DNA molecules are typically the largest macromolecules in any cell, often many orders of magnitude longer than the cells or viral particles that contain them (Fig. 24-1). The extraordinary degree of organization required for the tertiary packaging of DNA into chromosomes — the repositories of genetic information, is the focus of this chapter. It also gives rise to the principles around which the chapter is organized:
Chromosomes include dedicated sequences that ensure their replication, transcription, packaging, and transmission from one generation to the next. They are more than a long stretch of protein-encoding genes.
Chromosomes are large. To constrain them in a small space can require multiple layers and multiple modes of tertiary structure.
Chromosomes in all cells are maintained in a state of torsional stress. DNA is underwound relative to the stable B-form structure, facilitating both the packaging of DNA and access to the genetic information contained within it.
Specialized proteins and RNAs maintain chromosome structure. Topoisomerases control DNA underwinding. Histones, condensins, cohesins, and other DNA-binding proteins provide scaffolds to organize chromosome structure. Certain long, noncoding RNAs also play important roles in chromosome structure and function.
The chapter begins with an examination of the elements that make up viral and cellular chromosomes, and then considers chromosomal size and organization. We then discuss DNA topology, describing the coiling and supercoiling of DNA molecules. Finally, we consider the protein-DNA interactions that organize chromosomes into compact structures.