13.1 Bioenergetics and Thermodynamics

Bioenergetics is the quantitative study of energy transductions — changes of one form of energy into another — that occur in living cells, and of the nature and function of the chemical processes underlying these transductions. Although many of the principles of thermodynamics have been introduced in earlier chapters and may be familiar to you, a review of the quantitative aspects of these principles is useful here.

Biological Energy Transformations Obey the Laws of Thermodynamics

Many quantitative observations made by physicists and chemists on the interconversion of different forms of energy led, in the nineteenth century, to the formulation of two fundamental laws of thermodynamics. The first law is the principle of the conservation of energy: for any physical or chemical change, the total amount of energy in the universe remains constant; energy may change form or it may be transported from one region to another, but it cannot be created or destroyed. The second law of thermodynamics, which can be stated in several forms, says that the universe always tends toward increasing disorder: in all natural processes, the entropy of the universe increases.

A cartoon shows a man sitting in a chair holding a book titled Facts of Life and speaking to a boy sitting on his knees. Text reads, “Now, in the italicized second end italics law of thermodynamics…” A bookcase and a lamp are in the background.

Living organisms consist of collections of molecules much more highly organized than the surrounding materials from which they are constructed, and organisms maintain and produce order, seemingly immune to the second law of thermodynamics. But living organisms do not violate the second law; they operate strictly within it. To discuss the application of the second law to biological systems, we must first define those systems and their surroundings.

The reacting system is the collection of matter that is undergoing a particular chemical or physical process; it may be an organism, a cell, or two reacting compounds. The reacting system and its surroundings together constitute the universe. In the laboratory, some chemical or physical processes can be carried out in isolated or closed systems, in which no material or energy is exchanged with the surroundings. Living cells and organisms, however, are open systems, exchanging both material and energy with their surroundings; living systems are never at equilibrium with their surroundings, and the constant transactions between system and surroundings explain how organisms can create order within themselves while operating within the second law of thermodynamics.

In Chapter 1 (p. 21) we defined three thermodynamic quantities that describe the energy changes occurring in a chemical reaction:

Free energy, G (for J. Willard Gibbs), expresses the amount of energy capable of doing work during a reaction at constant temperature and pressure. When a reaction proceeds with the release of free energy (that is, when the system changes so as to possess less free energy), the free-energy change, ∆G, has a negative value and the reaction is said to be exergonic. In endergonic reactions, the system gains free energy and ∆G is positive.

Enthalpy, H, is the heat content of the reacting system. It reflects the number and kinds of chemical bonds (covalent and noncovalent) in the reactants and products. When a chemical reaction releases heat, it is said to be exothermic; the heat content of the products is less than that of the reactants, and the change in enthalpy, ∆H, has, by convention, a negative value. Reacting systems that take up heat from their surroundings are endothermic and have positive values of ∆H.

Entropy, S, is a quantitative expression for the randomness or disorder in a system (see Box 1-3). When the products of a reacting system are less complex and more disordered than the reactants, the reaction is said to proceed with a gain in entropy.

The units of ∆G and ∆H are joules/mole or calories/mole (recall that 1 cal =4.184 Jequals 4.184 upper J); units of entropy are joules/mole • Kelvin (J/molK)left-parenthesis upper J slash mol bullet upper K right-parenthesis (Table 13-1).

TABLE 13-1 Some Physical Constants and Units Used in Thermodynamics

  • Boltzmann constant, k=1.381×1023 J/Kbold k equals 1.381 times 10 Superscript negative 23 Baseline upper J slash upper K
  • Avogadro’s number, N=6.022×1023 mol1upper N equals 6.022 times 10 Superscript 23 Baseline mol Superscript negative 1
  • Faraday constant, F=96,480 J/Vmolupper F equals 96,480 upper J slash upper V bullet mol
  • Gas constant, R=8.315 J/molKupper R equals 8.315 upper J slash mol bullet upper K
  •                                  (=1.987 cal/molK)left-parenthesis equals 1.987 cal slash mol bullet upper K right-parenthesis
  • Units of ∆G and ∆H are J/mol (or cal/mol)
  • Units of ∆S are J/mol • K (or cal/mol • K)
  • 1 cal = 4.184 J1 cal equals 4.184 upper J
  • Units of absolute temperature, T, are Kelvin, K
  • 25 °C=298 K25 degree upper C equals 298 upper K
  • At 25 °C, RT=2.478 kJ/molupper R upper T equals 2.478 kJ slash mol
  • (=0.592 kcal/mol)left-parenthesis equals 0.592 kcal slash mol right-parenthesis

