Definition: Programmed and controlled cell death of individual cells.
cell shrinks
doesn't release contents
no inflammation
doesn't require transcriptional activation
every cell is sitting primed and ready for signal
obvious sign ( hallmark ) = DNA fragmentation = DNA ladder
Definition: Uncontrolled cell death due to acute cellular injury
cytoplasm swells
bursts and releases inflammatory cytokines
tri-peptide recognition sequence
... - X - X - X - D || X - X - ...
Cuts after aspartic acid ( D )
leaves exposed aspartic acid
Caspase Activation
1.1 = the inhibitory domain gets cleaved
1.2 = initiator caspases start signaling cascade
1.3 = signaling cascade activates effector caspases
Phosphatidylserine Externalization
2.1 = activated caspases trigger scrablase activation
2.2 = scrablase cases PS to flip from inner to outer leaflet
PS can now be used as "eat-me" signal for phagocytes
PS can also now be used as docking site for Annexin V ( labeling marker )
Substrate Cleavage
3.1 = activated effector caspases start degrading all kinds of intracellular components
Structural Proteins: Leading to cytoskeletal breakdown and cell shrinkage.
Signaling Molecules: Disruption of survival pathways.
Transcription Factors: Preventing new protein synthesis.
DNA Repair Enzymes: Ensuring irreversible DNA damage.
DNA Fragmentation
4.1 = High Molecular Weight Endonucleases degrade DNA from 700 kbp ➡️ 300 kbp ➡️ 50 kbp
4.2 = caspase-3 cuts off the inhibitory domain on Caspase-Activated DNase ( CAD ) , thereby activating it
4.3 = some oligosomal endonuclease , like CAD DNAase , can act on the remaining 50 kbp
it cuts between histones ( spaced 180 base pairs apart ) , producing uniform DNA "ladder" fragments
the ladder pattern is used to confirm / track apoptosis
binding site for annexin 5
regulated by :
floppase = uni-directional
flippase = moves from outer to inner leaflet
scrablase = moves from inner to outer leaflet
activated via caspase
in necrotic tissue , it leads to inflammation
in apoptotic cells , it causes the release of anti-inflammatory cytokines
macrophages use the PS on the outer leaflet as a targeting / recognition sequence
have conserved BH domain
you also have IAPs
inhibitors of apoptosis
they bind to and inhibit caspases
usually the upstream , inhibitory caspases
viruses evolved anti-apoptotic homologous
BH ( Bcl-2 )
Bax , Bak , Bid
Promote MOMP and cytochrome C release
BH3 domain is essential for inducing apoptosis
dimerization domain
p53 = classic
responds to DNA damage by inducing cell cycle arrest or apoptosis
this is the primary pathway
it uses cytochrome c from the mitochondria ( ETC )
it also uses TNF𝛼 , FAS , and FADD
caspase 8 , 10
apoptosis is initiated via some disturbance in the balance of pro vs anti apoptotic signals
cytochrome c is released from mitochrondria into cytosol
cytochrome c's then stabilize a caspase dimer , forming apoptosome
Both pathways lead to the production of apoptotic substrates
Extrinsic ( Death Receptor ) Pathway :
TNF-α and Fas biding activates FADD
FADD activates caspases
Intrinsic ( Mitochondrial ) Pathway :
Mitochondria release cytochrome c
has Bak , and Bax on outside
in the extrinsic pathway , caspases not only lead to CAD DNA slicing , but also activate T-Bid
T-Bid also activates caspase 9 , which then potentiates mitochondrial export of cytochrome c ?
its used for structural remodeling
cuts out webbing of fingers , toes
but if something goes wrong , it leads to syn or polydactyl problems
it can also present as cleft palette
failure of ridge cells to die
it is used in neuronal selection to prune 50% of neurons
it is also used in clonal selection / deletion of lymphocytes to retain the top 5% of adaptive candidates
the huntingtin protein is a caspase substrate
if it gets cleaved , it becomes activated
leads to apoptosis in neuronal cells
hereditary and early onset ( > 35 )
50% of the mutations are in presenillin 1
its a membrane protein that regulates calcium levels
mutations ➡️ alpha beta plaque build up ➡️ apoptosis
mutation in NAIP protein
makes it impossible to inhibit caspase activation
apoptosis of dopamanergic substantia nigra neurons
treatment = give L-DOPA
alpha-synuclein normally help regulate pre-synaptic mutations vesicles
mutations in alpha-synuclein lead to apoptosis
normally caused by necrosis , leading to clot formation
but if you could prevent apoptosis in generally ,
especially around the surrounding tissue ,
it would slow down and reduce necrosis
mutated caspase 10
allows uncontrolled lymphocyte growth
some DNA translocations can lead to over expression of anti-apoptotic factors
virus infection
loss of immune system
decrease in CD4+ T-Cells
increase in apoptosis
caused by both :
over-expression of anti-apoptitc factors
the in-activation of apoptotic inducers
transplant rejection monitoring
early identification of ischemia or brain injury
real time chemo drug monitoring
real time bone remodeling monitoring
osteoporosis = apoptosis of osteoclasts