomal packaging of. See chromosomes
- cloning of. See DNA cloning
- closed-circular, 892
- complementary, 316, 316f, 318f, 320f, 990
- cruciform, 895, 895f
- damaged. See DNA repair; mutations
- degradation of, 916
- denaturation and annealing of, 278–280, 279f, 280f
- denaturation mapping of, 916
- double-strand break in, 940–948, 941f
- of E. coli, 28f
- in eukaryotes, 887–890, 888t, 889f
- exon transcription from, 973
- footprinting of, 965b
- genetic continuity and, 28
- intron transcription from, 973
- linear sequence of, 29–30, 29f
- melting point of, 278–280, 280f
- methylation of, 283
- mitochondrial, 887, 889f
- mutation of. See mutations
- nitrogenous bases of. See nitrogenous bases
- noncoding, 328
- nonenzymatic transformations of, 280–283, 281f, 282f
- nontemplate strand of, 962, 962f
- phosphodiester linkages in, 267–268, 267f
- polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 917f
- proteins encoded by, 29–30, 29f
- recombinant. See recombinant DNA
- relaxed, 891, 893f
- replication of, 272f
- RNA polymerase binding to, 1055–1056, 1055f
- satellite, 890
- sequencing of
- site-specific recombination, 940
- strand rotation of, 962
- structure of, 28–29, 29f
- double helix, 270–272, 271f, 272f
- nucleotide base effects on, 268, 269f
- unusual, 273–274, 273f, 274f, 275f
- unwinding of, 916, 916f
- variation in, 272–273, 272f, 273f
- study of. See genomics
- supercoiling of, 891, 891f, 892f
- linking numbers describing, 893–895, 894f
- plectonemic and solenoidal, 898, 898f
- replication and transcription and, 891, 892f
- topoisomerases changing, 895–898, 895f, 896f, 897f, 897t, 906b
- underwinding of, 892–895, 893f, 894f, 895f
- transcription of. See transcription
- underwinding of, 892–893, 893f
- uracil in, 833
- UV light absorption by, 279
- in viruses, 885f, 886–887, 887t, 929–930
- deoxyribonucleotides, 29, 265, 266s
- deoxythymidine, 266s
- deoxythymidylate, 265t
- deoxyuridine monophosphate (dUMP), thymidylate synthesis from, 833, 833f, 837f
- dephosphorylation, 586f
- depolarization, of neurons, 443–444, 444f
- depurination, of nucleotides, 281, 281f
- dermatan sulfate, 245
- desaturation, of saturated fatty acids, 754–755, 755f, 756b–757b
- desensitization, 409
- designer proteins, 138b–139b
- desmosine, 76, 77s
- desolvation, 186
- desphosphorylation, 477b
- destruction box recognizing protein (DBRP), 448, 449f
- development
- dexamethasone, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase regulation by, 763, 763f
- dextrans, 246
- glycosidic bond in, 244f
- structures and roles of, 247t
- dextrinases, 523
- dextrins, in feeder pathways for glycolysis, 523
- dextrose, 229
- DFMO. See difluoromethylornithine
- . See free-energy change
- . See activation energy
- . See standard free-energy change
- . See biochemical standard free-energy change
- . See binding energy
- DGDGs. See digalactosyldiacylglycerols
- . See phosphorylation potential
- DH. See β-hydroxyacyl-ACP dehydratase
- DHA. See docosahexaenoic acid
- DHAP. See dihydroxyacetone phosphate
- diabetes mellitus, 875
- acidosis in, 63–64, 63f, 620–621, 877
- blood glucose measurements in, 238b–239b
- fuel metabolism in uncontrolled, 863–864, 864t, 865f, 866f
- insulin defects causing, 875–877
- insulin treatment, 876b
- ketone body production in, 620–621, 620f, 877
- mitochondrial defects causing, 695–696, 696f
- neonatal, 862
- protein misfolding in, 133
- triacylglycerol synthesis in, 760, 761f
- type 1. See type 1 diabetes mellitus
- type 2. See type 2 diabetes mellitus
- diacylglycerol, 425
- diacylglycerol 3-phosphate, 348f, 760
- glycerophospholipids as derivatives of, 348f
- synthesis of, 760, 761f
- dialysis, 84
- diastereomers, 16, 16f
- diazotrophs, nitrogen fixation by, 797–802, 797f, 800f, 801f
- Dicer, 986, 986f
- dichloroacetate, pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase inhibition by, 594
- 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol, 702–703, 703s
- dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD), 667t
- dideoxy chain-termination sequencing. See Sanger sequencing
- dideoxyinosine (DDI), 991b
- dideoxynucleoside triphosphates (ddNTPs), in DNA sequencing, 286, 287f, 290, 290f
- Diels-Alderase, 138b–139b
- 2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase, 612, 612f
- diet
- dietary fats, absorption of, 602–603, 602f
- dietary protein, enzymatic degradation of, 627–628, 628f
- differentiation, cellular, 1091f
- diffusion, 3
- cellular dimensions and, 3, 3f
- of membrane lipids
- of solutes across membranes, 385f, 386, 386f
- difluoromethylornithine (DFMO), 201b–202b
- DIFP. See diisopropylfluorophosphate
- digalactosyldiacylglycerols (DGDGs), 349f
- digestion
- dihedral angles, of protein secondary structures, 114–116, 115f
- dihydrobiopterin reductase, 649, 649f
- dihydrofolate reductase, 183f, 833
- dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase, 576, 577f
- dihydrolipoyl transacetylase, 576, 577f
- dihydroorotase, 828, 828f
- dihydroorotate dehydrogenase, 671
- dihydrouridine, 983f
- dihydroxyacetone, 230, 230s, 233s
- dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP), 516
- in Calvin cycle, 721, 723f, 724f
- in glycolytic pathway, 512f, 513, 513f, 516, 517f, 519f
- in sucrose synthesis, 733, 734f
- in triacylglycerol and glycerophospholipid synthesis, 760, 761f
- diisopropylfluorophosphate (DIFP), 200f
- dimers, pyrimidine, 281, 282f
- dimethylallyl pyrophosphate, 774
- in cholesterol synthesis, 774, 774f
- dimethyllysine, 1038f
- dimethylsulfate, 282, 282f
- dinitrogenase, 797–802, 797f, 800f
- dinitrogenase reductase, 216, 797–802, 797, 797f, 800f
- 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP), oxidative phosphorylation uncoupling by, 667t, 676, 676f
- dioxygenases, 477b, 756b
- diphtheria toxin, 1040
- dipole, of a helix, 113, 113f
- direct protein sequencing, 92, 92f
- direct transposition, 952–953, 953f
- disaccharides, 229
- energetic conformations of, 244f
- in feeder pathways for glycolysis, 522f, 523–525
- formation of, 237f
- glycosidic bond in, 237–238, 240f, 240t
- nomenclature of, 239–240, 240f, 240t
- dissociation constant 150–151, 150f, 151t, 152, 192, 197f
- of ES complex, 192
- for myoglobin and oxygen, 150f, 152
- distal His, 152, 153
- disulfide bonds, 76f, 93f
- disulfide cross-links, posttranslational formation of, 1039
- divergent evolution, 584
- divergent metabolic pathways, 463
- divergent signaling pathways, 409
- divicine, 548b
- DNA. See deoxyribonucleic acid
- DNA cloning, 302
- gene isolation by, 302
- PCR adaptations for, 314–315, 315f
- protein production using
- altered genes and proteins, 312–313, 312f
- bacteria systems used for, 310, 310f
- expression vectors for, 309, 310f
- insect and insect virus systems used for, 311–312, 311f
- mammalian cell systems used for, 312
- tags for purification of, 313–314, 313t, 314f
- yeast systems used for, 310–311
- restriction endonuclease and DNA ligase in, 302–304, 303f, 303t, 304t, 305f
- steps of, 302
- vectors, 302
- DNA genotyping, 288b, 289b
- DNA glycosylases, 934
- DNA gyrase, 923t, 926t
- DNA helicase II, 934
- DNA library, 315–316
- DNA ligases, 303, 494, 922, 926t
- DNA metabolism. See also DNA recombination; DNA repair; DNA replication
- DNA microarrays, 322f
- DNA photolyases, 931t, 937, 937f
- DNA polymerase α, 929
- DNA polymerase β, 940
- DNA polymerase δ, 929
- DNA polymerase ε, 929
- DNA polymerase η, 940
- DNA polymerase ι, 940
- DNA polymerase I, 916
- discovery of, 916
- functions of, 919, 926t
- large (Klenow) fragment of, 920
- in nick translation, 920, 920f
- DNA polymerase II, 919, 920t
- DNA polymerase III, 919, 920, 920t
- DNA polymerase IV, 920t, 940
- DNA polymerase λ, 940
- DNA polymerase V, 920t, 940
- DNA polymerases, 283, 916
- in base-excision repair, 940
- dissociation and reassociation of, 920
- in DNA sequencing, 287–290, 287f, 290f
- exonuclease activity of, 920, 920f
- functions of, 919–921, 926t
- in nick translation, 920, 920f
- in PCR, 283–286, 285f
- primer in, 917, 918f
- processivity of, 919
- proofreading by, 917–919
- properties of, 920t
- reaction mechanisms of, 918f
- in recombinant DNA technology, 303t
- in replication. See also DNA replication
- RNA-dependent. See reverse transcriptases
- template for, 917, 918f
- exonuclease activity of, 917–919
- types of, 919–921, 920t, 921t
- viral, 929–930
- DNA primases, 922, 923t, 924, 924f, 926t
- DNA recombination
- in bacteria, 941–943, 941f, 942f, 943f
- branch migration in, 942, 942f, 943f
- in DNA repair, 941–943, 941f
- double-strand break repair model for, 947–948
- in eukaryotes, 944–948, 944f, 945f
- functions of, 940–941
- homologous genetic, 940–948
- bacterial, 941–943, 941f, 942f, 943f
- double-strand break initiation of, 947–948
- functions of, 940–941, 947
- during meiosis, 944–948, 944f, 945f
- nonhomologous end joining, 948–950, 950f
- site-specific, 940, 950–951, 951f, 952f
- transposition, 940
- DNA repair, 29, 29f, 930–940
- in bacteria, 931t
- base-excision, 931t, 934–935
- cancer and, 932b
- direct, 937–938
- DNA photolyases in, 931t, 937–938, 937f
- initiation of, 948b–949b
- mismatch, 917–919, 931–934, 931t, 933f, 934f, 935f
- nick translation in, 920, 920f
- nucleotide-excision, 931t, 932b, 935–937, 936f
- methyltransferase in, 938f, 939f
- proofreading in, 917–919
- recombination in, 941–943, 941f
- recombinational, 941, 952f
- SOS response in, 939
- DNA replicase system, 921
- DNA replication, 28–29, 29f
- accuracy of, 917–919, 919f
- in bacteria, 915–930
- base pairing in, 917, 918f, 919f
- base stacking in, 917, 918f
- chain elongation in, 918f, 924, 924f–926f, 927
- crossing over in, 945f, 946
- directionality of
- DNA damage and, 939f
- DNA-binding proteins in, 922, 923t
- elongation, 924–926
- enzymes and protein factors, 921–922
- enzymology of, 918f. See also DNA polymerases
- error-prone translesion, 932b, 938–940, 939f
- in eukaryotes, 927–929, 929f
- helicases in, 921–922, 923f, 923t
- in immunoglobulin genes, 953–955, 954f, 955f
- initiation of, 922–924, 923f, 923t
- lagging strand in, 916, 916f
- leading strand in, 916, 916f
- mistakes in, 917–919
- nick translation in, 920, 920f
- nucleophilic attack in, 917, 918f
- Okazaki fragments in, 916, 916f
- origin-independent restart of, 943
- overview of, 915–916
- phosphorylation in, 918f
- primer in, 917, 918f, 922
- proofreading in, 917–919
- replication fork in, 916, 916f, 924
- replisomes in, 920, 925
- rules of, 915–916, 916f
- semiconservative, 915
- strand synthesis in, 916, 916f
- supercoiling in, 891, 892f
- template for, 915, 917, 918f
- Ter sequence in, 927, 927f
- termination of, 926–927, 927f, 928f
- topoisomerases in, 922
- transcription compared with, 961
- transposition in, 951–953, 953f
- Tus-Ter sequence in, 927, 927f
- visualization of, 915f
- DNA replication origin, 916
- DNA sequencing technologies, 290–293
- DNA synthesis, RNA-dependent, 987, 1090f
- retroviruses in cancer and AIDS, 990–991, 990f, 991b
- by reverse transcriptases, 988–990, 989f
- similarity of transposons and introns to retroviruses, 990f, 991–993, 991f
- telomerase as specialized reverse transcriptase, 993, 994
- DNA transposition, 940
- DNA unwinding element (DUE), 922
- DNA viruses, 929–930
- DnaA protein, 922, 923f, 923t
- DnaB helicase, 943
- DNA-binding activators, in transcription factor assembly, 1077–1080, 1079f, 1080f
- DNA-binding domains, of regulatory proteins, 1060–1063, 1060f, 1061f, 1062f, 1063f
- DNA-binding proteins, 922, 923f
- DnaC protein, 943
- DNA-dependent RNA polymerase, 961, 962, 962f
- DnaG protein. See primase
- DNA-PKcs, 949, 950f
- DNases, 916
- DnaT protein, 943
- DNP. See 2,4-dinitrophenol
- docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), 343, 754
- dolichols, 359f, 360
- domains, 3, 4f, 123
- DNA-binding, 1060–1063, 1060f, 1061f, 1062f, 1063f
- of globular proteins, 123–124, 123f, 124f, 125f
- of living organisms, 3, 4f
- protein-protein interaction, 1063–1065, 1064f
- of transcription activators, 1081–1083, 1082f
- dopamine, 821, 823f
- double bonds, in fatty acids, 341–343
- double helix
- double-displacement mechanism, 194–195, 194f, 195f
- double-reciprocal plot, 191f
- double-strand break repair model, 947, 948
- Down syndrome, 946b
- doxorubicin (Adriamycin), 906b
- driver mutations, 455
- Drosha, 986, 986f
- Drosophila melanogaster, developmental regulation in, 1087–1089, 1087f, 1088f, 1089f, 1090f
- drugs, P-450 enzyme metabolism of, 691, 756b–757b
- DUE. See DNA unwinding element
- dulaglutide (Trulicity), 879t
- dUMP. See deoxyuridine monophosphate
- Duve, Christian de, 6, 562b
- dynamic steady state
- dynamin, 1047f, 1047
- dysentery, 256
- ε. See elasticity coefficient
- E. See reduction potential
- E site. See exit site
- E°. See standard reduction potential
- E2F, in cell cycle regulation, 448, 449f, 450
- eastern skunk cabbage, 685b
- eating behavior. See feeding behavior
- E.C. number. See Enzyme Commission number
- ECM. See extracellular matrix
- Edelman, Gerald, 165
- Edman, Pehr, 92
- Edman degradation, 92
- effectors, 1057
- EFT:ubiquinone oxidoreductase, 607
- EGFR. See epidermal growth factor receptor
- Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, 120, 251b
- eicosanoids, 355–356
- eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), 343, 355, 754
- eicosatetraenoate. See arachidonate
- electric charge
- electrical measurement, of ion channel function, 401, 401f
- electrical signaling, by gated ion channels, 442–443, 443f
- electrochemical gradient, 385, 385f
- electrochemical potential, 385, 385f
- electrogenic transport, 394
- electromagnetic radiation, 703, 703f
- electromotive force (emf), 488
- electron affinity, reduction potentials as measures of, 490–492, 491f, 491t
- electron carriers
- for cellular glucose oxidation, 492
- coenzymes and proteins serving as, 492–494
- in mitochondrial respiratory chain, 662–665, 663f, 664f, 664t, 665f
- Complex I, 665–667, 665t, 666f
- Complex II, 665t, 666f, 667–668, 667f
- Complex III, 665t, 666f, 668–669, 668f, 669f
- Complex IV, 665t, 666f, 669–671, 670f, 688
- in respirasomes, 671, 671f
- NADH and NADPH as, 493–494, 493f
- electron density maps, 136–137
- electron flow
- in chlorophylls, 706f, 707f
- in chloroplasts, 701–704
- cyclic, 713
- through cytochrome complex, 712–713, 712f
- in Fe-S reaction center, 711
- noncyclic, 713
- in pheophytin-quinone reaction center, 708, 708f
- in photosynthesis, 701–704, 702f, 703f
- in photosystem I, 711, 712f
- in photosystem II, 710, 712f
- proton gradient and, 716, 716f
- in respiratory chain, 672f
- electron transfer
- in biological oxidation-reduction reactions, 477f, 478, 488
- dehydrogenases involved in, 493–494, 493f
- dehydrogenation, 477f, 489–490
- electron carriers in, 493–494, 493f
- flavin nucleotides in, 495–496, 495f
- free-energy change of, 491t, 492
- half-reactions describing, 489
- functions outside of, 494–495
- NADH and NADPH in, 493–495, 493f, 495f
- niacin deficiency and, 494, 495f
- oxidation of glucose to , 492
- reduction potentials for, 490–492, 491f, 491t
- work provided by electron flow in, 488–489
- energy from, 21
- inhibition of, 667t
- in nitrogen fixation, 800, 800f
- in oxidation-reduction reactions, 488
- in oxidative phosphorylation, 659–660, 660f
- in photosystem II, 710f
- electroneutral exchange, 391
- electrons, citric acid cycle production of, 587–589, 589t
- electron-transferring flavoprotein (ETF), 607, 608f
- electrophiles, 207f, 473
- electrophoresis, 87
- electroporation, 306
- electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI MS), 94, 94f
- electrostatic interactions
- of charged solutes, 46, 46t, 47f, 50t
- homopolysaccharide folding and, 243–244, 244f
- in membrane protein attachment, 372
- protein stability and, 108–109
- elements, chemical, 10, 10f
- elexacaftor, 398b
- elimination reactions, 474, 475f
- standard free-energy changes of, 469t
- Elion, Gertrude, 836, 838, 929
- ELISA. See enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
- Elk1, in INSR signaling, 434f, 435
- ELL protein, 969t, 970f
- ellipticine, 906b
- elongation, 1030
- elongation factors, 969–970, 1030, 1031f, 1032–1034, 1034f
- elongin (SIII), 969t, 970f
- Elvehjem, Conrad, 494
- EM. See electron microscopy
- embryo, developmental regulation in, 1087–1089, 1087f, 1088f, 1089f, 1090f
- embryonic stem cells, 1091
- EMDataResource, 141
- emf. See electromotive force
- enantiomers, 16, 16f, 17, 17b, 71, 232
- encephalomyopathies, mitochondrial, 695
- ENCODE initiative, 328
- endergonic reactions, 20, 467
- Endo, Akira, 786b–787b
- endocannabinoids, 873–874, 874f
- endocrine hormones, 843
- endocrine system, 842, 842f. See also hormones
- endocytosis, 8
- endogenous pathway, 780
- of cholesterol transport, 779f, 780
- endomembrane system, 7, 369–371, 370f
- endonucleases, 916
- endoplasmic reticulum (ER), 6, 7f, 371f
- endoribonuclease, 987
- endosymbiosis, 34–35, 35f
- endosymbiotic bacteria, chloroplast evolution from, 717–718, 718f
- endothermic reactions, 467
- endotoxin, 253
- energy
- for active transport against concentration or electrochemical gradient, 391–392
- adenosine triphosphate and, 21, 21f
- chemical reaction changes in, 24–25, 26f, 180–181, 180f, 181f, 185, 185f
- conservation of, 466
- for creating and maintaining order, 21, 21f, 22b–23b
- from electron flow, 21
- nucleotides as carriers of, 294, 294f
- in photons, 703
- solar, 700, 701f
- sources of, 3–5, 4f
- storage of
- transformations of, by living organisms, 20–21, 20f
- energy coupling, 22–23, 24f
- oxidation and phosphorylation, 675–677, 675f, 676f, 677f
- nonintegral stoichiometries of consumption and ATP synthesis in, 682–683
- energy expenditure, regulation of. See body mass regulation
- energy sources
- energy transductions, 466
- Engelmann, T. W., 706f
- enhancers, 1078, 1079f
- enolase, 520
- enoyl-ACP reductase (ER), 748, 749f
- enoyl-CoA hydratase, 607, 608, 608f
- Entamoeba histolytica, 256
- enterohepatic circulation, 779f, 781
- enteropeptidase, 628
- enthalpy (H ), 20, 467
- in biological systems, 466–467
- entropy (S), 20, 22b–23b, 467
- in biological systems, 466–467
- of dissolving crystalline substances, 47, 47f
- of enzyme-substrate complex, 49, 49f
- second law of thermodynamics and, 466–467
- entropy reduction, 185–186
- env gene, 989, 989f, 991, 992
- enzyme activity. See activity
- enzyme cascades, 409, 566
- in epinephrine and glucagon action, 566, 566f
- in GPCR signaling, 416, 418f
- in hormonal signaling, 843
- leptin triggering of, 869
- multivalent adaptor proteins involved in, 440, 441f
- in RTK signaling, 433f, 434–435, 434f
- in signal transduction, 409, 410f
- Enzyme Commission number (E.C. number), 179
- enzyme kinetics, 188
- allosteric enzymes, 215, 216f
- irreversible inhibition, 200–203, 200f, 201b–202b, 203f
- 192, 193t
- 191, 191f
- determination of, 194
- enzyme comparisons using, 193–194, 193t
- interpretation of, 192–193, 192t, 193t
- metabolic regulation and, 499f, 500f
- reversible inhibitor effects on, 198–199, 200t
- 188–190, 189f, 191f
- 189–191, 189f, 191f
- Michaelis-Menten equation, 191, 191f
- in bisubstrate reactions, 194–195, 194f
- for competitive inhibitor, 197–198
- for mixed inhibitor, 198
- for uncompetitive inhibitor, 198
- pH effects on, 195–196, 196f
- pre-steady state, 196–197, 196f, 197f
- for reactions with two or more substrates, 194–195, 194f, 195f
- relationship between substrate concentration and reaction rate, 188–190, 189f
- reversible inhibition, 197–200, 200t
- enzyme multiplicity, 814
- enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), 168f
- enzymes, 25, 147, 178. See also specific enzymes
- catalysis by, 25–27, 26f, 177, 179–188, 188f
- acid-base, 186–187, 187f
- at active site, 180, 180f
- binding energy in, 183–186, 183f, 184f, 185f, 186f
- covalent, 187
- kinetics of. See enzyme kinetics
- metal ion, 187–188
- principles of, 182–183
- reaction rate and equilibrium effects during, 180–182, 180f, 181f
- regulation of, 498–501, 499f, 499t, 500f, 500t, 501f
- specificity of, 182–183, 185, 186f
- thermodynamics of, 182, 182t, 470–471
- transition state role in, 183–186, 183f, 184f, 185f
- classification of, 179, 179t
- coenzymes of, 2, 178–179
- cofactors of, 178, 478
- adenosine in, 294–295, 295f
- in amino acid degradation, 628–630, 629f, 630f, 641–644, 641f, 642f, 643f
- inorganic ions serving as, 178, 178t
- lipids as, 359–360
- in DNA cloning and recombinant DNA creation, 302–304, 303f, 303t, 304t, 305f
- in DNA replication, 921–922
- historical study of, 178
- inhibition of, 197, 197f
- by antibiotics, 210–211, 212f, 213f
- irreversible, 200–203, 200f, 201b–202b, 203f
- by protease inhibitors, 208–209, 208f, 209f
- reversible, 197–200, 200t
- mechanisms of
- antibiotics based on, 210–211, 212f, 213f
- chymotrypsin, 204–208, 204f, 205f, 206f–207f
- enolase, 210, 211f
- hexokinase, 209–210, 210f
- lysozyme, 210–213
- protease inhibitors based on, 208–209, 208f, 209f
- representation of, 207f
- moonlighting, 584b–585b
- nomenclature for, 179, 179t, 477b, 586f
- overview of, 177–179
- pH optimum of, 63, 63f
- as proteins, 178–179
- quantification of, 89–90, 90f
- receptor. See receptor enzymes
- regulation of, 498–501, 499f, 499t, 500f, 500t, 501f
- regulatory. See regulatory enzymes
- RNA. See ribozymes
- enzyme-substrate (ES) complex, 188f
- EPA. See eicosapentaenoic acid
- epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), 437, 438f
- epigenetic information, 904b
- epimers, 232, 232f
- epinephrine, 413s, 821, 842
- β-adrenergic receptor response to
- amplification of signaling by, 843
- biosynthesis of, 821, 823f
- cells responding to, 411
- fuel metabolism regulation by, 864–865, 866t
- in global regulation of carbohydrate metabolism, 568–570, 569f, 570f
- glycogen phosphorylase regulation by, 565f, 566, 566f
- insulin cross talk with, 438, 438f
- triacylglycerol mobilization by, 603, 604f
- triacylglycerol synthesis regulation by, 762
- epitope, 165
- epitope tags, 320
- equilibrium, 19–20, 22
- enzymes effects on, reaction rate effects compared with, 180–182, 180f, 181f
- metabolic regulation and, 501–502, 502t
- thermodynamic definition of, 182, 182t
- equilibrium constant 23–25, 54, 182
- denotation of, 150
- free-energy change relationship to, 182, 182t, 468–470, 468t, 469t
- for ionization of water, 54–55
- 150, 150f
- 150–152, 150f, 151t
- of metabolic enzymes, 502t
- multiplicative nature of, 471
- thermodynamic definition of, 182, 182t
- equilibrium expression, 150
- ER. See endoplasmic reticulum; enoyl-ACP reductase
- ErbB, 452b–453b
- Erbitux. See cetuximab
- erectile dysfunction, PDE inhibitors for, 423b
- ergosterol, 352
- ERK, in INSR signaling, 434f, 435, 437f
- erlotinib (Tarceva), 453b
- error-prone translesion DNA synthesis, 932b, 938–940, 939, 939f
- erythrocytes, 71f, 858, 858f
- anion exchangers of, 389–392, 391f
- aquaporins in, 400
- blood coagulation, 221f
- BPG in, 161
- carbonic anhydrase in, 160
- glucose transporters of, 387–389, 387f, 388f, 389f, 389t
- hemoglobin in, 153
- lectin role in degradation of, 254
- in sickle cell anemia, 162–164, 163f
- erythromycin, 361f
- erythrose, 233s
- erythrose 4-phosphate
- erythrulose, 233s
- ES complex. See enzyme-substrate complex
- Escherichia coli, 5
- ABC transporter of, 396
- chromosome of, 886, 888f, 888t, 909–910, 909f
- coordination of r protein and rRNA synthesis in, 1070–1071, 1070f, 1071f
- DNA cloning in, 302
- DNA of, 28, 28f, 909–910, 910f
- DNA replication in, 919–929
- expression vectors, 309, 310f
- genes of, 36
- genetic code expansion in, 1025b–1027b
- genetic map of, 915
- glutamine synthetase in, 802, 803f
- lactose metabolism in, regulation of, 1058–1060, 1058f, 1059f, 1066–1067, 1066f
- lipopolysaccharides of, 253
- metabolome of, 500f
- molecular components of, 12, 14t
- origin of replication (ori), 922f
- PDH complex of, 577f
- phospholipid synthesis in, 766f
- plasmid vectors, 306, 306f, 307f
- polar head groups of phospholipids, 769f
- promoters, 1056f
- promoters of, 963–964, 966f, 969t, 1055–1056, 1055f
- protein folding in, 133
- protein synthesis in, 1016t
- protein targeting in, 1045–1046
- recombinant protein expression in, 310, 310f
- ribonucleotide reductase in, 830–832, 830f, 831f, 832f
- ribosomes of, 1015
- RNA polymerase of, 961, 962f
- rRNA processing in, 983–984, 983f
- signaling in, 447f
- SOS response in, 1068–1070, 1070f
- sRNA regulatory actions in, 1071–1073, 1071f, 1072f
- structure of, 5–6, 5f
- terminal sequences in, 967, 967f
- topoisomerases of, 895, 895f
- transcription in, 961–962, 962f
- tryptophan regulation in, 1067–1068, 1067f, 1069f
- ESI MS. See electrospray ionization mass spectrometry
- essential amino acids, 638, 805
- essential fatty acids, 754
- estradiol, as cholesterol derivative, 356f
- estrogen, 786
- ETF. See electron-transferring flavoprotein
- ETF:ubiquinone oxidoreductase, 608f, 671
- ethane, oxidation of, 490f
- ethanol
- from biomass, 730b–731b
- as fuel, 532
- lipid extraction using, 361
- for methanol poisoning, 198
- oxidation of, 490f
- P-450 enzyme metabolism of, 757b
- ethanol fermentation, 514, 525, 525f, 530, 530f, 531–532
- ethanolamine, 767f
- ethene, oxidation of, 490f
- ether lipids, 348, 349f
- ether-linked fatty alcohols, in plasmalogen synthesis, 768, 771f
- ethyl ether, lipid extraction using, 361
- Etopophos. See etoposide
- etoposide (Etopophos), 906b
- euchromatin, 904b, 1075
- Eukarya, 3, 4f
- eukaryotes, 2
- cells of, 6–8, 7f, 8f
- chromosomes of, 887–890, 888t, 889f
- DNA recombination in, 944–948, 944f, 945f
- DNA replication in, 927–929, 929f
- evolution of, 34, 35f, 692–693, 693f
- gene regulation in, 1075
- developmental control via regulatory protein cascades, 1087–1089, 1087f, 1088f, 1089f, 1090f
- developmental potential of stem cells, 1091f
- DNA-binding activators and coactivators in basal transcription factor assembly, 1077–1080, 1079f, 1080f
- forms of RNA-mediated regulation, 1086
- intercellular and intracellular signals, 1083–1084, 1083f, 1084f, 1084t
- modular structure of transcription activators, 1081–1083, 1082f
- phosphorylation of nuclear transcription factors, 1084
- positive and negative regulation of galactose metabolism genes in yeast, 1081, 1081f, 1082t
- positive regulation of promoters, 1077, 1078f
- posttranscriptional gene silencing by RNA interference, 1085–1086, 1086f
- structure of transcriptionally active chromatin, 1075–1077, 1076t
- translational repression of mRNAs, 1084–1085, 1085f
- initiation in, 1029–1030, 1031t
- meiosis in, 944–948, 944f, 945f
- protein targeting in, 1041–1042, 1041f, 1042f
- protein-protein interactions in regulatory proteins of, 1064–1065
- ribosomal RNA processing in, 983–984, 984f, 985f
- ribosomes of, 1018, 1018f
- transcription in
- transposition in, 953
- transposons of, 953
- eukaryotic cells, 6, 7f
- eukaryotic microorganisms, signaling in, 447f
- evolution
- accelerated, 331f
- beginnings of, 33
- of biomolecules, 30–31, 32f
- of chloroplasts, 34, 35f, 717–718, 718f
- development link to, 1092b–1093b
- divergent, 584
- of eukaryotic cells, 34–35, 35f
- of first cells, 33–34, 35f
- gene regulation role in, 1092, 1092b–1093b
- of GPCRs, 431–432, 431t, 432f
- of human genome
- landmarks in, 33f
- of living organisms, 2
- of metabolic regulation, 498
- of mitochondria, 34, 35f, 692–693, 693f
- of photosynthesis, 34, 717–718, 718f
- process of, 30, 31f
- protein structural motifs and, 128
- relationships based on, 35
- RNA world in, 31–33, 33f
- of RTKs, 437
- of rubisco, 720
- of thymine in DNA, 280
- timeline of, 33, 33f
- of transposons, retroviruses, and introns, 990f, 991–993, 991f
- evolutionary trees, from amino acid sequences, 100, 100f
- excinucleases, 936
- excitable cells, electrical signaling in, 442–443, 443f
- excited state, 703
- exciton, 704
- exciton transfer, 704
- in chlorophyll, 705–707, 707f
- in Fe-S reaction center, 711
- in pheophytin-quinone reaction center, 708, 708f
- in photosystem II, 710, 710f
- exenatide (Byetta), 879t
- exercise, type 2 diabetes mellitus management with, 878–879, 879t
- exergonic reactions, 20, 467
- exit (E) site, 1028, 1028f
- exocrine glands, aquaporins in, 400
- exocytosis, 8
- exogenous pathway, 780
- of cholesterol transport, 779f, 780
- exoglycosidases, carbohydrate analysis using, 258
- exons, 327, 889, 889f, 973
- exonucleases, 303t, 916
- exoribonuclease, 987
- exosome, 987, 987f
- exothermic reactions, 467
- exportin-5, 986f
