Terms in bold are defined in the glossary.
1. Glycogen as Energy Storage: How Long Can a Game Bird Fly? Since ancient times, people have observed that certain game birds, such as grouse, quail, and pheasants, fatigue easily. The Greek historian Xenophon wrote: “The bustards … can be caught if one is quick in starting them up, for they will fly only a short distance, like partridges, and soon tire; and their flesh is delicious.” The flight muscles of game birds rely almost entirely on the use of glucose 1-phosphate to drive ATP synthesis (Chapter 14). The glucose 1-phosphate derives from the breakdown of stored muscle glycogen, catalyzed by the enzyme glycogen phosphorylase. The rate of ATP production is limited by the rate at which glycogen can be broken down. During a “panic flight,” the game bird’s rate of glycogen breakdown is quite high, approximately of glucose 1-phosphate produced per gram of fresh tissue. Given that the flight muscles usually contain about 0.35% glycogen by weight, calculate how long a game bird can fly. (Assume the average molecular weight of a glucose residue in glycogen is .)
2. Enzyme Activity and Physiological Function The of the glycogen phosphorylase from skeletal muscle is much greater than the of the same enzyme from liver tissue.
3. Glycogen Phosphorylase Equilibrium Glycogen phosphorylase catalyzes the removal of glucose from glycogen. The for this reaction is 3.1 kJ/mol.
4. Regulation of Glycogen Phosphorylase In muscle tissue, the rate of conversion of glycogen to glucose 6-phosphate is determined by the ratio of phosphorylase a (active) to phosphorylase b (less active). Determine what happens to the rate of glycogen breakdown if a broken cell extract of muscle containing glycogen phosphorylase is treated with (a) phosphorylase kinase and ATP (b) PP1 (c) epinephrine.
5. Glycogen Breakdown in Rabbit Muscle The intracellular use of glucose and glycogen is tightly regulated at four points. To compare the regulation of glycolysis when oxygen is plentiful and when it is depleted, consider the utilization of glucose and glycogen by rabbit leg muscle in two physiological settings: a resting rabbit, with low ATP demands, and a rabbit that sights its mortal enemy, the coyote, and dashes into its burrow. For each setting, determine the relative levels (high, intermediate, or low) of AMP, ATP, citrate, and acetyl-CoA and describe how these levels affect the flow of metabolites through glycolysis by regulating specific enzymes. (Hint: In periods of stress, rabbit leg muscle produces much of its ATP by anaerobic glycolysis (lactate fermentation) and very little by oxidation of acetyl-CoA derived from fat breakdown.)
6. Glycogen Breakdown in Migrating Birds Unlike a rabbit, running all-out for a few moments to escape a predator, migratory birds require energy for extended periods of time. For example, ducks generally fly several thousand miles during their annual migration. The flight muscles of migratory birds have a high oxidative capacity and obtain the necessary ATP through the oxidation of acetyl-CoA (obtained from fats) via the citric acid cycle. Compare the regulation of muscle glycolysis during short-term intense activity, as in a fleeing rabbit, and during extended activity, as in a migrating duck. Why must the regulation in these two settings be different?
7. Enzyme Defects in Carbohydrate Metabolism Consider the four clinical case studies, A through D. For each case, determine which enzyme is defective and designate the appropriate treatment from the lists provided at the end of the problem. Justify your choices. Answer the questions contained in each case study. (You may need to refer to information in Chapter 14.)
Case A: The patient develops vomiting and diarrhea shortly after milk ingestion. The physician administers a lactose tolerance test. (The patient ingests a standard amount of lactose, and the physician measures the glucose and galactose concentrations in his blood plasma at intervals. In individuals with normal carbohydrate metabolism, the levels increase to a maximum in about 1 hour, then decline.) The patient’s blood glucose and galactose concentrations do not increase during the test. Why do blood glucose and galactose increase and then decrease during the test in healthy individuals? Why do they fail to rise in the patient?