Under the conditions existing in biological systems (including constant temperature and pressure), changes in free energy, enthalpy, and entropy are related to each other quantitatively by the equation

ΔG=ΔHTΔSupper Delta upper G equals upper Delta upper H minus upper T upper Delta upper S


in which ∆G is the change in Gibbs free energy of the reacting system, ∆H is the change in enthalpy of the system, T is the absolute temperature, and ∆S is the change in entropy of the system. By convention, ∆S has a positive sign when entropy increases and ∆H, as noted above, has a negative sign when heat is released by the system to its surroundings. Either of these conditions, both of which are typical of energetically favorable processes, tends to make ∆G negative. In fact, ∆G of a spontaneously reacting system is always negative.

The second law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of the universe increases during all chemical and physical processes, but it does not require that the entropy increase take place in the reacting system itself. The order produced within cells as they grow and divide is more than compensated for by the disorder they create in their surroundings in the course of growth and division (see Box 1-3, case 2). In short, living organisms preserve their internal order by taking from their surroundings free energy in the form of nutrients or sunlight, and returning to their surroundings an equal amount of energy as heat and entropy.

Cells are isothermal systems — they function at essentially constant temperature (and also function at constant pressure). Heat flow is not a source of energy for cells, because heat can do work only as it passes to a zone or an object at a lower temperature. The energy that cells can and must use is free energy, described by the Gibbs free-energy function G, which allows prediction of the direction of chemical reactions, their exact equilibrium position, and the amount of work they can (in theory) perform at constant temperature and pressure. Heterotrophic cells acquire free energy from nutrient molecules, and photosynthetic cells acquire it from absorbed solar radiation. Both kinds of cells transform this free energy into ATP and other energy-rich compounds capable of providing energy for biological work at constant temperature.

Standard Free-Energy Change Is Directly Related to the Equilibrium Constant

The composition of a reacting system (a mixture of chemical reactants and products) tends to continue changing until equilibrium is reached. (In the case of an organism, equilibrium is reached only after death and complete decay.) At the equilibrium concentration of reactants and products, the rates of the forward and reverse reactions are exactly equal and no further net change occurs in the system. The concentrations of reactants and products at equilibrium define the equilibrium constant, Kequpper K Subscript eq (p. 23). In the general reaction

aA+bB  cC+dDa upper A plus b upper B right harpoon over left harpoon c upper C plus d upper D

where a, b, c, and d are the number of molecules of A, B, C, and D participating, the equilibrium constant is given by

Keq=[C]eqc[D]eqd[A]eqa[B]eqbupper K Subscript eq Baseline equals StartFraction left-bracket upper C right-bracket Subscript eq Superscript c Baseline left-bracket upper D right-bracket Subscript eq Superscript d Baseline Over left-bracket upper A right-bracket Subscript eq Superscript a Baseline left-bracket upper B right-bracket Subscript eq Superscript b Baseline EndFraction


where [A]eq, [B]eq, [C]eq, and [D]eqleft-bracket upper A right-bracket Subscript eq Baseline comma left-bracket upper B right-bracket Subscript eq Baseline comma left-bracket upper C right-bracket Subscript eq Baseline comma and left-bracket upper D right-bracket Subscript eq Baseline are the molar concentrations of the reaction components at the point of equilibrium.

When a reacting system is not at equilibrium, the tendency to move toward equilibrium represents a driving force, the magnitude of which can be expressed as the free-energy change for the reaction, ∆G. Under standard conditions of temperature and pressure and when reactants and products are initially present at 1 m concentrations or, for gases, at partial pressures of 101.3 kilopascals (kPa), or 1 atm, the force driving the system toward equilibrium is defined as the standard free-energy change, ΔG°upper Delta upper G degree. By this definition, the standard state for reactions that involve hydrogen ions is [H+]=1 Mleft-bracket upper H Superscript plus Baseline right-bracket equals 1 upper M, or pH 0. Most biochemical reactions, however, occur in well-buffered aqueous solutions near pH 7; both the pH and the concentration of water (55.5 m) are essentially constant.

