Differences between using Fluorescence and Brightfield

  1. Start with the 10x , and focus and find your sample

  2. Select appropriate channel / filter

    • use FITC ( blue light ) to see green fluorescence

    • use TRITC ( green light ) to see red fluorescence

    • DAPI ( blue light ) to see nuclei

      • chemical that labels double stranded DNA

  3. To illuminate the sample , open the shutter

  4. Once you have the sample in good focus , take pictures with 20x and 40x objectives

  5. Pull light selector knob all the way out for fluorescence

    • the images will be much dimmer than they were for bright field

  6. When you are in the fluorescence mode and using the CellSens software :

    • make sure you choose the appropriate acquisition setting :

  7. Adjust exposure time so you can see the sample

    • if you sit down to the computer chair and you can't see anything on the computer screen

      • but you CAN see something via the eyepiece

        • then your exposure settings are messed up ( probably too low ) , so turn up
  8. Ctrl+H keyboard shortcut = toggles "high/low" mode

    • applies lookup table to pixels

      • totally dark pixels are turned to blue color

      • saturated pixels are turned to red color

        • so minimize red color via exposure setting
      • toggle back and forth between "high/low" mode to get reasonable image

  9. Save image file as usual