Electron Transport Chain

What is electron transport and how is it used to make a chemiosmotic gradient of H+ ?

What are the four members of the electron transport chain and what are their roles? How does ATP synthase make ATP ?

Step 1: NADH Oxidation (Complex I)

NADH+H++CoQ+4Hmatrix+NAD++CoQH2+4Hintermembrane space+

Step 2: Succinate Oxidation (Complex II, Succinate Dehydrogenase)

2a. Succinate to Fumarate (Citric Acid Cycle Reaction)


2b. FADH₂ Oxidation and Ubiquinone Reduction


Step 3: CoQH₂ Oxidation (Complex III, Q-cycle)

CoQH2+2Cyt c(ox)+2Hmatrix+CoQ+2Cyt c(red)+4Hintermembrane space+

Step 4: Cytochrome c Oxidation (Complex IV, Cytochrome c Oxidase)

4Cyt c(red)+4Hmatrix++O24Cyt c(ox)+2H2O+4Hintermembrane space+

Step 5: ATP Synthesis (Complex V, ATP Synthase)

ADP+Pi+4Hintermembrane space+ATP+H2O+4Hmatrix+

Overall Electron Transport Chain Reaction:

  • Don't need to know reactions in detail

  • Know starting and ending molecules though

  • Based off 1 NADH ,

    • for how many protons out in Complex 1 from 1 NADH

What are the five electron carriers used during the electron transport chain ?

  1. Flavoproteins (FMN in Complex I, FAD in Complex II):

    • Accept and donate 2 electrons (FMN/FMNH₂, FAD/FADH₂).

  2. Iron-Sulfur (Fe-S) Proteins (in Complexes I, II, and III):

    • Transfer one electron at a time using iron atoms in Fe-S clusters.

  3. Cytochromes (in Complexes III, IV, and mobile cytochrome c):

    • Heme proteins that carry one electron at a time, utilizing iron (Fe²⁺/Fe³⁺) in heme groups.

  4. Ubiquinone (CoQ) (mobile between Complexes I, II, and III):

    • Transfers both electrons and protons, shuttling electrons between complexes.

  5. Copper Centers (CuA and CuB in Complex IV):

    • Transfer one electron at a time, with copper ions (Cu⁺/Cu²⁺) facilitating electron transfer and oxygen reduction.

How many H+ does each electron transport chain protein complex pump into the intermembrane space; how does this affect pH; how many H+ are required to make ATP ?

What are the steps of cytochrome C reduction by Cytochrome C Reductase ( complex III )

  1. A fully reduced coenzyme Q (QH₂) binds to the upper "Q" site near the cytosolic side of the membrane.

  2. A fully oxidized coenzyme Q (Q) binds to the lower "Q₀" site near the matrix side of the membrane.

  3. Cytochrome c binds to Complex III.

  4. QH₂ transfers two protons into the intermembrane space.

  5. QH₂ donates its first electron to cytochrome c via the Rieske iron-sulfur protein and cytochrome c₁.

  6. QH₂ donates its second electron to the fully oxidized Q in the lower Q₀ site, forming a semiquinone (Q•−).

  7. The oxidized coenzyme Q from the upper site is released back into the coenzyme Q pool in the inner membrane.

  8. The reduced cytochrome c, loaded with one electron, leaves Complex III and travels to Complex IV.

  9. The semiquinone (Q•−) remains bound to Complex III.

  10. A second fully reduced QH₂ molecule binds to the upper "Q" site.

  11. Another oxidized cytochrome c binds to Complex III.

  12. QH₂ transfers two protons into the intermembrane space.

  13. QH₂ donates its first electron to cytochrome c via the Rieske iron-sulfur protein and cytochrome c₁.

  14. QH₂ donates its second electron to the semiquinone in the lower Q₀ site, fully reducing it to QH₂.

  15. The oxidized Q from the upper site is released into the coenzyme Q pool.

  16. The reduced cytochrome c leaves for Complex IV.

  17. The fully reduced QH₂ in the lower Q₀ site attracts two protons from the mitochondrial matrix.

  18. The fully reduced QH₂ in the lower site is released back into the coenzyme Q pool, ready to restart the cycle.

  • Don't really need to know ?

What are the steps of O2 reduction to H2O by cytochrome C oxidase ( complex IV ) ?