Key convention

For convenience of calculations, biochemists define a different standard state from that used in chemistry and physics: in the biochemical standard state, [H+]left-bracket upper H Superscript plus Baseline right-bracket is 107M10 Superscript negative 7 Baseline upper M (pH 7) and [H2O]left-bracket upper H Subscript 2 Baseline upper O right-bracket is 55.5 m. For reactions that involve Mg2+Mg Superscript 2 plus (which include most of those with ATP as a reactant), [Mg2+]left-bracket Mg Superscript 2 plus Baseline right-bracket in solution is commonly taken to be constant at 1 mm.

Physical constants based on this biochemical standard state are called standard transformed constants and are written with a prime (such as ΔG°upper Delta upper G prime degree and Kequpper K prime Subscript eq) to distinguish them from the untransformed constants used by chemists and physicists. (Note that most other textbooks use the symbol ΔG°upper Delta upper G degree prime rather than ΔG°.upper Delta upper G Superscript prime Baseline degree period Our use of ΔG°upper Delta upper G prime degree, recommended by an international committee of chemists and biochemists, is intended to emphasize that the transformed free-energy change, ΔG°upper Delta upper G prime degree, is the criterion for equilibrium.) For simplicity, we will hereafter refer to these transformed constants as standard free-energy changes and standard equilibrium constants.

Key convention

In another simplifying convention used by biochemists, when H2Oupper H Subscript 2 Baseline upper O, H+upper H Superscript plus, and/or Mg2+Mg Superscript 2 plus are reactants or products, their concentrations are not included in equations such as Equation 13-2 but are instead incorporated into the constants Kequpper K prime Subscript eq and ΔG°upper Delta upper G prime degree.

Just as Kequpper K prime Subscript eq is a physical constant characteristic for each reaction, so too is ΔG°upper Delta upper G prime degree a constant. As we noted in Chapter 6, there is a simple relationship between Kequpper K prime Subscript eq and ΔG°upper Delta upper G prime degree:

ΔG°=RTlnKequpper Delta upper G Superscript prime Baseline degree equals minus upper R upper T ln upper K prime Subscript eq


The standard free-energy change of a chemical reaction is simply an alternative mathematical way of expressing its equilibrium constant. Table 13-2 shows the relationship between ΔG°upper Delta upper G prime degree and Kequpper K prime Subscript eq. If the equilibrium constant for a given chemical reaction is 1.0, the standard free-energy change of that reaction is 0.0 (the natural logarithm of 1.0 is zero). If Kequpper K prime Subscript eq of a reaction is greater than 1.0, its ΔG°upper Delta upper G prime degree is negative. If Kequpper K prime Subscript eq is less than 1.0, ΔG°upper Delta upper G prime degree is positive. Because the relationship between ΔG°upper Delta upper G prime degree and Kequpper K prime Subscript eq is exponential, relatively small changes in ΔG°upper Delta upper G prime degree correspond to large changes in Kequpper K prime Subscript eq.

TABLE 13-2 Relationship between Equilibrium Constants and Standard Free-Energy Changes of Chemical Reactions

ΔG°bold upper Delta bold-italic upper G prime degree
Keqbold-italic upper K prime Subscript eq (kJ/mol) (kcal/mol)a

10310 cubed

17.1negative 17.1

4.1negative 4.1

10210 squared

11.4negative 11.4

2.7negative 2.7

10110 Superscript 1

5.7negative 5.7

1.4negative 1.4




10110 Superscript negative 1



10210 Superscript negative 2



10310 Superscript negative 3



10410 Superscript negative 4



10510 Superscript negative 5



10610 Superscript negative 6



a Although joules and kilojoules are the standard units of energy and are used throughout this text, biochemists and nutritionists sometimes express ΔG°upper Delta upper G prime degree values in kilocalories per mole. We have therefore included values in both kilojoules and kilocalories in this table and in Tables 13-4 and 13-6. To convert kilojoules to kilocalories, divide the number of kilojoules by 4.184.

It may be helpful to think of the standard free-energy change in another way. ΔG°upper Delta upper G prime degree is the difference between the free-energy content of the products and the free-energy content of the reactants, under standard conditions. When ΔG°upper Delta upper G prime degree is negative, the products contain less free energy than the reactants and the reaction will proceed spontaneously under standard conditions; all chemical reactions tend to go in the direction that results in a decrease in the free energy of the system. A positive value of ΔG°upper Delta upper G prime degree means that the products of the reaction contain more free energy than the reactants, and this reaction will tend to go in the reverse direction if we start with 1.0 m concentrations of all components (standard conditions). Table 13-3 summarizes these points.

