
Glucose+ATPHexokinaseGlucose 6-Phosphate+ADP
Glucose 6-PhosphatePhosphoglucose IsomeraseFructose 6-Phosphate
Fructose 6-Phosphate+ATPPhosphofructokinaseFructose 1,6-Bisphosphate+ADP
Fructose 1,6-BisphosphateAldolaseDihydroxyacetone Phosphate+Glyceraldehyde 3-Phosphate
Dihydroxyacetone PhosphateTriose Phosphate IsomeraseGlyceraldehyde 3-Phosphate
Glyceraldehyde 3-Phosphate+NAD++Pi+Glyceraldehyde 3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase1,3-Bisphosphoglycerate+NADH
1,3-Bisphosphoglycerate+ADPPhosphoglycerate Kinase3-Phosphoglycerate+ATP
3-PhosphoglyceratePhosphoglycerate Mutase2-Phosphoglycerate
Phosphoenolpyruvate+ADPPyruvate KinasePyruvate+ATP
Glucose+2 ATP2 Pyruvate+2 NADH+4 ATP



Pyruvate+CoA+NAD+Pyruvate Dehydrogenase ComplexAcetyl-CoA+CO2+NADH+H+


Acetyl-CoA+OxaloacetateCitrate SynthaseCitrate+CoA
Isocitrate+NAD+Isocitrate Dehydrogenasea-Ketogluterate+NADH+CO2
a-Ketoglutarate+NAD++CoAa-Ketoglutarate DehydrogenaseSuccinyl-CoA+NADH+CO2
Succinyl-CoA+GDP+PiSuccinylCoA SynthaseSuccinate+GTP+CoA
Succinate+FADSuccinate DehydrogenaseFumarate+FADH2
Malate+NAD+Malate DehydrogenaseOxaloacetate+NADH
Acetyl-CoA3 NADH+GTP+FADH2+2 CO2


Regulation of Glycolysis :


Glucose-stimulated-insulin-release ( two phases ) :


Bi-Functional Enzyme ( 6PFK2/FBPase2 ) :


NADH+H++CoQ+4 H+( matrix )Complex 1NADH OxidoreductaseNAD+CoQH2 +4 H+( intermembrane space )
Succinate+FADComplex 2Succinate DehydrogenaseFumarate+FADH2
FADH2+CoQComplex 2Succinate DehydrogenaseFAD+CoQH2
CoQH2+2 Cyt C( oxidized )+2 H+( matrix )Complex 3Cytochrome BC ComplexCoQ+2 Cyt C( reduced )  +4 H+( intermembrane space )
2 Cyt C( reduced )+O+4 H+( matrix )Complex 4Cytochrome C Oxidase2 Cyt C( oxidized )+H2O +2 H+( intermembrane space )
ADP+Pi+4 H+( intermembrane space )Complex 5ATP SynthaseATP+4 H+( matrix )
Net : NADH+11 H+( matrix )+O+ADP+PiNAD+10 H+( intermembrane space )+H2O+ATP


Five Electron Carriers Used :

  1. Flavoproteins ( FMN in Complex I , FAD in Complex II ) :

  1. Iron-Sulfur ( Fe-S ) Proteins ( in Complexes I, II, and III ) :

  1. Ubiquinone ( CoQ ) ( mobile between Complexes I , II , and III ) :

  1. Cytochromes ( in Complexes III , IV , and mobile cytochrome c ) :

  1. Copper Centers ( CuA and CuB in Complex IV ) :

NADH ( Complex I entry ) :

FADH₂ ( Complex II entry ) :

H⁺ Required to Make ATP :

Each full cycle of the ETC allows the production of roughly 2.5 ATP per NADH and 1.5 ATP per FADH₂ due to the difference in proton pumping.

Effect on pH :

Cytochrome C reduction by Cytochrome C Reductase ( complex III )


O Reduction to H₂O by Cytochrome C Oxidase (Complex IV) :

  1. Electron Transfer from Cytochrome c:

    • Two cytochrome c molecules donate one electron each to Complex IV via CuA and heme a.

    • These electrons are transferred to the heme a₃-CuB center, where atomic oxygen (O) binds.