- expression. See gene expression
- expression vectors, 309, 310f
- expressome, 1036
- extracellular matrix (ECM), 244–246
- extracellular signals, 428f
- extraction, lipids, 361, 362f
- extrinsic pathway, 222
- eye, GPCR signaling in, 429–431, 429f, 430b, 430f
- ezetimibe, 785
- ATPase, 677
- domain
- of ATP synthase, 677
- structure and conformations of, 678–680, 679f
- F26BP. See fructose 2,6-bisphosphate
- Fab fragment, 165, 166f
- facilitated diffusion, 386
- F-actin, 169, 170f
- factor VII, 221f, 222
- factor VIIa, 221f, 222
- factor VIII, deficiency of, 222
- factor VIIIa, 221f, 222
- factor IX, 221f, 222
- factor IXa, 221f, 222
- factor X, 221f, 222
- factor Xa, 221f, 222
- factor XI, 221f, 222
- factor XIIIa, 221, 221f
- facultative anaerobes, 3
- FAD. See flavin adenine dinucleotide
- familial HDL deficiency, 785, 785f
- familial hypercholesterolemia (FH), 782, 785
- families, protein, 125
- Faraday constant, 467t
- farnesoid X receptor (FXR), 784
- farnesyl pyrophosphate, 774
- in cholesterol synthesis, 774, 775f
- farnesylation, posttranslational, 1039f
- FAS. See fatty acid synthase
- fasting state
- brain fuel during, 863–864, 864t, 865f, 866f
- fuel metabolism in, 863–864, 863f, 863t, 864t, 865f, 866f
- global carbohydrate metabolism during, 568–570, 569f, 570f
- fast-twitch muscle, 853, 854
- fat cells, triacylglycerols in, 344–345, 344f
- fats. See triacylglycerols
- fatty acid elongation systems, 753, 754f
- fatty acid oxidation, 341, 344–345
- α oxidation, 618, 618f
- β oxidation, 601
- of odd-number fatty acids, 612–613, 613f, 614b–615b
- in peroxisomes, 617–618, 617f, 618f
- of saturated fatty acids, 607–611, 607f, 608f, 611t
- of unsaturated fatty acids, 611–612, 612f
- defects in, 617–618
- regulation of, 613, 616, 616f
- transcription factors regulating proteins for lipid catabolism, 616
- stages of, 606–607, 607f
- fatty acid synthase (FAS), 745, 746f, 747f
- acetyl and malonyl group transfer to, 747–748, 749f
- cellular location of, 750–751, 751f
- multiple active sites of, 747, 747f
- repeating reactions of, 745–747, 746f, 747f, 748–750, 749f, 750f
- structure of, 745, 746f
- fatty acid synthesis
- acetyl group shuttling for, 751–752, 753f
- in chloroplasts, 750–751, 751f
- in cytosol, 750–751, 751f
- desaturation after, 754–755, 755f, 756b–757b
- fatty acid synthase active sites for, 747, 747f
- fatty acid synthase reactions in, 745, 746f, 747, 747f, 748–750, 749f, 750f
- long-chain, 753, 754f
- malonyl-CoA formation for, 744–745, 745f
- overview of, 616f
- palmitate, 747f, 748–750, 750f
- regulation of, 752–753, 753f
- repeating reaction sequence used in, 745–747, 746f, 747f, 748–750, 749f, 750f
- fatty acids, 341
- activation of, 603–606, 605f, 606f
- digestion of, 602–603, 602f
- double bonds in, 341–343
- essential, 754
- ether-linked, 349, 349f, 768, 771f
- gluconeogenesis and, 538
- in glycerophospholipids, 346–348
- ketone bodies from, 619–621, 619f, 620f
- in liver, 850–851, 851f
- mobilization of, 603, 604f, 605f
- nomenclature for, 342, 342t, 343
- partial hydrogenation of, 345, 345f
- pyruvate kinase regulation by, 544, 544f
- as storage lipids, 347f
- structure and properties of, 342t, 343, 343f
- transport of, 603–606, 605f, 606f
- fatty acyl-carnitine, 605
- fatty acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, 607f
- fatty acyl-CoA desaturase, 754, 755f
- fatty acyl-CoA synthetases, 603
- fatty acyl-CoAs, 604
- favism, 548b
- FBPase-1. See fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase
- FBPase-2. See fructose 2,6-bisphosphatase
- Fc fragment, 165, 166f
- FCCP. See carbonylcyanide-p-trifluoromethoxy
- FdG. See 2-fluoro-2-deoxyglucose
- feedback inhibition, 27
- in amino acid biosynthesis, 814, 816
- in hormonal signaling, 846
- in purine biosynthesis, 826f, 827
- in pyrimidine biosynthesis, 829, 829f
- feeding behavior, hormonal regulation of, 846–847, 847t. See also body mass regulation
- Fehling’s reaction, 238b–239b
- FeMo cofactor, 797f, 800
- fermentation, 511, 525, 526, 530
- microbial, 532
- pyruvate, 525
- ethanol, 514, 525f, 530, 530f, 531–532
- foods and industrial chemicals produced by, 530–532
- lactic acid fermentation, 514, 525f, 526, 529b
- thiamine pyrophosphate in, 530, 531f, 532t
- ferredoxin, 708, 708f, 709f, 714f, 800
- cyclic electron flow with, 713
- reductase, 708, 708f, 709f
- oxidoreductase, 714f
- reductase, 712
- ferredoxin-thioredoxin reductase, 723f, 725
- ferritin, 584b, 585b
- ferrochelatase, 817
- Fe-S photochemical reaction center, 708f, 711
- FFAs. See free fatty acids
- FGF. See fibroblast growth factor
- FGFR. See fibroblast growth factor receptor
- FH. See familial hypercholesterolemia
- fibrin, 221
- fibrinogen, 221
- fibroblast growth factor (FGF), heparan sulfate binding by, 249
- fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR), 438f
- fibroin, structure and function of, 120, 121f
- fibronectin, 250
- fibrous proteins, 116
- fidelity, in protein synthesis, 1036
- fight-or-flight response
- finches, Galápagos, 1092b–1093b
- fingerprinting, DNA, 288b–289b
- Fire, Andrew, 1085
- firefly, light production by, 486b
- first law of thermodynamics, 20
- first-order reaction, 150, 182
- Fischer, Emil, 72, 183
- Fischer projection formulas, 232
- Haworth perspective formula conversions of, 235
- for monosaccharides, 232, 232f
- fish oil supplements, 343
- cap, 974
- end, 267, 267f
- AUG initiation codon, protein synthesis initiation by, 1023–1030, 1028f, 1029f, 1030f, 1031t
- exonuclease activity, in DNA polymerases, 920, 920f
- fixation
- flagella, 5f
- flagellin proteins, 1073, 1074f, 1074t
- flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD), 295f, 295s, 495–496, 495f
- in mitochondrial respiratory chain, 660–662
- in PDH complex, 576
- flavin mononucleotide (FMN), 495–496, 495f
- flavin nucleotides, 495, 495f, 496
- flavoproteins, 83t, 495, 495f, 496, 662
- in mitochondrial respiratory chain, 662
- Fleming, Alexander, 210–211
- flip-flop diffusion, of membrane lipids, 378–379, 378f
- flippases, 378, 378f
- floppases, 378–379, 378f
- fluid mosaic model, 369, 369f
- fluorescence, 704
- fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP), 379
- fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), 416b
- signaling pathway studies using, 416b–417b
- fluorescent probes
- 2-fluoro-2-deoxyglucose (FdG), tumor diagnosis using, 528b
- l-fluoroalanine, 820
- fluorophores, 319f, 320
- fluoroquinolones, 906b
- fluorouracil, 836, 836f, 837f
- flux (J), 498
- fMet. See N-formylmethionine
- FMN. See flavin mononucleotide
- domain, 682f
- of ATP synthase, 677
- proton flow through, rotary motion produced by, 680–682, 681f
- structure and conformations of, 678–680, 679f
- foam cells, 784f, 785
- folate, deficiency of, 643, 833
- folding
- of homopolysaccharides, 243–244, 243f, 244f
- of proteins, 128–136, 129f
- amino acid sequence role in, 130, 130f
- assisted, 132–133, 132f
- defects in, 133–135, 133f, 134b–135b
- as final step of synthesis, 1015, 1016f, 1016t, 1036–1039, 1037f
- stepwise process of, 131–132, 131f, 132f
- of ribosomes, 1017
- Foldit (video game), 138b–139b
- folds, 123
- footprinting, 965b
- forensic medicine, PCR use in, 286, 288b–289b
- forkhead box other (FOXO1), 546f
- formaldehyde, oxidation of, 490f
- formic acid, oxidation of, 490f
- N-formylmethionine (fMet), 1024, 1028–1029
- in purine biosynthesis, 825, 825f
- Fos, in cell cycle regulation, 448, 449f
- 454 sequencing, 292f
- FOXO1. See forkhead box other
- fractionation, 84
- fractions, protein, 84
- frameshifting, 1013, 1013f, 1014f, 1015f
- Framingham Heart Study, 786b
- Franklin, Rosalind, 270
- FRAP. See fluorescence recovery after photobleaching
- free energy (G), 20
- free-energy change (), 20, 22, 24–25
- for active transport against concentration or electrochemical gradient, 391–392
- additive nature of, 471
- of ATP synthesis on surface of ATP synthase, 677–678, 678f
- in biological systems, 466–467
- of electron transfer in mitochondrial respiratory chain, 672
- in enzymatic reactions, 180–181, 180f, 181f, 185, 185f
- equilibrium constant relationship to, 182, 182t, 468–470, 468t, 469t
- of fatty acyl-CoA formation, 485
- of gluconeogenesis and glycolysis, 534, 535t
- hydrolysis
- of metabolic enzymes, 502t
- of oxidation-reduction reactions, 491t, 492
- of peptide bond formation, 1036
- of pumping by symport, 399
- reactant and product concentration effects on, 470–471
- of transmembrane passage, 386, 386f
- free-energy content (G), 467
- in biological systems, 466–467
- cell sources of, 467
- free fatty acids (FFAs), 603
- free-radical reactions, 475, 475f
- FRET. See fluorescence resonance energy transfer
- Freudenberg, Ernst, 56b
- frontotemporal dementia, protein misfolding in, 135
- fructans, 874
- fructokinase, 524
- fructose, 229–230, 230s, 233s
- fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase (FBPase-1), 539, 734f
- in Calvin cycle, 721, 723f
- light activation of, 725, 726f
- regulation of
- fructose 1,6-bisphosphate, 516, 537
- in Calvin cycle, 721, 723f
- in gluconeogenesis, conversion to fructose 6-phosphate, 537
- in glycolytic pathway, 512f, 513, 513f, 516, 517f
- light activation of, 727f
- in pentose phosphate pathway, 549–551, 549f
- in sucrose synthesis, 733
- fructose 1,6-bisphosphate aldolase, 516
- fructose 1-phosphate aldolase, 524
- fructose 2,6-bisphosphatase (FBPase-2), 542, 543f
- fructose 2,6-bisphosphate (F26BP), 542, 734
- fructose 6-phosphate, 515, 515s
- in Calvin cycle, 720, 723f
- in gluconeogenesis, 539
- in gluconeogenesis, conversion of fructose 1,6-bisphosphate to, 537
- in glycolytic pathway, 512f, 513f, 515f, 516
- in pentose phosphate pathway, 549, 549f, 550f
- in sucrose synthesis, 733, 733f, 736, 736f
- fruit flies, developmental regulation in, 1087–1089, 1087f, 1088f, 1089f, 1090f
- F-type ATPases, 395, 395f, 677
- fucose, 236f, 237
- fuel, storage of, in homopolysaccharides, 241–242, 242f
- fuel metabolism, hormonal regulation of, 859
- cortisol effects in, 865–866
- diabetes mellitus and, 875–877
- epinephrine effects in, 864–865, 866t
- during fasting and starvation, 863–864, 864t, 865f, 866f
- glucagon effects in, 862–863, 863f, 863t
- insulin effects in, 859–860, 859t, 860f
- pancreatic β cell insulin secretion in, 860–862, 861f, 862f
- fumarase, 579f, 587
- fumarate, 586, 587f
- fumarate hydratase, 579f, 587
- functional genomics, 36
- functional groups, in biomolecules, 10–11, 12f, 13f
- fungi, genetic code variations in, 1010b–1011b
- β-furanose, 265s
- furanoses, 234, 234f
- fusion, of membranes, biological processes using, 382–383, 382f, 383f, 384f
- fusion proteins, 313, 383
- FXR. See farnesoid X receptor
- G. See guanine
- G. See free-energy content; Gibbs free energy
- G protein–coupled receptor kinases (GRKs), 419
- G protein–coupled receptors (GPCRs), 411, 411f, 412
- β-adrenergic receptors
- cAMP as second messenger of, 412–413, 414f, 415f, 418f, 421
- cross talk in signaling by, 438, 438f
- desensitization of, 418–419, 419f
- as drug targets, 412
- termination of response by, 416–418
- as second messenger of, 425, 425t, 427f
- cAMP as second messenger of
- defects in, 412
- diacylglycerol and as second messengers of, 425, 425t, 427f
- as drug targets, 412
- in olfaction and gustation, 431
- structure of, 432, 432f
- universal features of, 431–432, 431t, 432f
- in vision, 429–431, 429f, 430b, 430f
- G proteins
- as biological switches, 413, 414f, 417, 420–425, 432
- defects in, 412, 423–424
- 420
- 431
- 425
- 413, 414f, 415f, 416, 417, 421
- gustducin, 431
- Ras
- transducin, 429f, 430–431, 430b, 430f
- G tetraplex, 274, 275f
- G0 phase, 446, 447f
- G1 phase, 446, 447f
- G2 phase, 446, 447f
- G6PD. See glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase
- GABA. See β-aminobutyric acid
- G-actin, 169, 170f
- gag gene, 989, 989f
- GAL genes, positive and negative regulation of, 1081, 1081f, 1082t
- Gal4p, 1081–1083, 1082f
- galactokinase, 523
- galactolipids, 349, 349f
- galactosamine, 236, 236f
- galactose, 232, 232f, 233s
- galactosemia, 523–524, 524f
- galacturonic acid, 237
- Galápagos finches, 1092b–1093b
- gangliosides, 253, 350f, 351, 770
- gap genes, 1088
- GAPs. See
- Garrod, Archibald, 650
- gas chromatography (GC), of lipids, 362, 362f
- gas constant, 467t
- GAS5. See growth arrest specific 5
- gases, solubilities of, 47, 47t
- gastric bypass surgery, 878–879, 879t
- gastric inhibitory polypeptide, 847t
- gastrin, 627, 628f
- gastrointestinal stromal tumors, 453b
- GATC sequence, in mismatch repair, 932, 933f, 934f
- gated ion channels, 386, 387f, 401
- electrical signaling by, 442–443, 443f
- channels, 402–403
- in neurons, 443–444, 444f
- as signal receptors, 411, 411f
- electrical signaling by, 442–443, 443f
- neuronal action potentials produced by, 443–444, 444f
- neurotransmitters interacting with, 444
- toxins targeting, 444–445
- GC. See gas chromatography
- GDGTs. See glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers
- GEFs. See guanosine nucleotide-exchange factors
- gel electrophoresis. See electrophoresis
- gel filtration. See size-exclusion chromatography
- gelatin, 118
- gene dosage compensation, 907b
- gene drives, 325b
- gene expression
- cholesterol regulation by, 782f, 783, 783f
- cloned genes
- bacteria systems used for, 310, 310f
- insect and insect virus systems used for, 311–312, 311f
- mammalian cell systems used for, 312
- vectors for, 309, 310f
- yeast systems used for, 310–311
- constitutive, 1056
- diet regulation of, 871–872, 871f
- DNA microarrays showing, 322f
- glycolysis and gluconeogenesis regulation by, 545–546, 545t, 546f
- insulin regulation of, 434f, 435
- leptin triggering of, 869
- in metabolic regulation, 498–499, 499f
- regulated, 1055
- regulation of. See gene regulation
- RNA polymerase II in, 967–968
- gene library, 316
- gene perturbation, 324, 324f, 326f
- gene regulation, 1054, 1055f
- in bacteria
- coordination of r-protein and rRNA synthesis, 1070–1071, 1070f, 1071f
- genetic recombination, 1073, 1074f, 1074t
- induction of SOS response, 1068–1070, 1070f
- positive regulation of lac operon, 1066–1067, 1066f
- sRNA regulation of mRNAs, 1071–1073, 1072f
- transcription attenuation of genes for amino acid biosynthetic enzymes, 1067–1068, 1067f, 1069f
- in eukaryotes, 1075
- developmental control via regulatory protein cascades, 1087–1089, 1087f, 1088f, 1089f, 1090f
- developmental potential of stem cells, 1091f
- DNA-binding activators and coactivators in basal transcription factor assembly, 1077–1080, 1079f, 1080f
- forms of RNA-mediated regulation, 1086
- intercellular and intracellular signals, 1083–1084, 1083f, 1084f, 1084t
- modular structure of transcription activators, 1081–1083, 1082f
- phosphorylation of nuclear transcription factors, 1084
- positive and negative regulation of galactose metabolism genes in yeast, 1081, 1081f, 1082t
- positive regulation of promoters, 1077, 1078f
- posttranscriptional gene silencing by RNA interference, 1085–1086, 1086f
- structure of transcriptionally active chromatin, 1075–1077, 1076t
- translational repression of mRNAs, 1084–1085, 1085f
- in evolution, 1092, 1092b–1093b
- in human evolution, 331
- by nuclear hormone receptors, 445, 446f
- principles of
- DNA-binding domains of regulatory proteins, 1060–1063, 1060f, 1061f, 1062f, 1063f
- operons, 1058–1060, 1059f
- promoters, 1055–1056, 1055f
- protein-protein interaction domains of regulatory proteins, 1063–1065, 1064f
- transcription initiation regulation, 1056–1057, 1057f, 1058f
- gene sharing, 584b
- gene silencing, by RNA interference, 1085–1086, 1086f
- gene transfer, horizontal, 99
- general acid-base catalysis, 187
- general transcription factors, 968
- genes, 263, 886, 886f
- allocation of, 36
- alternative splicing of, 981–983, 983f
- cloned. See DNA cloning
- coding strand for, 962, 962f
- comparisons of, 317–318, 318f
- CRISPR/Cas inactivation or alteration of, 322–324, 323f
- directed mutagenesis of, 312–313, 312f
- disease-involved, localization of, 331–333, 332f
- duplication, 31f
- eukaryotic, 887–890, 888t, 889f
- homeotic, 1088, 1089, 1090f
- homologous, 35
- housekeeping, 36, 1056
- in human genome, 327–329
- immunoglobulin, recombination of, 953–955, 954f, 955f
- inducible, 1054
- isolation of, by DNA cloning, 302
- jumping, 940–941
- maternal, 1087, 1088, 1089f
- mitochondrial, 692, 692t, 693f
- mutation, 31f
- naming conventions of, 914–915
- ORFs pointing to, 1009
- PCR amplification of, 283–286, 285f, 288b–289b
- poly(A) site choice and, 982, 983f
- promoters and, 963
- repressible, 1054
- RNA as first, 31–33, 33f
- segmentation, 1087, 1088, 1090f
- genes, bacterial, naming conventions of, 914–915
- genetic code
- cracking of, 1006–1007, 1007f
- degeneracy of, 1009t
- expansion of, 1025b–1027b
- mutation resistance of, 1012–1013
- natural variations in, 1010b–1011b
- reading of, translational frameshifting and RNA editing in, 1013, 1013f, 1014f, 1015f
- second, 1022–1023
- wobble in, 1010–1012, 1012f, 1012t
- genetic continuity, 28
- genetic disease
- abnormal accumulations of membrane lipids, 353b
- ADA deficiency, 834–835
- ATP-gated channel mutations, 862
- citric acid cycle mutations, 594–595, 595f
- defective ABC transporters, 396, 397b–398b
- defective ion channels, 397b–398b
- defective water transport, 400
- defects of amino acid metabolism, 646, 646t, 648–653, 649f, 653b, 654f
- fatty acyl-CoA dehydrogenase defects, 616–617
- G6PD deficiency, 548b
- glycogen storage diseases, 561b–562b
- hemophilias, 222–223, 223f
- Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, 835
- localization of genes involved in, 331–333, 332f
- mitochondrial gene mutations, 693–696, 694f, 695f, 696f
- pernicious anemia, 615b
- peroxisome defects, 617
- porphyrias, 817, 819b
- protein misfolding, 133–135, 133f
- Refsum disease, 618
- sickle cell anemia, 162–164, 163f
- transketolase defects, 551
- ubiquitination defects, 1049
- urea cycle defects, 638–639, 638t, 639f
- genetic engineering, 302. See also DNA cloning; recombinant DNA
- genetic information, 884–885
- genetic mutation, evolution through, 30, 31f
- genetic recombination. See also DNA recombination
- genetic screening, 324–325, 324f, 326f
- genome annotation, 317
- genomes, 2, 13, 35–36, 301
- genomics, 13, 301
- comparative, 36, 317–318, 318f
- completed sequences, 35, 326–327, 327f
- functional, 36
- history of, 326–327, 327f
- human genome sequencing, 326–327, 327f
- comparisons with closest biological relatives, 329–331, 330f
- evolutionary history learned from, 333–335, 334b–335b, 336f
- history of, 326–327, 327f
- localization of disease genes in, 331–333, 332f
- types of sequences seen in, 327–329, 327f
- genotyping, DNA, 288b–289b
- geometric isomers, 15, 15f
- geraniol, 356
- geranyl pyrophosphate, 774
- in cholesterol synthesis, 774, 775f
- GFP. See green fluorescent protein
- GFR. See glomerular filtration rate
- ghrelin, 846, 872
- blood concentrations of relative to meal times, 873f
- body mass regulation by, 872–874, 874f
- feeding behavior regulation by, 847t
- See inhibitory G protein
- Gibbs, J. Willard, 21, 24, 467
- Gibbs free energy (G), 24, 467. See also free energy (G)
- in biological systems, 467
- cell sources of, 467
- Gilbert, Walter, 286
- GIP. See glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide
- Gla residues. See β-carboxyglutamate residues
- Gleevec. See imatinib mesylate
- glial cell tumors, 595
- gliflozins, symporter inhibition by, 399
- glimepiride (Amaryl), 879t
- gliomas, 595
- glipizide (Glucotrol), 879t
- global warming, 730b–731b
- globin fold, 149
- globins, 149. See also hemoglobin; myoglobin
- globosides, 350f, 351
- globular proteins, 116–117
- glomerular filtration rate (GFR), 857b
- GLP-1. See glucagon-like peptide-1
- glucagon, 542,, 862
- cAMP signaling by, 420
- in cholesterol regulation, 782, 782f
- feeding behavior regulation by, 847t
- fuel metabolism regulation by, 862–863, 863f, 863t
- in global regulation of carbohydrate metabolism, 568–570, 569f, 570f
- glycogen phosphorylase regulation by, 565f, 566, 566f
- pancreatic secretion of, 860, 861f
- triacylglycerol mobilization by, 603, 604f
- triacylglycerol synthesis regulation by, 762
- glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), 847t
- glucocorticoids, 785
- phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase regulation by, 763, 763f
- synthesis of, 785–787, 788f
- glucogenic amino acids, 538, 538t, 640
- glucokinase. See hexokinase IV
- gluconeogenesis, 510–511, 510f, 533, 533f, 850
- bioenergetics of, 534, 535t, 537–538, 537t
- from citric acid cycle intermediates and amino acids, 538, 538t
- conversion of fructose 1,6-bisphosphate to fructose 6-phosphate, 537
- conversion of glucose 6-phosphate to glucose, 537
- conversion of pyruvate to phosphoenolpyruvate, 534–537, 535f, 536f
- energy expensiveness of, 537–538, 537t
- fatty acids and, 538
- in germinating seeds, 735–736, 736f
- glycolysis steps shared with, 534, 534f
- precursors of, 533, 534f
- regulation of, 539
- ATP in allosteric inhibition of pyruvate kinase, 544, 544f
- conversion of pyruvate to phosphoenolpyruvate, 544–545, 544f
- fructose 2,6-bisphosphate in allosteric regulation of PFK-1 and FBPase-1, 542, 543f
- glycolysis coordination with, 539
- hexokinase isozyme responses to glucose 6-phosphate, 539–541, 539f, 540b
- reciprocal regulation of phosphofructokinase-1 and fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase, 541–542, 541f, 542f
- transcriptional regulation of number of enzyme molecules, 545–546, 545t, 546f
- xylulose 5-phosphate as key regulator in, 543–544
- gluconic acid, 237
- Glucophage. See metformin
- glucosamine, 236, 236f
- in bacterial and algal cell walls, 244
- glucosaminoglycan, 246f
- glucose, 229–230, 230s, 233s, 514s
- amino acid conversion to, 640, 640f
- anaerobic degradation of. See fermentation
- biological derivatives of, 236–237, 236f
- blood concentrations of relative to meal times, 873f
- blood levels of. See blood glucose
- brain requirements for, 533, 557, 855–856, 855f
- in cellulose, 243, 243f, 736–738, 737f
- conversion of glucose 6-phosphate to, 537
- cyclic forms of, 234, 234f, 236f
- epimers of, 232, 232f
- fatty acid conversion to, 538
- global regulation of, 568–570, 569f, 570f
- in glycogen, 242, 242f
- glycogen phosphorylase as sensor of, 566, 566f
- hexokinase reaction with, 209–210, 210f
- insulin regulation of, 435–437, 436f
- lac operon regulation by, 1066–1067, 1066f
- liver metabolism of, 849–850, 850f
- major pathways of, 510–511, 510f
- symporter transport of, 398–399, 399f
- phosphorylation of, as first step in glycolytic pathway, 513f, 514–515
- as reducing sugar, 237, 238b–239b
- in regulation of fatty acid oxidation, 613, 616f
- in starch, 242, 242f, 733
- sweet taste of, 231b
- synthesis of. See gluconeogenesis
- glucose 1-phosphate
- glucose 6-phosphatase, 537
- in glycogen breakdown into glucose, 559f, 560f
- glucose 6-phosphate, 236f, 237, 496, 514, 514s, 515s
- in gluconeogenesis, conversion to glucose, 537
- glucose 1-phosphate conversion to, 559–560, 559f
- in glycolysis, 512f, 513f, 514–515, 515f
- partitioning between pentose phosphate pathway and, 551, 551f
- hexokinase isozyme responses to, 539–541, 539f, 540b
- hydrolysis of, 560f
- liver metabolism of, 849–850, 849f
- in pentose phosphate pathway, 546, 547f, 549–551, 549f, 550f
- partitioning between glycolysis and, 551, 551f
- in sucrose synthesis, 735f
- glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD), 547–548
- deficiency of, 548b
- light regulation of, 726
- in pentose phosphate pathway, 547, 547f
- glucose oxidation
- glucose tolerance test, 390b
- glucose transporter 1 (GLUT1)
- glucose transporter 2 (GLUT2), 389, 389t, 399f, 539
- glucose transporter 3 (GLUT3), in tumors, 527b–528b
- glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4), 389, 389t, 390b, 570
- glucose uptake
- glucose-alanine cycle, 632, 632f
- glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP), 847t
- glucose-tolerance test, 877
- Glucotrol. See glipizide
- glucuronic acid, 245
- GLUT1. See glucose transporter 1
- GLUT2. See glucose transporter 2
- GLUT3. See glucose transporter 3
- GLUT4. See glucose transporter 4
- glutamate, 74s, 76, 650, 802, 806
- ammonia assimilation into, 802–803
- in citric acid cycle, 590
- in general acid-base catalysis, 187f
- metabolism of, 626–627, 627f
- as neurotransmitter, 444
- neurotransmitter synthesis from, 821–822, 823f
- properties and conventions associated with, 73t
- titration curve of, 80, 80f
- l-glutamate dehydrogenase, 631, 631f, 802
- oxidative deamination of glutamate by, 630–631, 632f
- glutamate β-methyl ester, 77s
- glutamate synthase, 802
- glutamate-oxaloacetate transaminase (GOT), 637
- tissue-damage assays using, 637b
- glutamate-pyruvate transaminase (GPT), 632f
- tissue-damage assays using, 637b
- glutaminase, 631, 632f
- glutamine, 74s, 76, 650, 802, 806
- ammonia assimilation into, 802–803
- gluconeogenesis from, 538, 538t
- histidine biosynthesis from, 814, 815f
- metabolism of, 626–627, 627f
- properties and conventions associated with, 73t
- in purine biosynthesis, 825, 826f
- glutamine amidotransferases, 804, 804f
- glutamine synthetase, 82t, 223, 631,, 632f, 802
- as primary regulatory point in nitrogen metabolism, 803–804, 803f, 804f
- glutamine-rich domain, 1082, 1082f
- glutaredoxin, 830
- in deoxyribonucleotide synthesis, 830, 830f
- glutathione (GSH), 819
- glutathione peroxidase, 674, 820
- glutathione-S-transferase (GST) tag, 313, 314f
- glyburide (Micronase), 879t
- glycans, 241. See also polysaccharides
- glycation, of hemoglobin, 238b–239b
- glyceraldehyde, 230, 230s, 233s
- glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate, 516
- in Calvin cycle, 719–722, 720f, 723f, 724f, 726f
- in glycolytic pathway, 512f, 513, 513f, 516, 517f, 518f, 519f
- in pentose phosphate pathway, 549, 549f, 550f
- in sucrose synthesis, 733
- 3-phosphoglycerate conversion to, 720f, 721–722
- glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, 518, 721, 726f
- glycerol
- glucose synthesis from, 533, 534f, 538
- in glycerophospholipids, 346–347, 347f
- in triacylglycerol and glycerophospholipid synthesis, 760, 761f
- triacylglycerols as fatty acid esters of, 344, 344f
- glycerol 3-phosphate
- adipose tissue generation of, 762–763, 762f, 763f
- glycerophospholipids as derivatives of, 347, 347f
- in sucrose synthesis, 735f, 736
- in triacylglycerol and glycerophospholipid synthesis, 760, 761f
- glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, 671, 760, 761f
- glycerol 3-phosphate shuttle, 684, 686f
- glycerol kinase, 603, 605f, 760, 761f
- glyceroneogenesis, 538, 762
- glycerol 3-phosphate from, 762f, 763, 763f
- increasing to treat type 2 diabetes, 763–764
- regulation of, 763, 763f
- thiazolidinedione effects on, 763–764
- glycerophospholipids, 346
- as membrane lipids
- synthesis of
- attachment of phospholipid head groups, 764–765, 764f
- CDP-diacylglycerol in, 765–767, 766f, 768f
- eukaryotic pathways to phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylethanolamine, and phosphatidylcholine, 767–768
- plasmalogen, 768–770, 771f
- precursors for, 760, 761f
- transport to cellular membranes after, 770
- glycine, 74, 74s, 644, 808
- biosynthesis of, 806–809, 807f
- catabolism of, 640f, 644–647, 644f, 645f, 646t
- in glycolate pathway, 725f, 728, 728f
- as neurotransmitter, 444
- porphyrin biosynthesis from, 817, 817f, 819b
- properties and conventions associated with, 73t
- in purine biosynthesis, 825, 825f
- receptors for, 444
- titration curve of, 78–79, 78f, 79f
- glycine cleavage enzyme, 644, 644f, 645f, 808
- glycine decarboxylase complex, 728, 728f, 729
- glycine synthase, 808
- glycobiology, 254. See also sugar code
- glycocalyx, 247
- glycoconjugates, 229, 248
- glycolipids, 253, 253f
- glycoproteins, 248
- information carried by, 247, 254
- lipopolysaccharides, 253, 253f
- proteoglycans
- glycogen, 229, 242
- breakdown of. See glycogenolysis
- in feeder pathways for glycolysis
- folding of, 243–244, 244f
- fuel storage in, 242, 242f
- global regulation of, 568–570, 569f, 570f
- granules of, 557–558, 557f
- insulin regulation of, 435–437, 436f
- in liver, 849, 850f
- in muscle, 852–855, 854f, 855f, 856b–857b
- structure and function of, 556–558
- structures and roles of, 247t
- synthesis of. See glycogenesis
- glycogen phosphorylase, 477b, 522, 522, 522f
- glycogen phosphorylase a, 565, 565f, 566, 566f
