Chapter Review


Terms in bold are defined in the glossary.


  • 22. Maple Syrup Urine Disease Figure 18-28 shows the pathway for the degradation of branched-chain amino acids and the site of the biochemical defect that causes maple syrup urine disease. The initial findings that eventually led to the discovery of the defect in this disease were presented in three papers published in the late 1950s and early 1960s. This problem traces the history of the findings from initial clinical observations to proposal of a biochemical mechanism.

    Menkes, Hurst, and Craig (1954) presented the cases of four siblings, all of whom died following a similar course of symptoms. In all four cases, the mother’s pregnancy and the birth had been normal. The first 3 to 5 days of each child’s life were also normal. But soon thereafter each child began having convulsions, and the children died between the ages of 11 days and 3 months. Autopsy showed considerable swelling of the brain in all cases. The children’s urine had a strong, unusual “maple syrup” odor, starting from about the third day of life.

    Menkes (1959) reported data collected from six more children. All showed symptoms similar to those described above and died within 15 days to 20 months of birth. In one case, Menkes was able to obtain urine samples during the last months of the infant’s life. When he treated the urine with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone, which forms colored precipitates with keto compounds, he found three α-keto acids in unusually large amounts:

    A figure shows the structures of alpha-ketoisocaproate, alpha-ketoisovalerate, and alpha-keto-beta-methyl-italicized n end italics-valerate.
    1. These α-keto acids are produced by the deamination of amino acids. For each of the α-keto acids above, draw and name the amino acid from which it was derived.

      Dancis, Levitz, and Westall (1960) collected further data that led them to propose the biochemical defect shown in Figure 18-28. In one case, they examined a patient whose urine first showed the maple syrup odor when he was 4 months old. At the age of 10 months (March 1956), the child was admitted to the hospital because he had a fever, and he showed grossly delayed motor development. At the age of 20 months (January 1957), he was readmitted and was found to have the degenerative neurological symptoms seen in previous cases of maple syrup urine disease; he died soon after. Results of his blood and urine analyses are shown in the table, along with normal values for each component.

Urine concentration (mg/24 h) Plasma concentration (mg/mL)
Normal Patient Normal Patient
Amino acid(s) Mar. 1956 Jan. 1957 Jan. 1957
Alanine 5–15 0.2 0.4 3.0–4.8 0.6
Asparagine and glutamine 5–15 0.4 0 3.0–5.0 2.0
Aspartic acid 1–2 0.2 1.5 0.1–0.2 0.04
Arginine 1.5–3 0.3 0.7 0.8–1.4 0.8
Cystine 2–4 0.5 0.3 1.0–1.5 0
Glutamic acid 1.5–3 0.7 1.6 1.0–1.5 0.9
Glycine 20–40 4.6 20.7 1.0–2.0 1.5
Histidine 8–15 0.3 4.7 1.0–1.7 0.7
Isoleucine 2–5 2.0 13.5 0.8–1.5 2.2
Leucine 3–8 2.7 39.4 1.7–2.4 14.5
Lysine 2–12 1.6 4.3 1.5–2.7 1.1
Methionine 2–5 1.4 1.4 0.3–0.6 2.7
Ornithine 1–2 0 1.3 0.6–0.8 0.5
Phenylalanine 2–4 0.4 2.6 1.0–1.7 0.8
Proline 2–4 0.5 0.3 1.5–3.0 0.9
Serine 5–15 1.2 0 1.3–2.2 0.9
Taurine 1–10 0.2 18.7 0.9–1.8 0.4
Threonine 5–10 0.6 0 1.2–1.6 0.3
Tryptophan 3–8 0.9 2.3 Not measured 0
Tyrosine 4–8 0.3 3.7 1.5–2.3 0.7
Valine 2–4 1.6 15.4 2.0–3.0 13.1
  1. The table includes taurine, an amino acid not normally found in proteins. Taurine is often produced as a byproduct of cell damage. Its structure is
    A molecule is N H 3 plus bonded to C H 2 bonded to C H 2 bonded to S double bonded to O above and below and bonded to O minus to the right.

    Based on its structure and the information in this chapter, what is the most likely amino acid precursor of taurine? Explain your reasoning.

  2. Compared with the normal values given in the table, which amino acids showed significantly elevated levels in the patient’s blood in January 1957? Which ones in the patient’s urine?

    Based on their results and their knowledge of the pathway shown in Figure 18-28, Dancis and coauthors concluded that “although it appears most likely to the authors that the primary block is in the metabolic degradative pathway of the branched-chain amino acids, this cannot be considered established beyond question.”

  3. How do the data presented here support this conclusion?
  4. Which data presented here do not fit this model of maple syrup urine disease? How do you explain these seemingly contradictory data?
  5. What data would you need to collect to be more secure in your conclusion?