  2. O Binding:

    • One atomic oxygen (O) binds to the heme a₃-CuB catalytic site in Complex IV.

  3. Electron and Proton Transfers:

    • The two electrons from cytochrome c begin reducing the atomic oxygen (O).

    • Two protons from the mitochondrial matrix are used to form hydroxyl intermediates (OH⁻) at the active site.

  4. Water Formation:

    • To fully reduce the hydroxyl intermediates (OH⁻) to water (H₂O), two additional protons from the mitochondrial matrix are used.

    • As a result, one water molecule (H₂O) is formed and released into the mitochondrial matrix.

  5. Proton Pumping:

    • During the reduction of one oxygen atom, two protons from the mitochondrial matrix are pumped into the intermembrane space, contributing to the proton gradient.

10 NADH10 protons1 NADH=100 protons
2 FADHA26 protons1 FADHA2=12 protons
100+12=112 H+1 Glucose
112 H+1 Glucose1 ATP4 H+=28 ATP1 Glucose
2 ATP+2 GTP ( ATP )+28 ATP=32 ATP

Coupling :

ATP Synthase Dimerization :

Inner Mitochrondrial Membrane Folds / Cristae :

Reactive Oxygen Species ( ROS ) :

Metabolic Inhibitors :


1.) Fatty Acyl-CoA Synthesis ( activation ) :

Free Fatty Acid+ATP+CoAFatty AcylCoA+AMP+PPi

2.) Carnitine - Transport into Mitochondria :

  1. Conjugate with Carnitine

    Fatty AcylCoA+CarnitineCarnitine Palmitoyl Transferase 1( CPT 1 )AcylCarnitine
    • CPT1 is an integral membrane protein found in the outer membrane of mitochondria

    • CPT1 is the rate-limiting enzyme of β-oxidation and is inhibited by malonyl-CoA

  2. Acyl-Carnitine enters mitochondrial matrix using carnitine-acylcarnitine translocase ( CACT )

  3. Acyl-Carnitine is converted back into Fatty Acyl-CoA

    AcylCarnitineCarnitine Palmitoyl Transferase 2( CPT 2 )Fatty AcylCoA+Carnitine
  4. Carnitine recycles back to cytosol


3.) β-Oxidation :

  1. Oxidation – Formation of a double bond in acyl-CoA dehydrogenase step.

Fatty AcylCoA+FADAcylCoA DehydrogenaseTransΔA2EnoylCoA+FADHA2
  1. Hydration – Addition of water across the double bond in enoyl-CoA hydratase step.

    TransΔA2EnoylCoA+HA2OEnoylCoA Hydrataseβ-HydroxylacylCoA
  2. Oxidation – Conversion of hydroxyl to a keto group in L-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase step.

β-HydroxylacylCoA+NADA+HydroxyacylCoA Dehydrogenaseβ-KetoacylCoA
  1. Thiolysis – Cleavage of the carbon-carbon bond by β-ketothiolase, producing acetyl-CoA and a shortened acyl-CoA.

β-KetoacylCoA+CoAThiolaseFatty Acyl-CoA( n - 2 )+Acetyl-CoA

Net :

Fatty AcylCoA+CoA+NADA++FADFatty Acyl-CoA( n - 2 )+Acetyl-CoA+NADH+FADHA2

Total Acytl-CoA for Even Numbered Fatty Acid :


Total Rounds of β-Oxidation for Even Numbered Fatty Acid :




For Unsaturated Fatty Acids :

3 Fates of Fatty Acids in Enterocytes :

  1. Reformed into TAGS , packaged into chylomicrons , shipped out

  2. Act as transcription factors

  3. Beta Oxidation

Lipid Transfer in Muscle Cells :

Triglyceride Synthesis :

Insulin Resistance and Impact of Plasma FFAs and Glucose on Cardiomyocytes :

Describe the lipid bilayer and how it varies between cells and organelles:

What is a lipid raft and why might they not exist?:

How can proteins insert into the lipid bilayer?:

Why do cell membranes have mechanisms to restrict or allow protein movement?:


Membrane Potential

Vm=( Vintra-cellular )( Vextra-cellular )

Nernst Equation :

E=RTzFln( coci )

Electrochemical Equation :

Δμ=RTln( cico )+( zFEm )

So how to find the actual membrane potential ( Em ) ? They use the "Parallel" or "Chord" Conductance Equation :

Vm=( gKgtotalEK )+( gNagtotalENa )+( gClgtotalECl )+ ...