- glycogen phosphorylase b, 565, 565f, 566, 566f
- glycogen storage diseases, 561b–562b
- glycogen synthase, 562, 563f
- phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of, 565–567, 567f, 568f
- phosphorylation of, 218
- glycogen synthase a, 567, 567f, 568f
- glycogen synthase b, 567, 567f, 568, 568f
- glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3), 435, 436f, 567
- glycogen-branching enzyme, 563, 563f
- glycogenesis
- in bacteria, 733
- glycogenin in, 563–565, 564f
- regulation of
- allosteric and hormonal regulation of glycogen phosphorylase, 565–567, 565f, 566f
- allosteric and hormonal signals in global carbohydrate metabolism, 568–570, 569f, 570f
- GSK3 mediation of insulin, 567–568, 568f
- phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of glycogen synthase, 565–567, 567f, 568f
- PP1 role in, 568, 569f
- UDP-glucose in, 560–563, 563f
- glycogenin, 563–565, 563f, 564f
- glycogenolysis
- glucose 1-phosphate fates after, 559–560, 559f
- glycogen phosphorylase catalysis of, 558–559, 558f, 559f
- regulation of
- allosteric and hormonal regulation of glycogen phosphorylase, 565–567, 565f, 566f
- allosteric and hormonal signals in global carbohydrate metabolism, 568–570, 569f, 570f
- GSK3 mediation of insulin, 567–568, 568f
- phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of glycogen synthase, 565–567, 567f, 568f
- PP1 role in, 568, 569f
- glycogen-targeting proteins, 568, 569f
- glycolate pathway in, 727
- glycolipids, 248, 253, 253f, 346, 347f, 349
- glycolysis, 510–511, 510f
- aerobic, 525
- bioenergetics of, 534, 535t, 537, 537t
- coupling of ATP and NADH formation to, 513–514
- feeder pathways for
- gluconeogenesis steps shared with, 534, 534f
- glucose 1-phosphate entry into, 559–560, 559f
- glucose 6-phosphate partitioning between pentose phosphate pathway and, 551, 551f
- glycerol entry into, 605f
- in liver, 849, 850f
- net ATP gain in, 521
- payoff phase of, 512f, 513, 518–521
- conversion of 3-phosphoglycerate to 2-phosphoglycerate, 513f, 520, 520f
- dehydration of 2-phosphoglycerate to phosphoenolpyruvate, 513f, 520–521
- oxidation of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate to 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate, 513f, 518, 525f
- phosphoryl transfer from 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate to ADP, 513f, 518–520
- transfer of phosphoryl group from phosphoenol pyruvate to ADP, 513f, 521
- phosphorylated intermediates in, 514
- preparatory phase of, 511–513, 512f
- cleavage of fructose 1,6-bisphosphate, 513f, 516, 517f
- conversion of glucose 6-phosphate to fructose 6-phosphate, 513f, 515–516, 515f
- interconversion of triose phosphates, 513f, 516–518, 518f
- phosphorylation of fructose 6-phosphate to fructose 1,6-bisphosphate, 513f, 516
- phosphorylation of glucose, 513f, 514–515
- pyruvate formed by, 510–511, 510f, 512f
- energy remaining in, 514
- fates of, 525f
- by phosphoryl group transfer from phosphoenolpyruvate to ADP, 513f, 514–515
- regulation of, 527b–528b, 539
- ATP in allosteric inhibition of pyruvate kinase, 544, 544f
- conversion of pyruvate to phosphoenolpyruvate, 544–545, 544f
- fructose 2,6-bisphosphate in allosteric regulation of PFK-1 and FBPase-1, 542, 543f
- gluconeogenesis coordination with, 539
- hexokinase isozyme responses to glucose 6-phosphate, 539–541, 539f, 540b
- reciprocal regulation of PFK-1 and FBPase-1, 541–542, 541f, 542f
- transcriptional regulation of number of enzyme molecules, 545–546, 545t, 546f
- xylulose 5-phosphate as key regulator in, 543–544
- in tumors, 526, 527b–528b
- glycolysis and gluconeogenesis coordination, 27
- glycome, 13
- glycomics, 252
- glycophorin, 372
- glycoproteins, 83, 83t, 248
- glycosaminoglycans, 245
- glycosidases, carbohydrate analysis using, 258
- glycosides, 240f
- glycosidic bond
- glycosidic bonds, 229, 237f
- glycosphingolipids, 248, 350
- glycosyl (4→6) transferase, 563
- glycosyl groups, transfer of, 475–476
- glycosyl phosphatidylinositol (GPI), 376f
- glycosylation, 252–253, 252f
- glyoxylate, 646s, 735
- glyoxylate cycle, 590, 735
- glyoxysomes, 7f, 617f, 735
- glypicans, 248, 248f
- GMP. See guanylate
- Goldberger, Joseph, 494
- golden rice, 358, 358f
- Goldstein, Joseph, 782, 786b
- Golgi apparatus, membrane modification in, 369–371, 370f, 371f, 770
- Golgi complexes, 6, 7f
- GOT. See glutamate-oxaloacetate transaminase
- gout, excess uric acid causing, 835–836
- GPCRs. See G protein–coupled receptors
- GPI. See glycosyl phosphatidylinositol
- GPI-anchored proteins, 376
- in cholesterol-sphingolipid rafts, 380–382
- GPT. See glutamate-pyruvate transaminase
- 425
- Gram, Hans Christian, 6
- gram-negative bacteria, 5f, 6
- gram-positive bacteria, 5f, 6
- granal thylakoids, 701
- Grb2. See growth factor receptor-bound protein 2
- dichromats, 430b, 430b
- green fluorescent protein (GFP), 319, 416b
- green sulfur bacteria, 708
- green-anomalous trichromats, 430b
- Greenberg, G. Robert, 825
- greenhouse effect, 730b–731b
- Greider, Carol, 993
- grizzly bear, fatty acid oxidation in, 610b
- GRK2. See β-adrenergic receptor kinase
- GRKs. See G protein–coupled receptor kinases
- gRNAs. See guide RNAs
- GroEL/GroES system, 133, 141f
- ground state, 180, 704
- ground substance. See extracellular matrix
- group transfer reactions, 475–476, 476f
- growth, mTORC1 pathway regulation of, 871, 871f
- growth arrest specific 5 (GAS5), 1084
- growth factor receptor-bound protein 2 (Grb2), 434, 434f, 435
- growth factor receptors
- growth factors, 448
- growth retardation, vitamin A deficiency causing, 357–358
- See stimulatory G protein
- GSH. See glutathione
- GSK3. See glycogen synthase kinase 3
- GST tag. See glutathione-S-transferase tag
- GTP. See guanosine triphosphate
- GTPase, of G proteins, 413, 415f, 417, 421–425, 424f, 431, 432
- GTPase activator proteins (GAPs), 417, 422, 432
- in β-adrenergic signaling, 417
- guanine (G), 264, 264s, 265t
- base pairing of, 269f
- biosynthesis of, 825–827, 826f, 827f
- deamination of, 280, 281f
- degradation of, 833–836, 834f, 835f
- methylation of, 283
- guanosine, 266s
- guanosine (cyclic GMP, cGMP), 422b, 422s
- guanosine (GMP), 422s
- guanosine nucleotide-binding protein, 412
- guanosine nucleotide-exchange factors (GEFs), 413, 422
- guanosine triphosphate (GTP)
- guanylate (GMP), 265t, 486
- guanylin, 423b
- guanylyl cyclases, receptor, 422b–423b
- guide RNAs (gRNAs), 323, 1013
- Guillain-Barré syndrome, gangliosides in, 351
- gulose, 233s
- gustation, GPCR signaling in, 431
- gustducin, 431
- gut microbes, body mass regulation by, 874–875, 875f
- György, Paul, 56b
- H. See enthalpy
- ATPase, structure of, 392–393, 393f
- H2AX, 904b
- H2AZ, 904b
- folate. See tetrahydrofolate
- HA protein. See hemagglutinin protein
- HACs. See human artificial chromosomes
- hair, structure of, 117–118, 117f
- hairpins, 273
- Haldane, J. B. S., 56b, 183, 190
- half-life, of proteins, 499t, 1049, 1049t
- half-reactions, 489
- standard reduction potentials of, 491t
- hammerhead ribozyme, 996, 998f
- Hanson, Richard, 762
- haplotypes, 328
- haptens, 165
- HAR1F locus, 331f
- Harden, Arthur, 514
- Hartley, B. S., 204
- HATs. See histone acetyltransferases
- Haworth perspective formulas, 234f, 235
- Fischer projection formula conversion to, 235
- Hb. See hemoglobin
- HbA1c measurements, 238b–239b
- HbS. See hemoglobin s
- HCR. See hemin-controlled repressor
- HDACs. See histone deacetylases
- HDL. See high-density lipoprotein
- heart
- heart attack
- LDH isozymes as markers of, 540b
- liver enzyme assays for, 637b
- heat
- heat of vaporization, of water, 44–45
- heat production, shivering, 855
- heat shock genes, promoters of, 964, 1056f
- heat shock RNA 1 (HSR1), 1086
- heavy chains
- helicases, 921
- helix-turn-helix, 1061, 1062, 1062f
- helper T cells, 165
- hemagglutinin (HA) protein, 255
- heme, 122, 148
- biosynthesis of, 818f
- of Complex II, 667–668, 667f
- in cytochrome P-450 enzymes, 690
- in cytochromes, 663f, 664
- degradation of, 817–819, 820f
- glycine in biosynthesis of, 817–819, 817f, 819b
- oxygen binding to, 148–149, 148f, 149f
- protein structure influences on, 152–153, 153f
- structure of, 148–149, 148f, 149f
- heme oxygenase (HO), 817, 819, 820f
- hemiacetals, 234
- hemiketals, 234
- hemin-controlled repressor (HCR), 1085
- hemocytoblasts, 153
- hemoglobin (Hb), 82, 82t, 148
- carbon monoxide binding by, 158b–159b
- transport by, 160–161, 160f
- function of, 149
- heme in, 148–149, 148f
- hydrogen ion transport by, 160–161, 160f
- oxygen binding by
- conformational changes upon, 153, 155f, 156f, 157, 160f
- cooperative nature of, 155–156, 156f, 160f
- Hill plot for, 157, 160f
- mechanistic models of, 158–160, 160f
- pH effects on, 160–161, 161f
- quantitative description of, 156–157, 160f
- regulation of, 161–162, 162f
- oxygen transport by, 153
- in sickle cell anemia, 162–164, 163f
- structure of, 127–128, 128f
- water binding in, 50–51, 50f, 51f
- hemoglobin glycation, 239b
- hemoglobin S (HbS), 162–164, 162f, 163f
- hemophilias, 222–223, 223f
- hemoproteins, 83t
- Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, 60
- Henri, Victor, 189
- Henseleit, Kurt, 633
- heparan sulfate, 246, 246f, 248, 248f, 249f
- heparins, 222, 246, 246f
- hepatocytes, 849
- heptahelical receptors, 413
- heptoses, 231
- HER2/neu receptor, 452b–453b
- Herceptin. See trastuzumab
- hereditary paraganglioma, 667–668
- herpes simplex virus, DNA polymerase of, 929
- Hershey, Alfred D., 270
- heterochromatin, 903, 1075
- heterogeneous ribonuclear proteins (hnRNPs), 981
- heterolytic cleavage, 472, 472f
- heteroplasmy, 694
- in mitochondrial inheritance, 694, 694f
- heteropolysaccharides, 241, 241f
- in bacterial and algal cell walls, 244
- glycosaminoglycans in ECM, 244–246, 246f
- heterotrimeric G proteins, 413
- heterotrophs, 4f, 5, 461
- heterotropic allosteric enzymes, 214–215, 216f
- heterotropic binding, 157
- hexacosanoic acid, 617
- hexokinase, 29f, 31f, 82t, 515
- classification of, 179
- in glycolytic pathway, 513f, 515
- inhibitors of, for cancer treatment, 527b–528b
- mechanism of, 209–210, 210f
- in metabolic regulation and control, 503
- regulation of, isozyme responses to glucose 6-phosphate, 539–541, 539f, 540b
- hexokinase I, 539, 539f
- hexokinase II, 539, 539f
- hexokinase isozyme responses to glucose 6-phosphate, 539–541
- hexokinase IV, 539–540, 539f, 541f, 569, 849
- hexose monophosphate pathway, 546. See also pentose phosphate pathway
- hexose phosphates, movement of, 738–739, 738f
- hexoses, 230f, 231
- hibernation
- fatty acid oxidation during, 610b
- mitochondrial heat production during, 690
- HIF-1. See hypoxia-inducible transcription factor
- high blood glucose, insulin counteractions of, 859–860, 859t, 860f
- high mobility group (HMG), 1079, 1080f
- high-affinity nerve growth factor receptor (TrkA), 438f
- high-density lipoprotein (HDL), 603, 780
- in atherosclerosis, 784–785, 784f, 786b–787b
- cholesterol transport as, 778f, 778t, 779f, 779t, 780–781, 780f, 785, 785f
- trans fatty acid effects on, 345
- high-energy phosphate compounds, 483f, 484
- highly repetitive sequences, 890
- high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), 86,
- high-throughput genetic screening, 324f, 326f
- Hill, Archibald, 157
- Hill, Robert, 702
- Hill coefficient 157
- Hill equation, 157
- Hill plot, 157
- for oxygen binding to myoglobin and hemoglobin, 157, 160f
- Hill reaction, 702
- Hill reagent, 702–703
- Hin recombinase, 1073, 1074f, 1074t
- HIRA, 904b
- his operon, 1068
- histamine, 822, 823f
- histidine, 74s, 76, 650, 812
- biosynthesis of, 812–814, 815f
- as buffer, 61, 61f
- catabolism of, 640f, 650, 651f
- in general acid-base catalysis, 187f
- histamine synthesis from, 822, 823f
- properties and conventions associated with, 73t
- titration curve of, 80, 80f
- histone acetyltransferases (HATs), 1076, 1080
- histone chaperones, 901, 904b
- histone deacetylases (HDACs), 1077
- histone demethylases, 2-hydroxyglutarate inhibition of, 595, 595f
- histone exchange factors, 902
- histone modifications, 899, 904b–905b, 1075–1077, 1076t
- histones, 899
- Hitchings, George, 836, 838, 929
- HIV. See human immunodeficiency virus
- HMG. See high mobility group
- HMG-CoA. See β-hydroxy-β-methylglutaryl-CoA
- HMG-CoA reductase, 773
- HMG-CoA synthase, 773
- in cholesterol synthesis, 773, 773f
- in ketone body formation, 619f, 620
- HO. See heme oxygenase
- Hoagland, Mahlon, 1006
- Hodgkin, Dorothy Crowfoot, 614b–615b
- Holley, Robert, 1006, 1018
- Holliday intermediate, 942
- Holliday intermediate resolvases, 945f
- holoenzyme, 179
- homeobox, 1062
- homeodomains, 1062, 1062f
- homeostasis, 498
- homeotic genes, 1088, 1089, 1090f
- homing, 991f, 992
- homing endonucleases, 325b
- Homo neanderthalensis, genome sequencing for, 333–335, 334b–335b, 336f
- Homo sapiens, 333
- homocysteine, 643, 809f
- homocystinuria, 646t
- homogentisate dioxygenase, 648f, 650
- homologous genetic recombination, 940. See also DNA recombination
- functions of, 941–943, 947
- during meiosis, 944–948, 944f, 945f
- double-strand break initiation for, 947–948
- site-specific, 940, 950–951, 951f, 952f
- homologous proteins, 99
- homologs, 35, 99
- homolytic cleavage, 472, 472f
- homoplasmy, 694
- homopolysaccharides, 241, 241f, 242
- homotropic allosteric enzymes, 214–215, 216f
- homotropic binding, 157
- Hoogsteen, Karst, 274
- Hoogsteen pairing, 274, 275f
- Hoogsteen positions, 274
- hop diffusion, of membrane lipids, 379, 379f
- horizontal gene transfer, 99
- hormonal regulation
- of body mass
- adiponectin effects in, 869, 870f
- AMPK role in, 869–871, 870f
- diet effects on, 871–872, 871f
- endocrine functions of adipose tissue, 867–868, 867f, 868f
- ghrelin, and cannabinoid effects in, 872–874, 874f
- gut microbial effects on, 874–875, 875f
- insulin effects in, 869
- leptin effects in, 869, 869f
- mTORC1 pathway in, 871, 871f, 872f
- carbohydrate and lipid metabolism integration by, 570
- of feeding behavior, 846–847, 847t
- of fuel metabolism, 859
- cortisol in, 865–866
- diabetes mellitus and, 875–877
- epinephrine in, 864–865, 866t
- during fasting and starvation, 863–864, 864t, 865f, 866f
- glucagon effects in, 862–863, 863f, 863t
- insulin effects in, 859–860, 859t, 860f
- pancreatic β cell insulin secretion in, 860–862, 861f, 862f
- of global carbohydrate metabolism, 568–570, 569f, 570f
- of glycogenolysis and glycogenesis, 565–567, 565f, 566f
- of glycolysis and gluconeogenesis, 545–546, 545t, 546f
- tissue-specific metabolism and, 848, 848f
- adipose tissues, 851–852, 851f, 853f
- blood, 857–859, 858f
- brain, 855–857, 855f
- liver, 848–851, 849f, 851f
- muscle, 852–855, 854f, 855f, 856b–857b
- of triacylglycerol synthesis, 760–762, 761f
- in type 2 diabetes mellitus
- hormone cascades, 843, 845–846, 847f
- hormone response elements (HREs), 445, 1083, 1083f, 1084, 1084f, 1084t
- hormones, 842. See also specific hormones
- blood carrying of, 857–859, 858f
- bottom-up signaling by, 846–847, 847f
- cellular receptors for, 842–843, 843f
- chemical diversity of, 843–845
- chemically diverse classes of, 843–845, 844t
- as cholesterol derivatives, 354
- general mechanisms of action, 843f
- GPCR signaling by, 411, 411f
- as second messenger of, 425, 425t, 427f, 427t
- cAMP as second messenger of, 416b–417b, 420, 420t, 421f. See also β-adrenergic receptors
- defects in, 412
- diacylglycerol and as second messengers of, 425, 425t, 427f
- universal features of, 431–432, 431t, 432f
- guanylyl cyclase signaling by, 422b–423b
- high-affinity cellular receptors, 842–843
- lectin recognition of, 254
- lipids as, 354
- in neuroendocrine system, 842, 842f
- nuclear receptor signaling by, 445, 446f
- regulation by. See hormonal regulation
- release of, 845–846, 846f, 847f
- RTK signaling by, 434
- signaling role of, 354
- top-down hierarchy of signaling by, 845–846, 846f, 847f
- triacylglycerol mobilization by, 603, 604f, 605f
- housekeeping genes, 36, 1056
- Houssay, Bernardo, 561b
- Hox genes, 1089, 1090f, 1093b
- HPLC. See high-performance liquid chromatography
- HREs. See hormone response elements
- Hsp60 family, 132f, 133
- Hsp70 family, 132, 132f
- HSR1. See heat shock RNA 1
- HU protein, 922, 923f, 923t
- human artificial chromosomes (HACs), 891
- Human Genome Project, 290, 332
- human genome, sequencing of
- comparisons with closest biological relatives, 329–331, 330f
- evolutionary history learned from, 333–335, 334b–335b, 336f
- history of, 326–327, 327f
- localization of disease genes in, 331–333, 332f
- types of sequences seen in, 327–329, 327f
- human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), 990, 991f
- humoral immune system, 164
- Hunchback protein, 1088
- Huntington disease, protein misfolding in, 133, 135
- Hurler syndrome, 251b
- hyaluronan, 245, 246f
- in proteoglycan aggregates, 250, 250f
- structures and roles of, 247t
- hyaluronidase, 245
- Hycamtin. See topotecan
- hydrazine, 799b
- hydride ions, electron transfers by, 490
- hydrocarbon derivatives, fatty acids as, 341–344, 342t, 343f
- hydrocortisone, 866
- hydrogen atoms, electron transfers by, 489
- hydrogen bonds, 44
- in α helix, 112
- in β conformation, 114, 114f
- in DNA
- homopolysaccharide folding and, 243–244, 244f, 245f
- in lectin-carbohydrate interactions, 257, 257f
- nucleic acid structure and, 268, 269f
- protein stability and, 108–109
- of water, 44–45, 44f, 45f, 46f
- hydrogen ions, hemoglobin transport of, 160–161, 160f
- hydrogen peroxide, mitochondrial respiratory chain production of, 668
- hydrogenation, of cooking oils, 345
- hydrolases, 179t
- hydrolysis, 81, 237f
- of ATP
- cAMP signal termination by, 415f, 417–418
- of carbohydrates, 259
- free-energy change of
- of glucose 6-phosphate, 560f
- of GTP, 424f
- lipid structure determination using, 363
- of polysaccharides and disaccharides, for glycolysis, 522f, 523–525
- of RNA, 268f
- standard free-energy changes of, 469t
- hydronium ions, 54, 54f
- hydropathy index, 374
- of amino acids, 73t
- of membrane protein sequences, 374, 375f
- hydropathy plots, 375f
- hydrophilic molecules, 46
- hydrophobic effect, 48–49, 50, 108
- homopolysaccharide folding and, 243–244, 244f
- in integral membrane protein attachment, 374, 374f, 375f
- in lectin-carbohydrate interactions, 256–257, 257f
- in membrane formation, 368f, 369
- in protein folding process, 131
- protein stability and, 108
- hydrophobic interactions, 48, 48f, 50, 50t, 368
- hydrophobic molecules, 46
- hydrothermal vents, 32f
- β-hydroxyacyl-ACP dehydratase (DH), 748, 749f
- β-hydroxyacyl-CoA (3-hydroxyacyl-CoA), 607, 607f
- β-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase, 607, 607f
- in regulation of fatty acid oxidation, 613, 616, 616f
- d-β-hydroxybutyrate, 619, 619s
- d-β-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase, 619f, 620
- 2-hydroxyglutarate, 595, 595f
- hydroxyl radicals
- DNA damage by, 283
- mitochondrial respiratory chain production of, 673–674, 674f
- hydroxylases, 756b
- 5-hydroxymethylcytidine, 266s
- β-hydroxy-β-methylglutaryl-CoA (HMG-CoA), 620, 773
- in cholesterol synthesis, 773, 773f
- in ketone body formation, 619f, 620
- 4-hydroxyproline, 76, 77s
- hyperammonemia, 638
- hyperinsulinism of infancy, 862
- hyperinsulinism-hyperammonemia syndrome, 631
- hypertension, G protein defects in, 424
- hypertonic solutions, 51f, 52
- hyperventilation, 63
- hypochromic effect, 279
- hypothalamus, 845, 846f
- hypothalamus-pituitary system, 846f
- hypotonic solutions, 51f, 52
- hypoxanthine, 833, 834f, 835–836, 835f
- hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase, 835
- hypoxia, 162, 525
- ATP synthase inhibition during, 687, 687f
- lactic acid fermentation during, 525
- ROS production during, adaptive responses for, 687–688, 688f
- hypoxia-inducible transcription factor (HIF-1), 527b, 688, 688f
- hypoxic conditions, pyruvate fermentation in, 525
- ethanol, 525, 525f, 530, 530f, 531–532
- foods and industrial chemicals produced by, 530–532
- lactic acid, 525, 525f, 526, 529b
- thiamine pyrophosphate in, 530, 531f, 532t
- I bands, 170, 171f
- IAPP. See islet amyloid polypeptide
- ibuprofen, prostaglandin synthesis inhibition by, 355–356, 355f, 758, 758f
- ice, hydrogen bonding of, 44, 45f
- idose, 233s
- IF proteins. See intermediate filament proteins
- ATP synthase inhibition by, 687, 687f
- IFs. See initiation factors
- Ig. See immunoglobulins
- IgA. See immunoglobulin A
- IgD. See immunoglobulin D
- IgE. See immunoglobulin E
- IgG. See immunoglobulin G
- IgM. See immunoglobulin M
- imatinib mesylate (Gleevec), 453b, 528b
- immune response, 164
- immune system
- cellular, 165
- humoral, 165
- protein-ligand interactions of
- immunoblot assay, 167, 168f
- immunofluorescence, 320
- immunoglobulin A (IgA), 166
- immunoglobulin D (IgD), 166
- immunoglobulin E (IgE), 166, 167
- in allergic response, 167
- immunoglobulin fold, 165
- immunoglobulin G (IgG), 165, 168f
- immunoglobulin M (IgM), 166, 167f
- immunoglobulins (Ig), 165
- antigen-binding sites of, 165–167, 166f
- as glycoprotein, 252
- heavy chains, 165–166, 166f, 167f
- light chains, 165–166, 166f, 167f
- recombination of genes of, 953–955, 954f, 955f
- immunoprecipitation, 320, 321f
- IMP. See inosinate
- importins, 1045f, 1046
- in cis regulation, 1071–1073, 1072f
- in trans regulation, 1071–1073, 1072f
- in vitro studies, of cells, 9, 9f
- inclusion bodies, 310
- incretins, 846, 847t
- indinavir, 209f
- indirubin, 453b
- induced fit, 147, 186
- inducers, of lac operon, 1059
- inducible genes, 1054
- induction, 1054
- infection, selectin role in, 254–256, 255f, 256f
- inflammatory response
- eicosanoid role in, 759
- selectins in, 255, 255f
- trans fatty acid role in, 345
- influenza virus
- information pathways, 884–885
- informational macromolecules, 14
- ATP energy for assembly of, 485–487
- inheritance, mitochondrial, 693–694, 694f
- inhibition, 197, 197f
- by antibiotics, 210–211, 212f, 213f
- HIV treatment based on, 208–209, 208f, 209f
- irreversible, 200–203, 200f, 201b–202b, 203f
- reversible, 197–200, 200t
- inhibitory G protein 420
- initial rate (initial velocity, ), 189
- initiation, 1028
- initiation codons, 1009, 1009f
- initiation complex, 1028–1029, 1028f, 1030f
- initiation factors (IFs)
- initiator (Inr), 1078, 1079f, 1080f
- INO80 family, 1075
- inorganic fuels, 33–34
- inorganic orthophosphate 475–476
- inorganic pyrophosphatase, 485, 734
- inorganic pyrophosphate 734
- inosinate (IMP), 825
- inosine, 266s, 983f
- inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate 425, 425s
- inositol phospholipids, 371f
- Inr. See initiator
- Inr sequence, 969
- insects
- gene drives and, 325b
- recombinant protein expression in, 311–312, 311f
- insertion mutation, 930
- insertion sequence, 952
- insertion site, 917
- Insig. See insulin-induced gene protein
- INSR. See insulin receptor
- insulation, triacylglycerols providing, 344–345, 344f
- insulin, 844
- amino acid sequence of, 91, 92f
- blood concentrations of relative to meal times, 873f
- in body mass regulation, 869
- in cholesterol regulation, 782, 782f
- defective mitochondria preventing release of, 695–696, 696f
- diabetes mellitus arising from defects in, 875–877
- discovery of, 876b
- epinephrine cross talk with, 438, 438f
- feeding behavior regulation by, 847t
- fuel metabolism regulation by, 859–860, 859t, 860f
- in global regulation of carbohydrate metabolism, 568–570, 569f, 570f
- GLUT4 response to, 389, 390b
- glycolysis and gluconeogenesis regulation by, 545–546, 545t, 546f
- GSK3 mediation of, 567–568, 568f
- high blood glucose and, 859–860, 859t, 860f
- pancreatic β cell secretion of, 860–862, 861f, 862f
- phosphorylations, 437f
- sensitivity to, adiponectin effects on, 869, 870f
- synthesis of, 845f
- triacylglycerol synthesis regulation by, 760, 761f
- insulin receptor (INSR), 437f
- insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1), 434f, 434–435, 435–437, 436f, 437f
- insulin resistance
- SCD role in, 754
- in type 2 diabetes mellitus, 877, 878f
- insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. See type 1 diabetes mellitus
- insulin-induced gene protein (Insig), 782f, 783
- integral membrane proteins, 372, 373–375, 373f
- caveolins, 381, 381f
- hydrophobic regions of, 374, 374f, 375f
- surface adhesion, signaling, and other processes of, 383–384
- topology of, 374–375, 374f
- integration, 409
- in GPCR signaling, 420
- in neuronal signaling, 444
- in signal transduction, 410f, 411
- integrins, 250, 252f, 383
- intercellular signals, eukaryotic gene regulation by, 1083–1084, 1083f, 1084f, 1084t
- interleukins, 165
- intermediary metabolism, 462, 590–591
- intermediate filament (IF) proteins, 6, 8f, 117
- intermediates, reaction, 181, 181f
- internal guide sequence, 996
- intervening sequences, 889
- intestine, fat absorption in, 602–603, 602f
- intracellular signals
- intrinsic factor, 615b
- intrinsic pathway, 222
- intrinsically disordered proteins, 117, 125, 126f
- intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs), 439
- introns, 278f, 327, 889, 889f, 973
- in bacteria, 975
- in chloroplasts, 975
- classes of, 975
- in human genome, 327, 327f
- in mitochondria, 975
- retrovirus similarities to, 990f, 991–993, 991f
- in RNA processing, 973
- self-splicing, 975–976, 975t
- spliceosomal, 977
- splicing of, 975–976, 976f, 977f, 978f
- transcription of, 973
- invasive species, 325b
- inverted repeats, 273
- ion channels, 386. See also gated ion channels
- ion gradients, secondary active transport using, 398–399, 400f
- ion product of water, 55
- ion-exchange chromatography, 84
- ionic interactions
- ionization
- of peptides, 81–82, 81f
- of water, weak acids, and weak bases
- acid dissociation constants and, 57, 57f
- equilibrium constants and, 54–55
- pH scale and, 55–56, 55t, 56f
- pure water, 54, 54f
- titration curves and, 58–59, 58f, 59f
- ionization constants, 57
- ionizing radiation, DNA damage caused by, 281
- ionophores, 399
- ionotropic receptors, 444, 843, 843f
- ion-selective channels, 401–402
- See inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate
- 425
- IPTG. See isopropylthiogalactoside
- IREs. See iron response elements
- irinotecan (Campto), 906b
- irisin, 847, 847t, 879
- iron, 584b–585b
- iron regulatory proteins (IRP1, IRP2), 585b
- iron response elements (IREs), 585b
- iron-sulfur center, 582
- iron-sulfur proteins, 664
- in mitochondrial respiratory chain, 664, 664f
- IRP1. See iron regulatory proteins
- IRP2. See iron regulatory proteins
- irreversible inhibitors, 200, 200f, 201–203, 201b–202b, 203f
- IRS-1. See insulin receptor substrate-1
- islets of Langerhans, 860, 861f
- isocitrate, 581
- isocitrate dehydrogenase, 582
- isocitrate lyase, 735
- isoelectric focusing, 88, 89f
- isoelectric pH, 79
- isoelectric point (pI), 79
- of amino acids, 79, 80f
- of proteins, determination of, 88, 89f
- isolated system, 20
- isoleucine, 74, 74s, 647, 650, 810, 1020s
- biosynthesis of, 811f, 816f
- catabolism of, 640, 640f, 647–648, 647f, 650–651, 652f, 653b, 654f
- properties and conventions associated with, 73t
- isomerases, 179t, 522
- isomerization reactions, 474, 475f
- isomers, 15f, 17–18, 17b, 17f
- -isopentenyl pyrophosphate, 774, 787
- in cholesterol synthesis, 774, 774f
- isoprene, 772
- isoprenoid compounds, 359f
- isoprenylation, posttranslational, 1038
- isopropylthiogalactoside (IPTG), 1060, 1060s
- isoproterenol, 413s
- isotonic solutions, 51f, 52
- isozymes, 515
- ISWI family, 1075
- ivacaftor, for cystic fibrosis, 398b
- J. See flux
- J segments, 954–955, 954f
- Jacob, François, 274, 1058
- Januvia. See sitagliptin
- jasmonate, 356, 759
- jaundice, 818–819
- Jencks, William P., 183
- jumping genes, 940–941
- Jun, in cell cycle regulation, 448, 449f
- k. See Boltzmann constant
- Ka. See acid dissociation constants; association constant
- Kaiser, Dale, 304
- kappa light chains, 953–955, 954f
- Karplus, Martin, 138b
- 192, 193t
- enzyme comparisons using, 192, 193t
- See dissociation constant
- See equilibrium constant
- . See standard equilibrium constant
- Keller, Elizabeth, 1005, 1006, 1019
- Kendrew, John, 121, 127, 128, 137
- Kennedy, Eugene, 580, 603, 660, 765
- keratan sulfates, 246,, 246f
- in proteoglycan aggregates, 250, 252f
- keratin, 71f
- α-keratin, structure and function of, 117–118, 117f, 117t
- ketals, 234
- ketoacidosis, 621, 877
- β-ketoacyl-ACP reductase (KR), 748, 749f
- β-ketoacyl-ACP synthase (KS), 747, 749f
- β-ketoacyl-CoA, 607, 607f
