Mitotic Lineage vs Self-Regulation


Mosaic versus Cell-Cell Interactions


Structures Derived from the Neural Crest and Neural Tube







The 3 Primitive Vesicles

  1. Forebrain = prosencephalon = the most anterior aspect of the embryonic vertebrate brain.

    • develop into the telencephalon and diencephalon

  2. Midbrain = mesencephalon = the middle segment of the embryonic vertebrate brain.

    • develops into the adult midbrain

      • does not further divide into secondary vesicles

  3. Hindbrain = rhombencephalon = the caudal-most segment of the embryonic vertebrate brain.

    • develops into the metencephalon ( pons and cerebellum ) and myelencephalon ( medulla )


Transcription Factors vs Homeobox Genes vs Hox Genes


Homeobox vs Hox Genes






Brain Regions where Neurons are Born

  1. Subventricular Zone ( SVZ )

    • Location: Lining of lateral ventricles.

    • Produces: Interneurons for the olfactory bulb.

  2. Dentate Gyrus of the Hippocampus

    • Location: Within the hippocampus.

    • Produces: Granule cells involved in learning and memory.

  3. Subgranular Zone ( SGZ )

    • Location: Part of the dentate gyrus in the hippocampus.

    • Produces: Similar to Dentate Gyrus; more specific region.

  4. Striatal Matrix

    • Location: In the striatum.

    • Produces: Medium spiny neurons.

  5. Cerebellum

    • Location: Specifically, in the external granule layer during development.

    • Produces: Granule cells.

  6. Reticular Formation

    • Location: Brainstem.

    • Produces: Various types of neurons for autonomic and motor control.

  7. Spinal Cord

    • Location: Ependymal layer around the central canal.

    • Produces: Limited neurogenesis, mostly glial cells.

  8. Other Developmental Zones

    • Location: During development, several transient zones exist.

    • Produces: Different types of neurons, later migrating to their mature locations.

Birthdating Neurons - Radiolabeled Thymidine vs BrdU



  1. Sensitivity

    • Radiolabeled Thymidine: Lower due to radioactive decay.

    • BrdU: Higher due to antibody-based detection.

  2. Long-term Studies

    • Radiolabeled Thymidine: Suitable for long-term due to long half-life.

    • BrdU: Limited by its chemical stability.

  3. Detection Technique

    • Radiolabeled Thymidine: Requires specialized autoradiography equipment.

    • BrdU: Requires immunohistochemical techniques.

  • In summary, radiolabeled thymidine is older and less safe but allows for long-term studies ,

  • whereas BrdU offers higher resolution and is safer, albeit less stable for long-term tracking.

Birthdating Cells

Radial Glial Cells - Radial vs Tangential Neuron Migration

Adult Neurogenesis

  • In essence, the field has evolved from skepticism to a broader acceptance of adult neurogenesis, not just in rodents but also in primates, including humans.

  • However, the controversy highlights the challenges in interpreting negative findings and the importance of methodology in scientific investigations.

Research Papers



Figure 2 a-d, Four parameters in which enriched mice differ from their control littermates. a, Number of BrdU-positive cells per hippocampal granule cell layer (GCL). The density of BrdU-positive cells was determined stereologically (cells per mm3 ) and multiplied by the absolute volume ofthe dentate gyrus. Significance level is P < 0.005 (t-test). b, Volume of the dentate gyrus. At 4 weeks p.i., the volume of the hippocampal dentate gyrus was significantly (P < 0.005, t-test) increased in the enriched group. c, Absolute granule cell number in the dentate gyrus. At 4weeks p.i., enriched mice had significantly more granule cell neurons (P < 0.01 ). The underlying neuronal density was 6.47 ± 0.25 per sample volume in controls and 6.56 ± 0.14 in enriched mice and thus not influenced by environmental enrichment. All data are given as mean ± standard error. N was 5 per group at 1 day p.i., and 7 per group at 4 weeks p.i. d, In the spatial learning task (Morris water maze), enriched mice (lower curve) have a significantly shorter swim path (P < 0.05, t-test) on days 1 to 3 of testing. On day 1 there was no significant difference between the groups in the first two trials, indicating equal baselines. The time to reach the platform (latency) paralleled this curve and reached the significance level on day 2. At all time points, no difference in the average swim speed could be found, and on a transfer test without a platform on day 6 no differences between groups were detected (data not shown).


The 6 Layers of the Neocortex

Neuron Types in Cerebral Cortex

Appearance of Cortical Layers can Differ Between Regions

Subtle Differences in Cytoarchitecture of cortex can be useful in delineating cortical regions

Layers in Cerebral Cortex have their origins in the zone so early neural tube


Figure 3.11

Neurons in Rhesus Monkey Visual Cortex = Paper