An illustration depicts the chapter opener

Proteins are big molecules. The covalent backbone of a typical protein contains hundreds of individual bonds. Because free rotation is possible around many of these bonds, the protein can, in principle, assume a virtually uncountable number of spatial arrangements, or conformations. In reality, however, each protein has a specific chemical or structural function, which suggests that each has a unique three-dimensional structure (Fig. 4-1). How stable is this structure, what factors guide its formation, and what holds it together? By the late 1920s, several proteins had been crystallized, including hemoglobin (Mr64,500)left-parenthesis upper M Subscript r Baseline 64 comma 5 00 right-parenthesis and the enzyme urease (Mr483,000).left-parenthesis upper M Subscript r Baseline 483 comma 000 right-parenthesis period Given that, generally, the ordered array of molecules in a crystal can form only if the molecular units are identical, crystallization was evidence that even very large proteins are discrete chemical entities with unique structures. However, we now know that protein structure is always malleable, and in sometimes surprising ways. Changes in structure can be as important to a protein’s function as the structure itself.

A four-part figure, a, b, c, and d, shows the relationship between protein structure and function. Part a shows a close-up of a part of an enzyme to illustrate polar and nonpolar groups, part b shows the overall structure of the enzyme, part c is a ribbon diagram showing the protein backbone of the enzyme, and part d is a close-up of the active site.

FIGURE 4-1 Relationship between protein structure and function. (a) The PurE enzyme from Escherichia coli catalyzes a reaction that forms carbon–carbon bonds in de novo purine biosynthesis. PurE is a small (17 kDa) single-domain protein. In this view, the protein surface of PurE has been modeled and colored by hydrophobicity: yellow for hydrophobic surfaces, blue for hydrophilic surfaces, and shades of green for those in between. It is apparent that the protein folds so that many of its polar groups are accessible to solvent. (b, c) The enzymatically active form of PurE is an octamer; eight PurE protomers combine to create a square-shaped quaternary structure with eight active sites. The structure in (b) is a surface representation; (c) is a ribbon diagram that traces the peptide backbone. Two protomers are colored by surface hydrophobicity. Others are shown in single colors (two each in gray, tan, and pink). (d) Each active site is formed using segments of three different protomers. A molecule of the reaction product carboxyaminoimidazole ribonucleotide bound at the active site is shown as a stick structure. [Data from PDB ID 2NSL, A. A. Hoskins et al., Biochemistry 46:2842, 2007.]

In this chapter, we examine the structure of proteins. We emphasize five principles: