

Trans Epithelial Potential Difference( TEPD , or Vte )=( Vapical )( Vbasolateral )





Vte=( +25 mV )( +65 mV )=40 mV

Eion=60 mVZlog10( [ Outside ][ Inside ] )
Eion=60 mVZlog10( [ Inside ][ Outside ] )
ECl=+60 mV1log10( [ Outside ]Cl[ Inside ]Cl )


Summary: TEPD and Its Role in Ion and Water Transport

  1. Na⁺/K⁺ ATPase creates the low intracellular Na⁺ concentration and positive interstitial charge, establishing the TEPD.

  2. Na⁺ flows passively into epithelial cells, driven by the Na⁺ gradient and the negative TEPD.

  3. Cl⁻ follows Na⁺ to maintain electrical neutrality, assisted by channels like CFTR and antiporters like the Cl⁻/HCO₃⁻ exchanger.

  4. K⁺ is recycled via K⁺ channels, helping sustain the TEPD and facilitating ion transport.

  5. Water follows the osmotic gradient set up by ion reabsorption, moving passively through aquaporins or paracellularly.

  6. Hormonal regulation adjusts these processes, ensuring proper electrolyte and fluid balance in the body.

Kidney vs. Intestines: How TEPD is Used in Different Tissues

Students can describe serial processing of meal components by the gastrointestinal organ system. Students can describe epithelial flow pathways supporting transepithelial absorption and secretion.

Process of Saliva Secretion and Osmotic Forces Leading to Cell Lysis:
  1. Primary Secretion (Isotonic Fluid Production):

    • Acinar cells in salivary glands produce an initial secretion.

    • This primary fluid is isotonic to plasma, meaning it has a similar concentration of solutes like sodium (Na⁺) and chloride (Cl⁻).

    • Water follows the ions into the lumen through osmosis, maintaining an equal solute concentration inside the lumen and the surrounding cells.

  2. Ductal Modification of Saliva (Hypotonic Fluid):

    • The isotonic fluid moves from the acinar cells into the ducts of the salivary glands.

    • In the ducts, Na⁺ and Cl⁻ are reabsorbed, while K⁺ and HCO₃⁻ are secreted into the saliva.

    • The ducts are impermeable to water, so although ions are reabsorbed, water stays in the saliva.

    • This process causes the final saliva to become hypotonic (lower in solute concentration compared to plasma).

  3. Contact with Cells (Osmotic Gradient Creation):

    • When this hypotonic saliva comes into contact with cells, like bacteria, an osmotic gradient is established.

    • The inside of the bacterial cell has a higher solute concentration compared to the hypotonic saliva outside.

  4. Osmotic Water Influx:

    • Water flows into the bacterial cells by osmosis because water moves from areas of lower solute concentration (hypotonic saliva) to areas of higher solute concentration (inside the bacterial cell).

  5. Cell Swelling and Lysis:

    • As water enters the bacterial cell, the cell swells.

    • If the bacterial cell membrane or wall cannot withstand the increased internal pressure from the water influx, the cell can lyse (burst) due to the osmotic pressure.

Gastric Secretions




Passive Nutrient Absorption in Brush Boarder Membrane


Students can describe cellular mechanisms for solute and water absorption and secretion.

Students can predict steady-state cellular conductive properties during absorption and secretion.

Students can predict maximal concentration and electrical gradients attainable by cellular solute transport mechanisms.

Students can predict physiological outcomes to changes in dietary nutrients.

Students can describe endocrine/neural control of digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Renal System

Topic 1




Topic 2

Topic 3




Topic 4




Urine Flow Rate ( UFR )=VolumeTime
Flow=ConcentrationMobilityAreaDriving Force

Glomerular Filtration Rate ( GFR )=UxUFRPx
GFR=LpA( ΔPΔΠ )=KfilPfil

( filteredexcreted )+secreted=reabsorbed

Renal Plasma Flow ( RPF )=UPAHUFRPPAH
Filtration Fraction ( FF )=GFRRPF=CinulinCPAH
RPFCPAHFiltration Fraction ( FF )

Filtered Loadx=GFRPx

Excretion Ratex=UxUFR

Fractional Extrection( FEx )=Extrection RatexFiltered Loadx100%

Fractional Excretion of Creatinine( FECr )=UCrUFRPCrGFR=1
Fractional Excretion of Water( FEH2O )=UFRGFR100 %
Fractional Reabsorption ( FR % )=( 1UFRGFR )100 %

Osmolar Clearance( Cosm )=UosmUFRPosm
Plasma Osmolarity( Posm )2[ Na+ ]

Topic 5

Topic 6

Topic 7

Topic 8

Topic 9



Students can describe glomerular filtration in the kidney.

Students can predict changes in glomerular filtration rate due to arteriolar constriction.

Students can calculate glomerular filtration rate and renal clearance.


Students can describe renal tubule solute and water flow based on cellular transport mechanisms.

Students can describe the morphological basis of tubule fluid concentration during high and low water intake.

Students can describe hormonal control of solute and water transport.

Students can predict renal tubule response to perturbations in systemic acid/base balance.