Dependency | Purpose |
FSL (FLIRT, FNIRT, MCFLIRT, SUSAN, FAST) | Motion correction, skull stripping, bias field correction, nonlinear warping |
ANTs (Advanced Normalization Tools) | Spatial normalization (T1→MNI), bias field correction |
FreeSurfer | Cortical surface reconstruction (optional, but recommended) |
AFNI (3dTshift, 3dSkullStrip) | Slice-timing correction, alternative skull stripping |
Workflows from Nilearn & Nipype | Pipeline orchestration and image processing |
NumPy, SciPy, NiBabel, pandas | Data processing |
Matplotlib, seaborn | Quality control (QC) reporting |
TemplateFlow | Standardized brain templates |
Outputs :
First-Level Analysis ( Single-Subject )
GLM Parameter Estimates ( cope1.nii.gz
, varcope1.nii.gz
T-Statistics & Z-Statistics ( tstat1.nii.gz
, zstat1.nii.gz
Design Matrix ( design.mat
, design.con
, design.fsf
Motion Outliers Report ( motion_outliers.txt
Contrast Maps ( e.g., zstat1.nii.gz
for statistical significance )
Registration Outputs ( e.g., example_func2highres.mat
for aligning functional to anatomical )
Higher-Level Analysis ( Group-Level )
Group statistics ( mixed-effects modeling )
Cluster-corrected results
Thresholded statistical maps
fMRIPrep Output | Used for |
sub-*_task-*_bold_space-MNI152NLin2009cAsym_preproc.nii.gz | Preprocessed functional images |
sub-*_desc-brain_mask.nii.gz | Brain mask for extracting signal |
sub-*_desc-confounds_timeseries.tsv | Motion parameters, CompCor regressors |
sub-*_space-MNI152NLin2009cAsym_res-2_desc-preproc_bold.nii.gz | Smoothed images (if needed) |
sub-*_from-T1w_to-MNI152_desc-linear_xfm.h5 | Transformation matrices (for custom ROI masking) |
FEAT Step | Nilearn Alternative |
Motion Correction | Already handled by fMRIPrep |
Spatial Normalization | Already handled by fMRIPrep |
Confound Regression | nilearn.image.clean_img() |
GLM First-Level | nilearn.glm.first_level.FirstLevelModel() |
Statistical Maps (t-stats, z-stats) | .compute_contrast() in FirstLevelModel |
ROI Extraction | nilearn.input_data.NiftiMasker |
MVPA/Decoding | nilearn.decoding.SearchLight |
Option 1 : fMRIPrep ➡️ FSL::feat
Run fMRIPrep: Prepares cleaned functional images with confound regressors.
Import into FEAT: Use *_preproc_bold.nii.gz
as input for FEAT.
Apply Confound Regressors: Use desc-confounds_timeseries.tsv
in FEAT model.
Run First-Level Analysis: Apply GLM to analyze task-based activity.
Higher-Level Analysis: Combine across subjects.
Option 2 : fMRIPrep ➡️ nilearn
Run fMRIPrep: Prepares standardized, preprocessed fMRI data.
Load in Nilearn: Use nibabel
and nilearn.image
to load preprocessed outputs.
Apply Masking & Confound Removal: Use nilearn.input_data.NiftiMasker
and regress out motion, CompCor signals, etc.
Perform Statistical Modeling: Use nilearn.glm.first_level.FirstLevelModel
instead of FSL FEAT.
Extract ROIs & Perform Decoding: Use nilearn.decoding
for MVPA, or nilearn.connectome
for network analyses.
Option 3 : FSL::feat ➡️ nilearn
Run FEAT (First-Level Analysis): Process individual subject-level fMRI data.
Extract Statistical Maps: Use stats/cope1.nii.gz
, stats/zstat1.nii.gz
, etc.
Load in Nilearn: Use nibabel
and nilearn.image.load_img()
to read statistical maps.
Perform Further Analysis: Apply machine learning, MVPA, or advanced modeling using nilearn.decoding
or nilearn.glm
Visualization & Interpretation: Use nilearn.plotting
for displaying activation maps.
Option 4 : FSL::feat ➡️ FSL:feat
Run FEAT (First-Level Analysis): Process individual subject fMRI data.
Extract First-Level Outputs: Obtain contrast maps (cope.nii.gz
), variance maps (varcope.nii.gz
), and statistical results.
Register to Standard Space: Use example_func2standard.mat
to align functional data.
Set Up Group-Level Model: Create a design.mat
and design.con
file for group-level GLM analysis.
Run Higher-Level FEAT Analysis: Apply mixed-effects modeling to combine subject data.
Correct for Multiple Comparisons: Use cluster-based thresholding or TFCE correction.
Generate Final Statistical Maps: Export thresh_zstat.nii.gz
for interpretation.
Collect First-Level Outputs: Gather cope.nii.gz
and varcope.nii.gz
files from each subject.
Prepare a Group Design Matrix: Create a design.mat
and design.con
for higher-level analysis.
Run Higher-Level FEAT: Perform mixed-effects analysis to model group differences.
Apply Statistical Thresholding: Use FSL's thresholding options (cluster-based correction, TFCE, etc.).
Interpret Results: Review thresh_zstat.nii.gz
for significant group-level activations.
Load Individual Subject Maps: Use nilearn.image.load_img()
to import first-level statistical maps.
Apply Standardization: Use nilearn.image.mean_img()
or nilearn.image.math_img()
for normalization.
Perform Group-Level GLM: Use nilearn.glm.second_level.SecondLevelModel()
for a random-effects model.
Define Contrasts: Specify conditions or groups for comparison.
Run Statistical Analysis: Compute group contrasts and extract statistical maps.
Multiple Comparison Correction: Use nilearn.stats.threshold_stats_img()
for FDR correction.
Visualize Results: Use nilearn.plotting.plot_stat_map()
to render group-level activation.