Gastrointestinal Physiology - Study Guide

Table 2.1 - Ionic Composition of a Typical Cell

milli MolLiter=mEqL| Valence |
MoleculeExtracellular ( mM )Intracellular ( mM )Nernst Potential ( Eion )
Na+[ 135 , 147 ][ 10 , 15 ]+60
K+[ 3.5 , 5.0 ][ 120 , 150 ]-90
Cl[ 95 , 105 ][ 20 , 30 ]-70
HCO3[ 22 , 28 ][ 12 , 16 ]-10
Ca++[ 2.1 , 2.8 ] ( total )
[ 1.1 , 1.4 ] ( ionized )
0.0001 ( ionized )+120
Pi[ 1.0 , 1.4 ] ( total )
[ 0.5 , 0.7 ] ( ionized )
[ 0.5 , 0.7 ] ( ionized )-4
Eion=60 mVZlog10( [ Outside ][ Inside ] )
Eion=60 mVZlog10( [ Inside ][ Outside ] )


ΔGion=( 8.314 JmolK( 29 C+273.15 K )ln( [ Outside ][ Inside ] ) )+( ( Z )96485 JVoltsmol( ( Vdestination )( Vorigin ) ) )


Epithelial cell transport function

Epithelial cells maintain an intracellular composition distinct from the extracellular ( interstitial ) space, just as other cells do. In part, these composition differences are needed to ensure cellular homeostasis. Epithelial cells also use the ion concentration gradients and membrane electrical potential differences ( PD ) to achieve net transport of solutes and water in absorptive or secretory directions. Typical values for ion concentrations in epithelial cells are shown in the table, together with Nernst potentials for each ( inside of the cell with respect to the outside of the cell ).

MoleculeExtracellular ( mM )Intracellular ( mM )Nernst Potential ( Eion )
@ pH = 7.4
@ pH = 7.1
Ca++1.2[ 0.000001 , 0.001 ][ +95 , +156 ]
  1. What accounts for the apparent relative lack of anions in the intracellular space?

    • The apparent deficiency of small inorganic anions like Cl⁻ and HCO₃⁻ in the intracellular space is balanced by the presence of large, negatively charged molecules that are abundant within the cell. These include:

      • Nucleic Acids (DNA and RNA): DNA and RNA molecules have phosphate groups along their backbones, which carry negative charges. These macromolecules are confined inside the cell nucleus (DNA) and cytoplasm (RNA) and contribute significantly to the cell's overall negative charge.

      • Organic Phosphates: Molecules such as ATP, ADP, and various metabolic intermediates contain phosphate groups and are negatively charged. They are present in high concentrations within the cell and play crucial roles in energy transfer and metabolism.

      • Proteins: Many intracellular proteins have negatively charged amino acid residues (like aspartate and glutamate), adding to the negative charge inside the cell.

      • Phospholipids in the Cell Membrane: While animal cells do not have a cell wall, the plasma membrane's inner leaflet contains phospholipids with negatively charged head groups, such as phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylinositol. These contribute to the negative charge on the cytoplasmic side of the membrane and influence interactions with intracellular proteins.

    • These large, impermeant anionic molecules are not typically included in tables listing ionic compositions because they do not freely move across the cell membrane. Their negative charges balance the positive charges of intracellular cations like K⁺, maintaining electrical neutrality within the cell. Despite the lower measured concentrations of small anions, the presence of these large negatively charged molecules explains the apparent relative lack of small anions in the intracellular space.

  2. What distinguishes the intracellular composition of epithelial cells compared with a typical cell ( Table 2-1 ) ?

    • Higher Intracellular Cl⁻ Concentration: Epithelial cells often have a higher intracellular Cl⁻ concentration (39 mM) compared to typical cells (20–30 mM). This elevated Cl⁻ level facilitates Cl⁻ transport across the epithelial layer, which is crucial for processes like fluid secretion in the gastrointestinal tract.

    • Ion Transport Mechanisms: Epithelial cells express specific ion channels, transporters, and pumps that adjust their intracellular ion concentrations to drive directional transport of substances. For instance, they may have enhanced activity of Na⁺/K⁺ ATPases, Cl⁻ channels, or other ion exchangers not as prominently featured in typical cells.