TABLE 13-3 Relationships among Keqbold-italic upper K bold prime Subscript bold eq, ΔG°bold upper Delta bold-italic upper G bold prime degree, and the Direction of Chemical Reactions

When Keqbold-italic upper K bold prime Subscript bold eq is … ΔG°bold upper Delta bold-italic upper G bold prime degree is … Starting with all components at 1 m, the reaction …



proceeds forward



is at equilibrium



proceeds in reverse

WORKED EXAMPLE 13-1 Calculation of ΔG°bold upper Delta bold-italic upper G bold prime degree

Calculate the standard free-energy change of the reaction catalyzed by the enzyme phosphoglucomutase,

Glucose 1-phosphate  glucose 6-phosphateGlucose 1 hyphen phosphate right harpoon over left harpoon glucose 6 hyphen phosphate

given that, starting with 20 mm glucose 1-phosphate and no glucose 6-phosphate, the final equilibrium mixture at 25 °C25 degree upper C and pH 7.0 contains 1.0 mm glucose 1-phosphate and 19 mm glucose 6-phosphate. Does the reaction in the direction of glucose 6-phosphate formation proceed with a loss or a gain of free energy?


First we calculate the equilibrium constant:

Keq=[glucose 6-phosphate]eq[glucose 1-phosphate]eq=19 mM1.0 mM=19upper K prime Subscript eq Baseline equals StartFraction left-bracket glucose 6 hyphen phosphate right-bracket Subscript eq Baseline Over left-bracket glucose 1 hyphen phosphate right-bracket Subscript eq Baseline EndFraction equals StartFraction 19 m upper M Over 1.0 m upper M EndFraction equals 19

We can now calculate the standard free-energy change:

ΔG°=RT ln Keq=(8.315 J/molK)(298 K)(ln 19)=7.3 kJ/molStartLayout 1st Row 1st Column upper Delta upper G Superscript prime Baseline degree 2nd Column equals 3rd Column minus upper R upper T ln upper K prime Subscript eq 2nd Row 1st Column Blank 2nd Column equals 3rd Column minus left-parenthesis 8.315 upper J slash mol bullet upper K right-parenthesis left-parenthesis 298 upper K right-parenthesis left-parenthesis ln 19 right-parenthesis 3rd Row 1st Column Blank 2nd Column equals 3rd Column negative 7.3 kJ slash mol EndLayout

Because the standard free-energy change is negative, the conversion of glucose 1-phosphate to glucose 6-phosphate proceeds with a loss (release) of free energy. (For the reverse reaction, ΔG°upper Delta upper G prime degree has the same magnitude but the opposite sign.)

Table 13-4 gives the standard free-energy changes for some representative chemical reactions. Note that hydrolysis of simple esters, amides, peptides, and glycosides, as well as rearrangements and eliminations, proceed with relatively small standard free-energy changes, whereas hydrolysis of acid anhydrides is accompanied by relatively large decreases in standard free energy. The complete oxidation of organic compounds such as glucose or palmitate to CO2CO Subscript 2 and H2Oupper H Subscript 2 Baseline upper O, which in cells requires many steps, results in very large decreases in standard free energy. However, standard free-energy changes such as those in Table 13-4 indicate how much free energy is available from a reaction under standard conditions. To describe the energy released under the conditions existing in cells, an expression for the actual free-energy change is essential.

TABLE 13-4 Standard Free-Energy Changes of Some Chemical Reactions

ΔG°upper Delta bold-italic upper G prime degree
Reaction type (kJ/mol) (kcal/mol)

Hydrolysis reactions

Acid anhydrides

Acetic anhydride+H2O2 acetateAcetic anhydride plus upper H Subscript 2 Baseline upper O right-arrow Overscript Endscripts 2 acetate

91.1negative 91.1

21.8negative 21.8

ATP+H2OADP+PiATP plus upper H Subscript 2 Baseline upper O right-arrow Overscript Endscripts ADP plus upper P Subscript i Baseline