  1. Electron Transfer from Cytochrome c:

    • Cytochrome c (in the intermembrane space) donates an electron, one at a time, to Complex IV.

    • These electrons are transferred through several cofactors within Complex IV:

      • First to CuA, a binuclear copper center.

        • Then to heme a, a heme group within the complex.

        • Finally to heme a₃ and CuB, which form a catalytic site where O₂ binds.

  2. O₂ Binding:

    • Molecular oxygen ( O₂ ) binds to the heme a₃-CuB center in Complex IV, forming a peroxo ( O₂²⁻ ) intermediate.

  3. Electron and Proton Transfers:

    • Four electrons from cytochrome c and four protons ( H⁺ ) from the mitochondrial matrix are needed to fully reduce one O₂ molecule.

      • Two electrons reduce the O₂ molecule to form the peroxo intermediate.

      • Two more electrons, along with protons, convert the peroxo intermediate to hydroxyl groups ( OH⁻ ).

  4. Water Formation:

    • The addition of four protons from the mitochondrial matrix completes the reduction, turning the two hydroxyl groups into two water molecules ( H₂O ), which are then released into the mitochondrial matrix.

  5. Proton Pumping:

    • While this reduction of O₂ to H₂O occurs, Complex IV also pumps 4 additional protons from the matrix into the intermembrane space, contributing to the proton gradient used for ATP synthesis.

When glycolysis and the electron transport chain are coupled , how many NADH and FADH2 are created ?


10 NADH10 protons1 NADH=100 protons
2 FADHA26 protons1 FADHA2=12 protons
100+12=112 H+1 Glucose
112 H+1 Glucose1 ATP4 H+=28 ATP1 Glucose
2 ATP+2 GTP ( ATP )+28 ATP=32 ATP

How do folds in the inner mitochondria membrane ( cristae ) improve the efficiency of ATP production ( 3 ) ?

  1. Increased Surface Area:

    • The cristae provide a larger surface area for the electron transport chain (ETC) proteins, ATP synthase, and other essential components. This allows more electron transport chains to be embedded in the membrane, which can pump more protons (H⁺), thereby supporting a greater production of ATP.

  2. Concentration of Proton Gradient:

    • Cristae help localize the protons (H⁺ ions) in a smaller volume within the intermembrane space. This enhances the proton gradient, creating a stronger proton motive force that drives more efficient ATP synthesis as protons flow back through ATP synthase.

  3. Efficient Spatial Arrangement of Enzymes:

    • The folded structure allows for a tight clustering of ATP synthase dimers and other proteins involved in oxidative phosphorylation. This proximity ensures faster and more efficient transfer of protons and electrons, minimizing energy loss and maximizing ATP production.

How are mitochondrial reactive oxygen species created? Know the three discussed metabolic inhibitors.

  1. Mode 1:

    • In high NADH/NAD+ conditions with low ATP generation, superoxide (O₂⁻•) is produced due to oxygen reacting with fully reduced FMN in Complex I. This can occur when the respiratory chain is inhibited or NADH builds up due to low ATP demand.

  2. Mode 2:

    • When there is a low ATP production and high proton gradient, and a reduced CoQ pool (CoQH₂), reverse electron transport (RET) can occur, leading to large amounts of superoxide generation. This is commonly associated with ischemia/reperfusion injury.

Both modes describe how different conditions in mitochondrial respiration can lead to varying levels of ROS production, particularly superoxide, which is then detoxified by enzymes like superoxide dismutase (SOD)

How ROS Are Produced in Mitochondria (Electron Transport Chain - ETC):

  1. Electron Leakage:

    • During normal electron transport, a small percentage (1-2%) of electrons "leak" from the chain, particularly at Complex I and Complex III.

    • These leaked electrons prematurely reduce oxygen (O₂), forming superoxide (O₂⁻•), a reactive oxygen species (ROS).

  2. Partial Reduction of Oxygen:

    • Instead of being fully reduced to water (H₂O) in Complex IV, oxygen can be partially reduced due to leaked electrons, forming superoxide.

  3. Formation of Other ROS:

    • Superoxide (O₂⁻•) is further converted to hydrogen peroxide (H₂O₂) by superoxide dismutase (SOD).