The Driving Force :

Driving Force=( Resting Membrane Potential , Vm )( Ion’s Nernst Potential , Em )

Liddle's Syndrome :

hypokalemic ➡️ hyperpolarized cells ➡️ reduced firing rate ➡️ arrhythmia , seizures , muscle spasms

Cholera :

Vibrio cholare produces cholera toxin ➡️ stimulates adenylate cyclase ➡️ increased cAMP ➡️ blocks sodium and chloride transporters ➡️ high concentration of osmoles outside cells , in the gut ➡️ water dumps into gut ➡️ diarrhea ➡️ dehydration

Treatment = high sodium and glucose. The sodium-glucose co-transport system is not affected by cholera toxin. Water follows back into the cells

S4 segment :

Acetylcholine Receptors ( AChR ) :


Potassium Channel:

Cell Communication - Receptors

What are the four main receptor subtypes organized fastest to slowest?

What do we mean by affinity and efficacy?

The dissociation constant ( Kd ) :


Agonists: binds to a receptor = produces a response

Antagonists: binds to the same receptor = doesn't produce a response

Mechanisms that can inactivate a receptor :


Tolerance and Opioid Addiction Progression

  1. Normal State:

    • Baseline: Receptor activity is regulated by endogenous ligands (e.g., endorphins). Receptor numbers are stable.

  2. Euphoria (Initial drug use):

    • Increased ligand (opioid) concentration overstimulates opioid receptors, producing euphoria. No tolerance yet.

  3. Tolerance:

    • With repeated opioid use, receptor downregulation occurs. More ligand (drug) is required to achieve the same effect due to fewer receptors available.

  4. Dependence:

    • The body adapts to high ligand levels, becoming dependent on external opioids. Endogenous ligands no longer maintain normal function, leading to withdrawal symptoms if opioids are stopped.

Post-Abstinence Risk

  1. Normal After Abstinence:

    1. After stopping the drug, receptor upregulation restores receptor levels to baseline, but endogenous ligand production is still low.

  2. Withdrawal:

    • Without external ligand (opioid), receptors are understimulated, causing withdrawal symptoms due to insufficient receptor activation.

  3. Recovery:

    • Over time, the body’s endogenous ligands regain normal function, and receptor activity stabilizes.

  4. Overdose (High Risk):

    • If opioid use resumes at prior doses, the upregulated receptors are overstimulated by the same ligand concentration, leading to overdose.

Cell Communication - Control of Cell and System Functions

Steroid Family 1: Includes common steroids like glucocorticoids, androgens, estrogens, progesterones, and mineralocorticoids.

  1. steroid crosses cell membrane

  2. steroid binds to receptor / heat shock protein complex

  3. heat shock proteins dissociate , receptor is activated

  4. receptor moves into nucleus

  5. receptro binds to DNA as a dimer

  6. receptor alters gene transcription , mRNA is made

  7. target protein is made , elicits biological response

Steroid Family 2: Includes T3, retinoid acid, RXR, and vitamin D receptors.

  1. steroid crosses cell membrane

  2. steroid moves into nucleus

  3. steroid binds receptor , activates receptor ( heterodimer )

  4. receptor binds to DNA as heterodimer

  5. receptor alters gene transcription

  6. target protein is made , elicits biological response

Steroid Receptors Contain :

Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Activation :

  1. Binding of ligand causes dimerization

  2. dimerized receptor phosphorylates tyrosine

    • either auto-phosphorylation or cross-phosphorylation

  3. phosphorylated receptor recruits and activates adapter proteins

  4. kinase cascade

CDKs and Cyclins Act on the Cell Cycle :



Rb = prevents cell cycle progression via inhibition of gene transcription :

  1. blocks expression of myc and fos

  2. binds to E2F ( needed to go past R-site )