OA2 ➡️ Mitochondria Activity ➡️ ROS ➡️ Inhibits Kv Channels ➡️ ΔVm Becomes Depolarized ➡️ Calcium Entry ➡️ Smooth Muscle Contraction in Pulmonary Arteries ➡️ Vasoconstriction

Figure 2

Figure 5

  • Methods :

    • Protocol: A 200-ms voltage step was applied, starting from a holding potential of -80 mV to potentials between -100 mV and +50 mV in 10 mV increments at a frequency of 0.1 Hz.

    • Tail Currents: After each depolarization step, cells were repolarized to -20 mV (PASMCs) or 0 mV (MASMCs) for 160 ms. This allowed measurement of tail currents, which reflect the steady-state activation level of IKV

      • PASMCs have a higher current density

      • MASMCs :

        • a more depolarized repolarization potential (0 mV) was necessary to increase the driving force and amplitude of the tail current , making it easier to assess under these conditions.

    • Observation: MASMCs required a more positive potential to increase tail current size due to their lower IKV amplitude.

    • Data Analysis: Current-voltage (I-V) curves were generated using tail current measurements taken 2–3 ms after repolarization. These curves were fitted to an equation incorporating the half-activation potential ( Va ) and the slope factor ( ka ), which reflects the activation steepness.

Table 2

  • The comparison demonstrates that mitochondria and IKV channels are more tightly coupled functionally in PASMCs than in MASMCs.

  • This functional coupling implies that mitochondrial products ( such as ROS , ATP , or Mg ) influence the behavior of IKV channels in PASMCs more significantly than in MASMCs , a key distinction for pulmonary artery function in oxygen sensing.

  • By showing that mitochondrial inhibition significantly affects IKV currents in PASMCs but has much smaller effects in MASMCs ,

    • the table suggests that PASMCs are uniquely adapted for hypoxic sensing , a feature crucial for the oxygen-sensitive regulation in pulmonary circulation.

When mitochondrial function is disrupted by the inhibitors, pulmonary channels respond more intensely, likely due to a tighter functional connection between the mitochondria and the potassium channels in lung cells compared to gut cells.

Figure 8