Case B: The patient develops vomiting and diarrhea after ingestion of milk. Blood tests show a low concentration of glucose but a much higher than normal concentration of reducing sugars. The urine tests positive for galactose. Why is the concentration of reducing sugar in the blood high? Why does galactose appear in the urine?
Case C: The patient complains of painful muscle cramps when performing strenuous physical exercise but has no other symptoms. A muscle biopsy indicates a muscle glycogen concentration much higher than normal. Why does glycogen accumulate?
Case D: The patient is lethargic, her liver is enlarged, and a biopsy of the liver shows large amounts of excess glycogen. She also has a lower than normal blood glucose level. What is the reason for the low blood glucose in this patient?
Defective Enzyme
8. Effects of Insufficient Insulin in a Person with Diabetes A man with insulin-dependent diabetes is brought to the hospital emergency department in a near-comatose state. While vacationing in an isolated place, he lost his insulin medication and has not taken any insulin for two days.
9. Blood Metabolites in Insulin Insufficiency For the patient described in Problem 8, predict the levels of each listed metabolite in his blood before treatment in the emergency room, relative to levels maintained during adequate insulin treatment: (a) glucose (b) ketone bodies (c) free fatty acids.
10. Metabolic Effects of Mutant Enzymes Predict and explain the effect on glycogen metabolism of each of the listed defects caused by mutation: (a) Loss of the cAMP-binding site on the regulatory subunit of protein kinase A (PKA) (b) Loss of the protein phosphatase inhibitor (inhibitor 1 in Fig. 15-16) (c) Overexpression of phosphorylase b kinase in liver (d) Defective glucagon receptors in liver.
11. Hormonal Control of Metabolic Fuel Between your evening meal and breakfast, your blood glucose drops and your liver becomes a net producer rather than consumer of glucose. Describe the hormonal basis for this switch, and explain how the hormonal change triggers glucose production by the liver.
12. Altered Metabolism in Genetically Manipulated Mice Researchers can manipulate the genes of a mouse so that a single gene in a single tissue either produces an inactive protein (a “knockout” mouse) or produces a protein that is always (constitutively) active. What effects on metabolism would you predict for mice with the listed genetic changes? (a) Knockout of glycogen debranching enzyme in the liver (b) Knockout of hexokinase IV in liver (c) Knockout of FBPase-2 in liver (d) Constitutively active FBPase-2 in liver (e) Constitutively active AMPK in muscle (f) Constitutively active ChREBP in liver (see Fig. 14-28)
13. Optimal Glycogen Structure Muscle cells need rapid access to large amounts of glucose during heavy exercise. This glucose is stored in liver and skeletal muscle in polymeric form as particles of glycogen. The typical glycogen β-particle contains about 55,000 glucose residues (see Fig. 15-2). Meléndez-Hevia, Waddell, and Shelton (1993) explored some theoretical aspects of the structure of glycogen, as described in this problem.
Glucose is released from glycogen by glycogen phosphorylase, an enzyme that can remove glucose molecules, one at a time, from one end of a glycogen chain (see Fig. 15-3). Glycogen chains are branched (see Fig. 15-2), and the degree of branching — the number of branches per chain — has a powerful influence on the rate at which glycogen phosphorylase can release glucose.
Meléndez-Hevia and colleagues did a series of calculations and found that two branches per chain (see Fig. 15-2) was optimal for the constraints described above. This is what is found in glycogen stored in muscle and liver.
To determine the optimum number of glucose residues per chain, Meléndez-Hevia and coauthors considered two key parameters that define the structure of a glycogen particle: (the mole-cule in Fig. 15-2 has five tiers); . They set out to find the values of t and that would maximize three quantities: (1) the amount of glucose stored in the particle per unit volume; (2) the number of unbranched glucose chains per unit volume (i.e., number of A chains in the outermost tier, readily accessible to glycogen phosphorylase); and (3) the amount of glucose available to phosphorylase in these unbranched chains .
Meléndez-Hevia and coauthors then determined the optimum values of t and — those that gave the maximum value of a quality function, f, that maximizes , , and , while minimizing . They found that the optimum value of is independent of t.