30.5negative 30.5

7.3negative 7.3

ATP+H2OAMP+PPiATP plus upper H Subscript 2 Baseline upper O right-arrow Overscript Endscripts AMP plus PP Subscript i Baseline

45.6negative 45.6

10.9negative 10.9

PPi+H2O2PiPP Subscript i Baseline plus upper H Subscript 2 Baseline upper O right-arrow Overscript Endscripts 2 upper P Subscript i Baseline

19.2negative 19.2

4.6negative 4.6

UDP-glucose+H2OUMP+glucose 1-phosphateUDP hyphen glucose plus upper H Subscript 2 Baseline upper O right-arrow Overscript Endscripts UMP plus glucose 1 hyphen phosphate

43.0negative 43.0

10.3negative 10.3


Ethyl acetate+H2O ethanol+acetateEthyl acetate plus upper H Subscript 2 Baseline upper O right-arrow Overscript Endscripts ethanol plus acetate

19.6negative 19.6

4.7negative 4.7

Glucose 6-phosphate+H2O glucose+PiGlucose 6 hyphen phosphate plus upper H Subscript 2 Baseline upper O right-arrow Overscript Endscripts glucose plus upper P Subscript i Baseline

13.8negative 13.8

3.3negative 3.3

Amides and peptides

Glutamine+H2Oglutamate+NH4+Glutamine plus upper H Subscript 2 Baseline upper O right-arrow Overscript Endscripts glutamate plus NH Subscript 4 Superscript plus

14.2negative 14.2

3.4negative 3.4

Glycylglycine+H2O2 glycineGlycylglycine plus upper H Subscript 2 Baseline upper O right-arrow Overscript Endscripts 2 glycine

9.2negative 9.2

2.2negative 2.2


Maltose+H2O2 glucoseMaltose plus upper H Subscript 2 Baseline upper O right-arrow Overscript Endscripts 2 glucose

15.5negative 15.5

3.7negative 3.7

Lactose+H2Oglucose+galactoseLactose plus upper H Subscript 2 Baseline upper O right-arrow Overscript Endscripts glucose plus galactose

15.9negative 15.9

3.8negative 3.8


Glucose 1-phosphateglucose 6-phosphateGlucose 1 hyphen phosphate right-arrow Overscript Endscripts glucose 6 hyphen phosphate

7.3negative 7.3

1.7negative 1.7

Fructose 6-phosphateglucose 6-phosphateFructose 6 hyphen phosphate right-arrow Overscript Endscripts glucose 6 hyphen phosphate

1.7negative 1.7

0.4negative 0.4

Elimination of water

Malatefumarate+H2OMalate right-arrow Overscript Endscripts fumarate plus upper H Subscript 2 Baseline upper O



Oxidations with molecular oxygen

Glucose+6O26CO2+6H2OGlucose plus 6 upper O Subscript 2 Baseline right-arrow Overscript Endscripts 6 CO Subscript 2 Baseline plus 6 upper H Subscript 2 Baseline upper O

2,840negative 2,840

686negative 686

Palmitate+23O216CO2+16H2OPalmitate plus 23 upper O Subscript 2 Baseline right-arrow Overscript Endscripts 16 CO Subscript 2 Baseline plus 16 upper H Subscript 2 Baseline upper O

9,770negative 9,770

2,338negative 2,338

Actual Free-Energy Changes Depend on Reactant and Product Concentrations

We must be careful to distinguish between two different quantities: the actual free-energy change, ∆G, and the standard free-energy change, ΔG°.upper Delta upper G Superscript prime Baseline degree period Each chemical reaction has a characteristic standard free-energy change, which may be positive, negative, or zero, depending on the equilibrium constant of the reaction. The standard free-energy change tells us in which direction and how far a given reaction must go to reach equilibrium when the initial concentration of each component is 1.0 m, the pH is 7.0, the temperature is 25 °C25 degree upper C, and the pressure is 101.3 kPa (1 atm). Thus ΔG°upper Delta upper G prime degree is a constant: it has a characteristic, unchanging value for a given reaction. But the actual free-energy change, ΔG, is a function of reactant and product concentrations and of the temperature prevailing during the reaction, none of which will necessarily match the standard conditions as defined above. Moreover, the ΔG of any reaction proceeding spontaneously toward its equilibrium is always negative, becomes less negative as the reaction proceeds, and is zero at the point of equilibrium, indicating that no more work can be done by the reaction.