- β-ketoacyl-CoA transferase, 620, 620f
- ketogenic amino acids, 640
- α-ketoglutarate, 582, 588b
- amino acid biosynthesis from, 806, 807f
- amino acid conversion to, 640f, 650, 651f
- as biosynthetic precursor, 590
- citric acid cycle formation of, 587f
- citric acid cycle oxidation of, 579f, 582–584, 583f
- isocitrate oxidation to, 579f, 582, 583f
- transfer of α-amino groups to, 628–630, 629f, 630f
- α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex, 582
- ketohexoses, 234
- ketone bodies, 619, 850, 851f
- amino acid conversion to, 640–641, 640f
- in diabetes mellitus, 620–621, 620f, 877
- fatty acid breakdown to, 619–621, 619f, 620f
- in starvation, 620–621, 620f
- ketoses, 230–231, 230f
- ketosis, 621, 877
- ketotriose, 230
- Khorana, H. Gobind, 283, 1008
- kidney, aquaporins in, 400
- kidney stones, 646
- Kilby, B. A., 204
- killer T cells. See cytotoxic T cells
- kinases, 476, 477b. See also protein kinases
- kinetics, 24
- King, C. G., 119b
- Kinosita, Kazuhiko, Jr., 681
- Klenow fragment, 920
- See Michaelis constant
- Kornberg, Arthur, 561b, 916
- Koshland, Daniel, 159, 186
- KR. See β-ketoacyl-ACP reductase
- Krainer, Adrian, 982b
- Krebs, Edwin, 562b
- Krebs, Hans, 574, 633
- Krebs bicycle, 636–637, 636f
- Krebs cycle, 574. See also citric acid cycle
- KS. See β-ketoacyl-ACP synthase
- KSR, 440, 441f
- 388
- Ku70 protein, 949, 950f
- Ku80 protein, 949, 950f
- Kühne, Frederick W., 178
- l stereoisomers, of amino acids, 72
- L-19 IVS, 997f
- lac operon
- Lac promoter, recombinant protein expression using, 310
- β-lactam antibiotics, 211, 212f, 213f
- β-lactamases, 211, 213f
- lactase, 240, 523
- lactase persistence, 523
- lactate, 526, 874
- lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), 526
- lactic acid fermentation, 525, 525f
- pyruvate as terminal electron acceptor in, 526, 529b
- Lactobacillus bulgaricus, 530
- lactonase, 548
- in pentose phosphate pathway, 547f, 548
- lactones, 236f, 237
- lactose, 240, 240f
- lactose intolerance, 523
- lactosylceramide, 350f
- lacZ gene, as screenable marker, 307, 308f
- ladderanes, 799b
- lagging strand, 916, 916f
- Lambert-Beer law, 75b
- lamin, 449
- CDK phosphorylation of, 449–450
- Lands cycle, 767, 770f
- lanosterol, 774, 776f
- Lardy, Henry, 675
- large fragment, of DNA polymerase I, 920
- lateral diffusion, of membrane lipids, 378f, 379–380, 379f, 380f
- lauric acid, structure and properties of, 342t, 343
- Lavoisier, Antoine, 465
- LCAT. See lecithin-cholesterol acyl transferase
- state. See liquid-disordered state
- LDH. See lactate dehydrogenase
- LDL. See low-density lipoprotein
- LDL receptors, 780
- leader, 1068, 1069f
- leading strand, 916, 916f
- leaving groups, activating, 475–476, 476f
- Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON), 695
- lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT), 780, 780f
- lectins, 254, 255–256, 255f, 256f
- Leder, Philip, 1008
- leghemoglobin, 801
- leguminous plants, nitrogen-fixing bacteria symbionts of, 797, 801, 801f
- Lehninger, Albert, 580, 603, 660
- Leloir, Luis, 560, 562b
- Leopold, Prince, 223
- leptin, 846, 867, 868f
- anorexigenic peptide hormone stimulation by, 868–869, 869f
- feeding behavior regulation by, 847t
- gene expression triggered by, 869
- leptin receptor, 867–868, 868f
- Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, 835
- Letsinger, Robert, 283
- leu operon, 1068
- leucine, 74, 74s, 647, 811
- leucine zipper, 1063–1064, 1064f
- leukemia
- asparagine inhibitors for, 810
- protein kinase inhibitors for, 452b–453b
- leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), 1091
- leukocytes, 164, 858, 858f
- lectin role in movement of, 255, 255f
- leukotrienes (LT), 355, 355f, 356, 759
- Levinthal, Cyrus, 131
- Levinthal’s paradox, 131
- Levitt, Michael, 138b
- Lewis, Edward B., 1087
- Lewy bodies, 135
- LexA repressor, in induction of SOS response, 1068–1070, 1070f
- LHCII, 705, 706f
- exciton absorption by, 713
- state transition and, 713, 714f
- LHCs. See light-harvesting complexes
- LHON. See Leber hereditary optic neuropathy
- libraries, DNA, 315–316, 316f, 320f
- licensing, 928
- Liddle syndrome, 1049
- Li-Fraumeni cancer syndrome, 454
- ligand-gated ion channels, 401
- ligands, 147, 148
- ligases, 179t, 477b
- light
- absorption of, 701, 701f
- by accessory pigments, 704f, 705
- by chlorophylls, 704–705, 704f
- by chloroplasts, 701–704, 702f, 703f
- exciton transfer of, 705–707, 706f, 707f
- by photopigments, 705f
- detection of, GPCR signaling in, 429–431, 429f, 430b, 430f
- firefly production of, 486b
- visible, 703, 703f
- light chains
- light-dependent reactions, 700, 701f
- light-harvesting complexes (LHCs), 705
- lignins, 820
- lignoceric acid, structure and properties of, 342t
- limonene, 356
- Lind, James, 118b
- linear electron transfer, 708, 709f
- Lineweaver-Burk equation, 191–192, 191f, 197f, 198f, 199f
- linkage analysis, 331
- linkers, 304, 305f
- linking number, 893, 893f
- α-linoleate, 754–755, 754f, 755f
- linoleate
- linoleic acid, structure and properties of, 342t
- α-linolenate, 759
- α-linolenic acid (ALA)
- omega-3 fatty acids synthesized from, 343
- structure and properties of, 342t
- lipases, 345
- carbohydrate analysis using, 258–259
- lipid bilayer, of membranes, 367–369, 369f, 370f, 372–374
- catalysis of lipid movements across, 378–379, 378f
- covalent attachment of proteins to, 375–377, 376f
- curvature and fusion of, 382–383, 383f, 384f
- integral membrane proteins spanning, 372, 373f, 375f, 376f
- lateral diffusion in, 378f, 379–380, 379f, 380f
- lipids in. See membrane lipids
- ordering of acyl groups in, 377–378, 377f
- proteins in. See membrane proteins
- sphingolipid and cholesterol rafts in, 380–382, 380f, 381f
- lipid biosynthesis
- cholesterol
- alternative fates of intermediates in, 787–788, 788f
- four stages of, 772–775, 773f, 774f, 775f, 776f
- isoprene units in, 773f, 774
- regulation of, 782–784, 782f, 783f, 784f, 786b–787b
- eicosanoids, 755, 758–759, 758f
- fatty acids. See fatty acid synthesis
- membrane lipids
- attachment of phospholipid head groups, 764–765, 764f
- CDP-diacylglycerol in, 765–767, 766f, 768f
- eukaryotic pathways to phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylethanolamine, and phosphatidylcholine, 767–768
- plasmalogen, 768, 771f
- precursors for, 760, 761f
- sphingolipids, 770, 772f
- transport to cellular membranes after, 770
- steroid hormones, 785–787, 788f
- triacylglycerols
- lipid droplets, 603
- LIPID MAPS Lipidomics Gateway, 363
- lipid metabolism
- biosynthesis. See lipid biosynthesis
- carbohydrate metabolism integration with, 570
- digestion of fats, 602–603
- ketone body formation, 619–621, 619f, 620f
- in liver, 850–851, 851f
- mobilization of fats, 603, 604f, 605f
- oxidation. See fatty acid oxidation
- subcellular localization of, 750–751, 751f
- transport of fats, 603–606, 605f, 606f
- xylulose 5-phosphate as key regulator of, 543–544
- lipid toxicity hypothesis, 877, 878f
- lipid transfer proteins (LTPs), 370f, 371, 371f
- lipidome, 14, 364
- lipidomics, 363–364, 364t
- lipids, 13–14
- activation of, 603–606, 605f, 606f
- analysis of, 361–362, 362f
- as biologically active secondary metabolites, 360, 361f
- classification of, 363–364, 364t
- as cofactors
- digestion of, 602–603, 602f
- fatty acids. See fatty acids
- in membranes. See membrane lipids
- mobilization of, 603, 604f, 605f
- oxidation of. See fatty acid oxidation
- as pigments, 360, 360f
- as signals
- eicosanoids, 355–356, 355f
- hormones, 354
- phosphatidylinositols and sphingosine derivatives, 354–355, 354f
- steroid hormones, 356, 356f
- vitamins A and D, 356–358, 357f, 358f
- volatile compounds of vascular plants, 356
- storage. See storage lipids
- structural, 346f, 347f
- galactolipids and sulfolipids, 349, 349f
- glycerophospholipids, 346–348, 347f, 348f, 349f, 352, 353b
- sphingolipids as, 350–351, 350f, 353b
- sterols, 352, 352f
- transport of, 603–606, 605f, 606f
- lipoate, 576, 577f
- lipopolysaccharides, 253, 253f
- lipoprotein lipase, 602f, 603
- lipoprotein particles, 603
- lipoproteins, 83, 83t. See also plasma lipoproteins
- liposome, 369–370
- lipoxins (LX), 355, 355f, 759
- liquid chromatography (LC), 95
- liquid-disordered state, 378
- liquid-ordered state, 377
- lithotrophic bacteria, 798b
- liver
- ammonia transport to, 632–633, 632f
- carbohydrate regulation in, 568–570, 569f, 570f
- cholesterol delivery to, 778–779, 779f
- epinephrine effects on, 864–865, 866t
- in fasting state, 862–863, 863f, 863t
- glucagon effects on, 862–863, 863f, 863t
- glucose transporters of, 389
- glutamate release of amino group in, 630–631, 632f
- glycogen in, 558
- hexokinase isozymes of, 539–541, 539f, 540b
- insulin effects on, 859–860, 859t, 860f
- ketone body formation in, 618–621, 619f, 620f
- metabolic functions of, 848–851, 848f
- in starvation state, 863–864, 864t, 865f, 866f
- in well-fed state, 859–860, 859t, 860f
- liver enzymes, tissue-damage assays using, 637b
- liver X receptor (LXR), 783, 783f
- living organisms
- cells of, 2–3, 2f, 3f
- characteristics of, 1–2, 2f
- domains of, 3, 4f
- dynamic steady state of, 19–20
- energy and matter transformation by, 20–21, 20f, 21f
- energy coupling in, 22–23, 24f
- energy from electron flow in, 21
- energy sources and biosynthetic precursors of, 3–5, 4f
- essential chemical elements of, 10, 10f
- evolution of, 30–36
- evolution of, amino acid sequence information on, 96–100, 99f, 100f
- hexose derivatives in, 236–237, 236f
- order creation and maintenance by, 21, 21f, 22b–23b
- stereospecific interactions in, 15, 18, 19f
- lncRNAs. See long, noncoding RNAs
- state. See liquid-ordered state
- Lobban, Peter, 304
- lockjaw, 383
- Loeb, Jacques, 511
- London forces. See van der Waals interactions
- long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs), 903, 903f, 907b, 1056, 1084, 1086
- lonidamine, for cancer treatment, 527b–528b
- lopinavir, 209f
- lovastatin (Mevacor), 361f, 786b–787b
- low blood glucose
- low-density lipoprotein (LDL), 780
- in atherosclerosis, 784–785, 784f, 786b–787b
- cellular uptake of, 781–782, 781f
- cholesterol transport as, 778f, 778t, 779f, 779t, 780
- trans fatty acid effects on, 345
- LT. See leukotrienes
- luciferase, 71f, 486b
- luciferin, 486b
- lung cancer, protein kinase inhibitors for, 452b–453b
- lutein
- luteinizing hormone, lectin recognition of, 254
- LX. See lipoxins
- LXR. See liver X receptor
- lyases, 179t
- lymphatic system, 848f
- lymphocytes, 3f, 164, 858, 858f
- Lynen, Feodor, 775
- lysases, 477b
- lysine, 74s, 76, 647, 810
- biosynthesis of, 811f
- catabolism of, 640, 640f, 647–648, 647f
- in general acid-base catalysis, 187f
- properties and conventions associated with, 73t
- lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferases (LPCATs), 767–768, 770f
- lysophospholipase, 352
- lysosomal storage diseases, 353b
- lysosomes, 6, 7f
- lysozyme, 123t, 244
- lyxose, 233s
- M line, 170, 171f
- M phase, 446, 447f
- M1 RNA, 997
- MacLeod, Colin, 270
- MacLeod, J. J. R., 876b
- macrocytes, 643
- macromolecules, 9f, 12–14, 18f
- of cells, 8–9, 9f, 12–14, 14t, 15t
- in water, structure, and function and, 49–51, 50f, 50t, 51f
- macrophages, 164
- phagocytosis of bound antibodies by, 167, 167f
- mad cow disease. See bovine spongiform encephalopathy
- Magellan, Ferdinand, 118b
- magnesium ion
- major groove, 271
- malaria, 256
- G6PD deficiency and, 548b
- hemoglobin S and, 163
- malate, 587, 587f
- anaplerotic reactions providing, 590, 591f
- in citric acid cycle, 596f
- fumarate hydration to, 579f, 587
- in gluconeogenesis, 535, 535f
- oxidation of, 579f, 587
- from urea cycle, 634f–635f, 635, 636
- malate dehydrogenase, 535
- l-malate dehydrogenase, 579f, 587
- malate dehydrogenase, 596f
- malate synthase, 735
- malate-aspartate shuttle, 636f, 637, 684, 684f
- malate–α-ketoglutarate transporter, 751–752
- MALDI MS. See matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry
- malic enzyme, 730, 751
- malonate, succinate dehydrogenase inhibition by, 587
- malonyl/acetyl-CoA-ACP transferase (MAT), 747, 749f
- malonyl-CoA, 613, 744, 745s
- in fatty acid synthesis
- in regulation of fatty acid oxidation, 613, 616, 616f
- maltose, 238–239
- in feeder pathways for glycolysis, 523
- formation of, 237f
- maltotriose, in feeder pathways for glycolysis, 523
- mammalian cells, recombinant protein expression in, 312
- mannosamine, 236, 236f
- mannose, 232, 232f, 233s, 1044f
- mannose 6-phosphate, lectin interactions with, 257, 257f
- mannuronic acid, 237
- MAP kinase kinase kinases (MAPKKKs), 435
- MAP kinase kinases (MAPKKs), 435
- MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinases), 435, 437f
- MAPK cascades, 434f, 435
- multivalent adaptor proteins involved in, 440, 441f
- MAPKKKs. See MAP kinase kinase kinases
- MAPKKs. See MAP kinase kinases
- MAPKs. See mitogen-activated protein kinases
- maple syrup urine disease, 646t, 652–653, 654f
- mapping, denaturation, 916
- Maquat, Lynne, 980
- MARCKS, membrane attachment of, 375–376
- maresins, 759
- Margulis, Lynn, 34
- mass spectrometry (MS), 93–95
- mass-action ratio (Q), 24, 470, 501, 687
- in metabolic regulation, 502t
- mast cells, in allergic response, 167
- MAT. See malonyl/acetyl-CoA-ACP transferase
- maternal genes, 1087, 1088, 1089f
- maternal mRNAs, 1087
- matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI MS), 94
- matter, transformation of, by living organisms, 20–21, 20f, 21f
- Matthaei, Heinrich, 1007
- Maxam, Allan, 286
- maximum velocity 189
- MCAD. See medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase
- McCarty, Maclyn, 270
- McClintock, Barbara, 328, 940–941
- McElroy, George, 653b
- McElroy, William, 486b
- MCM proteins. See minichromosome maintenance
- MDR1. See multidrug transporter
- mechanical work, muscle production of, 852–855, 854f, 855f, 856b–857b
- mechanism-based inactivators, 200, 201b–202b
- meclofenamate, prostaglandin synthesis inhibition by, 355
- Mediator, 1079, 1080f
- medicine, genomic comparisons in, 36
- medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (MCAD), 608, 616
- megaloblastic anemia, 643
- megaloblasts, 643
- meiosis, 944
- crossing over in, 945f, 946, 946b
- fetal, errors in, 946b
- homologous genetic recombination during, 944–948, 944f, 945f
- double-strand break initiation for, 947–948
- process of, 944, 944f
- MEK, in INSR signaling, 434f, 435
- melanin, 648
- α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (α-MSH), 868, 869f
- Mello, Craig, 1085
- melting point
- membrane lipids, 346, 347f
- characteristic, 367, 369f
- galactolipids and sulfolipids, 349, 349f
- glycerophospholipids
- hop diffusion of, 379, 379f
- lateral diffusion of, 378f, 379–380, 379f, 380f
- ordered states of, 377–378, 377f
- sphingolipids
- abnormal accumulations of, 353b
- as derivatives of sphingosine, 350–351, 350f
- lysosome degradation of, 352, 353b
- rafts of, 380–382, 380f, 381f
- as sites of biological recognition, 351
- transbilayer movement of, 378, 378f
- sterols, 352
- synthesis of
- attachment of phospholipid head groups, 764–765, 764f
- CDP-diacylglycerol in, 765–767, 766f, 768f
- eukaryotic pathways to phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylethanolamine, and phosphatidylcholine, 767–768
- plasmalogen, 768, 771f
- precursors for, 760, 761f
- sphingolipids, 770, 772f
- transport to cellular membranes after, 770
- transbilayer movement of, 378–379, 378f
- membrane potential 385
- membrane proteins, 117
- amphitropic, 372, 373f
- reversible associations of, 376
- characteristics of, 367, 369f
- in cholesterol-sphingolipid rafts, 380–382, 380f, 381f
- as enzymes, 371–372
- integral, 372–375, 373f
- amino acid sequences of, 374–375, 375f, 376f
- caveolins, 381, 381f
- hydrophobic regions of, 374, 374f, 375f
- surface adhesion, signaling, and other processes of, 383–384
- topology of, 374–375, 374f, 375f, 376f
- lateral diffusion of, 380, 380f
- orientation of, 369, 369f
- peripheral, 372, 373f
- as receptors, 371–372
- as transporters, 371–372
- transporters. See transporters
- membrane trafficking, 370–371, 370f, 770
- membrane-bound electron carriers, in mitochondrial respiratory chain, 662–665, 663f, 664f, 664t, 665f
- membranes
- of chloroplasts, 702f, 704
- composition and architecture of
- amphitropic proteins, 372, 373f, 376
- characteristic lipids and proteins, 367, 369f
- fundamental properties, 369, 369f
- integral membrane proteins, 372, 373f, 374f, 375f, 376f
- lipid bilayer, 367–368, 369f, 370f
- peripheral membrane proteins, 372, 373f, 375–377, 376f
- dynamics of
- catalysis of transbilayer lipid movements, 378–379, 378f
- clustering of sphingolipids and cholesterol in rafts, 380–382, 380f, 381f
- lateral diffusion of lipids and proteins in bilayer, 379–380, 379f, 380f
- membrane curvature and fusion processes, 382–383, 383f, 384f
- ordering of acyl groups in bilayer, 377–378, 377f
- surface adhesion, signaling, and other processes of integral proteins, 383–384
- functions of, 367
- of mitochondria, 660, 661f
- rafts in
- signaling protein segregation by, 442
- sphingolipids and cholesterol in, 380–382, 380f, 381f
- solute transport across
- by ABC transporters, 395–396, 396f, 396t, 397b–398b
- by active transport. See active transport
- by aquaporins, 400–401, 400t
- by chloride-bicarbonate exchanger, 389–392, 391f
- by cotransport, 389–392, 398–399
- by GLUT1, 387–389, 387f, 388f, 389f, 389t
- by ion channels, 397b–398b, 401–402, 401f, 402f
- ion gradients driving, 398–399, 400f
- by channels, 402–403, 402f
- in metabolic regulation, 499f
- by passive transport. See passive transport
- by P-type ATPases, 392–394, 393f, 394f
- by secondary active transport, 398–399
- transporter and ion channel structures and mechanisms for, 386–387, 387f
- types of, 385–386, 385f
- by V-type and F-type ATPases, 394–395, 395f
- structural lipids in, 346–354
- membranous organelles, of eukaryotic cells, 6, 7f
- memory B cells, 166
- memory cells, 165
- Menten, Maud, 189–190
- menthol, 356
- Mering, Josef von, 876b
- MERRF. See myoclonic epilepsy with ragged-red fiber syndrome
- Merrifield, R. Bruce, 96
- Meselson, Matthew, 915
- Meselson-Stahl experiment, 915–916
- mesophyll cells, 729–731, 729f
- messenger ribonucleoprotein (mRNP) complex, 973
- messenger RNAs (mRNAs), 264, 960
- alternative splicing of, 981–983, 983f
- artificial templates of, genetic code cracking using, 1007–1009, 1007f, 1008t, 1009f, 1010b–1011b, 1012t
- codons in. See codons
- degradation rate of, 986–988, 987f
- in DNA microarrays, 322f
- editing of, 1013, 1013f, 1014f, 1015f
- cap of, 973, 974f
- maternal, 1087
- in metabolic regulation, 499f
- polypeptide coding of, 274–275, 276f
- primary transcript for, 972–973, 973f
- processing of, 981f
- RNA polymerase II synthesis of, 967–968
- Shine-Dalgarno sequence in, 1028–1029, 1028f, 1030f
- sRNA regulation of, 1071–1073, 1072f
- structure of, 274–275, 276f
- end of, 980–981, 980f
- translational repression of, 1084–1085, 1085f
- metabolic acidosis, glutamine metabolism and, 631–632
- metabolic control, 501
- metabolic control analysis, 731b
- metabolic pathways, 26–27, 462, 463–464, 463f. See also specific pathways
- metabolic regulation, 463–464, 496–497, 497f, 501
- adenine nucleotides in, 502–503, 503t
- of amino acid biosynthesis, 814–816, 816f
- AMPK coordination of catabolism and anabolism, 869–871, 870f
- carbohydrate and lipid metabolism integration, 570
- of cellular respiration pathways, 688–689, 689f
- of citric acid cycle
- enzyme regulation in, 498–501, 499f, 499t, 500f, 500t, 501f
- of fatty acid oxidation, 613, 616, 616f
- transcription factors regulating proteins for lipid catabolism, 616
- of fatty acid synthesis, 752–753, 753f
- of fuel metabolism, 859
- cortisol in, 865–866
- diabetes mellitus and, 875–877
- epinephrine in, 864–865, 866t
- during fasting and starvation, 863–864, 864t, 865f, 866f
- glucagon effects in, 862–863, 863f, 863t
- insulin effects in, 859–860, 859t, 860f
- pancreatic β cell insulin secretion in, 860–862, 861f, 862f
- global regulation of carbohydrate metabolism, 568–570, 569f, 570f
- glycogenolysis and glycogenesis coordination
- allosteric and hormonal regulation of glycogen phosphorylase, 565–567, 565f, 566f
- allosteric and hormonal signals in global carbohydrate metabolism, 568–570, 569f, 570f
- GSK3 mediation of insulin, 567–568, 568f
- phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of glycogen synthase, 565–567, 567f, 568f
- PP1 role in, 568, 569f
- glycolysis and gluconeogenesis coordination, 539
- ATP in allosteric inhibition of pyruvate kinase, 544, 544f
- conversion of pyruvate to phosphoenolpyruvate, 544–545, 544f
- fructose 2,6-bisphosphate in allosteric regulation of PFK-1 and FBPase-1, 542, 543f
- hexokinase isozyme responses to glucose 6-phosphate, 539–541, 539f, 540b
- reciprocal regulation of phosphofructokinase-1 and fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase, 541–542, 541f,
- transcriptional regulation of number of enzyme molecules, 545–546, 545t, 546f
- xylulose 5-phosphate as key regulator in, 543–544
- hormonal. See hormonal regulation
- neuroendocrine system role in, 842, 842f
- nucleotide biosynthesis, 826f, 827–829, 829f
- of oxidative phosphorylation
- adaptive responses reducing ROS production in hypoxia, 687–688, 688f
- by cellular energy needs, 687
- coordinated regulation of ATP-producing pathways, 688–689, 689f
- hypoxia-induced inhibition of ATP hydrolysis, 687, 688f
- reaction equilibria and, 501–502, 502t
- regulation of, 26
- steady state maintenance in cells and organisms, 497–498
- studies of. See metabolic control analysis
- of urea cycle, 637–638, 638f
- metabolic syndrome, 877, 878f
- metabolic water, from fatty acid oxidation, 609
- metabolism, 27, 462
- ATP, role in, 26f
- of autotrophs and heterotrophs, 461–462, 462f
- as multidimensional network of pathways, 497f
- pathways of, 26–27, 461–464, 463f. See also specific pathways
- AMPK coordination of, 869–871, 870f
- flux through. See flux
- multidimensional network of, 497f
- regulation of, 27. See also metabolic regulation
- tissue-specific, 848, 848f
- adipose tissues, 851–852, 851f, 853f
- blood, 857–859, 858f
- brain, 855–857, 855f
- liver, 848–851, 850f, 851f
- muscle, 852–855, 854f, 855f, 856b–857b
- metabolite pools, 738, 738f, 739
- metabolites, 2, 462
- metabolome, 12, 499, 500f
- metabolomics, 12
- metabolons, 595
- metabotropic receptors, 444, 843, 843f
- metal ion catalysis
- metalloproteases, 208
- metalloproteins, 83, 83t
- metamerism, 1087
- metformin (Glucophage), 879t
- methane, oxidation of, 490f, 580
- methanogens, 798b, 1025b–1027b
- methanol
- lipid extraction using, 361, 362f
- poisoning by, 198
- methionine, 74, 74s, 641–642, 643f, 650, 810
- biosynthesis of, 811f
- catabolism of, 640f, 650–651, 652f, 653b
- properties and conventions associated with, 73t
- protein synthesis initiation by, 1023–1030, 1028f, 1029f, 1030f, 1031t
- methionine adenosyl transferase, 641, 643f
- methionine synthase, 643, 643f
- methotrexate, 836, 836f
- 1-methyladenine, 937–938, 939f
- 266s
- ω-N-methylarginine, 77s
- methylation, 216, 217f
- carbohydrate analysis using, 258–259
- of DNA, 283
- of guanine, 283
- of histones, 1075–1077, 1076t
- of messenger RNAs, 984, 984f
- in mismatch repair, 932–933, 933f, 934f
- of transfer RNAs, 985, 985f
- 5-methylcytidine, 266s
- 3-methylcytosine, 937–938, 939f
- methylglutamate, 1038f
- methylglyoxal, 646, 646s
- 266s
- 7-methylguanosine, 266s
- 1-methylguanosine, 983f
- 6-N-methyllysine, 77s
- methyllysine, 1038f
- methylmalonic acidemia (MMA), 646t, 650–651, 653b
- methylmalonyl-CoA, 612, 613, 613f
- methylmalonyl-CoA epimerase, 613, 613f
- methylmalonyl-CoA mutase, 613, 613f
- as cofactor of, 614b–615b
- Met-tRNA synthetase, 1024
- Mevacor. See lovastatin
- mevalonate, 773
- MFP. See multifunctional protein
- MFS. See major facilitator superfamily
- See magnesium ion
- MGDGs. See monogalactosyldiacylglycerols
- micelles, 48, 48f, 368, 368f
- Michaelis, Leonor, 189–190
- Michaelis constant 190–191, 191f
- determination of, 191, 194
- enzyme comparisons using, 193–194, 193t
- interpretation of, 192–194, 192t, 193t
- metabolic regulation and, 499f, 500f
- reversible inhibitor effects on, 198–199, 200t
- Michaelis-Menten equation, 190, 191–192, 191f
- in bisubstrate reactions, 194–195, 194f
- for competitive inhibitor, 197–198
- for mixed inhibitor, 198
- for uncompetitive inhibitor, 198
- Michaelis-Menten kinetics, 191, 192
- microarrays, DNA, 322f
- microdomains, 380
- Micronase. See glyburide
- microorganisms, signaling in, 447f
- microRNAs (miRNAs), 985, 986, 986f
- microtubules, 6, 8f, 169
- Miescher, Friedrich, 270
- mifepristone (RU486), 445, 445s
- mineralocorticoids, 785
- minichromosome maintenance (MCM) proteins, 928
- Minkowski, Oskar, 876b
- minor groove, 271
- miRNAs. See microRNAs
- mirror repeats, in DNA, 273, 274f
- mismatch repair, 931–934, 931t, 933f, 934f, 935f
- missense mutations, 1013
- Mitchell, Peter, 659, 668, 675
- mitochondria, 6, 7f
- acetate shuttling out of, 751–752, 752f
- acetyl-CoA oxidation in. See citric acid cycle
- anatomy of, 660, 661f
- apoptosis triggering in, 691, 692f
- in cardiac muscle, 855, 855f
- chemiosmotic mechanisms in, 702f
- damage to, 688, 693–696
- diabetes mellitus caused by defects in, 695–696, 696f
- in endomembrane system, 370, 370f
- evolution of, 34, 35f, 692–693, 693f
- fatty acid oxidation in. See fatty acid oxidation
- fatty acid transport into, 603–606, 605f, 606f
- genes of
- genome of, 301, 692, 692t, 693f
- heat production by, 689–690, 690f
- introns in, 975
- NADH shuttling into, 636f, 637, 683–684, 684f, 686f
- oxidative phosphorylation in. See oxidative phosphorylation
- plant, NADH oxidation in, 685b
- pyruvate oxidation in, 575, 576f, 577f, 578f
- steroid synthesis in, 690–691, 690f
- mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), 887, 889f
- genetic code variations in, 1010b
- mitochondrial donation, 695
- mitochondrial encephalomyopathies, 695
- mitochondrial membranes, composition of, 367, 369f
- mitochondrial pyruvate carrier (MPC), 575, 594
- mitochondrial respiration, 727
- mitochondrial respiratory chain, 672f
- electron donation via ubiquinone, 671, 672f
- electron funneling to universal electron acceptors, 660–662, 662t
- electron passage through membrane-bound carriers, 662–665, 663f, 664f, 664t, 665f
- genes encoding proteins of, 692, 692t, 693f
- mitochondria anatomy and, 660, 661f
- multienzyme complexes of electron carriers involved in
- Complex I, 665–667, 665t, 666f
- Complex II, 665t, 666f, 667–668, 667f
- Complex III, 665t, 666f, 668–669, 668f, 669f
- Complex IV, 665t, 666f, 669–671, 670f, 688, 688f
- NADH oxidation in plant mitochondria, 685b
- protein components of, 665t
- proton gradient in, 672, 673f
- respirasomes in, 671, 671f
- ROS generation by, 668, 673–674, 674f
- mitophagy, 660
- mixed inhibitor, 199, 199f
- mixed-function oxidases, 477b, 754, 756b
- mixed-function oxygenases, 649, 756b
- MMA. See methylmalonic acidemia
- Modrich, Paul, 931
- modular proteins, 409
- modularity, in signal transduction, 409, 410f
- modulators, 157
- MODY. See maturity-onset diabetes of the young
- molecular asymmetry, 16f
- molecular biology, 884
- molecular function, 317
- molecular mass, 13b
- molecular motors. See motor proteins
- molecular weight, 13
- of polysaccharides, 241
- of proteins, estimation of, 88, 88f
- molecules, interactions among, 9
- monensin, 399
- monocistronic mRNA, 275, 276f
- monoclonal antibodies, 167
- Monod, Jacques, 10, 158, 274, 1058
- monogalactosyldiacylglycerols (MGDGs), 349f
- monomers, 556
- monooxygenases, 477b, 756b
- monosaccharides, 229
- asymmetric centers of, 232, 232f
- cyclic structures of, 232f, 233–235, 234f, 236f
- hexose derivatives in living organisms, 236–237, 236f
- as reducing agents, 237, 238b–239b
- symbols and abbreviations for, 240t
- two families of, 230–231, 230f
- monotopic integral membrane proteins, 372, 373f
- monounsaturated fatty acids
- moonlighting enzymes, 584b
- Moore, Melissa, 980
- morphogens, 1087
- motifs, 123
- classification based on, 125–126, 127f
- DNA-binding, 1060–1063, 1060f, 1062f, 1063f
- of globular proteins, 123–124, 123f, 124f, 125f
- motor proteins, in muscle
- movement
- MPC. See mitochondrial pyruvate carrier
- mRNAs. See messenger RNAs
- MS. See mass spectrometry
- α-MSH. See α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone
- MS/MS. See tandem Ms
- mtDNA. See mitochondrial DNA
- mTOR, 871
- mTORC1, 871
- mucins, 251
- mucopolysaccharides. See glycosaminoglycans
- mucopolysaccharidoses, 251b
- Mullis, Kary, 283
- multidrug transporter (MDR1), 396
- multienzyme complexes. See also specific complexes
- in citric acid cycle, 595, 595f, 596f
- in mitochondrial respiratory chain
- Complex I, 665–667, 665t, 666f
- Complex II, 665t, 666f, 667–668, 667f
- Complex III, 665t, 666f, 668–669, 668f, 669f
- Complex IV, 665t, 666f, 669–671, 670f, 688, 688f
- in respirasomes, 671, 671f
- in urea cycle, 636
- multimer, 127
- multiple cloning site (MCS),
- multiplicity of infection (MOI), 326f
- multipotent stem cells,
- multisubunit proteins, 82
- multivalent adaptor proteins, 439–442, 439f, 441f
- muscle
- ammonia transport from, 632–633, 632f
- carbohydrate regulation in, 568–570, 569f, 570f
- glycogen in, 557, 558
- hexokinase isozymes of, 539–541, 539f, 540b
- insulin effects on, 859–860, 859t, 860f
- metabolic functions of, 852–855, 854f, 855f, 856b–857b
- muscle contraction
- ATP energy for, 483, 487
- glycolysis and, 560
- lactate production, 526
- motor proteins involved in
- muscle metabolism for, 852–855, 854f, 855f, 856b–857b
- regulation of, 171, 172f, 427
- muscle fibers, 170, 171f
- mutarotation, 235
- mutases,
- mutations, 30, 31f, 280, 886, 930
- cancer-causing, 930, 931f, 932b
- deletion, 930, 952f
- disease caused by. See genetic disease
- in error-prone translesion DNA synthesis, 932b, 938–940, 939f
- evolution through, 30, 31f
- genetic code resistance to, 1012–1013
- of HIV, 990
- insertion, 930
- mechanism of, 939f
- in mitochondrial genes, 693–696, 694f, 695f, 696f
- nonenzymatic transformations, 280–283, 281f, 282f
- with nonhomologous end joining, 948–950, 950f
- in oncogenes, 451, 452b–453b, 454
- in promoters, 963
- silent, 930
- SNPs, 328
- substitution, 930
- in tumor suppressor genes, 454f, 455
- MutH protein, in mismatch repair, 932, 934, 934f
- MutL protein, in mismatch repair, 932, 934, 934f
- MutS protein, in mismatch repair, 933–934, 934f
- MWC model, 158, 160f
- mycoplasma, 3
- myelin sheath, composition of, 367
- myocardial infarction
- LDH isozymes as markers of, 540b
- liver enzyme assays for, 637b
- myoclonic epilepsy with ragged-red fiber syndrome (MERRF), 695, 695f
- myocytes, 852
- myofibrils, 170, 171f
- myoglobin, 82t
- function of, 149
- heme in, 148–149, 148f
- hemoglobin subunit similarities to, 153–155, 153f, 154f
- oxygen binding by, 149, 149f
- residues, 123t
- structure of, 121–123, 122f, 137
- x-ray crystallography of, 137
- myosin, 169
- actin thin filament interactions with, 170–172, 172f
- CDK phosphorylation of, 450
- in muscle contraction, 487
- structure of, 169, 169f
- myristic acid, structure and properties of, 342t
- myristoylation, 217f
- myxothiazol, 667t
- in neuronal function, 402
- structure and specificity of, 402
- voltage-gated, action potentials produced by, 443–444, 444f
- symporter, 398, 399, 399f
- ATPase, 394
- cotransporter 1 (NKCC1), 633
- NAD. See nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
- NADH dehydrogenase, 607, 607f, 608f, 609, 665t, 666, 666f, 667
- NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase, 665, 665t, 666–667, 666f
- NADP. See nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate
- nalidixic acid, 906b
- nanos gene, 1088
- naproxen, 758f
- native conformation, 29, 107
- natural selection, 30
- NBD. See nucleotide-binding domain
- ncRNAs. See noncoding RNAs
- Neanderthals, genome sequencing for, 333–335, 334b–335b, 336f
- negative regulation, 1057, 1058f
- negative supercoiling, 894, 894f
- negatively charged R groups, 74f, 76
- nelfinavir, 209f
- neonatal diabetes mellitus, 862
- nephron, aquaporins in, 400
- Nernst equation, 491
- nervous system, signaling in, 443–444, 444f
- Neu5Ac. See N-acetylneuraminic acid
- neuroendocrine system, 842, 842f. See also hormones
- neuroglobin, function of, 149
- neurons
- neuropeptide Y (NPY), 847, 847t, 868, 869f
- neurotransmitters
- neutral fats. See triacylglycerols
- neutral glycolipids, 350f, 351
- neutral pH, 55
- neutrophil elastase, 220
- Nexavar. See sorafenib
- next-generation sequencing, 290–293, 292f, 293f
- NF1 gene, in cancer, 423
- N-glycosyl bond, 251
- See Hill coefficient
- NHEJ. See nonhomologous end joining
- niacin (nicotinic acid), 495s
- niche, 1091
- nick translation, 920, 920f
- nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD, NADH), 295f, 295s
- deficiency of, 494, 495f
- as enzyme substrate, 494
- in gluconeogenesis, conversion of pyruvate to phosphoenolpyruvate, 534–537, 535f, 536f
- glycerol 3-phosphate shuttle for, 684, 686f
- in glycolytic pathway, 512f, 513, 513f, 518–521, 520f, 525f
- malate-aspartate shuttle for, 636f, 637, 684, 684f
- in mitochondrial respiratory chain, 660–662, 662t, 664t
- in PDH complex, 576
- plant oxidation of, 685b
- regeneration of, by fermentation, 525
- as soluble electron carrier, 493–494, 493f
- nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP, NADPH)
- in Calvin cycle, 720f, 721
- deficiency of, 494, 495f
- in fatty acid synthesis, 745, 746f, 749f, 750–751, 751f
- in mitochondrial respiratory chain, 660–662, 662t, 664t
- in pentose phosphate pathway, 547–548, 547f, 548b
- glucose 6-phosphate partitioning between glycolysis and, 551, 551f
- in photosynthesis, 709
- as soluble electron carrier, 493–494, 493f
- nicotinamide nucleotide-linked dehydrogenases, 661
- nicotinic acid. See niacin
- Niemann-Pick disease, 353b
- Niemann-Pick type-C (NPC) disease, 782
- night blindness, G protein defects in, 424
- NIH shift, 649f
- Nirenberg, Marshall, 1007, 1008
- nitrate assimilation, 796, 796f
- nitrate reductase, 796, 796f
- nitric oxide (NO), 423b
- arginine in biosynthesis of, 822, 824f
- hormone functions of, 843
- nitrification, 795, 795f
- nitrite reductase, 796, 796f
- nitrogen, 626
- nitrogen cycle, 462, 462f
- nitrogen excretion, urea cycle and, 633
- citric acid cycle links to, 636–637, 636f
- defects in, 638–639, 638t, 639f
- enzymatic steps of, 633–636, 634f–635f
- pathway interconnections reducing energetic cost of, 638
- reactions feeding amino groups into, 634f–635f
- regulation of, 637–638, 638f
- nitrogen fixation, 795–802, 795f, 797f, 800f, 801f
- nitrogen metabolism, 795
- amino acid biosynthesis. See amino acid biosynthesis
- amino acid catabolism. See amino acid catabolism
- amino acid derivatives
- biological amines, 821–822, 823f, 824f
- creatine and glutathione, 819–820, 821f
- NO, 822, 824f
- plant substances, 820–821, 822f
- porphyrins, 817–821, 817f, 819b, 820f
- ammonia assimilation into glutamate and glutamine, 802–803
- glutamine synthetase in regulation of, 803–804, 803f, 804f
- nitrogen cycle and, 462, 462f
- nitrogen fixation, 795–802, 795f, 797f, 800f, 801f
- nucleotide biosynthesis. See nucleotide biosynthesis
- nucleotide catabolism
- nitrogenase complex, 797
- nitrogenous bases, 264–267, 264f, 265t
- alkylated, 938, 939f
- biosynthesis of
- conformations of, in DNA, 272–273, 272f, 273f
- degradation of
- methylation of, 283
- nonenzymatic transformations of, 280–283, 281f, 282f
- nucleic acid structure and, 268, 269f
- origin of, 999f
- pairing of, 267, 269f
- in codon and anticodon recognition, 1010–1012, 1012f, 1012t
- in DNA replication, 918f, 919f
- DNA stability and, 280
- DNA structure determination and, 270–271, 271f
- Hoogsteen, 274, 275f
- in transcription, 963
- in replication, 918f
- nitroglycerin, for angina pectoris, 423b
- nitrous acid, DNA damage caused by, 282, 282f
- nitrovasodilators, for angina pectoris, 423b
- NKCC1. See cotransporter 1
- NLS. See nuclear localization sequence
- NMR spectroscopy. See nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
- NO. See nitric oxide
- NO synthase, 423b
- Nogales, Eva, 141, 142
- Noller, Harry, 1006, 1017
- Nomura, Masayasu, 1015
- noncoding DNA, in human genome, 328
- noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs), 264, 331f, 960, 985, 1056
- noncompetitive inhibition, 199
- noncyclic electron flow, 713
- nonessential amino acids, 805
- nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ), 322, 941, 948, 949, 950f
- non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. See type 2 diabetes mellitus
- nonketotic hyperglycinemia, 646
- nonpolar, aliphatic R groups, 74–75, 74f
- nonpolar solutes
- nonsense codons. See termination codons
- non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC), 453b
- nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), prostaglandin synthesis inhibition by, 355–356, 355f, 758, 758f
- non-stop complex, 1033b
- nontemplate strand, 962, 962f
- noradrenaline. See norepinephrine
- norepinephrine, 428f, 821, 823f, 842, 864
- novobiocin, 906b
- NPC disease. See Niemann-Pick type-C disease
- NPY. See neuropeptide Y
- NSAIDs. See nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
- N-terminal residue. See amino-terminal residue
- nuclear localization sequence (NLS), 1045, 1045f
- nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, 137
- carbohydrate analysis using, 259
- protein structure determination using, 137–139, 140f
- nuclear pores, 1045, 1045f
- nuclear receptors, 411, 411f, 843f
- nucleases, 916
- nucleic acids,
- bases of, 264–267, 264f, 265t, 266f
- biological information in, 263
- chemistry of
- denaturation, 278–280, 279f, 280f
- DNA amplification, 283–286, 285f, 288b–289b
- DNA chemical synthesis, 283, 284f
- DNA methylation, 283
- DNA sequencing, 287–293, 287f, 290f, 292f, 293f
- nonenzymatic transformations, 280–283, 281f, 282f
- nomenclature for, 265, 265t
- pentoses in, 230f, 264–267, 264f, 265t
- phosphodiester linkages in, 267–268, 267f
- three-dimensional structure of, 269–277
- DNA double helix, 270–272, 271f, 272f
- DNA variation in, 272–273, 272f, 273f
- mRNAs, 274–275, 276f
- nucleotide base effects on, 268, 269f
- rRNAs, 276–277, 278f, 1018–, 1018f
- tRNAs, 276–277, 276f, 278f, 1018–1020, 1019f
- unusual structures adopted by DNA sequences, 273–274, 273f, 274f, 275f
- types of, 263
- nucleoid,
909, 909f
- nucleoids, 2, 2f, 5f, 910f
- nucleophiles, 207f,
- nucleophilic displacement, 475–476, 475f
- nucleoside diphosphate kinase,
- nucleoside diphosphate kinases,
- nucleoside monophosphate kinases,
- nucleoside monophosphates, nucleoside triphosphate synthesis from, 829
- nucleoside triphosphates
- in cellular metabolism, 263
- as chemical energy carriers, 294, 294f
- nucleoside monophosphate conversion to, 829
- nucleosides,
- nucleosomes,
- as fundamental units of chromatin, 900–902, 900f, 901f, 904b–905b
- histones in, 899–900, 899f, 900f, 901f
- packing of, 902–905, 902f
833, 834f
- nucleotide adapters, 1006f
- nucleotide biosynthesis, 823–824
- chemotherapeutic agents targeting, 836–838, 836f
- conversion of nucleoside monophosphates to nucleoside triphosphates, 829
- deoxyribonucleotide synthesis from ribonucleotides, 829–832, 830f, 831f, 832f
- purine synthesis
- de novo pathways, 825–827, 825f, 826f
- regulation of, 826f, 827
- salvage pathways, 835
- pyrimidine synthesis
- special classes of reactions in, 804–805, 804f
- thymidylate synthesis, 833, 833f
- nucleotide sequences
- amino acid sequence relationship to, 263
- amino acid sequences correlating with, 886, 886f
- nucleotide sugar, 733
- nucleotide-binding domain (NBD), of ABC transporters, 395, 396f, 397b
- nucleotide-binding fold, 295
- nucleotide-exchange factor (NEF), 132f
- nucleotide-excision repair, 931t, 932b
- nucleotides, 264, 264s. See also specific nucleotides
- bases of. See nitrogenous bases
- as chemical energy carriers, 294, 294f
- codon triplets of, 886, 886f, 1007, 1007f
- degradation of
- in enzyme cofactors, 294–295, 295f
- flavin, 495–496, 495f
- nomenclature for, 265, 265t
- nonenzymatic transformations of, 280–283, 281f, 282f
- in nucleic acids. See nucleic acids
- pentoses of, 264–267, 264f, 265t
- pyridine, 494
- as regulatory molecules and signals, 296, 296f
- structure of, 264f
- sugar, in glycogenesis, 560–563, 563f
- transphosphorylations between, ATP energy for, 487–488, 487f
- UV light absorption by, 268, 269f, 279
- nucleus, 2
- in endomembrane system, 370
- protein targeting to, 1045, 1045f
- NusA protein, 964
- NusG protein, 967
- nusinersen, 982b
- Nüsslein-Volhard, Christiane, 1087
- See oxygen
- methyltransferase in, 938f, 939f
- obesity,
- obligate anaerobes, 3
- Ochoa, Severo, 561b, 1007–1008
- odors, detection of, GPCR signaling in, 431
- O-glycosidic bond, 237
- Ogston, Alexander, 588b
- OGT. See O-GlcNAc transferase
- Okazaki fragments, 916
- oleate, β oxidation of, 611, 612f
- oleic acid, structure and properties of, 342t
- olfaction, GPCR signaling in, 431
- oligo to glucantransferase, 559, 559f
- oligomer, 12, 127
- oligomeric proteins, 82
- oligomycin, 667t
- oxidative phosphorylation inhibition by, 676, 676f
- oligonucleotide, 268
- oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis, 312f, 313
- oligopeptide, 81
- oligosaccharides, 229
- analysis of, 258–260, 259f
- in feeder pathways for glycolysis, 522f, 523–525
- in glycoproteins, 251–253, 252f
- glycosidic bond in, 240, 240t
- information carried by, 247, 254
- nomenclature of, 240, 240t
- synthesis of, 1043f
- olive oil, fatty acid composition, 345f
- omega-3 (ω-3) fatty acids, 343
- omega-6 (ω-6) fatty acids, 343
- oncogenes, 451, 452b–453b, 454
- oncometabolites, 594
- one gene-one enzyme hypothesis, 886
- one gene-one polypeptide hypothesis, 886
- open complex, 964
- open reading frame (ORF), 1009
- open system, 20
- operators, 1057, 1058f
- operons, 1058, 1058f
- opioid drugs, G-protein signaling actions of, 419
- opsins, 429
- optical activity, 16, 17b, 71
- oranelles, 6
- Orbitrap, 94
- ORC. See origin recognition complex
- orexigenic neurons, 868, 869f
- ORF. See open reading frame
- organelles
- in endomembrane system, 370, 370f
- of eukaryotic cells, 6, 7f
- membranes of, composition of, 367, 369f
- movement of, 169
- osmotic strength of, 53
- organic compounds, 14f
- Orgel, Leslie, 998
- ori. See origin of replication
- origin of replication (ori), 306, 916, 922f
- origin recognition complex (ORC), 928, 929f
- origin-independent restart of replication, 943
- ornithine, 76, 77s
- ornithine d-aminotransferase, 807f
- ornithine decarboxylase, 822
- ornithine transcarbamoylase, 634
- ornithine δ-aminotransferase, 806, 808f
- orotate, 824
- orthologs, 99, 317
- oseltamivir (Tamiflu), 255, 256f
- osmosis, 51–53, 51f, 52
- osmotic pressure, 51–53, 51f
- osteogenesis imperfecta, 120
- outgroups, 330
- ovarian cancer, 948b
- oxaloacetate, 581, 587f
- amino acid biosynthesis from, 809–811, 811f
- amino acid degradation to, 640f, 653–654, 654f
- in pathway, 729f, 730
- in citric acid cycle, 580
- in gluconeogenesis, 533f, 534–537, 535f, 536f, 544
- in glyoxylate cycle, 736, 736f
- oxidases, 477b, 756b
- oxidation
- of acetyl-CoA. See citric acid cycle
- of amino acids, 630–631, 632f
- of fatty acids. See fatty acid oxidation
- of glucose
- of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate, as sixth step in glycolytic pathway, 513f, 518, 525f
- of methane, 580
- of pyruvate, in mitochondria, 575, 576f, 577f, 578f
- standard free-energy changes of, 469t
- oxidation-reduction (redox) reactions, 20, 490f
- biological, 476–478, 477f, 488
- carbon and, 476f
- dehydrogenases involved in, 493–494, 493f
- dehydrogenation, 477f, 489–490
- electron carriers in, 493–494, 493f
- flavin nucleotides in, 495–496, 495f
- free-energy change of, 491t, 492
- half-reactions describing, 489
- functions outside of, 494–495
- NADH and NADPH in, 493–495, 493f, 495f
- niacin deficiency and, 494, 495f
- oxidation of glucose to , 492
- reduction potentials for, 490–492, 491f, 491t
- work provided by electron flow in, 488–489
- with chlorophyll molecules, 707, 707f
- lipid cofactors involved in, 359–360
- oxidative deamination, 631
- oxidative decarboxylation, 575
- conserved enzymatic mechanism for, 582, 583f
- of pyruvate in PDH complex, 575, 576f
- oxidative pentose phosphate pathway, 547–548, 549
- oxidative phosphorylation
- agents interfering with, 667t
- ATP synthesis in, 659–660, 660f, 674–675
- active transport energized by proton-motive force in, 683, 683f
- ATP stabilization in, 677–678, 678f
- ATP synthase and domains in, 677, 678f
- conformations of ATP synthase β unit in, 678–680, 679f
- NADH shuttle systems for, 683–684, 684f, 686f
- nonintegral stoichiometries of consumption and ATP synthesis in, 682–683
- oxidation and phosphorylation coupling in, 675–677, 675f, 676f, 677f
- proton flow producing rotary motion in, 681–683, 681f
- proton gradient driving ATP release in, 678, 678f
- rotational catalysis in, 680–682, 680f, 681f
- ATP yield in, 686–687, 686t
- mechanism of, 659–660, 660f
- mitochondrial respiratory chain in
- Complex I, 665–667, 665t, 666f
- Complex II, 665t, 666f, 667–668, 667f
- Complex III, 665t, 666f, 668–669, 668f, 669f
- Complex IV, 665t, 666f, 669–671, 670f, 688, 688f
- electron donation via ubiquinone, 671, 672f
- electron funneling to universal electron acceptors, 661–662, 662t
- electron passage through membrane-bound carriers, 662–665, 663f, 664f, 664t, 665f
- genes encoding proteins of, 692, 692t, 693f
- mitochondria anatomy and, 660, 661f
- NADH oxidation in plant mitochondria, 685b
- proton gradient in, 672, 673f
- respirasomes in, 671, 671f
- ROS generation by, 668, 673–674, 674f
- regulation of
- adaptive responses reducing ROS production in hypoxia, 687–688, 688f
- by cellular energy needs, 687
- coordinated regulation of ATP-producing pathways, 688–689, 689f
- hypoxia-induced inhibition of ATP hydrolysis, 687, 688f
- uncoupling of, 667t, 676, 676f
- oxidative stress
- DNA damage by, 283
- in G6PD deficiency, 548b
- hypoxia leading to, adaptive responses for, 687–688, 688f
- mitochondrial damage caused by, 688, 693–696
- oxidative phosphorylation generation of, 668, 673–674, 674f
- oxidoreductases, 179t, 494
- oxygen
- blood carrying of, 857–859, 858f
- in chloroplasts, 701
- combination with, electron transfers by, 489
- in mitochondrial respiratory chain, Complex IV, electron transfer to, 665t, 666f, 669, 670–671, 670f, 688, 688f
- oxygen autotroph and heterotroph cycling of, 461–462, 462f
- oxygen cycle, 461–462, 462f
- oxygen esters, 483f
- oxygenases, 477b, 756b
- oxygen-binding proteins
- cooperative binding by, 155–156, 156f, 160f, 161f
- globin family, 149
- heme binding of oxygen, 148–149, 148f, 149f
- hemoglobin binding of carbon monoxide, 158b–159b
- hemoglobin binding of oxygen, 155–156, 155f, 156f, 160f, 161–162, 162f
- hemoglobin in sickle cell anemia, 162–164, 163f
- hemoglobin subunit structure, 153–155, 153f, 154f
- hemoglobin transport of 160–161, 161f
- hemoglobin transport of hydrogen ions, 160–161, 161f
- hemoglobin transport of oxygen, 153
- mechanistic models for, 158–160, 161f
- myoglobin binding of oxygen, 149, 149f
- quantitative description of binding by, 150–152, 150f, 151t, 156–157, 160f
- regulation of, 161–162, 162f
- structural influences on binding by, 152–153, 153f
- oxygen-evolving complex, 715
- oxygenic photosynthesis, 714
- oxypurinol, 835f, 836
- oxythiamine, for cancer treatment, 528b
- P cluster, 797, 797f, 800
- P loop, 421, 421f, 424f
- P site. See peptidyl site
- ratio, 682
- p21 protein
- cell cycle regulation by, 450, 450f
- mutations in, 451
- p27 protein, 125
- p53 protein, 125, 126f
- P680 reaction center
- P700 reaction center
- cyclic electron flow with, 713
- discovery of, 709
- in electron flow, 711, 712f
- in photosystem I, 709f, 711
- P870 reaction center
- discovery of, 707–708
- in Fe-S reaction center, 708, 708f
- internal conversion and, 708
- in pheophytin-quinone reaction center, 708, 708f
- Pace, Norman, 997
- Paganini, Niccolò, 120
- pain treatments, 758
- pair-rule genes, 1088
- Palade, George, 6, 1041
- palindrome, 273
- palmitate
- palmitic acid, structure and properties of, 342t
- palmitoleic acid, structure and properties of, 342t
- palmitoyl-CoA
- pancreas, 848f
- pancreatic α cells, 860, 861f
- pancreatic β cells
- pancreatic δ cells, 860, 861f
- pancreatic trypsin inhibitor, 220, 628
- pancreatitis, acute, 628
- paracrine hormones, 843
- paraganglioma, 667–668
- parallel strands, 271, 271f, 275f
- paralogs, 99, 317
- parasites, lectins of, 256
- Parkinson disease, protein misfolding in, 133, 135
- parkinsonism, protein misfolding in, 135
- partial digest, 309
- partial hydrogenation, of cooking oils, 345
- partial pressure, 62
- passive transport, 385, 385f
- passive transporters, 385
- Pasteur, Louis, 16, 17b, 178, 525
- patch-clamping, 401
- pathways, 26
- metabolic, 26–27
- Pauling, Linus, 98, 109, 111–116, 117, 183, 202
- Paulze, Marie Anne, 465
- Pax6 gene, 1093b
- payoff phase, of glycolysis, 512f, 513, 518–521
- conversion of 3-phosphoglycerate to 2-phosphoglycerate, 513f, 520, 520f
- dehydration of 2-phosphoglycerate to phosphoenolpyruvate, 513f, 520–521
- oxidation of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate to 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate, 513f, 518, 525f
- phosphoryl transfer from 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate to ADP, 513f, 521
- transfer of phosphoryl group from phosphoenol pyruvate to ADP, 513f, 514–515
- pBR322, 306, 306f, 307f
- PCNA. See proliferating cell nuclear antigen
- PCR. See polymerase chain reaction
- PCr. See phosphocreatine
- PDB. See Protein Data Bank
- PDE. See phosphodiesterase
- PDGFR. See platelet-derived growth factor receptor
- PDH. See pyruvate dehydrogenase
- PDH kinase, 594, 594f
- PDH phosphatase, 594, 594f
- PDI. See protein disulfide isomerase
- pellagra, 494–495, 495f
- penicillin, 210–211, 212f, 213f
- pentose phosphate pathway, 510–511, 510f, 546, 547f
- defects in, 548b, 551
- glucose 6-phosphate partitioning between glycolysis and, 551, 551f
- in liver, 849
- nonoxidative phase of, 549–551, 549f, 550f, 719
- oxidative phase of, 547–548, 547f, 551, 726
- reductive, 722
- pentose phosphates, movement of, 738–739, 738f
- pentoses, 230f, 231
- PEP. See phosphoenolpyruvate
- pepsin, 627–628, 628f
- pepsinogen, 627, 628f
- peptide bond, 81
- formation of, 81, 81f, 884
- protease cleavage of, chymotrypsin, 204–208, 204f, 205f, 206f–207f
- rigid and planar nature of, 109–110, 110f
- peptide group, 109, 110f
- peptide hormones, 843f, 844. See also specific hormones
- feeding behavior regulation by, 847t
- lectin recognition of, 254
- peptide prolyl cis-trans isomerase (PPI), 133
- peptide translocation complex, 1042, 1042f
- peptide YY 847, 847t, 873
- peptides, 80
- peptidoglycan
- lysozyme reaction with, 210–213
- penicillin interference with, 211
- structure of, 244
- structures and roles of, 247t
- peptidyl (P) site, 1028, 1028f
- peptidyl transferase, 1032, 1032f
- perilipins, 603
- peripheral membrane proteins, 372, 373f
- permeability, of membranes, 369, 369f
- permeability transition pore complex (PTPC), 691, 692f
- pernicious anemia, 615b, 643
- peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs), 871
- peroxisomes, 6, 7f, 617, 768
- perspective diagram, 15, 15f
- Perutz, Max, 127, 128, 155
- PET. See positron emission tomography
- PFK-1. See phosphofructokinase-1
- PFK-2. See phosphofructokinase-2
- PG. See prostaglandins
- 2-PGA. See 2-phosphoglycerate
- See prostaglandin
- pH, 55, 60
- of blood, 56b
- buffering of, 59
- chymotrypsin response to, 205, 205f
- enzyme kinetics and, 195–196, 196f
- fermentation lowering of, 532
- isoelectric, 79
- neutral, 55
- oxygen binding effects of, 160–161, 161f
- PH domain. See pleckstrin homology domain
- pH optimum, 63, 63f
- pH scale, 55–56, 55, 55t, 56f
- phagocytosis, of bound antibodies, 167, 167f
- phase variation, 1073
- phe operon, 1068
- phenotype, 886
- phenotypic function, 317
- phenylalanine, 74s, 75, 75f, 647, 812
- biosynthesis of, 811–812, 814f
- catabolism of, 640, 640f, 647–648, 647f, 648f, 649f
- plant substances derived from, 820–821, 822f
- properties and conventions associated with, 73t
- phenylalanine ammonia lyase, 650
- phenylalanine hydroxylase, 649, 649f, 812
- phenylbutyrate, for urea cycle defects, 638, 639f
- phenylketonuria (PKU), 646t, 649–650, 649f
- phenylpyruvate, 649, 649f
- pheophytin, 708
- pheophytin-quinone reaction center, 708–710
- phosphagens, 488
- phosphate, phosphate antiport system and, 724–725, 724f
- phosphate buffer system, 61–62
- phosphate esters, 294f
- phosphate translocase, 683, 683f
- phosphatidic acid, 760
- phosphatidic acid phosphatase, 760, 761f
- phosphatidylcholine, 348f, 351f, 369f, 370, 765
- phosphatidylethanolamine, 348f, 371f, 765
- phosphatidylglycerol, 348f, 370f, 765
- phosphatidylinositol, synthesis of, 765, 768f
- phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate 370f, 421f
- phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 348f
- as intracellular signal, 354, 354f
- on membranes, protein binding to, 375
- phosphatidylinositol kinases, 765, 768f
- phosphatidylinositol transfer proteins, 378, 379
- phosphatidylinositols, as intracellular signals, 354–355, 354f
- phosphatidylserine, 348f, 370f, 371f, 765
- phosphoanhydride bonds, 294f
- phosphocreatine (PCr), 487, 819
- phosphodiester bond hydrolysis, 995
- phosphodiester bonds, 765f, 998
- phosphodiester linkages, 267
- phosphodiesterase (PDE), 423b
- phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP), 520
- amino acid biosynthesis from, 811, 811f, 814f
- free energy of hydrolysis of, 481, 481f, 481t
- in gluconeogenesis, 534–537, 535f, 536f
- in glycolysis, 512f, 513f, 520–521
- in glyoxylate cycle, 736, 736f
- hydrolysis of, 481f
- pyruvate conversion to, 534–537, 535f, 536f
- phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxylase, 535, 730
- phosphofructokinase-1 (PFK-1), 516
- in glycolytic pathway, 513f, 516
- regulation of
- phosphofructokinase-2 (PFK-2), 542, 543f, 734, 734f
- phosphoglucomutase, 522, 559, 559f
- 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, 548
- in pentose phosphate pathway, 547f, 548
- phosphogluconate pathway, 546. See also pentose phosphate pathway
- phosphoglucose isomerase, 515
- 2-phosphoglycerate (2-PGA)
- 3-phosphoglycerate, 519, 719
- amino acid biosynthesis from, 806–809, 807f, 808f
- in Calvin cycle, 720f, 721–722
- fixation into, 720–721, 724f, 728f
- conversion to glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate, 720f, 721–722
- in glycolate pathway, 727–729, 728f
- in glycolytic pathway, 513f, 520, 520f
- phosphate antiport system and, 724–725, 725f, 726f
- in starch synthesis, 734, 735f
- in sucrose synthesis, 734f
- 3-phosphoglycerate kinase, 721
- phosphoglycerate kinase, 518–519, 726f
- phosphoglycerate mutase, 520
- phosphoglycerides. See glycerophospholipids
- 2-phosphoglycolate, 727
- phosphoglycolohydroxamate, 203f
- phosphohexose isomerase, 515
- phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K), 435, 436f, 437f
- phospholipase C (PLC), 425
- in GPCR signaling, 425, 427f
- membrane analysis using, 373f
- phospholipases, 352, 352f
- phospholipids, 346, 347f
- biosynthesis of, 764–770
- glycerophospholipids. See glycerophospholipids
- lysosome degradation of, 352, 353b
- membrane bilayer of, 367–368, 369f, 370f
- of membrane proteins, 374, 375f
- phosphodiester bonds of, 765f
- sphingolipids. See sphingolipids
- synthesis of
- attachment of phospholipid head groups, 764–765, 764f
- CDP-diacylglycerol in, 765–767, 766f, 768f
- eukaryotic pathways to phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylethanolamine, and phosphatidylcholine, 767–768
- plasmalogen, 768, 771f
- precursors for, 760, 761f
- sphingolipids, 770, 772f
- transport to cellular membranes after, 770
- transbilayer movement of, 378–379, 378f
- phosphomannose isomerase, 522f
- 747
- phosphopentose isomerase, 548
- in pentose phosphate pathway, 547f, 549
- phosphoprotein phosphatase 1 (PP1), 418, 567
- as central regulator in glycogen metabolism, 568, 569f
- glycogen phosphorylase regulation by, 217–218, 218f
- glycogen synthase regulation by, 567, 567f, 568f
- phosphoprotein phosphatase 2A (PP2A), 545, 546
- phosphoprotein phosphatases, 217, 220
- in β-adrenergic signaling termination, 417–418
- phosphoproteins, 83t
- phosphoramidite method, DNA synthesis using, 283, 284f
- 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate (PRPP), 806, 806s
- 5-phosphoribosylamine, 825, 826f
- phosphorolysis, 558–559, 586f
- of glycogen and starch, for glycolysis, 520, 522, 522f
- phosphoryl group, 475–476, 476f, 484–485, 484f
