An illustration depicts the chapter opener

We now turn our attention to the amino acids, the final class of biomolecules that, through their oxidative degradation, make a significant contribution to the generation of metabolic energy. The fraction of metabolic energy obtained from amino acids, whether they are derived from dietary protein or from tissue protein, varies greatly with the type of organism and with metabolic conditions. Carnivores consume primarily protein and thus must obtain most of their energy from amino acids, whereas herbivores may fill only a small fraction of their energy needs by this route. Most microorganisms can scavenge amino acids from their environment and use them as fuel when required by metabolic conditions. Plants, however, rarely if ever oxidize amino acids to provide energy; the carbohydrate produced from CO2CO Subscript 2 and H2Oupper H Subscript 2 Baseline upper O in photosynthesis is generally their sole energy source. Amino acid concentrations in plant tissues are carefully regulated to just meet the requirements for biosynthesis of proteins, nucleic acids, and other molecules needed to support growth. Amino acid catabolism does occur in plants, but only to produce metabolites for other biosynthetic pathways.

Amino acid oxidation pathways can seem complex, and they are best understood in the context of five principles:

A figure shows the interactions of major reactions involved in amino acid catabolism in mammals.

FIGURE 18-1 Overview of amino acid catabolism in mammals. The amino groups and the carbon skeleton take separate but interconnected pathways.

In mammals, blood glucose must be supplemented by gluconeogenesis, often just a few hours after a meal. Amino acids, particularly alanine and glutamine, can make a significant contribution to the fuel for gluconeogenesis. Amino acids undergo oxidative degradation in three different metabolic circumstances:

  1. Amino acids released during normal protein turnover are not needed for new protein synthesis.
  2. Ingested amino acids exceed the body’s needs for protein synthesis.
  3. Cellular proteins are used as fuel because carbohydrates are either unavailable or not properly utilized due to starvation or uncontrolled diabetes mellitus.

The pathways of amino acid catabolism are quite similar in most organisms. The focus of this chapter is on the pathways in vertebrates, because these have received the most research attention. As in carbohydrate and fatty acid catabolism, the processes of amino acid degradation converge on the central catabolic pathways, with the carbon skeletons of most amino acids finding their way to the citric acid cycle. In some cases, the reaction pathways of amino acid breakdown closely parallel steps in the catabolism of fatty acids (see Fig. 17-9). We begin with amino group metabolism and nitrogen excretion, before turning to the fate of the carbon skeletons derived from the amino acids; along the way we see how the pathways are interconnected.