ΔG and ΔG°upper Delta upper G prime degree for any reaction aA+b cC+dDa upper A plus b upper B right harpoon over left harpoon c upper C plus d upper D are related by the equation

An equation reads, Greek letter delta italicized G end italics equals Greek letter delta italicized G end italics prime degree sign plus a red highlighted part of italicized R T end italics l n [uppercase C] superscript italicized lowercase c end italics times [uppercase D] superscript italicized lowercase d end italics, both divided by the product of [uppercase A] superscript italicized lowercase a end italics and [uppercase B] superscript italicized lowercase b.


in which the terms in red are those actually prevailing in the system under observation. The concentration terms in this equation express the effects commonly called mass action, and the term [C]c[D]d/[A]a[B]bleft-bracket upper C right-bracket Superscript c Baseline left-bracket upper D right-bracket Superscript d Baseline slash left-bracket upper A right-bracket Superscript a Baseline left-bracket upper B right-bracket Superscript b is called the mass-action ratio, Q. Thus Equation 13-4 can be expressed as ΔG=ΔG°+RTupper Delta upper G equals upper Delta upper G prime degree plus upper R upper T ln Q. As an example, let us suppose that the reaction A+B  C+Dupper A plus upper B right harpoon over left harpoon upper C plus upper D is taking place under the standard conditions of temperature (25 °C)left-parenthesis 25 degree upper C right-parenthesis and pressure (101.3 kPa) but that the concentrations of A, B, C, and D are not equal and none of the components is present at the standard concentration of 1.0 m. To determine the actual free-energy change, ΔG, under these nonstandard conditions of concentration as the reaction proceeds from left to right, we simply enter the actual concentrations of A, B, C, and D in Equation 13-4; the values of R, T, and ΔG°upper Delta upper G prime degree are the standard values. ΔG is negative and approaches zero as the reaction proceeds, because the actual concentrations of A and B decrease and the concentrations of C and D increase. Notice that when a reaction is at equilibrium — when there is no force driving the reaction in either direction and ΔG is zero — Equation 13-4 reduces to

0=ΔG=ΔG°+RT ln[C]eq[D]eq[A]eq[B]eq0 equals upper Delta upper G equals upper Delta upper G prime degree plus upper R upper T ln StartFraction left-bracket upper C right-bracket Subscript eq Baseline left-bracket upper D right-bracket Subscript eq Baseline Over left-bracket upper A right-bracket Subscript eq Baseline left-bracket upper B right-bracket Subscript eq Baseline EndFraction


ΔG°=RT ln Kequpper Delta upper G Superscript prime Baseline degree equals minus upper R upper T ln upper K prime Subscript eq

which is the equation relating the standard free-energy change and equilibrium constant (Eqn 13-3).

The criterion for spontaneity of a reaction is the value of ΔG, not ΔG°upper Delta upper G prime degree. A reaction with a positive ΔG°upper Delta upper G prime degree can go in the forward direction if ΔG is negative. This is possible if the term RT ln ([products]/[reactants]) in Equation 13-4 is negative and has a larger absolute value than ΔG°upper Delta upper G prime degree. For example, the immediate removal of the products of a reaction by an enzyme that degrades the product can keep the ratio [products]/[reactants] well below 1, such that the term RT ln ([products]/[reactants]) has a large, negative value. This is a quantitative expression of Le Chatelier’s principle. ΔG°upper Delta upper G prime degree and ΔG are expressions of the maximum amount of free energy that a given reaction can theoretically deliver — an amount of energy that could be realized only if a perfectly efficient device were available to trap or harness it. Given that no such device is possible (some energy is always lost to entropy during any process), the amount of work done by the reaction at constant temperature and pressure is always less than the theoretical amount.

Another important point is that some thermodynamically favorable reactions (that is, reactions for which ΔG°upper Delta upper G prime degree is large and negative) do not occur at measurable rates. For example, combustion of firewood to CO2CO Subscript 2 and H2Oupper H Subscript 2 Baseline upper O is very favorable thermodynamically, but firewood remains stable for years because the activation energy (see Figs. 6-2, 6-3) for the combustion reaction is higher than the energy available at room temperature. If the necessary activation energy is provided (with a lighted match, for example), combustion will begin, converting the wood to the more stable products CO2CO Subscript 2 and H2Oupper H Subscript 2 Baseline upper O and releasing energy as heat and light. The heat released by this exothermic reaction provides the activation energy for combustion of neighboring regions of the firewood; the process is self-perpetuating. Thermodynamics allows us to predict which direction a process will tend to go; how fast it will go is the subject of kinetics.