- phosphoryl group transfers, 475–476, 476f
- from 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate to ADP, 513f, 518–520
- ATP and
- in assembly of informational macromolecules, 485–487
- energy provided by, 482–484, 483f
- free-energy change for ATP hydrolysis, 479–481, 479f, 480t
- in muscle contraction, 483, 487
- phosphorylated compounds and thioesters with large free energies of hydrolysis, 481–482, 481f, 481t, 482f
- reactions involved in, 484–485, 484f, 486b
- in transphosphorylations between nucleotides, 487–488, 487f
- from phosphoenolpyruvate to ADP, as last step in glycolysis, 513f, 521
- phosphorylase b kinase, 427, 566
- phosphorylase kinase, glycogen phosphorylase regulation by, 218, 218f
- phosphorylases, 477b
- phosphorylated compounds
- phosphorylation, 586f. See also photophosphorylation
- of acetyl-CoA carboxylase, 753, 753f
- β-adrenergic receptor desensitization by, 418–419, 419f
- in bacteria signaling, 447f
- CDK regulation by, 447, 448f, 449f
- by CDKs, 449–450, 450f
- in cyanobacteria, 718, 718f
- in DNA replication, 918f
- electron flow and, 716, 716f
- of fructose 6-phosphate, 516
- of glucose, 513f, 514–515
- of glycogen synthase, 565–567, 567f, 568f
- of HMG-CoA reductase, 782, 782f
- of mannose residues, 1044f
- in metabolic regulation, 501, 501f
- of monosaccharides, 237
- of nuclear transcription factors, 1084
- nucleoside triphosphate synthesis via, 829
- oxidation coupling to. See oxidative phosphorylation
- of PDH complex, 593–594, 593f
- by PKA
- by PKC, 425, 427f
- by PKG, 422b–423b
- posttranslational, 1036–1039, 1038f
- of P-type ATPases, 392–394
- of regulatory enzymes, 216–220, 217f, 218f
- respiration-linked, 520
- RTK initiation of, 433f, 434–435, 434f
- substrate-level, 520
- in sucrose synthesis, 733f, 734
- uncoupling of, 667t
- phosphorylation potential 479
- phosphoserine, 77s, 1038f
- phosphothreonine, 77s, 1038f
- phosphotyrosine, 77s, 1038f
- phosphotyrosine phosphatases, 442
- phosphotyrosine-binding domains (PTB domains), 439, 439f
- photochemical reaction center, 705, 706f
- cyclic electron flow in, 713
- cytochrome complex, 712–713, 712f
- determination of, 708
- Fe-S, 708f, 711
- oxygen-evolving complex in, 714–715, 715f
- pheophytin-quinone, 708–710, 708f
- photosystem I, 710–712, 711f
- photosystem II, 710, 710f, 712f
- in plants, 708–712, 709f
- state transitions and distribution of, 713, 714f
- types of, 707–708
- photolithography, 322f
- photolyases, DNA, 931t, 937–938, 937f
- photon, 703
- absorption of, 703
- energy in, 703
- photophosphorylation, 701
- photopigments, 704f, 705f
- photorespiration, 727
- in plants, 729–732, 729f
- in CAM plants, 732
- rubisco’s oxygenase activity in, 727
- photosynthesis, 700–701
- ATP synthesis by photophosphorylation, 716, 716f
- cycle in, 721–722
- in plants, 729–732, 729f
- in CAM plants, 732
- in chloroplasts, 701–704
- assimilation in, 719, 720f
- fixation, 720–721, 724f, 728f
- light activation in, 720f, 725–726, 727f
- NADPH and ATP requirements for, 722–724, 724f
- 3-phosphoglycerate conversion to glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate, 720f, 721–722
- ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate regeneration, 720f, 722, 724f, 728f
- stages of, 719–722, 720f
- transport system for, 720f, 724–725, 725f
- dark reactions of, 724
- evolution of, 34, 717–718, 718f
- in genetically engineered organisms, 729, 730b–731b
- glycolate pathway in, 721–722, 725f, 727–729, 728f
- light absorption, 701, 701f
- by accessory pigments, 704f, 705
- by chlorophylls, 704–705, 704f
- by chloroplasts, 701–704, 702f, 703f
- exciton transfer of, 705–707, 706f, 707f
- oxygenic, 714
- photochemical reaction center. See photochemical reaction center
- photorespiration in. See photorespiration
- products of, 719f
- starch synthesis in, 733, 735f
- sucrose synthesis in, 733–734, 733f
- photosynthetic carbon-reduction cycle, 720f. See also Calvin cycle
- photosynthetic processes, 34
- photosystem I (PSI), 708, 709, 709f. See also Fe-S photochemical reaction center
- in cyanobacteria, 717
- cytochrome complex and, 712–713, 712f
- cyclic electron flow between, 713
- excitation energy for, 713
- LHCII and, 713, 714f
- localization of, 714f
- mechanism of, 710–712, 711f
- state transition and, 713, 714f
- structure of, 710–712, 711f
- thylakoid membrane location of, 713
- Z scheme of, 709f, 710
- photosystem II (PSII), 707, 709, 709f. See also pheophytin-quinone reaction center
- in cyanobacteria, 717
- cytochrome complex and, 712–713, 712f
- excitation energy for, 713
- LHCII and, 713, 714f
- localization of, 714f
- mechanism of, 710, 710f
- oxygen-evolving complex and, 714–715, 715f
- state transition and, 713, 714f
- structure of, 710, 710f
- thylakoid membrane location of, 713
- Z scheme of, 709
- photosystems, 705, 706f
- phototrophs, 4f, 5
- phycobilins
- light absorption by, 704f
- structure of, 704f
- phycoerythrobilin, 704f
- phylloquinone (QK), 711, 711f
- phylogenetic tree, human, 329, 330f
- phytanic acid, 617, 618f
- See inorganic orthophosphate
- pI. See isoelectric point
- PI3K. See phosphoinositide 3-kinase
- PIC. See preinitiation complex
- piericidin A, 666–667, 667t
- pigments, lipids as, 360, 360f
- pili, 5f
- β-pinene, 356
- Ping-Pong mechanism, 194–195, 194f, 195f
- pioglitazone (Actos), 879t
- See phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate
- See phosphatidylinositol 3
- phosphate antiport system, 724–725, 725f, 726f
- PKA. See protein kinase A
- 57, 57f
- PKB. See protein kinase b
- PKC. See protein kinase C
- PKG. See protein kinase G
- PKU. See phenylketonuria
- Planck’s constant, 182
- Planctomycetes, 798b–799b
- plant cells
- mitochondria of, NADH oxidation in, 685b
- structure of, 6, 7f
- plants
- amino acid derivatives in, 820–821, 822f
- 720, 732t
- 729–732, 732t
- CAM, 732, 732t
- cellulose synthesis in, 736–738, 737f
- assimilation in, 719, 720f
- fixation, 720–721, 724f, 728f
- light activation in, 720f, 725–726, 727f
- NADPH and ATP requirements for, 722–724, 724f
- 3-phosphoglycerate conversion to glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate, 720f, 721–722
- ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate regeneration, 720f, 722, 724f, 728f
- stages of, 719–722, 720f
- transport system for, 720f, 724–725, 725f
- desaturases in, 754, 755f
- eicosanoid synthesis in, 759
- fatty acid synthesis in, 745, 750–751, 751f, 754–755, 755f
- genetically engineered, 729, 730b–731b
- gluconeogenesis in, 733f, 735–736, 736f
- glycolate pathway in, 721–722, 725f, 727–729, 728f
- metabolite pools in, 738–739, 738f
- mitochondrial respiration in, 727
- nitrogen-fixing bacteria symbionts of, 797, 801, 801f
- osmotic pressure in, 52
- photochemical reaction center in, 708–712, 709f
- photorespiration in. See photorespiration
- photosynthesis in. See photosynthesis
- photosystem I, 710–712, 712f
- photosystem II, 710, 710f, 712f
- signaling in, 447f
- plaques, atherosclerotic, 784, 784f
- reverse cholesterol transport by HDL countering, 785, 785f
- statin drugs and, 785, 786b–787b
- plasma lipoproteins, 777
- plasma membranes, 2, 2f
- carbohydrate layer on, 247
- composition and architecture of, 370f, 371f
- amphitropic proteins, 372, 373f, 376
- characteristic lipids and proteins, 367, 369f
- fundamental properties, 369, 369f
- integral membrane proteins, 372, 373f, 374f, 375f, 376f
- lipid bilayer, 367–368, 369f, 370f
- peripheral membrane proteins, 372, 373f, 375–377, 376f
- dynamics of
- catalysis of transbilayer lipid movements, 378–379, 378f
- clustering of sphingolipids and cholesterol in rafts, 380–382, 380f, 381f
- lateral diffusion of lipids and proteins in bilayer, 379–380, 379f, 380f
- membrane curvature and fusion processes, 382–383, 383f, 384f
- ordering of acyl groups in bilayer, 377–378, 377f
- surface adhesion, signaling, and other processes of integral proteins, 383–384
- fluid mosaic model of, 369, 369f
- functions of, 367
- glycolipids in, 253, 253f
- glycophorin in, 374, 375f
- glycoproteins on, 253
- lectins on, 254–256, 255f, 256f
- lipids in. See membrane lipids
- lipopolysaccharides in, 253, 253f
- proteins in. See membrane proteins
- proteoglycans in, 247f, 248–251, 248f, 249f, 252f
- rafts in
- signaling protein segregation by, 440
- sphingolipids and cholesterol in, 380–382, 380f, 381f
- solute transport across
- by ABC transporters, 395–396, 396f, 396t, 397b–398b
- by active transport. See active transport
- by aquaporins, 400–401, 400t
- by chloride-bicarbonate exchanger, 389–392, 391f
- by cotransport, 389–392, 391f, 398–399
- by GLUT1, 387–389, 387f, 388f, 389f, 389t
- by ion channels, 397b–398b, 401–402, 401f, 402f
- ion gradients driving, 398–399, 400f
- by 402–403, 402f
- in metabolic regulation, 499f
- by passive transport. See passive transport
- by P-type ATPases, 392–394, 393f, 394f
- by secondary active transport, 398–399
- transporter and ion channel structures and mechanisms for, 386–387, 387f
- types of, 385–386, 385f
- by V-type and F-type ATPases, 394–395, 395f
- water movement across, 51f, 52–53, 52f
- plasma proteins, 858, 858f
- plasmalogens, 348, 349f, 768
- plasmids, 6, 305, 887, 888f
- plasmodesma, 7f
- plasmodesmata, 729f, 730
- Plasmodium falciparum, 256
- plastocyanin, 709, 711
- cyclic electron flow with, 713
- plastoquinone 359f, 360, 709f, 710
- platelet-activating factor, 349, 349f, 768
- platelet-derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR), 437, 438f
- platelets, 221, 858, 858f
- Plavix. See clopidogrel
- PLC. See phospholipase C
- pleckstrin homology (PH) domain, 440
- plectonemic supercoiling, 897, 898f
- PLP. See pyridoxal phosphate
- pluripotent stem cells, 1090f, 1091, 1092
- P/O ratio, 682
- poisoning
- pol gene, 989, 989f
- Pol I. See RNA polymerase I
- Pol II. See RNA polymerase II
- Pol III. See RNA polymerase III
- Polanyi, Michael, 183
- polar, uncharged R groups, 74f, 76, 76f
- polar solutes
- polarity, 73–74, 1087
- poly(A) site choice, 982, 983f
- poly(A) tail, 980, 980f
- polyacrylamide gel, 87–88, 87f, 88f, 89f
- polyadenylate polymerase, 980
- poly-ADP ribose polymerase 1 (PARP1), 948b–949b
- polycistronic mRNA, 275, 276f
- polyclonal antibodies, 167
- polyketides, 360, 361f
- polylinkers, 305f
- polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 283
- polymorphic proteins, 91
- polynucleotide, 268
- polynucleotide kinase, 303t
- polynucleotide phosphorylase, 987, 1007
- polynucleotides, 12–14
- polyP. See inorganic polyphosphate
- polypeptides, 81
- folding process of, 131–132, 131f, 132f
- mRNA coding for, 274–275, 276f
- sequencing of, 91, 92f
- sizes and compositions of, 82–83, 82t, 83t
- polysaccharides, 13, 229, 241–246
- analysis of, 258–260, 259f
- in feeder pathways for glycolysis
- hetero-, 241, 241f
- in bacterial and algal cell walls, 244
- glycosaminoglycans in ECM, 244–246, 246f
- homo-, 241, 241f, 242
- information carried by, 247, 254
- molecular weights of, 241
- nomenclature of, 240, 240t
- structures and roles of, 247t
- polysomes, 1036, 1036f
- polytopic integral membrane proteins, 372, 373f
- polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), 343
- β oxidation of, 611–612, 612f
- in cardiovascular disease, 343
- double bonds in, 342–343
- eicosanoid synthesis from, 755, 758–759, 758f
- nomenclature for, 343
- synthesis of, 754, 754f, 755, 755f, 756b–757b, 758–759
- polyuria, 400
- POMC. See pro-opiomelanocortin
- Popják, George, 775
- porins, 374
- porphobilinogen, 817, 818f
- porphyrias, 817, 819b
- porphyrin ring, 148, 148f, 149f
- porphyrins, 817
- portal vein, 848f
- Porter, Rodney, 165
- positive regulation, 1057, 1058f
- positive supercoiling, 894, 894f
- positive-inside rule, 375
- positively charged R groups, 74f, 76
- positron emission tomography (PET), tumor diagnosis using, 528b
- posterior pituitary, 846f, 847f
- postinsertion site, 917
- posttranscriptional gene silencing, by RNA interference, 1085–1086, 1086f
- posttranslational modifications
- posttranslational modifications, 1037
- PP1. See phosphoprotein phosphatase 1
- PP2A. See phosphoprotein phosphatase 2A
- PPAR (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors), 616
- in regulation of fatty acid oxidation, 616
- PPARα, 616, 872, 872f, 873f
- PPARβ, 872f, 873f
- PPARδ, 872, 872f, 873f
- PPARγ, 871–872, 872f, 873f
- PPARs. See peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors
- ppGpp, as regulatory molecule, 296
- See inorganic pyrophosphate
- PPI. See peptide prolyl cis-trans isomerase
- PPK-1. See polyphosphate kinase-1
- PPK-2. See polyphosphate kinase-2
- 710
- 710
- 710
- Prader-Willi syndrome, 873
- Pravachol. See pravastatin
- pravastatin (Pravachol), 786b–787b
- pRb. See retinoblastoma protein
- prebiotic chemical reactions, 998–999, 999f
- prebiotics, 874
- precursor transcript, 972
- prednisone, as steroid drug, 356, 356f
- preinitiation complex (PIC), 969, 1080, 1080f
- prenylation, 788
- preparatory phase, of glycolysis, 511–513, 512f
- cleavage of fructose 1,6-bisphosphate, 513f, 516, 517f
- conversion of glucose 6-phosphate to fructose 6-phosphate, 513f, 515–516, 515f
- interconversion of triose phosphates, 513f, 516–518, 518f
- phosphorylation of fructose 6-phosphate to fructose 1,6-bisphosphate, 513f, 516
- phosphorylation of glucose, 513f, 514–515
- prephenate, in amino acid biosynthesis, 812
- preproinsulin, 845f
- pre-RCs. See pre-replicative complexes
- pre-replicative complexes (pre-RCs), 928
- preribosomal RNAs (pre-RNAs), 981
- pre-ribosomal RNAs (pre-rRNAs), 983
- pre-RNAs. See preribosomal RNAs
- presenilin-1, gene encoding, 331–333, 332f
- pre-steady state, 188
- pre-steady state kinetics, 188f, 196–197, 196f, 197f
- PriA protein, 943
- PriB protein, 943
- PriC protein, 943
- primaquine, 548b
- primary active transport, 391, 391f
- primary active transporters, 386
- primary photopigments, 704f
- primary structure, 90
- of proteins, 90–91, 91f
- amino acid sequence role in protein function, 91–92
- biochemical information from amino acid sequences, 96, 98b
- chemical synthesis of proteins, 95–96, 97f
- classical-based methods for amino acid sequencing, 92–93, 92f, 92t, 93f
- historical information from amino acid sequences, 96–100, 99f, 100f
- mass spectrometry for amino acid sequencing, 93–95, 94f, 95f
- proteins with determined amino acid sequences, 91–92, 92f
- primary transcript, 972
- primase, 922, 923t, 924, 924f, 926t
- primates, human genome comparisons with, 329–331, 330f
- primer terminus, 917
- primers, 283, 917
- priming, 567, 568f
- pri-miRNA, 986f
- primosome, replication restart, 943
- prion diseases, protein misfolding in, 134b–135b
- prion protein (PrP), 134b
- Prism of Sennacherib, 28f
- pristanic acid, 617
- probiotics, 874
- procarboxypeptidases A and B, 628
- processivity, of DNA polymerases, 917
- prochiral molecules, 588b
- products, concentration of, determining actual free-energy changes from, 470–471
- proenzymes, 220
- profiling, DNA, 288b–289b
- progesterone, 786, 786s
- programmed cell death, 455, 691. See also apoptosis
- proinsulin, 845f
- prokaryotes, 3
- proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), 929
- proline, 74, 74s, 650, 806
- proline-rich activation domain, 1082, 1082f
- prolyl 4-hydroxylase, 119b
- promoters, 963, 1056f
- of Escherichia coli, 963–964, 966f, 969t
- of Pol II, 1077–1080, 1079f, 1080f
- positive regulation of eukaryotic, 1077, 1078f
- RNA polymerase binding to DNA at, 1055–1056, 1055f
- RNA polymerase II and, 968, 968f
- RNA polymerase III and, 968
- in transcription, 963–964, 964f, 966f
- proofreading, 919
- pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC), 845, 845f
- prophase I in meiosis, 944f, 945f
- propionate, 612, 874
- Propionibacterium freudenreichii, 531
- propionyl-CoA, 612
- propionyl-CoA carboxylase, 612, 613, 613f
- propranolol, 413s
- proproteins, 220
- prostaglandin cAMP signaling by, 420
- prostaglandin synthase, 755
- prostaglandins (PG), 355, 355f, 755
- prosthetic groups, 83, 83t, 179
- protease inhibitors, for HIV, 208–209, 208f, 209f
- proteases, 92t, 93, 204
- mechanisms of
- zymogens of, 220, 220f
- proteasomes, 2, 448
- protectins, 759
- protein C, 222
- protein circuits, 442
- Protein Data Bank (PDB), 122b, 125, 127f, 363
- protein disulfide isomerase (PDI), 133
- protein factors
- protein families, 125
- protein function, 71, 71f
- catalysis. See enzymes
- cellular, 317
- DNA-based methods for studying, 317t
- cellular proteomes, 319
- CRISPR/Cas systems, 317t, 322–324, 323f
- DNA libraries, 315–316, 316f, 320f
- DNA microarrays, 322f
- fusion proteins and immunofluorescence, 319–320, 319f, 320f
- mass spectrometry, 319
- protein-protein interaction studies, 320–322, 321f
- RNA-Seq, 318–319, 318f
- sequence or structural relationship studies, 316f, 317–318
- transcriptomics, 318–319
- ligand binding. See protein-ligand interactions
- molecular, 317
- movement, 169–172, 170f, 171f, 172f
- phenotypic, 317
- principles of, 147–148
- protein kinase A (PKA), 413
- FRET studies of, 416b–417b
- in GPCR signaling
- in triacylglycerol mobilization, 603, 604f
- protein kinase B (PKB), 435, 436f
- protein kinase C (PKC), 425, 437f
- protein kinase G (PKG), 422b, 440
- protein kinases, 217, 219f, 219t
- allosteric activation of, 413, 415f
- cell cycle regulation by, 446–447
- consensus sequences for, 219, 219t
- inhibition of, for cancer treatment, 452b–453b
- oncogenes encoding, 451, 452b–453b
- in plants, 446–447
- Tyr. See receptor tyrosine kinases
- protein phosphatases, 217
- protein S, 222
- protein synthesis, 1005, 1006f
- fidelity in, 1036
- five stages of
- activation of amino acids, 1015, 1016f, 1016t, 1020–1023, 1020t, 1021f, 1023f, 1025b–1027b, 1029f
- elongation, 1015, 1016f, 1016t, 1030–1035, 1031f, 1032f, 1034f
- folding and posttranslational processing, 1015, 1016f, 1016t, 1036–1039, 1038f
- initiation, 1015, 1016f, 1016t, 1028–1030, 1028f, 1029f, 1030f, 1031t
- termination and ribosome recycling, 1015, 1016f, 1016t, 1035–1036, 1035f, 1036f
- genetic code for
- cracking of, 1007–1009, 1007f, 1008t, 1009f, 1010b–1011b, 1012t
- expansion of, 1025b–1027b
- mutation resistance of, 1012–1013
- natural variations in, 1010b–1011b
- reading of, 1013, 1013f, 1014f, 1015f
- second, 1022–1023, 1029f
- wobble in, 1010–1012, 1012f, 1012t
- inhibition of, 1039–1040, 1039f
- in liver, 850, 850f
- by polysomes, 1036, 1036f
- ribosome structure and function in, 1015–1018, 1018f
- transcription coupling with, 1036, 1036f
- translation, 1033b
- tRNA structure and function in, 1018–1020, 1019f
- protein targeting
- in bacteria, 1045–1046, 1046f
- endoplasmic reticulum posttranslational modification in, 1041–1042, 1041f, 1042f
- glycosylation in, 1042–1045, 1043f, 1044f
- of nuclear proteins, 1045, 1045f
- receptor-mediated endocytosis in, 1046–1048, 1047f
- protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs), 440, 442
- protein-ligand interactions
- chemical energy-modulated
- complementary
- graphical representation of, 150, 150f
- induced fit and, 147
- principles of, 147
- reversible
- cooperative, 155–160, 156f, 160f
- globin family of oxygen-binding proteins, 149
- heme binding of oxygen, 148–149, 148f, 149f
- hemoglobin binding of carbon monoxide, 158b–159b
- hemoglobin binding of oxygen, 155–156, 155f, 156f, 160f, 161–162, 162f
- hemoglobin in sickle cell anemia, 162–164, 163f
- hemoglobin subunit structure, 153–155, 153f, 154f
- hemoglobin transport of carbon dioxide, 160–161, 160f
- hemoglobin transport of hydrogen ions, 160–161, 160f
- hemoglobin transport of oxygen, 153
- mechanistic models for, 158–160, 160f
- myoglobin binding of oxygen, 149, 149f
- protein structure influence on, 152–153, 153f
- quantitative description of, 150–152, 150f, 151t, 156–157, 160f
- regulation of, 161–162, 162f
- sites of, 147
- protein-protein interaction domains, of regulatory proteins, 1063–1065, 1064f
- proteins, 9f, 13, 18, 80
- adaptor, 420
- allosteric, 157
- altered, 312–313, 312f
- alternative splicing and, 981–983, 983f
- amino acids in, 9f, 13, 72, 80–83, 82t, 83t
- amplified production of
- altered, 312–313, 312f
- bacteria systems used for, 310, 310f
- expression vectors for, 309, 310f
- insect and insect virus systems used for, 311–312, 311f
- mammalian cell systems used for, 312
- tags for purification of, 313–314, 313t, 314f
- yeast systems used for, 310–311
- cellular concentration of, 1054, 1055f
- characterization of, 87–89, 87f, 88f, 89f
- chemical groups in, 83, 83t
- chemical synthesis of, 95–96, 97f
- degradation of
- denaturation of, 128–136, 129f
- digestion of, 627–628, 628f
- DNA encoding of, 29–30, 29f
- as electron carriers, 492–494
- enzymes as, 178–179. See also enzymes
- folding of, 128–136, 129f
- amino acid sequence role in, 130, 130f
- assisted, 132–133, 132f
- computational chemistry and, 138b–139b
- defects in, 133–135, 133f, 134b–135b
- as final step of synthesis, 1015, 1016f, 1016t, 1036–1039, 1037f
- stepwise process of, 131–132, 131f, 132f
- fusion, 313
- glycosylation of, 252–253, 252f
- half-life of, 499t, 1049, 1049t
- homologous, 99
- in immune response, 164–165
- localization of, 318–320, 318f, 319f, 320f
- in membranes. See membrane proteins
- modular, 409
- molecular weight estimation of, 88, 88f
- motor. See motor proteins
- mRNA coding for, 274–275, 276f
- naming conventions of, 914–915
- oxygen-binding. See oxygen-binding proteins
- pI of, determination of, 88, 89f
- purification of, 84–87, 84f, 85f, 87t
- quantification of, 89–90, 90f
- regulatory, 214
- in development, 1087–1089, 1087f, 1088f, 1089f, 1090f
- DNA-binding domains of, 1060–1063, 1060f, 1061f, 1062f, 1063f
- protein-protein interaction domains of, 1063–1065, 1064f
- ribosomal, 1070–1071, 1070f, 1071f
- scaffold, 409, 439–442, 439f, 440f, 441f
- separation of
- sequencing of, 91, 92f
- signaling
- sizes and compositions of, 82–83, 82t, 83t
- structure of
- comparisons of, 316f, 317–318
- determination of, 136–137
- layers of, 90–91, 91f
- ligand binding and, 152–153, 153f
- peptide bond effects on, 109–110, 110f
- primary. See primary structure
- quaternary. See quaternary structure
- secondary. See secondary structure
- tertiary. See tertiary structure
- three-dimensional, 29–30, 29f, 107–111, 107f, 136–142
- weak interactions stabilizing, 107–108
- transcription initiation regulation by, 1056–1057, 1057f, 1058f
- transcription regulation by, 966–967
- undiscovered, 324–325
- proteoglycan aggregates, 250, 252f
- proteoglycans, 248
- proteolytic cleavage, 214
- of regulatory enzyme precursors, 220, 220f
- proteolytic processing, posttranslational, 1038
- proteolytic systems, protein degradation by, 1048–1049, 1048f, 1049t
- proteome, 13, 94, 317, 499
- proteomics, 13, 317
- proteostasis, 129, 129f, 1005
- prothrombin, 359
- protomers, 82, 127
- proton gradient, 709f
- ATP synthase, orientation of, 717f
- in cytochrome complex, 712f, 713
- in electron flow and phosphorylation, 716, 716f
- in oxidative phosphorylation, 659–660, 660f
- active transport energized by, 683, 683f
- ATP release driven by, 678, 678f
- ATP synthesis driven by, 675–677, 675f, 676f, 677f
- mitochondrial respiratory chain creation of, 672, 673f
- rotary motion produced by, 681–683, 681f
- proton hopping, in water, 54, 54f
- proton pumps
- proton-driven cotransporters, ABC transporter and, 396
- proton-motive force, 673, 673f, 674
- protons, transfer of, enzymatic catalysis of, 186, 187f
- proto-oncogenes, 451
- protoporphyrin, 148, 148f, 817, 818f
- proximal His, 149
- PrP. See prion protein
- PRPP. See 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate
- Prusiner, Stanley, 134b–135b
- PS1 gene, localization of, 331–333, 332f
- pseudouridine, 266s, 983f
- PSI. See photosystem I
- psicose, 233s
- PSII. See photosystem II
- PTB domains, 439, 439f. See also phosphotyrosine-binding domains
- pTEFb protein, 969, 969t, 970f
- PTEN, 437
- PTPC. See permeability transition pore complex
- PTPs. See protein tyrosine phosphatases
- P-type ATPases, 392
- PUFAs. See polyunsaturated fatty acids
- pulsed field gel electrophoresis, 309
- Pumilio protein, 1088
- pumps. See active transporters
- purification
- purine bases, 264, 264f, 264s, 265t, 266f
- biosynthesis of
- conformations of, in DNA, 272–273, 272f, 273f
- degradation of, uric acid produced by, 833–836, 834f, 835f
- functional groups of, 268
- Hoogsteen pairing of, 274, 275f
- methylation of, 283
- nonenzymatic transformations of, 280–283, 281f, 282f
- nucleic acid structure and, 268, 269f
- origin of, 998, 999f
- puromycin, 1039, 1039f
- purple bacteria, pheophytin-quinone reaction center of, 708–709, 708f
- pyranoses, 234, 234f, 235
- pyridine nucleotides, 493. See also nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide; nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate
- pyridoxal phosphate (PLP), 629
- in glycogen phosphorylase reaction, 558f
- in serine and glycine metabolism, 644, 645f
- in transfer of α-amino groups to α-ketoglutarate, 628–630, 629f, 630f
- pyridoxine. See
- pyrimidine bases, 264, 264f, 264s, 265t, 266f
- biosynthesis of
- conformations of, in DNA, 272–273, 272f, 273f
- degradation of, urea produced by, 833–835, 834f, 835f
- functional groups of, 268
- Hoogsteen pairing of, 274, 275f
- methylation of, 283
- nonenzymatic transformations of, 280–283, 281f, 282f
- nucleic acid structure and, 268, 269f
- origin of, 998, 999f
- pyrimidine dimers, 281, 282f
- pyrophosphoryl groups, ATP donation of, 484–485, 484f
- pyrosequencing, 292f
- pyrrolysine, 76, 77s
- pyruvate, 521
- acetyl-CoA from oxidation of, 574
- allosteric and covalent regulation of, 593–594, 593f
- oxidative decarboxylation reaction, 575, 576f
- PDH complex coenzymes, 576, 576f, 577f
- PDH complex enzymes, 576–577, 577f
- PDH complex substrate channeling, 577–578, 578f
- amino acid biosynthesis from, 809–811, 811f
- amino acid degradation to, 640f, 644–647, 644f, 645f, 646t
- fermentation of, 525
- ethanol, 514, 525f, 529b, 530f, 532
- foods and industrial chemicals produced by, 530–532
- lactic acid, 514, 525f, 526, 529b
- thiamine pyrophosphate in, 530, 531f, 532t
- in gluconeogenesis, 545f
- glucose synthesis from, 533, 534–537, 534f, 535f, 536f
- from glycolysis, 510–511, 510f, 512f
- energy remaining in, 514
- fates of, 525–533, 525f
- by phosphoryl group transfer from phosphoenolpyruvate to ADP, 513f, 521
- oxidation of, 545f
- PEP produced from, 481f, 534–537, 535f, 536f
- pyruvate carboxylase, 534, 590
- pyruvate decarboxylase, 530
- thiamine pyrophosphate in reactions of, 530, 531f, 532t
- pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH), 576, 577f
- pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) complex, 575
- allosteric and covalent regulation of, 593–594, 593f
- coenzymes of, 576, 576f, 577f
- enzymes of, 576–577, 577f
- oxidative decarboxylation reaction of, 575, 576f
- substrate channeling in, 577–578, 578f
- pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase, 593–594
- pyruvate kinase, 521
- pyruvate phosphate dikinase, 729f, 730–731
- Pythagoras, 548b
- See peptide YY
- Q. See ubiquinone
- Q. See mass-action ratio
- Q cycle, 668, 669f, 712
- QK. See phylloquinone
- qPCR. See quantitative PCR
- Q-SNAREs, 383, 384f
- quantification, of proteins, 89–90, 91f
- quantitative PCR (qPCR), 314–315, 315f
- quantum, 703
- quaternary structure, 90, 116
- quinolone antibiotics, 906b
- quinones
- lipid, as oxidation-reduction cofactors, 359–360
- in reaction center, 708f, 709
- R. See response coefficient
- R groups, 71
- amino acid, 71, 71f, 72, 73t
- aromatic, 74f, 75–76, 75f
- negatively charged, 74f, 76
- nonpolar, aliphatic, 74–75, 74f
- polar, uncharged, 74f, 76, 76f
- positively charged, 74f, 76
- R state, 155, 155f, 156f, 157
- RA. See retinoic acid
- racemic mixture, 17
- Racker, Efraim, 677
- radicals, 472, 472f. See also free-radical reactions
- DNA damage by, 283
- in pheophytin-quinone reaction center, 708f, 710
- Raf-1, in INSR signaling, 434f, 435
- rafts, 380
- membrane
- signaling protein segregation by, 442
- sphingolipids and cholesterol in, 380–382, 380f, 381f
- RAG1 protein, 955
- RAG2 protein, 955
- Ramachandran, G. N., 115
- Ramachandran plot, 110f, 115
- of protein secondary structures, 115, 115f
- Ramakrishnan, Venkatraman, 1017
- Ran, 986f
- Ran-GDP, 986f, 1046
- Ran-GEF, 1045f, 1046
- Ran-GTP, 1045f
- Ransome, Joseph, 430b
- Ras, 421, 423
- rate constants, 182
- activation energy relationship to, 182