    • Membrane Potential Dynamics: The differences in ion concentrations affect the Nernst potentials and thus the electrochemical gradients, influencing the membrane potential and the cell's ability to transport ions and water effectively.

  3. Predict the range of membrane electrical PD ( from cell negative to cell positive ) that could be generated by a cell having the composition in the table.

    • Maximum Negative Vₘ: If the membrane is predominantly permeable to K⁺, the membrane potential would approach the Nernst potential for K⁺, which is –91 mV. This represents the largest negative PD the cell could generate under these conditions.

    • Maximum Positive Vₘ: If the membrane becomes highly permeable to Ca²⁺, the membrane potential would move toward the Nernst potential for Ca²⁺, which ranges from +95 to +156 mV. This range represents the largest positive PD achievable, considering the variability in intracellular Ca²⁺ concentration.

    • Overall Range: Therefore, the membrane potential could range from approximately –91 mV to +156 mV, depending on which ion channels are open and the membrane's permeability to those ions.

  4. Indicate the type of ion channels that would be required to obtain the largest negative and largest positive membrane electrical PD ( Vm )

    • Largest Negative Vₘ (Hyperpolarization): To achieve the most negative membrane potential, the cell would need to increase its permeability to K⁺ ions. This can be accomplished by opening K⁺ channels (such as inward-rectifier potassium channels). As K⁺ ions move out of the cell down their concentration gradient, the inside of the cell becomes more negative, driving the membrane potential toward the K⁺ Nernst potential (–91 mV).

    • Largest Positive Vₘ (Depolarization): To reach the most positive membrane potential, the cell must increase its permeability to Ca²⁺ ions. Opening Ca²⁺ channels (such as voltage-gated calcium channels) allows Ca²⁺ ions to flow into the cell due to their high extracellular concentration and positive Nernst potential (+95 to +156 mV). This influx of positive charge depolarizes the cell, pushing the membrane potential toward the Nernst potential for Ca²⁺.

Topic 1

Vbasolateral=( Vcell )( Vinterstitium )=65 mV
Vapical=( Vcell )( Vlumen )=25 mV
Vte=( Vlumen )( Vinterstitium )=40 mV

Vcell=( Vbasolateral )+( Vinterstitium )=( 0 mV )+( 65 mV )=65 mV
Vlumen=( Vinterstitium )+( Vte )=( 0 mV )+( 40 mV )=40 mV
  1. Determine the total electrochemical driving force acting on Na+ flow through the apical membrane Na+ conductance gaNa

    ENa=60+1log10( 14510 )=69.68208013409848 mV
    Driving Force=( 25 mV )( 69.68208013409848 mV )=94.68208013409848 mV
    • Driving Force = negative

      • therefore think of the inside as being negative

      • Sodium is positively charged

        • therefore , it will want to enter the cell

  2. Determine the total electrochemical driving force acting on K+ flow through the apical membrane K+ conductance gbK

    EK=60+1log10( 4.5150 )=91.37272471682026 mV
    Driving Force=( 25 mV )( 91.37272471682026 mV )=66.37272471682026 mV
    • Driving Force = positive

      • therefore think of the inside as being positive

      • Potassium is positively charged

        • therefore , it will want to leave the cell

  3. Assuming the stoichiometry of the Na+/K+ exchange pumps is 3Na+ : 2K+ :

    • determine the electrochemical energy needed to pump Na+ out and K+ in.

      • For Na+ moving from inside to outside :

      ΔGNa=( 8.314 JmolK( 29 C+273.15 K )ln( 145 mM10 mM ) )+( ( +1 )96485 JVoltsmol( ( 0 V )( 0.065 V ) ) )=12989.187235923013 Jmol
      ΔGtotal Na=312989.187235923013 Jmol=38967.56170776904 Jmol
      • For K+ moving from outside to inside :

      ΔGK=( 8.314 JmolK( 29 C+273.15 K )ln( 150 mM4.5 mM ) )+( ( +1 )96485 JVoltsmol( ( 0.065 V )( 0 V ) ) )=2537.2117805658827 Jmol
      ΔGtotal K=22537.2117805658827 Jmol=5074.423561131765 Jmol
      ΔGtotal=38967.56170776904 Jmol+5074.423561131765 Jmol=44041.985268900804 Jmol
    • determine whether ATP hydrolysis into ADP and Pi by the pump can drive this flow

      • ΔG for ATP hydrolysis (cellular conditions) is around –50,000 J/mol

      • One ATP molecule provides sufficient energy to drive the Na⁺/K⁺ pump

    • determine the energy needed if the stoichiometry is 2Na+ : 2K+

      ΔGtotal=( 212989.187235923013 Jmol )+( 22537.2117805658827 Jmol )=31052.798032977793 Jmol
      • Energy requirement decreases , and ATP hydrolysis still provides sufficient energy.

  4. Determine the numerical value for the ratio gaNa/gbK during steady-state Na+ absorption ( assuming a pump stoichiometry of 3Na+ : 2K+ )

    • At steady state:

      • the net current is zero

      • the current carried by Na⁺ entering the cell equals the current carried by K⁺ leaving the cell

      • adjusted for the pump stoichiometry

    Ohm’s Law:V=IR
    • we can replace resistance ( R ) with conductance ( g )

    Ohm’s Law:V=I1g
    • now , rewrite it , in terms of current ( I )

    Ohm’s Law=I=gΔV
    • ok , so to find this ratio of conductance values , we set up 2 Ohm's law equations , one for sodium , and one for potassium.

    • V , or ΔV , we are going to replace with the driving force. the driving force outputs a voltage anyways.


    Na+ Current( INa )=gaNa( VaENa )
    K+Current( IK )=gbK( VbEK )
    • so far we haven't done anything. we just wrote 2 Ohm's law equations

    • lets solve for both of the driving force parts

    ( VaENa )=( 25 mV )( 69.68208013409848 )=94.68208013409848 mV
    ( VbEK )=( 65 mV )( 91.37272471682026 mV )=26.372724716820258 mV

    • ok , now they gave us a ratio to find , gaNa/gbK , so lets make our 2 Ohm's law equations match this

    INaIK=gaNa( VaENa )gbK( VbEK )
    • we are going to treat the ions going through the pump as a current. so sodium current = -3 , and potassium = 2

    32=gaNa( ( 25 mV )( 69.68208013409848 ) )gbK( ( 65 mV )( 91.37272471682026 mV ) )
    • simplifying

    32=gaNa( 94.68208013409848 mV )gbK( 26.372724716820258 mV )
    • re-arranging for our goal ratio :

  5. Determine the direction for net flow of Cl- through the paracellular pathway.

    • Negative Transepithelial Potential ( Vₜₑ = –40 mV ) : Lumen is negative relative to the interstitium.

    • Cl⁻ (negative ion): Will be repelled by the negative lumen, moving from lumen to interstitium through the paracellular pathway.

    • Determine the electrochemical driving force for this flow.

      ECl=601log10( 116116 )=0mV
      • Driving Force : ΔVCl=( Vte )( ECl )=( 40 mV )( 0 mV )=40 mV

      • Driving Force = negative

        • therefore think of the inside as being negative

        • chloride is negatively charged

          • therefore , it will want to leave the cell

    • Determine the luminal Cl- concentration at which net paracellular Cl- flow stops ( assuming constant interstitial concentration )

      • At equilibrium , net Cl- flow stops when :

      ECl=40 mV
      • Using the Nernst equation :

      40 mV=60 mV1log10( 116[ Cl ]lumen )
      • Divide both sides by -60 mV :

      4060=log10( 116[ Cl ]lumen )
      • Solve for [ Cl ]lumen :

      104060=116[ Cl ]lumen
      [ Cl ]lumen=116104060=24.991442404369852 mM
      • Conclusion :

        • Net Cl- Flow Direction = from lumen to interstitium

        • Electrochemical Driving Force = -40 mV

        • Luminal [ Cl- ] at Equilibrium = Approximately 25 mM

  6. Continued electrogenic Na+ absorption will drive salt flow out of the lumen such that luminal Na+ and Cl- concentrations could drop by 5 mM. Determine the hydrostatic pressure necessary to oppose and thereby stop the resulting osmotic flow of water.