In living cells, reactions that would be extremely slow if uncatalyzed are caused to proceed not by supplying additional heat but by lowering the activation energy through use of an enzyme catalyst. An enzyme provides an alternative reaction pathway with a lower activation energy than the uncatalyzed reaction, so that at body temperature a large fraction of the substrate molecules have enough thermal energy to overcome the activation barrier, and the reaction rate increases dramatically. The free-energy change for a reaction is independent of the pathway by which the reaction occurs; it depends only on the nature and concentration of the initial reactants and the final products. Enzymes cannot, therefore, change equilibrium constants; but they can and do increase the rate at which a reaction proceeds in the direction dictated by thermodynamics (see Section 6.2).

Standard Free-Energy Changes Are Additive

In the case of two sequential chemical reactions, A  Bupper A right harpoon over left harpoon upper B and B  Cupper B right harpoon over left harpoon upper C, each reaction has its own equilibrium constant and each has its characteristic standard free-energy change, ΔG1°upper Delta upper G prime 1 degree and ΔG2°upper Delta upper G prime 2 degree. As the two reactions are sequential, B cancels out to give the overall reaction A  Cupper A right harpoon over left harpoon upper C, which has its own equilibrium constant and thus its own standard free-energy change, ΔGSum′°upper Delta upper G Subscript Sum Superscript prime degree. The ΔG°upper Delta upper G prime degreevalues of sequential chemical reactions are additive. For the overall reaction A  Cupper A right harpoon over left harpoon upper C, ΔGSum′°upper Delta upper G Subscript Sum Superscript prime degree is the sum of the individual standard free-energy changes, ΔG1°upper Delta upper G prime 1 degree and ΔG2°upper Delta upper G prime 2 degree, of the two reactions: ΔGSum′°=ΔG1°+ΔG2°upper Delta upper G Subscript Sum Superscript prime degree Baseline equals upper Delta upper G prime 1 degree plus upper Delta upper G prime 2 degree.

A figure shows how two reactions can be added to produce the sum of the two reactions and to give the overall free energy change associated with the combination of reactions.

This principle of bioenergetics explains how a thermodynamically unfavorable (endergonic) reaction can be driven in the forward direction by coupling it to a highly exergonic reaction. For example, in many organisms, the synthesis of glucose 6-phosphate is the first step in the utilization of glucose. In principle, the synthesis could be accomplished by this reaction:

Glucose+Piglucose 6-phosphate + H2O     ΔG°=13.8KJ/molGlucose plus upper P Subscript i Baseline right-arrow Overscript Endscripts glucose 6 hyphen phosphate plus upper H Subscript 2 Baseline upper O upper Delta upper G prime degree equals 13.8 KJ slash mol

But the positive value of ΔG°upper Delta upper G prime degree predicts that under standard conditions the reaction will tend not to proceed spontaneously in the direction written. Another cellular reaction, the hydrolysis of ATP to ADP and Piupper P Subscript i, is highly exergonic:

ATP + H2OADP + Pi  ΔG°=30.5 kJ/molATP plus upper H Subscript 2 Baseline upper O right-arrow Overscript Endscripts ADP plus upper P Subscript i Baseline upper Delta upper G Superscript prime Baseline degree equals negative 30.5 kJ slash mol

These two reactions share the common intermediates Piupper P Subscript i and H2Oupper H Subscript 2 Baseline upper O and may be expressed as sequential reactions:

A figure shows how two reactions can be added to produce the sum of the two reactions, A T P plus glucose yields A D P plus glucose 6-phosphate.