- denotation of, 150
- See
- rate equation, 182, 190
- rate of reaction. See reaction rates
- rate-limiting step, 181
- rational drug design, suicide inactivators in, 200, 201b–202b
- RBP1, 968
- RBP2, 968
- RBP3, 968
- RBP11, 968
- reactants, concentration of, determining actual free-energy changes from, 470–471
- reaction centers
- reaction coordinate diagram, 24, 180, 180f, 181f
- reaction intermediates, 181, 181f
- reaction rates
- entropy reduction and, 185–186, 186f
- enzyme effects on
- rate constants for, 182
- activation energy relationship to, 182
- denotation of, 150
- thermodynamic definition of, 182, 182t
- reactions. See chemical reactions
- reactive oxygen species (ROS), 667f, 668
- DNA damage by, 283
- hypoxia leading to, adaptive responses for, 687–688, 688f
- mitochondrial damage caused by, 688, 693–696
- oxidative phosphorylation generation of, 668, 673–674, 674f
- reading frames, 1007, 1007f
- real-time PCR, 314–315, 315f
- rearrangements, 474, 475f
- standard free-energy changes of, 469t
- RecA protein, 942–943, 942f, 943f
- RecBCD enzyme, 942–943, 942f, 943f
- receptor enzymes, 411, 411f
- receptor guanylyl cyclases, 422b–423b
- receptor histidine kinase, in bacterial signaling, 447f
- receptor potential, 431
- receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs), 433
- inhibition of, for cancer treatment, 452b–453b
- receptor-ligand interactions
- in cell cycle regulation, 446–447
- apoptosis, 455–456, 456f
- oncogenes in, 451, 452b–453b, 454
- oscillating CDK levels in, 447, 447f, 448f, 449f, 450f
- protein phosphorylation in, 449–450, 450f
- tumor suppressor genes in, 454f, 455
- of gated ion channels, 411, 411f
- electrical signaling by, 442–443, 443f
- neuronal action potentials produced by, 443–444, 444f
- neurotransmitters interacting with, 444
- toxins targeting, 444–445
- GPCR. See G protein–coupled receptors
- guanylyl cyclase, 422b–423b
- hormonal. See hormones
- membrane rafts involved in, 442
- in microorganisms and plants, 447f
- multivalent adaptor proteins involved in, 439–442, 439f, 441f
- of nuclear receptors, 411, 411f
- RTK. See receptor tyrosine kinases
- sensitivity of, 409, 410f
- specificity of, 409, 410f
- types of receptors involved in, 411, 411f
- types of signals involved in, 410t, 411, 411t
- receptor-mediated endocytosis, 781
- recombinant DNA, 302
- PCR adaptations for, 314–315, 315f
- protein production using
- altered genes and proteins, 312–313, 312f
- bacteria systems used for, 310, 310f
- expression vectors for, 309, 310f
- insect and insect virus systems used for, 311–312, 311f
- mammalian cell systems used for, 312
- tags for purification of, 313–314, 313t, 314f
- yeast systems used for, 310–311
- restriction endonucleases and DNA ligases yielding, 302–304, 303f, 303t, 304t, 305f
- recombinant DNA technology, 302. See also DNA cloning
- recombinase, 950
- recombination, gene regulation by, 1073, 1074f, 1074t
- recombination signal sequences (RSSs), 954–955, 955f
- recombinational DNA repair, 941, 941f, 942, 952f
- red blood cells. See erythrocytes
- dichromats, 430b
- red-anomalous trichromats, 430b
- redox reactions. See oxidation-reduction reactions
- reducing agents
- reducing end, 237
- reducing equivalent, 490, 662
- reducing sugars, 237–241, 238b–239b
- reduction, of double bonds for fatty acid synthesis, 748, 749f
- reduction potential (E), 490–492, 491f
- of biologically important half-reactions, 491t
- of electron carriers in mitochondrial respiratory chain, 664–665, 664t
- free-energy change calculation from, 491t, 492
- reductive pentose phosphate pathway, 549–551, 549f, 550, 550f, 719, 722
- Refsum disease, 618
- regulated gene expression, 1054
- regulators of G protein signaling (RGSs), 422
- regulatory cascade, 220
- regulatory enzymes, 213
- allosteric, 213
- covalent modification of, 216–217, 217f
- multiple mechanisms used by, 223
- phosphorylation of, 216–220, 217f, 218f, 219f, 219t
- zymogens, 220, 220f
- regulatory nucleotides, 296, 296f
- regulatory proteins, 214
- in development, 1087–1089, 1087f, 1088f, 1089f, 1090f
- DNA-binding domains of, 1060–1063, 1060f, 1061f, 1062f, 1063f
- protein-protein interaction domains of, 1063–1065, 1064f
- regulatory sequences, 886
- regulon, 1067
- relaxed DNA, 891, 893f
- release factors, 1035, 1035f, 1036
- Relenza. See zanamivir
- renal cell carcinoma, 453b
- renaturation, 130
- repair, DNA, 29, 29f
- replication, 884
- replication factor C (RFC), 929
- replication fork, 916, 916f, 924, 939f
- replication protein A (RPA), 929
- replication restart primosome, 943
- replicative forms, 887
- replicative transposition, 953, 953f
- replicators, 928
- replisome, 921, 926t
- repolarization, of neurons, 443–444, 444f
- reporter gene, 322
- repressible genes, 1054
- repression, 1054
- repressors, 966, 1056, 1057, 1058f
- Reshef, Lea, 762
- resolvins, 759
- respirasomes, 671, 671f
- respiration, 575f. See also cellular respiration
- respiration-linked phosphorylation, 520
- respiratory chain, 661. See also mitochondrial respiratory chain
- response elements, 498
- response localization, 409
- response regulator, in bacterial signaling, 447f
- restriction endonucleases, 302–303
- restriction-modification system, 303
- Retin-A. See tretinoin
- retinal, 357, 358f
- retinoblastoma protein (pRb), 450
- cell cycle regulation by, 450, 450f
- mutations in, 454
- retinoic acid (RA), 357, 358f
- retinoid hormones, nuclear receptor signaling by, 445, 446f
- retinoid X receptors (RXRs), 783, 783f
- retrohoming, 991f, 992, 995f
- retrotransposons, 328, 990f, 991–993, 999
- retroviruses, 208, 988, 999
- reverse cholesterol transport, 781
- reverse transcriptase inhibitors, 991b
- reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR), 314
- reverse transcriptases, 988, 989f
- reversible binding, protein-ligand interactions
- cooperative, 155–160, 156f, 160f
- globin family of oxygen-binding proteins, 149
- heme binding of oxygen, 148–149, 148f, 149f
- hemoglobin binding of carbon monoxide, 158b–159b
- hemoglobin binding of oxygen, 155–156, 155f, 156f, 160f, 161–162, 162f
- hemoglobin in sickle cell anemia, 162–164, 162f, 163f
- hemoglobin subunit structure, 153–155, 153f, 154f
- hemoglobin transport of carbon dioxide, 160–161, 160f
- hemoglobin transport of hydrogen ions, 160–161, 160f
- hemoglobin transport of oxygen, 153
- mechanistic models for, 158–160, 160f
- myoglobin binding of oxygen, 149, 149f
- protein structure influence on, 152–153, 153f
- quantitative description of, 150–152, 150f, 151t, 156–157, 160f
- regulation of, 161–162, 162f
- reversible inhibition, 197, 198–200, 200t
- reversible terminator sequencing, 290, 291, 293f
- Rezulin. See troglitazone
- RFC. See replication factor C
- RGSs. See regulators of G protein signaling
- rhamnose, 236f, 237
- Rheb, 871, 872f
- rheumatoid arthritis, 356
- rho utilization (rut), 967
- Rhodobacter sphaeroides, 737f, 738
- rhodopsin, 357, 429
- rhodopsin kinase (RK), 429f, 431
- Rhodospirillum rubrum, 721f
- ρ-dependent terminators, 967, 967f
- ρ-independent terminators, 967, 967f
- RIA. See radioimmunoassay
- ribofuranose, 265f
- ribonuclease A, denaturation and renaturation of, 130–131, 130f
- ribonucleases
- ribonucleic acid (RNA), 13, 29f, 263
- degradation of, 974
- denaturation of, 278–280, 279f, 280f
- elongation of, 969–971
- in evolution, 31–33, 33f
- gene regulation by, 1084–1086, 1086f
- hydrolysis of, 267, 267f, 268f
- intron splicing by, 975–976, 976f, 977f, 978f
- lncRNAs, 1056, 1084, 1086
- messenger. See messenger RNAs
- miRNAs, 1085–1086, 1086f
- nitrogenous bases. See nitrogenous bases
- noncoding, 1086
- phosphodiester linkages in, 267–268, 267f
- processing of. See RNA processing
- rate of turnover of, 974
- ribosomal. See ribosomal RNAs
- siRNAs, 1086, 1086f
- small nuclear, 977
- source of, 960–961
- special function, 961
- sRNAs, 1071–1073, 1072f
- structure of
- mRNAs, 274–275, 276f, 278f
- nucleotide base effects on, 268, 269f
- rRNAs, 276–277, 278f, 1015–1018, 1018f
- single-stranded, 276, 276f
- tRNAs, 276–277, 276f, 278f, 1018–1020, 1019f
- synthesis of. See transcription
- transcription initiation regulation by, 1056–1057, 1057f, 1058f
- transfer. See transfer RNAs
- types of, 263
- ribonucleoproteins (RNPs), 960
- ribonucleoside 265, 268s
- ribonucleoside 3′-monophosphates, 265, 268s
- ribonucleotide reductase, 829, 830–832, 830f, 831f, 832f
- ribonucleotides, 265, 265t, 266s
- ribose, 230s, 231, 233s
- ribose 5-phosphate
- ribose phosphate pyrophosphokinase, 806
- ribosomal proteins (r-proteins), synthesis of, coordination of rRNA synthesis with, 1070–1071, 1070f, 1071f
- ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs), 264, 960
- ribosome recycling, 1035f
- ribosome recycling factor (RRF), 1036
- ribosome rescue, 1033b, 1036f
- ribosomes, 2, 5f, 7f
- catalysis by, 999, 1017
- discovery of, 1006, 1007f
- mitochondrial, 692
- pausing, arrest, and rescue, 1033b
- proofreading on, 1034–1035
- protein synthesis by. See protein synthesis
- RNA and protein components, 1017t
- structure of, 276–277, 276f, 278f, 999, 1015–1018, 1017f, 1018f
- synthesis of, coordination of ribosomal protein synthesis with, 1070–1071, 1070f, 1072f
- tRNA binding sites on, 1028–1029, 1028f
- riboswitches, 1072, 1072f, 1074f
- ribothymidine, 983f
- ribozymes, 276, 277, 278f, 960, 972, 1000b. See also self-splicing introns
- ribulose, 233s
- ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate, 719, 720
- in Calvin cycle, 719–722, 721f, 724f
- oxygen incorporation in, 724f, 727
- regeneration from triose phosphates, 722, 723f, 724, 724f, 728f
- ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rubisco), 720. See also rubisco
- activation of, 720, 723f
- in plants, 720
- in plants, 729–732, 729f
- in CAM plants, 732
- carboxylase activity of, 722f, 727
- catalysis by
- evolution of, 720–721
- genetically engineered, 729, 731b
- magnesium in, 721, 724f
- oxygenase activity of, 728f
- in photorespiration, 724f, 727
- structure of, 720, 721f
- ribulose 5-phosphate
- ribulose 5-phosphate kinase, 723f
- light activation of, 725, 727f
- rice, β-carotene enrichment in, 358, 358f
- Richardson, Jane, 123
- ricin, 1040
- rickets, 357, 357f
- Rieske iron-sulfur proteins, 664
- rifampicin, 971
- Rinaldo, Piero, 653b
- RISC protein complex, 986f
- RK. See rhodopsin kinase
- RNA. See ribonucleic acid
- RNA (ribonucleic acid), 31
- RNA editing, 1013
- RNA interference (RNAi), 1086
- RNA metabolism, RNA-dependent synthesis. See RNA-dependent synthesis
- RNA polymerase, 82t
- DNA-dependent, 961, 962f
- as drug targets, 971–972
- footprinting of, 965b
- holoenzyme, 963, 963f
- promoters and, 963
- proofreading by, 963
- regulation of, 966–967, 966f
- structure of, 963, 963f
- in transcription
- RNA polymerase I (Pol I), 967–968
- RNA polymerase II (Pol II), 967–968, 971f
- cap and, 973
- function of, 968
- promoters and, 968, 968f
- promoters of, 1077–1080, 1079f, 1080f
- protein factors for, 968–971, 969t, 970f
- regulation of, 971
- spliceosomal introns and, 978f, 980
- subunits of, 968
- transcription by, 968–971, 970f
- RNA polymerase III (Pol III), 967–968
- RNA processing, 972–973, 973f
- alternative splicing, 981–983, 983f
- exon transcription, 973
- intron splicing, 975–976, 976f, 977f, 978f
- intron transcription, 973
- of messenger RNAs
- polynucleotide phosphorylase, 987
- primary transcripts, 972–973, 973f
- of ribosomal RNA
- ribozymes, 996f, 997–998, 998f
- of special-function RNAs, 985–986, 986f
- of transfer RNA, 985, 985f
- RNA recognition motifs (RRMs), 1062, 1063f
- RNA replicase. See RNA-dependent RNA polymerases
- RNA splicing, 973
- RNA synthesis, RNA-dependent, 990, 993–995, 995f, 1090f
- RNA tumor viruses, 990, 990f
- RNA world hypothesis, 31–33, 33f, 998
- RNA-coding genes, in human evolution, 331, 331f
- RNA-dependent DNA polymerases. See reverse transcriptases
- RNA-dependent RNA polymerases (RNA replicase), 994
- RNA-dependent synthesis
- as clue to RNA world, 998–1001, 999f, 1000b, 1001f
- DNA, 990, 1090f
- retroviruses in cancer and AIDS, 990–991, 990f, 991b
- by reverse transcriptases, 988–990, 989f
- similarity of transposons and introns to retroviruses, 990f, 991–993, 991f
- telomerase as specialized reverse transcriptase, 993, 994
- RNA, 990, 993–995, 995f, 1090f
- RNA-DNA double helix, 961, 962f
- RNAi. See RNA interference
- RNase D, 985, 985f
- RNase E, 987f
- RNase P, 277f, 985, 985f
- RNase Y, 987f
- RNA-Seq, 318–319, 318f
- Roberts, Richard, 975
- rod cells, GPCR signaling in, 429, 429f
- rofecoxib (Vioxx), 758
- root nodules, nitrogen-fixing bacteria in, 797, 801, 801f
- ROS. See reactive oxygen species
- roscovatine, 453b
- rosettes, in cellulose, 737f, 738
- rosiglitazone (Avandia), 879t
- Ross, Inman, 916
- rotational catalysis, 680
- rotenone, 666–667, 667t
- Rous, F. Peyton, 990
- Rous sarcoma virus, 990, 990f
- Roux, César, 879
- Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP), 879
- RPA. See replication protein A
- rpoS gene, 1071–1073,
- r-proteins. See ribosomal proteins
- RRMs. See RNA recognition motifs
- rRNAs. See ribosomal RNAs
- RS system, 72
- R-SNAREs, 383, 384f
- RSSs. See recombination signal sequences
- RTKs. See receptor tyrosine kinases
- RT-PCR. See reverse transcriptase PCR
- RTT106, 901
- RU486. See mifepristone
- rubisco, 720, 721f. See also ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase
- rubisco activase, 721, 723f
- rut. See rho utilization
- RuvAB, 943, 943f
- RuvC, 943, 943f
- RXRs. See retinoid X receptors
- RYGBP. See Roux-en-Y gastric bypass
- σ. See superhelical density
- S. See entropy
- S phase, 446, 447f
- SAA. See serum amyloid A
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 307
- ethanol fermentation by, 530, 530f
- introns in, 975
- recombinant protein expression in, 310–311
- Sagan, Dorion, 34
- Salmonella typhimurium
- salt bridge, protein structure and, 109
- salvage pathways, 823
- purine and pyrimidine base recycling via, 835
- Sancar, Aziz, 937
- Sanger, Frederick, 91, 92f, 286
- Sanger sequencing, 286, 287–290, 287f, 290f
- saquinavir, 209f
- sarcomere, 170, 171f
- sarcoplasmic reticulum, 170, 171f
- sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum ATPase (SERCA pump), 393
- satellite DNA, 890
- saturated fatty acids
- β oxidation of
- structure and properties of, 342t, 343, 343f, 345f
- synthesis of
- acetyl group shuttling for, 751–752, 752f
- in chloroplasts, 750–751, 751f
- in cytosol, 750–751, 751f
- desaturation after, 754–755, 755f, 756b–757b
- fatty acid synthase active sites for, 747, 747f
- fatty acid synthase reactions in, 745–747, 746f, 747f, 748–750, 749f, 750f
- long-chain, 753, 754f
- malonyl-CoA formation for, 744–745, 745f
- palmitate, 747f, 748–750, 750f
- regulation of, 752–753, 753f
- repeating reaction sequence used in, 745–747, 746f, 747f, 748–750, 749f, 750f
- SCAD. See short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase
- scaffold proteins, 409, 439–442, 439f, 440f, 441f
- SCAP. See SREBP cleavage-activating protein
- SCD. See stearoyl-ACP desaturase
- Scheie syndrome, 251b
- Schultz, Peter, 1025b
- SCK test, 637b
- SCOP2. See Structural Classification of Proteins database
- scramblases, 378, 378f, 379
- screenable marker, 306, 307, 308f
- scRNA-Seq, 318
- scurvy, 118b–119b
- SDS. See sodium dodecyl sulfate
- SecA, 1046, 1047f
- SecB, 1045–1046, 1047f
- second law of thermodynamics, 21, 22b
- second messengers, 296, 412
- , 425, 425t, 427f
- cAMP
- for β-adrenergic receptors, 412–413, 414f, 415f, 418f, 421
- crosstalk with, 428
- other regulatory molecules using, 416b–417b, 420, 420t, 421f
- removal of, 415f, 417
- in triacylglycerol mobilization, 603, 604f
- diacylglycerol, 425, 425t, 427f
- 425, 425t, 427f
- in metabolic regulation, 498
- nucleotides as, 296
- secondary active transport, 391, 391f
- secondary active transporters, 386
- secondary metabolites, 12, 360
- biologically active lipids, 360, 361f
- secondary photopigments, 704f
- secondary structure, 90, 111–116
- of proteins, 90, 91f, 108
- α helix, 111–114, 112f, 112t, 113b, 374–375
- β conformation, 112t, 114, 114f
- β turns, 112t, 114, 115f
- CD spectroscopy of, 116, 116f
- dihedral angles of, 114–116, 115f
- integral membrane, 374–375
- second-order reaction, 150, 182
- secretin, 628
- SecYEG, 1046, 1047f
- sedoheptulose 1,7-bisphosphatase, 723f, 725, 727f, 731b
- sedoheptulose 7-phosphate
- seed germination, gluconeogenesis in, 735–736, 736f
- segment polarity genes, 1088
- segmentation genes, 1088
- selectable marker, 306, 307–309, 307f, 308f
- selectins, 255, 255f, 256, 256f, 384
- selenocysteine, 76, 77s
- SELEX. See systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment
- self-assembly, by living organisms, 1
- self-experimentation, 56b
- self-replication, by living organisms, 1
- self-splicing introns, 975–976, 975t
- semiconservative DNA replication, 915
- senescence, telomere role in, 993
- sensitivity, 409
- separation
- septins, 382
- sequence logos, 98b, 98f
- sequence polymorphisms, 288b
- sequencing
- sequencing depth, 291
- sequential feedback inhibition, 816, 827
- sequential model, 159, 160, 160f
- SERCA pump. See sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum ATPase
- serine, 74s, 76, 644, 806
- biosynthesis of, 806–809, 807f
- catabolism of, 640f, 644–647, 644f, 645f, 646t
- chymotrypsin acylation and deacylation of, 204–208, 204f, 205f, 206f–207f
- in general acid-base catalysis, 187f
- in glycolate pathway, 727–728, 728f
- properties and conventions associated with, 73t
- serine hydroxymethyltransferase, 644, 644f, 645f, 808
- serine proteases, 205
- serotonin, 822
- biosynthesis of, 822, 823f
- as neurotransmitter, 444
- receptors for, 444
- serum albumin, 603, 604f
- serylglycyltyrosylalanylleucine, 81s
- set point, body mass, 867, 867f
- seven-transmembrane (7mt), 413
- sex hormones
- sex lethal (Sxl) transcript, 981
- SGOT test, 637b
- SGPT test, 637b
- sgRNA. See single guide RNA
- SH2 domain, 435. See also Src homology domain
- SH3 domain, 440
- Shafrir, Eleazar, 762
- Shaker family, voltage-gated channels of, 402–403
- Sharp, Phillip, 975
- shikimate, in amino acid biosynthesis, 811, 811f
- Shimomura, Osamu, 319–320
- Shine-Dalgarno sequence, 1028, 1028f, 1029, 1029f, 1030f
- shivering thermogenesis, 856
- Shoemaker, James, 653b
- short interspersed elements (SINEs), 1014
- short tandem repeat (STR), 288b, 328
- short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (SCAD), 608
- shuttle vectors, 309
- sialic acids, 236f, 237. See also N-acetylneuraminic acid
- sickle cell anemia, hemoglobin in, 162–164, 163f
- sigmoid binding curve, for oxygen, 156f, 157
- sigmoid saturation curve, of allosteric enzymes, 215, 216f
- signal amplification, 843
- signal recognition particle (SRP), 1042, 1042f
- signal sequences, 1037, 1041, 1041f, 1042, 1042f
- signal transducers and activators of transcription (STATs), 869
- signal transduction, 408
- signaling
- in cell cycle regulation, 446
- apoptosis, 455–456, 456f
- oncogenes in, 451, 452b–453b, 454
- oscillating CDK levels in, 447, 447f, 448f, 449f, 450f
- protein phosphorylation in, 449–450, 450f
- tumor suppressor genes in, 454f, 455
- CO role in, 818
- eukaryotic gene regulation by, 1083–1084, 1083f, 1084f, 1084t
- gated ion channels involved in, 411, 411f
- electrical signaling by, 442–443, 443f
- neuronal action potentials produced by, 443–444, 444f
- neurotransmitters interacting with, 444
- toxins targeting, 444–445
- GPCR. See G protein–coupled receptors
- guanylyl cyclase, 422b–423b
- hormonal. See hormones
- integral membrane proteins involved in, 383–384
- lipids involved in
- eicosanoids, 355–356, 355f
- hormones, 354
- phosphatidylinositols and sphingosine derivatives, 354–355, 354f
- steroid hormones, 356, 356f
- vitamins A and D, 356–358, 357f, 358f
- volatile compounds of vascular plants, 356
- membrane rafts involved in, 442
- in metabolic regulation, 498, 499f
- in microorganisms and plants, 447f
- multivalent adaptor proteins involved in, 439–442, 439f, 441f
- by nuclear receptors, 411, 411f
- nucleotide roles in, 296
- RTK. See receptor tyrosine kinases
- signal transduction
- signature sequences, 100, 100f
- SII protein, 969t, 970f
- SIII protein, 969t, 970f
- sildenafil (Viagra), 423b, 423s
- silent mutations, 930, 1013
- silk fibroin, structure and function of, 120, 121f
- simple diffusion, 385, 385f
- simple sequence repeats (SSRs), 328, 890
- simple sugars. See monosaccharides
- simple transposition, 952, 953f
- simple-sequence DNA, 890
- simvastatin (Zocor), 786b–787b
- SINEs. See short interspersed elements
- single cell RNA-Seq, 318
- single guide RNA (sgRNA), 323, 323f, 324–325
- single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), 328
- single particle tracking, lipid diffusion studies using, 379, 379f
- single-molecule real-time (SMRT) sequencing, 290, 291, 293f
- single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB), 923, 923t, 926t
- siRNAs. See small interfering RNAs
- sirtuins, 494
- sister chromatids, 944–946, 945f, 947f
- sitagliptin (Januvia), 879t
- site-directed mutagenesis, 312, 312f
- site-specific recombination, 940, 950–951, 951f, 952f. See also DNA recombination
- size-exclusion chromatography, 86
- skeletal muscle
- ammonia transport from, 632–633, 632f
- carbohydrate regulation in, 568–570, 569f, 570f
- glucose uptake by, 389, 390b
- hexokinase isozymes of, 539–541, 539f, 540b
- metabolic functions of, 848f, 852–855, 854f, 855f, 856b–857b
- motor proteins in
- skin cancer, 932b
- slow-twitch muscle, 853
- Sly, William, 653b
- small G proteins, 435
- small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), 1086, 1086f
- small intestine, fat absorption in, 602–603, 602f, 848f
- small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs), 977
- small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs), 977, 985, 986
- small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs), 984, 985, 985f, 986
- small protein B (SmpB), 1033b, 1036f
- small RNAs (sRNAs), mRNA regulation by, 1071–1073, 1072f
- small temporal RNAs (stRNAs), 1085
- SMC proteins, 908, 908f, 909f
- SMN genes, 981b–982b
- SmpB. See small protein B
- SMRT sequencing. See single-molecule real-time sequencing
- nucleophilic displacements, 475–476, 475f
- SNAP25, in vesicle fusion, 383, 384f
- SNAREs, in vesicle fusion, 383, 384f
- snoRNA-protein complexes (snoRNPs), 984, 985f
- snoRNAs. See small nucleolar RNAs
- snoRNPs, 984. See also snoRNA-protein complexes
- SNPs. See single nucleotide polymorphisms
- snRNAs. See small nuclear RNAs
- snRNPs. See small nuclear ribonucleoproteins
- sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), 87f, 88, 88f, 89f
- solar energy, 700, 701f
- solenoidal supercoiling, 898, 898f
- solubility, of fatty acids, 342t, 343
- solute transport across
- solutes
- amphipathic
- examples of, 46t
- water structure effects of, 48, 48f
- charged, electrostatic interactions of, 46, 46t, 47f, 50t
- colligative properties and, 51–53, 51f
- membrane transport of
- by ABC transporters, 395–396, 396f, 396t, 397b–398b
- by active transport. See active transport
- by aquaporins, 400–401, 400t
- by chloride-bicarbonate exchanger, 389–392, 391f
- by cotransport, 389–392, 391f, 398–399
- by GLUT1, 387–389, 387f, 388f, 389f, 389t
- by ion channels, 397b–398b, 401–402, 401f, 402f
- ion gradients driving, 398–399, 400f
- by channels, 402–403, 402f
- in metabolic regulation, 499f
- by passive transport. See passive transport
- by P-type ATPases, 392–394, 393f, 394f
- by secondary active transport, 398–399
- transporter and ion channel structures and mechanisms for, 386–387, 387f
- types of, 385–386, 385f
- by V-type and F-type ATPases, 394–395, 395f
- nonpolar
- osmolarity of, 51–53, 51f
- polar
- solutions
- solvation layer, 108
- protein stability and, 108
- solvent, water as. See aqueous solutions
- solvents
- somatostatin
- cAMP signaling by, 420
- pancreatic secretion of, 860, 861f
- sorafenib (Nexavar), 453b
- sorbose, 233s
- Sos, 434f, 435, 437f
- SOS response, 939
- Sp1, 1081–1083, 1082f
- space-filling models, 15, 15f
- specialized pro-resolving mediators (SPMs), 759
- specific acid-base catalysis, 187
- specific activity, 90
- specific hydrolysis, of lipids, 363
- specific linking difference, 894
- specificity, 185, 409
- specificity constant, 193, 193t
- specificity factors, 1056
- spectrin, 380
- spermidine, 822, 824f
- spermine, 822, 824f
- sphinganine, 768, 772f
- sphingolipids, 350
- as intracellular signal, 355
- as membrane lipids, 371f
- abnormal accumulations of, 353b
- as derivatives of sphingosine, 350–351, 350f
- lysosome degradation of, 35, 353b
- rafts of, 380–382, 380f, 381f
- as sites of biological recognition, 351
- transbilayer movement of, 378, 378f
- synthesis of, 768–770, 772f
- sphingomyelin, 351f, 770
- as intracellular signal, 355
- synthesis of, 770, 772f
- sphingomyelinase, defects in, 353b
- sphingomyelins, 350, 350f
- sphingosine, sphingolipids as derivatives of, 350–351, 350f
- sphingosine derivatives, as intracellular signals, 354–355
- spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), 981b–982b
- spliceosomal introns, 977, 979f
- spliceosome, 977, 978–980, 979f
- SPMs. See specialized pro-resolving mediators
- spongiform encephalopathies, 134b–135b
- sprinting, lactic acid fermentation during, 526, 529b
- squalene, 774
- four-ring steroid nucleus from, 774–775, 776f
- isoprene condensation in formation of, 774, 775f
- squalene 2,3-epoxide, 774, 776f
- squalene monooxygenase, 774, 776f
- SRA. See steroid receptor RNA activator
- Src, autoinhibition of, 440, 440f
- Src homology (SH2) domain, 433, 440
- SREBP cleavage-activating protein (SCAP), 783, 783f
- SREBPs. See sterol regulatory element-binding proteins
- sRNAs. See small RNAs
- SRP. See signal recognition particle
- SSB. See single-stranded DNA-binding protein
- SSRs. See simple sequence repeats
- stability, 107
- stability genes, mutations in, 454
- Stahl, Franklin, 915
- Stallings, Patricia, 653b
- standard equilibrium constant , 468
- standard free-energy change 24–25, 180, 468
- additive nature of, 471
- of ATP synthesis on surface of ATP synthase, 677–678, 678f
- of electron transfer in mitochondrial respiratory chain, 672
- in enzymatic reactions, 180, 180f
- of fatty acyl-CoA formation, 485
- of gluconeogenesis and glycolysis, 534, 535t
- hydrolysis
- of metabolic enzymes, 502t
- of oxidation-reduction reactions, 491t, 492
- standard equilibrium constant relationship to, 182, 182t, 468–470, 468t, 469t
- standard reduction potential 490, 491f, 492, 709f
- of biologically important half-reactions, 491t
- of electron carriers in mitochondrial respiratory chain, 664–665, 664t
- free-energy change calculation from, 491t, 492
- standard transformed constants, 468
- starch, 242
- in amyloplasts, 701f
- biosynthesis of, 733, 735f
- chloroplast production of, 722
- in feeder pathways for glycolysis
- folding of, 243–244, 244f
- fuel storage in, 242, 242f
- structures and roles of, 247t
- starch granule, 7f
- starch phosphorylase, 522, 522f
- starch synthase, 733
- starvation
- state transition, 713
- statins, 785, 786b–787b
- STATs. See signal transducers and activators of transcription
- steady state, 188, 188f
- steady-state assumption, 190
- steady-state kinetics, 188
- stearate, 604f
- synthesis of, 753, 754f
- stearic acid, structure and properties of, 342t
- stearoyl-ACP desaturase (SCD), 754, 755f, 756b
- Steitz, Joan, 977
- Steitz, Thomas A., 1017
- stem cells, 1090, 1090f
- stercobilin, 818, 820f
- stereochemistry, 17, 18
- stereoisomers, 14–18, 15, 17b, 17f, 19f
- stereospecificity, 15, 18
- of biomolecule interactions, 18, 19f
- steric effects, homopolysaccharide folding and, 243–244, 244f
- steroid drugs, 356, 356f
- steroid hormones, 843f. See also specific hormones
- as cholesterol derivatives, 356, 356f, 776, 777f, 785, 788f
- cytochrome P-450 synthesis of, 690–691, 690f, 756b–757b
- eukaryotic gene regulation by, 1083–1084, 1083f, 1084f, 1084t
- nuclear receptor signaling by, 445, 446f
- phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase regulation by, 763, 763f
- signaling role of, 356, 356f
- synthesis of, 785–787, 788f
- steroid nucleus
- steroid receptor RNA activator (SRA), 1084
- sterol regulatory element-binding proteins (SREBPs), 782–783, 783f
- sterols, 346, 352. See also cholesterol
- stevioside, 231b
- sticky ends, 304, 305f
- stigmasterol, 352
