Chapter Review


Terms in bold are defined in the glossary.


Data Analysis Problem

C14-CoAbold upper C Subscript bold 1 bold 4 Baseline zero width space bold minus bold CoA cΔ5C14-CoAbold c upper Delta Superscript bold 5 Baseline bold upper C Subscript bold 1 bold 4 Baseline zero width space bold minus bold CoA tΔ5C14-CoAbold t upper Delta Superscript bold 5 Baseline bold upper C Subscript bold 1 bold 4 Baseline zero width space bold minus bold CoA C14-CoAbold upper C Subscript bold 1 bold 4 Baseline zero width space bold minus bold CoA cΔ5C14-CoAbold c upper Delta Superscript bold 5 Baseline bold upper C Subscript bold 1 bold 4 Baseline zero width space bold minus bold CoA tΔ5C14-CoAbold t upper Delta Superscript bold 5 Baseline bold upper C Subscript bold 1 bold 4 Baseline zero width space bold minus bold CoA
Vmaxupper V Subscript max 3.3 3.0 2.9 1.4 0.32 0.88
Kmupper K Subscript m   0.41   0.40 1.6   0.57 0.44 0.97
kcatk Subscript cat 9.9 8.9 8.5 2.0 0.42 1.12
kcat/Kmk Subscript cat Baseline zero width space slash upper K Subscript m Baseline 24       22       5    4    1       1      
  1. For LCAD, the Kmupper K Subscript m differs dramatically for the cis and trans substrates. Provide a plausible explanation for this observation in terms of the structures of the substrate molecules. (Hint: You may want to refer to Fig. 10-1.)
  2. The kinetic parameters of the two enzymes are relevant to the differential processing of these fatty acids only if the LCAD or VLCAD reaction (or both) is the rate-limiting step in the pathway. What evidence is there to support this assumption?
  3. How do these different kinetic parameters explain the different levels of the CoA derivatives found after incubation of rat liver mitochondria with stearoyl-CoA, oleoyl-CoA, and elaidoyl-CoA (shown in the three-panel figure)?

    Yu and coworkers measured the substrate specificity of rat liver mitochondrial thioesterase, which hydrolyzes acyl-CoA to CoA and free fatty acid. This enzyme was approximately twice as active with C14-CoAupper C Subscript 14 Baseline hyphen CoA thioesters as with C18-CoAupper C Subscript 18 Baseline hyphen CoA thioesters.

  4. Other research has suggested that free fatty acids can pass through membranes. In their experiments, Yu and colleagues found trans-Δ5t r a n s hyphen upper Delta Superscript 5-tetradecenoic acid outside (i.e., in the medium surrounding) mitochondria that had been incubated with elaidoyl-CoA. Describe the pathway that led to this extramitochondrial trans-Δ5t r a n s hyphen upper Delta Superscript 5-tetradecenoic acid. Be sure to indicate where in the cell the various transformations take place, as well as the enzymes that catalyze the transformations.
  5. It is sometimes said in the popular press that “trans fats are not broken down by your cells and instead accumulate in your body.” In what sense is this statement correct and in what sense is it an oversimplification?