The overall standard free-energy change is obtained by adding the ΔG°upper Delta upper G prime degree values for individual reactions:

ΔGSum′°=13.8 kJ/mol+(30.5 kJ/mol)=16.7 kJ/molupper Delta upper G Subscript Sum Superscript prime degree Baseline equals 13.8 kJ slash mol plus left-parenthesis negative 30.5 kJ slash mol right-parenthesis equals negative 16.7 kJ slash mol

The overall reaction is exergonic. In this case, energy stored in ATP is used to drive the synthesis of glucose 6-phosphate, even though its formation from glucose and inorganic phosphate (Pi)left-parenthesis upper P Subscript i Baseline right-parenthesis is endergonic. The pathway of glucose 6-phosphate formation from glucose by phosphoryl transfer from ATP is different from reactions (1) and (2), but the net result is the same as the sum of the two reactions. The standard free-energy change is a state function. In thermodynamic calculations, all that matters is the state of the system at the beginning of the process and its state at the end; the route between the initial and final states is immaterial.

We have said that ΔG°upper Delta upper G prime degree is a way of expressing the equilibrium constant for a reaction. For reaction (1),

Keq1=[glucose 6-phosphate]eq[glucose]eq[Pi]eq=3.9×103 M1upper K prime Subscript eq 1 Baseline equals StartFraction left-bracket glucose 6 hyphen phosphate right-bracket Subscript eq Baseline Over left-bracket glucose right-bracket Subscript eq Baseline left-bracket upper P Subscript i Baseline right-bracket Subscript eq Baseline EndFraction equals 3.9 times 10 Superscript negative 3 Baseline upper M Superscript negative 1

Notice that H2Oupper H Subscript 2 Baseline upper O is not included in this expression, as its concentration (55.5 m) is assumed to remain unchanged by the reaction. The equilibrium constant for the hydrolysis of ATP is

Keq2=[ADP]eq[Pi]eq[ATP]eq=2.0×105Mupper K prime Subscript eq 2 Baseline equals StartFraction left-bracket ADP right-bracket Subscript eq Baseline left-bracket upper P Subscript i Baseline right-bracket Subscript eq Baseline Over left-bracket ATP right-bracket Subscript eq Baseline EndFraction equals 2.0 times 10 Superscript 5 Baseline upper M

The equilibrium constant for the two coupled reactions is

Keq3=[glucose6-phosphate]eq[ADP]eq[Pi]eq[glucose]eq[Pi]eq[ATP]eq=(Keq1)(Keq2)=(3.9×103M1)(2.0×105M)=7.8×102StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column upper K prime Subscript eq Sub Subscript 3 2nd Column equals StartFraction left-bracket glucose 6 hyphen phosphate right-bracket Subscript eq Baseline left-bracket ADP right-bracket Subscript eq Baseline left-bracket upper P Subscript i Baseline right-bracket Subscript eq Baseline Over left-bracket glucose right-bracket Subscript eq Baseline left-bracket upper P Subscript i Baseline right-bracket Subscript eq Baseline left-bracket ATP right-bracket Subscript eq Baseline EndFraction 2nd Row 1st Column Blank 2nd Column equals left-parenthesis upper K prime Subscript eq Sub Subscript 1 Subscript right-parenthesis left-parenthesis upper K prime Subscript eq Sub Subscript 2 Subscript right-parenthesis equals left-parenthesis 3.9 times 10 Superscript negative 3 Baseline upper M Superscript negative 1 Baseline right-parenthesis left-parenthesis 2.0 times 10 Superscript 5 Baseline upper M right-parenthesis 3rd Row 1st Column Blank 2nd Column equals 7 period 8 times 10 squared EndLayout

This calculation illustrates an important point about equilibrium constants: although the ΔG°upper Delta upper G prime degree values for two reactions that sum to a third, overall reaction are additive, the Kequpper K prime Subscript eq for the overall reaction is the product of the individual Kequpper K prime Subscript eq values for the two reactions. Equilibrium constants are multiplicative. By coupling ATP hydrolysis to glucose 6-phosphate synthesis, the Kequpper K prime Subscript eq for formation of glucose 6-phosphate from glucose has been raised by a factor of about 2×1052 times 10 Superscript 5 compared with the direct reaction between glucose and Piupper P Subscript i.

This strategy of coupling endergonic processes to exergonic reactions that drive them is employed by all living cells in the synthesis of metabolic intermediates and cellular components. Obviously, the strategy works only if compounds such as ATP are continuously available. In the following chapters we consider several of the most important cellular pathways for producing ATP. For more practice in dealing with free-energy changes and equilibrium constants for coupled reactions, see Worked Examples 1-1, 1-2, and 1-3 in Chapter 1 (pp. 24–25).

SUMMARY 13.1 Bioenergetics and Thermodynamics