Chapter Review


Terms in bold are defined in the glossary.


  • 26. Determining the Amino Acid Sequence of Insulin Figure 3-24 shows the amino acid sequence of bovine insulin, determined by Frederick Sanger and his coworkers. Most of this work is described in a series of articles published in the Biochemical Journal from 1945 to 1955.

    In 1945, researchers knew that insulin was a small protein consisting of two or four polypeptide chains linked by disulfide bonds. Sanger’s team had developed a few simple methods for studying protein sequences.

    Treatment with FDNB. FDNB (1-fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene) reacted with free amino (but not amide or guanidinium) groups in proteins to produce dinitrophenyl (DNP) derivatives of amino acids (see Fig. 3-25).

    Acid Hydrolysis. Boiling a protein with 10% HCl for several hours hydrolyzed all of its peptide and amide bonds. Short treatments produced short polypeptides; the longer the treatment, the more complete the breakdown of the protein into its amino acids.

    Oxidation of Cysteines. Treatment of a protein with performic acid cleaved all the disulfide bonds and converted all Cys residues to cysteic acid residues (see Fig. 3-26).

    Paper Chromatography. This more primitive version of thin-layer chromatography (see Fig. 10-25) separated compounds based on their chemical properties, allowing identification of single amino acids and, in some cases, dipeptides. Thin-layer chromatography also separates larger peptides.

    As reported in his first paper (1945), Sanger reacted insulin with FDNB and hydrolyzed the resulting protein. He found many free amino acids, but only three DNP–amino acids: α-DNP-glycine (DNP group attached to the α-amino group), α-DNP-phenylalanine, and ε-DNP-lysine (DNP attached to the ε-amino group). Sanger interpreted these results as showing that insulin had two protein chains: one with Gly at its amino terminus and one with Phe at its amino terminus. One of the two chains also contained a Lys residue, not at the amino terminus. Sanger named the chain beginning with a Gly residue “A” and the chain beginning with Phe “B.”

    1. Explain how Sanger’s results support his conclusions.
    2. Are the results consistent with the known structure of bovine insulin (see Fig. 3-24)?

    In a later paper (1949), Sanger described how he used these techniques to determine the first few amino acids (amino-terminal end) of each insulin chain. To analyze the B chain, for example, he carried out the following steps:

    1. Oxidized insulin to separate the A and B chains.
    2. Prepared a sample of pure B chain with paper chromatography.
    3. Reacted the B chain with FDNB.
    4. Gently acid-hydrolyzed the protein so that some small peptides would be produced.
    5. Separated the DNP-peptides from the peptides that did not contain DNP groups.
    6. Isolated four of the DNP-peptides, which were named B1 through B4.
    7. Strongly hydrolyzed each DNP-peptide to give free amino acids.
    8. Identified the amino acids in each peptide with paper chromatography.

    The results were as follows:

    • B1: α-DNP-phenylalanine only
    • B2: α-DNP-phenylalanine; valine
    • B3: aspartic acid; α-DNP-phenylalanine; valine
    • B4: aspartic acid; glutamic acid;
    • α-DNP-phenylalanine; valine
    1. Based on these data, what are the first four (amino-terminal) amino acids of the B chain? Explain your reasoning.
    2. Does this result match the known sequence of bovine insulin (Fig. 3-24)? Explain any discrepancies.

      Sanger and colleagues used these and related methods to determine the entire sequence of the A and B chains. Their sequence for the A chain was as follows:

      A sequence of 21 amino acids is given: G l y (1) - I l e - V a l - G l x - G l x (5)- C y s - C y s- A l a - S e r - V a l (10) - C y s - S e r - L e u - T y r - G l x (15) - L e u - G l x - A s x - T y r - C y s (20) - A s x.

      Because acid hydrolysis had converted all Asn to Asp and all Gln to Glu, these residues had to be designated Asx and Glx, respectively (exact identity in the peptide unknown). Sanger solved this problem by using protease enzymes that cleave peptide bonds, but not the amide bonds in Asn and Gln residues, to prepare short peptides. He then determined the number of amide groups present in each peptide by measuring the NH4+NH Subscript 4 Superscript plus released when the peptide was acid-hydrolyzed. Some of the results for the A chain are shown below. The peptides may not have been completely pure, so the numbers were approximate — but good enough for Sanger’s purposes.

      Peptide name Peptide sequence Number of amide groups in peptide






















    3. Based on these data, determine the amino acid sequence of the A chain. Explain how you reached your answer. Compare your answer with Figure 3-24.