- stimulatory G protein 413
- in β-adrenergic signaling, 413, 415f, 416, 421
- other regulatory signals using, 420
- stop codons. See termination codons
- storage
- of energy
- of genetic information, in DNA double helix, 270–272, 271f, 272f
- storage lipids, fatty acids as, 347f
- STR. See short tandem repeat
- Streptomyces lividans, of, 402, 402f
- streptomycin, 1040, 1040s
- stress
- AMPK metabolic coordination during, 870f, 871
- cortisol signaling of, 865–866
- stringent factor, 1071, 1071f
- stringent response, 1071, 1071f
- stRNAs. See small temporal RNAs
- stroma, 701
- stromal thylakoids, 702
- Strong, Frank, 494
- Structural Classification of Proteins database (SCOP2), 125–126, 127f
- structural lipids, 346, 347f
- galactolipids and sulfolipids, 349, 349f
- glycerophospholipids
- sphingolipids as
- abnormal accumulations of, 353b
- as derivatives of sphingosine, 350–351, 350f
- lysosome degradation of, 352, 353b
- as sites of biological recognition, 351
- sterols, 352, 352f
- substitution mutation, 930
- substrate channeling, 577
- substrate specificity, 831
- substrate-level phosphorylation, 520
- substrates, 180
- succinate, 584
- succinate dehydrogenase, 586, 667
- succinic thiokinase, 584
- succinyl-CoA, 582
- amino acid conversion to, 640f, 650–651, 652f, 653b
- as biosynthetic precursor, 590
- conversion to succinate, 579f, 584–586, 586f
- α-ketoglutarate oxidation to, 579f, 582–584, 583f, 587f
- porphyrin biosynthesis from, 817f
- succinyl-CoA synthetase, 584
- sucrose, 229, 240, 240f, 733s
- Calvin cycle and, 722
- in germinating seeds, 735–736, 736f
- movement of, 739f
- in photosynthesis, 733–734, 733f
- sweet taste of, 231b
- synthesis of, 725, 733–734, 733f, 734f, 735f
- sucrose 6-phosphate, 733, 733f
- sucrose 6-phosphate phosphatase, 733, 733f
- sucrose 6-phosphate synthase, 733, 733f, 734, 735f
- sugar code, 254–257
- sugar nucleotides, 560, 733
- sugars, 9f, 18, 229
- suicide inactivators, 200, 201b–202b
- sulfa antibiotics, 548b
- sulfolipids, 349, 349f
- sulfonylurea drugs, 861–862, 879t
- Sumner, James, 178
- sunitinib (Sutent), 453b
- supercoiling, 891
- DNA, 891, 891f, 892f
- linking numbers describing, 893–895, 894f
- plectonemic and solenoidal, 898, 898f
- replication and transcription and, 891, 892f
- topoisomerases changing, 895–898, 895f, 896f, 897f, 897t, 906b
- underwinding of, 892–895, 893f, 894f, 895f
- superfamilies, 126
- superhelical density (σ), 894
- superoxide dismutase, 283, 674
- superoxide radical, 668
- mitochondrial respiratory chain production of, 668, 673–674, 674f
- supersecondary structure, of globular proteins, 123f
- supramolecular structures, 8–9
- surface adhesion, integral membrane proteins involved in, 383–384
- Sutent. See sunitinib
- Sutherland, Jr., Earl W., 562b, 565–566
- sweetness, of sugars, 231b
- SWI/SNF family, 1075, 1076f
- switch I, 421, 424f
- switch II, 421, 424f
- symbionts, 797
- symport, 391, 391f
- synapses, membrane fusion at, 383, 384f
- syndecans, 248, 248f, 249
- Synechococcus elongatus, 710f, 711f
- synteny, 318, 318f
- synthases, 477b
- synthesis, chemical. See chemical synthesis
- synthetases, 477b
- α-synuclein, 135
- system, 20
- systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment (SELEX), 999, 1000b
- systems biology, 27, 301
- Szent-Györgyi, Albert, 119b
- T. See thymine
- T cells, 165
- T loops, 993
- T lymphocytes, 165
- T state, 155, 155f, 156f, 157
- T1 transporter, 560, 560f
- See triiodothyronine
- See thyroxine
- T7 promoter, recombinant protein expression using, 310, 310f
- tadalafil (Cialis), 423b, 423s
- Tagamet. See cimetidine
- tagatose, 233s
- tags, 313
- talose, 233s
- Tamiflu. See oseltamivir
- tamoxifen, 445, 445s
- tandem affinity purification (TAP) tags, 321, 321f
- tandem MS (MS/MS), 94, 95, 95f
- Tangier disease, 785, 785f
- TAP tags. See tandem affinity purification tags
- Taq polymerase, 285, 285f
- Tarceva. See erlotinib
- targeting, protein
- in bacteria, 1045–1046, 1047f
- endoplasmic reticulum posttranslational modification in, 1041–1042, 1041f, 1042f
- glycosylation in, 1042–1045, 1043f, 1044f
- of nuclear proteins, 1045–1046, 1045f
- receptor-mediated endocytosis in, 1046–1048, 1047f
- tastes
- detection of, GPCR signaling in, 431
- sweet, 231b
- TATA box, 968, 968f, 1078, 1079f, 1080f
- TATAAT sequence, 963, 964f
- TATA-binding protein (TBP), 968–969, 970f, 1080, 1080f
- Tatum, Edward, 886
- tau protein, 135
- taurocholic acid, 352s
- tautomerization, 481f
- tautomers, 268
- Tay-Sachs disease, 353b
- TBP. See TATA-binding protein
- TBP protein, 969, 969t, 970f
- cells. See cytotoxic T cells
- TCA cycle. See tricarboxylic acid cycle
- T-cell receptors, 165
- telomerase, 993
- as specialized reverse transcriptase, 993, 994
- telomeres, 890, 890f, 890t, 891, 993, 994
- Temin, Howard, 988, 989
- temperature
- lipid bilayer composition variation with, 377f, 378
- units of, 467t
- template, 915
- template strand, 915, 962
- Ter sequence, 927, 927f
- terminal sequences, 967, 967f
- terminal tags, for protein purification, 313–314, 313t, 314f
- terminal transferase, 303t
- termination, 1035
- of β-adrenergic receptor signaling, 416–418
- of DNA replication, 926–927, 927f
- of DNA-dependent transcription, 967, 967f
- of protein synthesis, 1015, 1016f, 1016t, 1035–1036, 1035f
- termination codons, 1009, 1009f
- termination factors, 1035, 1035f
- terminators, of E. coli, 967, 967f
- ternary complex, 194–195, 194f, 195f
- teromerase, 141f
- territories, chromosome, 908f
- tertiary structure, 90, 116
- amino acid sequence and, 130–131, 130f
- of proteins, 90, 91f, 108, 136–142
- classification based on, 125–126, 127f
- fibrous, 116–120, 117f, 117t, 119b, 119f, 120f, 121f
- globular, 120–124, 121f, 122f, 123f, 124f, 125f
- intrinsically disordered, 125, 126f
- tertrahydrobiopterin, 649f
- testosterone, as cholesterol derivative, 356f
- tetanus toxin, 383
- tetany, 56b
- tetracyclines, 1040, 1040s
- tetrahydrobiopterin, 644
- in phenylalanine catabolism, 649f, 650
- tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), 874f
- tetrahydrofolate 641
- Tetrahymena thermophila, 976, 996, 996f, 997f
- tetrasaccharide bridge, of proteoglycans, 248, 248f
- tetrodotoxin, 444
- tetrose erythrose 4-phosphate, 549
- tetroses, 231
- tezacaftor, 398b
- TF. See tissue factor
- TFIIA protein, 969, 969t, 970f
- TFIIB protein, 969, 969t, 970f
- TFIID protein, 969, 969t, 970f
- TFIIE protein, 969, 969t, 970f
- TFIIF protein, 969, 969t, 970f
- TFIIH protein, 969, 969t, 970f
- TFIIS protein, 969t, 970f
- TFP. See trifunctional protein
- TFPI. See tissue factor protein inhibitor
- TH cells. See helper T cells
- THC. See tetrahydrocannabinol
- theozymes, 138b
- thermodynamic constants, 24
- thermodynamic effect, of ATP concentrations, 503
- thermodynamics, 19–27, 20f, 22b–23b
- bioenergetics and
- additive nature of free-energy changes, 471
- first and second law of thermodynamics, 466–467, 467t
- free energy sources of cells, 467
- reactant and product concentration effects on actual free-energy changes, 470–471
- relationship between standard free-energy change and equilibrium constant, 182, 182t, 468–470, 468t, 469t
- of enzymes catalysis, 181–182, 470–471
- first law of, 20
- physical constants and units used in, 467t
- of protein folding, 131–132, 132f
- second law of, 21, 22b
- thermogenesis, 852
- thermogenin. See uncoupling protein 1
- Thermosynechococcus vulcanus, 710f
- thiamine. See
- thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP), 530
- thiazolidinediones, 763–764, 879t
- glyceroneogenesis effects of, 763–764
- thick filaments, 169, 170–172, 170f
- thin filaments, 169, 170–172, 170f
- thin-layer chromatography (TLC), of lipids, 362, 362f
- thioesterase, 750
- thioesters, 482, 575
- thiolase, 608
- thiols, as activating leaving groups, 476
- thiolysis, 607f, 608
- thiophorase. See β-ketoacyl-CoA transferase
- thioredoxin, 723f, 725, 727f, 829
- in deoxyribonucleotide synthesis, 830, 830f
- thioredoxin reductase, 830, 830f
- 4-thiouridine, 266s, 983f
- Thomson, James, 1091
- end, 267, 267f
- exonuclease activity, in DNA polymerases, 917–919
- three-dimensional structure
- of biomolecules, 14–18, 15f, 16f, 18f, 19f
- of integral membrane proteins, 374
- of nucleic acids
- DNA double helix, 270–272, 271f, 272f
- DNA variation in, 272–273, 272f, 273f
- mRNAs, 274–275, 276f, 278f
- nucleotide base effects on, 268, 269f
- rRNAs, 276–277, 278f, 1018–1020, 1018f
- tRNAs, 276–277, 276f, 278f, 1018–1020, 1019f
- unusual structures adopted by DNA sequences, 273–274, 273f, 274f, 275f
- of proteins, 29–30, 29f, 107, 107f
- threonine, 74s, 76, 646, 647, 650–651, 810
- biosynthesis of, 811f
- catabolism of, 640, 640f, 644–647, 644f, 646t, 647f, 650–651, 652f, 653b
- properties and conventions associated with, 73t
- threose, 233s
- thrombin, 221
- thrombomodulin, 222
- thromboxane synthase, 758, 758f
- thromboxanes (TX), 221, 355, 355f, 356, 758
- Thudichum, Johann, 351
- thylakoid membranes, 709
- thylakoids, 7f, 701
- thymidylate (TMP), 265t, 837f
- thymidylate synthase, 833, 833f, 837f
- thymine (T), 264, 264s, 265t
- thyroid hormones, 843f
- nuclear receptor signaling by, 445, 446f
- thyrotropin, lectin recognition of, 254
- thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), 844s
- cells responding to, 409
- structure of, 844f
- time of flight (TOF), 94
- tissue factor (TF), 222
- tissue factor protein inhibitor (TFPI), 222
- tissues
- buffers in, 60f, 61–63, 62f, 63f
- damage to, liver enzyme assays for, 637b
- fractionation of, 8f
- specific metabolic functions of, 848, 848f
- adipose tissues, 851–852, 851f, 853f
- blood, 857–859, 858f
- brain, 855–857, 855f
- liver, 848–851, 849f, 850f, 851f
- muscle, 852–855, 854f, 855f, 856b–857b
- titin, 82, 82t
- titration curves, 58, 58f, 59f
- TLC. See thin-layer chromatography
- TLS polymerases, 940
- TMP. See thymidylate
- tmRNA. See transfer-messenger RNA
- TNF. See tumor necrosis factor
- tocopherols, 359
- as oxidation-reduction cofactor, 359–360
- tolbutamide, 862f
- top-down signaling, hormonal, 845–846, 846f, 847f
- topoisomerases, 895, 922
- in chromatin, 901
- DNA, 895–898, 895f, 896f, 897f, 897t, 906b
- in DNA replication, 922–923, 923t
- inhibition of, 906b
- in replication termination, 928f
- topoisomers, 894
- topologically associating domains (TADs), 903, 903f
- topology, 891
- topology diagram, 125, 127f
- topotecan (Hycamtin), 906b
- torpor, 610b
- totipotent stem cells, 1090, 1090f
- toxic shock syndrome, 253
- toxins
- TPP. See thiamine pyrophosphate
- tracrRNA, 323, 323f
- TRADD, in apoptosis, 455, 456f
- trans fatty acids, 342
- harmful health effects of, 345
- trans-activating CRISPR RNA, 323, 323f
- transaldolase, 549
- transaminases, 628
- transamination reactions, 628
- transcription, 275, 884, 960
- DNA replication compared with, 961
- DNA supercoiling and, 891, 892f
- DNA-dependent
- nuclear RNA polymerases in, 967–968, 968t
- promoters in, 963–964, 964f, 966f
- protein factors for, 968–971, 969t, 970f
- regulation of, 966–967, 966f
- RNA polymerases in, 961–963, 962f, 963f
- selective inhibition in, 971f
- termination of, 967, 967f
- elongation of, 964, 966f
- error rate of, 963
- initiation of, 963–964, 966f
- primary transcript, 972
- regulation of. See gene regulation
- regulatory sequences for, 962, 962f
- by RNA polymerase II, 968–971, 970f
- template strand for, 962, 962f
- translation coupling with, 1036, 1036f
- transcription activators, 1078
- transcription attenuation, 1068
- transcription factors, 498, 968
- DNA-binding activators and coactivators in assembly of, 1077–1080, 1079f, 1080f
- in glycolysis and gluconeogenesis regulation, 545–546, 545t, 546f
- in metabolic regulation, 498, 499f
- phosphorylation of, 1084
- in RNA polymerase II transcription, 970f, 971f
- transcriptional activation, 1080, 1080f
- transcriptional regulation
- of fatty acid oxidation, 616
- of glycolysis and gluconeogenesis, overall changes in, 545–546, 545t, 546f
- of HMG-CoA reductase, 782f, 783, 783f
- transcriptome, 317, 499, 960
- transcriptomics, 317, 318–319
- transdeamination, 631
- transducin, in vision signaling, 429f, 430–431, 430b, 430f
- transduction, signals. See signal transduction
- transesterification reaction, 975, 976f, 997, 997f
- transfection, 312
- transfer RNAs (tRNAs), 264, 960
- amino acid activation by, 1015
- amino acid attachment to, 1020–1023, 1020t, 1021f, 1023f, 1025b–1027b
- anticodons on. See anticodons
- codon binding to, 1008, 1008t
- codon recognition by, 1010–1012, 1012f, 1012t
- discovery of, 1006, 1007f
- genetic code expansion and, 1025b–1027b
- primary transcript for, 973
- processing of, 985, 985f
- ribosomal binding sites for, 1028–1029, 1028f
- RNA polymerase III synthesis of, 968
- structure of, 276–277, 276f, 278f, 1018–1020, 1019f
- synthesis of, 983–985, 983f
- transferases, 179t
- transfer-messenger RNA (tmRNA), 1033b, 1036f
- transferrin, 584b
- transferrin receptor, 584b
- transformation, 306
- transformylase, 1024
- transition mutation, 1013
- transition state, 25, 26, 26f, 180, 180f
- transition-state analogs, 200, 202, 203f
- protease inhibitors as, 209, 209f
- vanadate as, 392
- transketolase, 549
- translation, 884, 1006. See also protein synthesis
- translational frameshifting, 1013, 1013f, 1014f, 1015f
- translational repression, of mRNAs, 1084–1085, 1085f
- translational repressor, 1070, 1070f
- translocase, 179t, 1032
- translocation, 1032, 1034, 1034f
- transpeptidase, antibiotic inhibition of, 211, 212f, 213f
- transphosphorylations, between nucleotides, ATP energy for, 487–488, 487f
- transport
- active, 385f, 386
- against concentration or electrochemical gradient, 391–392, 391f
- ion gradients providing energy for, 398–399, 400f
- proton-motive force driving, 683, 683f
- of ammonia
- of cholesterol
- by HDL, 778f, 778t, 779f, 779t, 780–781, 780f, 785, 785f
- by plasma lipoproteins, 777–780, 778f, 778t, 779f, 779t
- by receptor-mediated endocytosis, 781–782, 781f
- regulation of, 782–784, 782f, 783f, 785f, 786b–787b
- of , 160–161, 160f
- of fatty acids into mitochondria, 603–606, 605f, 606f
- hydrogen ion, 160–161, 160f
- oxygen, 153
- passive, 385, 385f
- of proteins
- in bacteria, 1045–1046, 1047f
- endoplasmic reticulum posttranslational modification for, 1041–1042, 1041f, 1042f
- glycosylation for, 1042–1045, 1043f, 1044f
- to nucleus, 1045–1046, 1045f
- receptor-mediated endocytosis in, 1046–1048, 1047f
- of solutes across membranes
- by ABC transporters, 395–396, 396f, 396t, 397b–398b
- by active transport. See active transport
- by aquaporins, 400–401, 400t
- by chloride-bicarbonate exchanger, 389–392, 391f
- by cotransport, 389–392, 391f, 398–399
- by GLUT1, 387–389, 387f, 388f, 389f, 389t
- by ion channels, 397b–398b, 401–402, 401f, 402f
- ion gradients driving, 398–399, 400f
- by channels, 402–403, 402f
- in metabolic regulation, 499f
- by passive transport. See passive transport
- by P-type ATPases, 392–394, 393f, 394f
- by secondary active transport, 398–399
- transporter and ion channel structures and mechanisms for, 386–387, 387f
- types of, 385–386, 385f
- by V-type and F-type ATPases, 394–395, 395f
- transporters. See also specific transporters
- transposition, 940, 952
- transposons, 325b, 328, 951
- bacterial, 952
- complex, 952
- eukaryotic, 953
- in human genome, 328
- recombination of, 951–953, 953f
- retrovirus similarities to, 990f, 991–993, 991f
- from RNA world, 999
- trans-translation, 1033b
- trans--enoyl-CoA, 607, 612f
- trastuzumab (Herceptin), 453b
- tree of life, 100, 100f
- trehalose, 240f, 241
- tretinoin (Retin-A), 357
- TRH. See thyrotropin-releasing hormone
- triacontanoylpalmitate, 346f
- triacylglycerol cycle, 761f, 762, 762f
- triacylglycerols, 344, 602
- activation of, 603–606, 605f, 606f
- in adipose tissue, 851–852, 851f
- biosynthesis of, 760–764
- digestion of, small intestine absorption, 602–603, 602f
- fatty acids in. See fatty acids
- germinating seeds and, 735
- mobilization of, 603, 604f, 605f
- oxidation of. See fatty acid oxidation
- as storage lipids
- energy storage and insulation provided by, 344–345, 344f
- as fatty acid esters of glycerol, 344, 344f
- partial hydrogenation of, 345
- synthesis of
- transport of, 603–606, 605f, 606f
- tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, 574. See also citric acid cycle
- TriCor. See fenofibrate
- trifunctional protein (TFP), 608
- triglycerides. See triacylglycerols
- trimeric G proteins, 413
- trimethoprim, 836f, 838
- trimethyllysine, 1038f
- triose kinase, 524
- triose phosphate isomerase, 185, 517
- triose phosphates
- in Calvin cycle, 721–724, 725f
- conversion to sucrose and starch, 733f, 734–735, 735f
- in glycolytic pathway, 512f, 513f, 514, 516–518, 517f
- movement of, 738–739, 738f
- ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate regeneration from, 722, 723f, 728f
- trioses, 230, 230f
- triplex DNAs, 274, 275f
- trisomy, 946b
- TrkA. See high-affinity nerve growth factor receptor
- tRNA nucleotidyltransferase, 985
- tRNAs. See transfer RNAs
- tropic hormones (tropins), 847f
- tropins. See tropic hormones
- tropomyosin, 171, 172f
- troponin, 171, 172f, 426
- troponin C, 123f
- trp operon, 1067–1068, 1067f, 1069f
- Trypanosoma brucei gambiense, 201b–202b
- trypanosomes, 980
- trypsin, 93, 179, 628
- trypsinogen, 220, 220f, 628
- tryptophan, 74s, 75, 75b, 75f, 644, 647, 811
- biosynthesis of, 811–812, 813f
- catabolism of, 640, 640f, 644–647, 644f, 646t, 647f, 648f
- E. coli regulation of, 1067–1068, 1067f, 1069f
- in membrane proteins, 376f
- neurotransmitter synthesis from, 821, 823f
- plant substances derived from, 820–821, 822f
- properties and conventions associated with, 73t
- tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase, 756b
- tryptophan synthase, 812, 813f
- Tsien, Roger, 320
- Tsix, 907b
- t-SNAREs, 383, 384f
- TTGACA sequence, 963, 964f
- tumor necrosis factor (TNF), in apoptosis, 455, 456f
- tumor suppressor genes, 451, 454f, 455
- tumor viruses, 990, 990f
- tumors
- citric acid cycle mutations in, 595, 595f
- Complex II mutations in, 667–668
- diagnosis of, 528b
- gangliosides in, 351
- glycolysis in, 526, 527b–528b
- loss of cell cycle regulation in
- MDR1 role in, 396
- p27 protein in, 125
- PTEN role in, 437
- Ras mutations in, 423
- treatment of. See chemotherapeutic drugs
- ubiquitination defects in, 1049
- tunicamycin, 1042, 1043, 1043f, 1044
- turnover, 499
- turnover number, 193, 193t
- Tus-Ter sequence, 927, 927f
- 26S proteasome, 1048
- two-component system, of bacterial signaling, 447f
- two-dimensional electrophoresis, 89, 89f
- TX. See thromboxanes
- TψC arm, 183f, 1020
- type 1 diabetes mellitus, 875
- defective glucose transport in, 390b
- insulin defects in, 875–877
- type 2 diabetes mellitus, 875, 877
- insulin defects in, 875–877
- insulin resistance in, 877, 878f
- management of
- biguanides, 879t
- diet and exercise, 878–879, 879t
- gliflozins, 399
- sulfonylurea drugs, 861–862, 879t
- surgery, 878–879, 879t
- thiazolidinediones, 763–764, 879t
- obesity associated with, 877, 878f
- SCD role in, 754
- type I photosystem, 708
- type I topoisomerases, 895, 895f, 896, 896f, 897t
- type II photosystem, 707, 708
- type II restriction endonucleases, 303, 303t, 304t
- type II topoisomerases, 895, 896, 897f, 897t
- tyrosine, 74s, 75, 75f, 647, 812
- biosynthesis of, 811–812, 814f
- catabolism of, 640, 640f, 647–648, 647f, 648f
- in general acid-base catalysis, 187f
- in membrane proteins, 376f
- neurotransmitter synthesis from, 821, 823f
- plant substances derived from, 820–821, 822f
- properties and conventions associated with, 73t
- U. See uracil
- U1 snRNP, 977, 978f
- U2 snRNP, 977, 978f
- U4 snRNP, 977, 978f
- U5 snRNP, 977, 978f
- U6 snRNP, 977, 978f
- U11 snRNP, 979
- U12 snRNP, 979
- UASs. See upstream activator sequences
- ubiquinone (Q), 359f, 360, 662
- ubiquinone:cytochrome c oxidoreductase, 665t, 666f, 668, 668f, 669, 669f
- ubiquitin, 448, 1048
- ubiquitination, 216, 217f
- ubiquitin-proteasome system, 129f
- UCP1. See uncoupling protein 1
- UDP. See uridine diphosphate
- UDP-glucose, 733, 733f, 733s
- UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase, 562, 563f
- ultraviolet light
- UMP. See uridylate
- UmuC protein, 939f, 940
- UmuD protein, 939f, 940
- uncompetitive inhibitor, 198, 198f
- uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1), 667t, 690, 852
- in brown adipose tissue, 690, 690f, 852
- leptin stimulation of, 868
- in mitochondrial heat production, 690, 690f
- underwinding, 891
- underwound DNA, 891
- uniport, 391, 391f
- unipotent stem cells, 1091
- unity of life, 27
- universal electron acceptors, respiratory chain electron funneling to, 661–662, 662t
- universe, 20
- unsaturated fatty acids
- β oxidation of, 611–612, 612f
- double bonds in, 342–343
- partial hydrogenation of, 345
- PUFAs. See polyunsaturated fatty acids
- structure and properties of, 342t, 343, 343f
- synthesis of, 754, 754f, 755f, 756b–757b
- UP. See upstream promoter
- UPR. See unfolded protein response
- upstream activator sequences (UASs), 1078, 1079f
- upstream promoter (UP), 963
- uracil (U), 264, 264s, 265t
- uracil DNA glycosylases, 934–935
- urate oxidase, 834, 834f
- urea, 634
- urea cycle, 633
- citric acid cycle links to, 636–637, 636f
- defects in, 638–639, 638t, 639f
- enzymatic steps of, 633–636, 634f–635f
- pathway interconnections reducing energetic cost of, 638
- reactions feeding amino groups into, 634f–635f
- regulation of, 637–638, 638f
- urease, isolation and crystallization of, 179
- ureotelic species, 626
- uric acid
- uricotelic species, 626
- uridine, 266s
- uridine diphosphate (UDP), 523, 524f
- uridine triphosphate (UTP), as chemical energy carrier, 294
- uridylate (UMP), 265t, 486
- uridylyltransferase, 803, 804f
- urobilinogen, 818, 820f
- uronic acid, 237
- UTP. See uridine triphosphate
- UvrA, 936
- UvrB, 936
- UvrC, 936
- UvrD, 936
- V segments, 954–955, 954f
- See initial rate
- vacuoles, 6, 7f
- Vagelos, P. Roy, 786b–787b
- valdecoxib (Bextra), 758
- valine, 74, 74s, 650, 810, 1020s
- valinomycin, 399, 400f, 667t
- van der Waals interactions, 49
- van der Waals radius, 49, 49t, 50t
- vanadate, 392
- Varmus, Harold, 990
- vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGFR), 438f, 452b
- inhibition of, for cancer treatment, 452b–453b
- vascular plants
- reaction centers of, 708–712, 709f
- volatile lipid signals of, 356
- vasopressin, water regulation by, 400
- vectorial reaction, 666
- vectors, cloning. See cloning vectors
- VEGFR. See vascular endothelial growth factor receptor
- venturicidin, 667t
- oxidative phosphorylation inhibition by, 676, 676f
- very-long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (VLCAD), 608
- very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDLs), 603, 780
- vesicles, 368f, 368, 370f
- Viagra. See sildenafil
- Vibrio cholerae, 424
- Victoria, Queen, 223
- video games, 138b–139b
- vinblastine, tumor resistance to, 396
- Vioxx. See rofecoxib
- virtual protein designs, 138b
- viruses
- cap-snatching by, 974–975
- coding information in, 962, 962f
- DNA of, 885f, 886–887, 887t, 930
- DNA polymerases of, 90
- genome of, 301
- oncogenes in, 451, 990, 990f
- recombinant protein expression using, 311–312, 311f
- RNA, 993. See also retroviruses
- selectins of, 255, 256f
- virusoids, 998
- visible light, 703, 703f
- vision, GPCR signaling in, 429–431, 429f, 430b, 430f
- vitamin A, as hormone precursor, 356–358, 358f
- 357
- deficiency of, 551, 578
- thiamine pyrophosphate from, 531f
- , 629
- , 643, 833
- , 613, 614b–615b
- vitamin C, deficiency of, 118b–119b
- 357
- 357
- vitamin E, 359
- vitamin K, 359
- vitamin K antagonists, 222
- vitamins, 356
- VLCAD. See very-long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase
- VLDLs. See very-low-density lipoproteins
- See membrane potential
- See maximum velocity
- voltage-gated channels, 443–444, 444f
- voltage-gated ion channels, 401, 442
- neuronal action potentials produced by, 443–444, 444f
- voltage-gated 402–403
- voltage-gated channels, 443–444, 444f
- v-SNAREs, 383, 384f
- V-type ATPases, 394–395, 395f
- Walker, John E., 678–680
- Warburg, Otto, 526
- warfarin (Coumadin), 222, 359f, 360
- Warshel, Arieh, 138b
- waste treatment, anammox bacteria in, 798b–799b
- WAT. See white adipose tissue
- water
- aquaporin transport of, 400–401, 400t
- charged solutes in, electrostatic interactions, 46, 46t, 47f, 50t
- colligative properties of, 51–53, 51f
- crystalline substances in, entropy of dissolving, 47, 47f
- defective transport of, 400
- as electron donor, 701–702
- hydrogen bonding of, 44–45, 44f, 45f, 46f
- ionization of
- acid dissociation constants and, 57, 57f
- equilibrium constants and, 54–55
- pH scale and, 55–56, 55t, 56f
- pure water, 54, 54f
- titration curves and, 58–59, 58f, 59f
- macromolecules in, 49–51, 50f, 50t, 51f
- melting point, boiling point, and heat of vaporization of, 44–45
- nonpolar compounds in, 47–49, 48f, 49f, 50t
- nonpolar gases in, 47, 47t
- oxygen-evolving complex and, 714–715, 715f
- in photosynthesis, 702–703
- as solvent. See aqueous solutions
- structure of, 44–45, 44f
- van der Waals interactions in, 49, 49t, 50t
- water cycle, 461–462, 462f
- water elimination, standard free-energy changes of, 469t
- water repellents, waxes as, 345–346, 346f
- water splitting complex, 714–715, 715f
- Watson, James D., 91, 883
- Waugh, W. A., 119b
- waxes, as energy stores and water repellents, 345–346, 346f
- weak acids
- as buffers, 59–63, 60f, 62f
- ionization of
- acid dissociation constants and, 57, 57f
- equilibrium constants and, 54–55
- pH scale and, 55–56, 55t, 56f
- pure water, 54, 54f
- titration curves and, 58–59, 58f, 59f
- 58–59, 58f, 59f
- weak bases
- as buffers, 59–63, 60f, 62f
- ionization of
- acid dissociation constants and, 57, 57f
- equilibrium constants and, 54–55
- pH scale and, 55–56, 55t, 56f
- pure water, 54, 54f
- titration curves and, 58–59, 58f, 59f
- weak interactions
- in aqueous solutions, 43–53
- charged solutes, 46, 46t, 47f, 50, 50t
- colligative properties and, 51–53, 51f
- entropy increases, 47, 47f
- hydrogen bonding, 44–45, 44f, 45f, 46f
- macromolecular structure and function and, 49–51, 50f, 50t, 51f
- nonpolar compounds, 47–49, 48f, 49f, 50t
- nonpolar gases, 47, 47t
- polar solutes, 45, 45f, 46f, 49f, 50, 50t
- van der Waals interactions, 49, 49t, 50t
- in enzyme-substrate complex
- homopolysaccharide folding and, 243–244, 244f
- protein stability and, 107–108
- in signal transduction specificity, 409
- Weizmann, Chaim, 532
- well-fed state
- Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, 551
- Western blot, 167
- white adipose tissue (WAT), 851, 851f, 852
- white blood cells. See leukocytes
- Wieschaus, Eric F., 1087
- wild-type cells, 30
- Wilkins, Maurice, 270
- Winkler, Hans, 301
- wobble hypothesis, 1012, 1012f, 1012t
- Woese, Carl, 3, 98, 998
- Woolley, D. Wayne, 494
- work
- Wurtz, Charles-Adolphe, 189
- Wyman, Jeffries, 158
- X chromosomes, 907b
- X shredder, 325b
- XALD. See X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy
- xanthine oxidase, 833, 834f, 835–836
- xenobiotics, 691, 850
- xeroderma pigmentosum (XP), 454, 932b
- Xist (X-inactive specific transcript), 907b
- X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (XALD), 617
- XP. See xeroderma pigmentosum
- XP genes, 454
- x-ray crystallography, 136, 137f
- x-ray diffraction, 136–137
- xylose, 233s
- xylulose, 233s
- xylulose 5-phosphate
- in Calvin cycle, 723f
- as key regulator of carbohydrate and fat metabolism, 543–544
- in pentose phosphate pathway, 549, 549f, 550f
- Y chromosomes, 907b
- YACs. See yeast artificial chromosomes
- yeast
- ethanol fermentation by, 530f, 531–532
- PDH complex of, 577f
- phospholipid synthesis in, 767–768
- recombinant protein expression in, 310–311
- regulation of galactose metabolism in, 1081, 1081f, 1082t
- replicators of, 928
- UASs in, 1078, 1079f
- yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs), 307, 891
- yeast two-hybrid analysis, 321–322, 322f
- yellow fluorescent protein (YFP), 416b–417b
- yogurt, 530
- Yonath, Ada E., 1017
- Yoshida, Masasuke, 681
- Young, William, 514
- Z disk, 170–171, 171f
- Z scheme, 709, 709f, 710
- Zamecnik, Paul, 1005, 1006
- zanamivir (Relenza), 255, 256f
- zeaxanthin, 360f
- Zellweger syndrome, 617
- Z-form DNA, 272, 273, 273f
- zinc finger, 1061–1062, 1062f
- Zocor. See simvastatin
- Zuckerkandl, Emile, 98
- zwitterions, 77
- zymogens, 220, 220f