    • Hydrogen peroxide can further react (Fenton reaction) to form highly reactive hydroxyl radicals (•OH), which can cause significant cellular damage.

Ubisemiquinone (CoQ•⁻) and ROS Generation:

3. Temporary Nature of Ubisemiquinone:

4. When ROS Production Occurs:

5. Resolution of ROS Production:

In Summary:

ROS, while a byproduct of normal metabolism, can be both good (for signaling and defense) and bad (when excessive, leading to oxidative stress). Maintaining a balance in ROS production is crucial for cellular health.

  1. Rotenone (Complex I Inhibitor):

    • Action: Rotenone blocks the transfer of electrons from NADH to ubiquinone (CoQ) at Complex I.

    • Effect: This inhibition stops the electron flow through Complex I, which can lead to an increase in electron leakage and ROS production, particularly because the electrons build up and react with oxygen.

    • Result: NADH oxidation halts, and ATP production is severely reduced.

  2. Cyanide (CN⁻) and Carbon Monoxide (CO) (Complex IV Inhibitors):

    • Action: Both cyanide and carbon monoxide inhibit Complex IV (cytochrome c oxidase) by binding to the iron in the heme groups, preventing the transfer of electrons to oxygen.

    • Effect: This blocks the final step of the ETC, where oxygen is reduced to water. Without this step, electron flow stops, and no proton gradient is generated for ATP synthesis.

    • Result: Cyanide and CO poisoning leads to a complete shutdown of oxidative phosphorylation, preventing ATP production, and causing cell death if untreated.

  3. Oligomycin (ATP Synthase Inhibitor):

    • Action: Oligomycin binds to ATP synthase, specifically inhibiting the flow of protons (H⁺) through the enzyme.

    • Effect: By blocking proton flow, it prevents the synthesis of ATP despite the presence of a proton gradient. The buildup of the proton gradient can also slow down the ETC, leading to increased ROS production.

    • Result: Without ATP production, cellular energy levels drop, leading to cell dysfunction and death.

Summary of Metabolic Inhibitors:

Lipid Metabolism

Understand the different types of lipids and what their structures are. What does it mean to be saturated and unsaturated?

Understand the role of lipases and how lipids are digested and transported, what are the three possible fates of fatty acids in enterocytes, and understand lipid transfer in muscle cells

Understand the activation steps necessary for β-oxidation to occur ( fatty acyl-CoA synthesis and carnitine-mediated transport into the mitochondria )

Free Fatty Acid+ATP+CoAFatty AcylCoA+AMP+PPi


Know the steps in β-oxidation – where NADH and FADH2 are produced? What is the net reaction of one round of β-oxidation?

  1. Oxidation – Formation of a double bond in acyl-CoA dehydrogenase step.

Fatty AcylCoA+FADAcylCoA DehydrogenaseTransΔA2EnoylCoA+FADHA2
  1. Hydration – Addition of water across the double bond in enoyl-CoA hydratase step.

    TransΔA2EnoylCoA+HA2OEnoylCoA Hydrataseβ-HydroxylacylCoA
  2. Oxidation – Conversion of hydroxyl to a keto group in L-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase step.

β-HydroxylacylCoA+NADA+HydroxyacylCoA Dehydrogenaseβ-KetoacylCoA
  1. Thiolysis – Cleavage of the carbon-carbon bond by β-ketothiolase, producing acetyl-CoA and a shortened acyl-CoA.

β-KetoacylCoA+CoAThiolaseFatty Acyl-CoA( n - 2 )+Acetyl-CoA

What does one round of β-oxidation produce, how can you count the numbers of acetyl-CoAs derived from the oxidation of a fatty acid and the number of rounds of β-oxidation possible from a fatty acid of a given length?

Fatty AcylCoA+CoA+NADA++FADFatty Acyl-CoA( n - 2 )+Acetyl-CoA+NADH+FADHA2


How does ATP generation from the oxidation of a fatty acid compare to the ATP generated through the oxidation of glucose?



How is a triglyceride synthesized, what is required, how many steps, what is the rate-limiting enzyme, and how can intermediates impact other cell functions?

Have a basic understanding of how insulin resistance can develop and how increases in plasma free fatty acid and glucose (hyperglycemia) can impact cardiomyocytes