    ΔΠ=20.0821 LatmmolK( 29 C+273.15 K )0.005 molL=0.24560215000000002 atm760 mmHg1 atm=186.657634 mmHg


    • Hydrostatic Pressure Needed : Approximately 186 mmHg to oppose and stop the osmotic flow of water resulting from a 5 mM decrease in luminal Na⁺ and Cl⁻ concentrations.

Topic 2

  1. Stimulation of Cl- secretion produces a depolarization of Va from -70 mV to -34 mV within ~30 sec. By 3 min after stimulation, Cl- secretion is maximal and Va stabilizes at -45 mV. ( Draw a graph of the time course , Va versus time )

    • Time (x-axis): From 0 to 3 minutes.

    • Va (y-axis): Membrane potential ranging from -70 mV to -34 mV.

    • Description: Starting at -70 mV at time 0 , Va depolarizes to -34 mV within 30 seconds.

      • It then hyperpolarizes slightly to stabilize at -45 mV by 3 minutes.

    • Determine the electrochemical driving force acting on Cl- flow through the apical membrane Cl- conductance ( gaCl ) at the time of peak depolarization.

      • @ Peak Depolarization : Va=34 mV

      ECl=601log10( 11639 )=28.403602932025155 mV
      Driving Force=( 34 mV )( 28.403602932025155 mV )=5.596397067974845 mV
    • If Va depolarizes to -29 mV , determine the electrochemical driving force for this conductive Cl- flow.

      Driving Force=( 29 mV )( 28.403602932025155 mV )=0.5963970679748449 mV
    • Intracellular Cl- concentration decreases ~10% by 1 min after stimulation and returns to the initial value during steady-state secretion. Determine the numerical value of ECla a at 1 min after stimulation.

      [ Cl ]inside=39 mM( 100%10% )=35.1 mM
      ECl=601log10( 11635.1 )=31.149052365665664 mV
    • Speculate on the most likely cause for the decrease and return of Cl- concentration during the onset of the secretory state.

      • Decrease in Intracellular Cl⁻ :

        • Rapid efflux of Cl⁻ through apical Cl⁻ channels exceeds the rate of Cl⁻ entry via basolateral cotransporters.

      • Return to Initial Value :

        • Upregulation or increased activity of Na⁺-K⁺-2Cl⁻ cotransporters restores intracellular Cl⁻ levels as Cl⁻ influx balances efflux.

      • Answer = The initial decrease is due to Cl⁻ efflux exceeding influx; the return is due to increased Cl⁻ uptake restoring balance.

    • Determine the electrochemical driving force for conductive Cl- flow through gaCl during steady-state Cl- secretion.

      • At steady state ( Va=45 mV )

      Driving Force=( 45 mV )( 28.403602932025155 mV )=16.596397067974845 mV
  2. During steady state secretion , Vb is -65 mV

    • Determine the electrochemical driving force for conductive flow of K+ through gbK

      EK=60+1log10( 4.5150 )=91.37272471682026 mV
      Driving Force=( 65 mV )( 91.37272471682026 mV )=26.372724716820258 mV
    • Determine the electrochemical driving force for Na+ \ K+ \ 2Cl- cotransporters ( ΔμNaK2CLF ) in the basolateral membrane

      ΔμNaK2CLF=Vb+( ( RTF )ln( [ Na+ ]i[ K+ ]i[ Cl ]i2[ Na+ ]o[ K+ ]o[ Cl ]o2 ) )
      ΔμNaK2CLF=( 0.065 V )+( ( 8.314 JmolK( 29 C+273.15 K )96485 JVoltsmol )ln( 1050( 39 )21454.5( 116 )2 ) )=0.10008724244812786 V
    • Determine the driving force for Na+ \ Cl- cotransporters.

      ΔμNaClF=( 0.065 V )+( ( 8.314 JmolK( 29 C+273.15 K )96485 JVoltsmol )ln( 1039145116 ) )=0.16300379128411935 V
    • Determine the intracellular Na+ concentration at which net flow stops for each type of cotransporter ( assuming that the other concentrations were unchanged ).

      Let ΔμNaK2ClF=0
      0=Vb+( ( 8.314 JmolK( 29 C+273.15 K )96485 JVoltsmol )ln( [ Na+ ]i[ K+ ]i[ Cl ]i2[ Na+ ]o[ K+ ]o[ Cl ]o2 ) )
      • Solve for [ Na+ ]inside :

      ln( [ Na+ ]inside[ Na+ ]outside )=( ln( [ K+ ]i[ Cl ]i2[ K+ ]o[ Cl ]o2 )+VbFRT )
      ln( [ Na+ ]inside145 )=( ln( 150( 39 )24.5( 116 )2 )+0.065 V96485 JVoltsmol8.314 JmolK( 29 C+273.15 K ) )
      [ Na+ ]inside145=e( ( ln( 150( 39 )24.5( 116 )2 )+0.065 V96485 JVoltsmol8.314 JmolK( 29 C+273.15 K ) ) )
      [ Na+ ]inside=145e( ( ln( 150( 39 )24.5( 116 )2 )+0.065 V96485 JVoltsmol8.314 JmolK( 29 C+273.15 K ) ) )=467.2126424450802 mM

      Let ΔμNaClF=0
      [ Na+ ]inside=145e( ( ln( 39116 )+0.065 V96485 JVoltsmol8.314 JmolK( 29 C+273.15 K ) ) )=5236.003751539691 mM
    • Determine the numerical value for the ratio gaCl/gbK during steady-state Cl- secretion

      • At steady state , current = 0

       , ICl=IK

      ICl=gaCl( VaECla )
      ICl=gaCl( ( 45 mV )( 31.149052365665664 mV ) )=gaCl13.850947634334336
      IK=gbK( VbEKb )
      IK=gbK( ( 65 mV )( 91.37272471682026 mV mV ) )=gbK26.372724716820258 mV

      gaCl13.850947634334336=gbK26.372724716820258 mV
      gaClgbK=26.372724716820258 mV13.850947634334336 mV=1.9040375729561199
    • Determine the conductance for these Cl- channels compared with the conductance for these Na+ \ K+ \ 2Cl- cotransporters during steady-state Cl- secretion.

      • Na⁺-K⁺-2Cl⁻ Cotransporter :

        • Electrically neutral ( no net charge movement ).

        • Does not contribute to membrane conductance in terms of ionic current.

      • Comparison :

        • The apical Cl⁻ channel conductance ( gaCl ) is approximately 1.9 times the basolateral K⁺ channel conductance gbK

        • The cotransporter's activity affects ion concentrations but not membrane conductance.

      • Answer: The Cl⁻ channel conductance is significantly higher compared to the K⁺ channel, while the cotransporter does not contribute to conductance.

Topic 3

  1. Determine the electrochemical driving force for glucose flow via Na+ \ glucose cotransporters ( ΔμSGLTF ) , if the stoichiometry is 2Na+ : 1glucose and the intracellular glucose concentration is 10 mM.

    • asdf

    • If the stoichiometry is 1Na+ : 1glucose , determine the electrochemical driving force for apical membrane glucose flow.

      • asdf

    • Determine the number of glucose molecules absorbed for each ATP hydrolyzed by the 3Na+ / 2K+ exchange pumps.

      • asdf

  2. Determine the electrochemical driving force for glucose flow via the basolateral membrane glucose transporters ( ΔμGLUTF )

    • asdf

  3. Determine the conductance of the basolateral membrane glucose transporters compared with the conductance of the apical Na+ \ glucose cotransporters, during steady-state glucose absorption.

    • asdf

  4. Determine the intracellular glucose concentration at which apical glucose flow stops , if basolateral glucose flow were inhibited completely ( other features remaining the same ).

    • asdf

  5. Luminal glucose concentration decreases during continual absorption. ( assume a luminal glucose concentration of 0.1 mM )

    • Determine the electrochemical driving force for apical glucose flow , with each type of cotransporter stoichiometry.

      • asdf

    • Determine the conductance of the basolateral membrane glucose transporters compared with the conductance of the Na+ \ glucose cotransporters, during steady-state glucose absorption.

      • asdf

  6. Determine the luminal glucose concentration at which net glucose absorption stops ( assuming negligible paracellular glucose permeability )

    • asdf

Topic 4A

Topic 4B