Peptide bond = condensation reaction
Planar = because of thermodynamics ( steric hindrance )
Rigid = double bonds ( pi bonding )
Because peptides are planar and rigid , it gives us our “torsional angles” aka
Both can rotate freely from -180 to +180
Edman = chemical purification
Mass spec = “more modern”
Determining the amino acid content gives you guide-rails for where you are , orientation , gives you molar ratios
Finding the amino terminus tells you how many subunits you have
Add a chemical that reacts with the N-terminal amino group
Then you subject it to strong acid , and break it apart into free amino acids
One of them still has the label
Then you repeat with labeling the same amino terminus , but you add a mild acid , and cleave only the N-terminus
Then repeat with new N-terminus labels , and then break with weak acid
You can only do Edman for a short peptide
To synthesize longer than 100 peptide length
Use two separate experiments on original peptide ( chymotrypsin ) and trypsin
These cut at different spots
Determining which proteases to use is crucial
ESI and MALDI = soft ionization technique , doesn’t blow the peptide to smithereens , breaks it into chucks
can be combined with HPLC
has a much higher throughput
Then you can shoot a layer at the crystal , causes ionization
MALDI is even “softer” than ESI
Problem :
First bullet point = tells us molar ratio only
2nd bullet point = tells us peptide was labeled on N-terminus , shot it apart with an acid , tells us that the N-terminus was tyrosine , also that there is only 1 tyrosine
3rd bullet point = the only way chymotrypsin could be applied and it cleaves a peptide length of 3 , is for phenylalanine to be on the end
We know leucine is “free”
Structure must be :
If there is commas or the ( 2 ) it is not ordered to N - C , it just tells you similar to the ratio
0.4 M becomes
Use X with concentration of sodium hydroxide to get the liters6
The majority of what makes protein folding have a negative delta G comes from the enthalpy term
Hydrophobic effect = what jump starts protein folding
The peptide backbone dictates hydrogen bonding , NOT the R groups
backbone is in a zig-zag conformation
Multiple layers combine via hydrogen bonding
Layers can be parallel or anti-parallel
Parallel :
Anti-Parallel :
Number of hydrogen bonds is dictated by the number of amino acids in the backbone
The favorability of hydrogen bonds is dictated from it being either parallel or anti-parallel
tertiary structure is stabilize by weak interactions
Fiberous = scaffolding , and give structure
Globular = cytosolic protein
nails and hair
Rich in hydrophobic amino acids
2 stranded , twisted together
Stabilized with di-sulfide bonds
Naturally curly hair = di-sulfide bonds
skin , joints , bone
Connective tissue
Triple helix
NOT an
Really rich in proline and glycine
The helix is much more tightly wrapped
G-X-Y pattern
Different types of collagen mixed and matched produces different structures
Fibers need to be cross-linked
Anti-parallel beta sheets
There are regions that automatically fold together
If you assume a 100 amino acid protein :
10 confirmations / amino acid
also assume it takes
Intrinsically the protein is skipping a lot of the sampling folding steps
common structural elements when secondary structures come together
Parallel needs to be joined by a longer segment
NMR and X-Ray can be used to identify static structure
EPR = good for looking at dynamics / movement
ESI and MALDI = soft ionization techniques
Organic Mass Spec = blowing apart the molecule
How would you classify this protein ?
Has both alpha and beta
Are they segmented ? All the alphas together , and all the betas together ?
organic solvents disrupt hydrophobic effect
Proteins have a very steep melting curve
Sigmoid curve = binary on or off
All-or-none event essentially
Leventhall’s Paradox :
Proteins when they go to reassemble , don’t necessarily reassemble perfectly.
For instance , the C-motif on insulin acts as a chaperone for the correct form of the active insulin
“Pro-version” of insulin gets cleaved off to create active version of insulin
Sometimes you need to break co-valent or non-covalent interactions to proceed to the next folding intermediate
Certain segments of the protein fold first , the rest folds around it
Protein-Folding-Accessory-Proteins aid in folding
the inside cavity provides a hydrophobic environment
the ATP hydrolysis used to power , creates an energy barrier almost impossible to reverse
Number of binding sites occupied = “normalization” , because hemoglobin has 4 binding sites , and myoglobin only has 1 binding site
Histamine attaches myoglobin to the Iron co-factor
Proximal Histidine = directly attached to iron
Iron in the center , porforin ring surrounds it
shifting the partial pressure to the right is not enough
It starts in the low affinity state
Once it reaches a certain partial pressure of oxygen , it changes from low affinity state to high affinity
When first oxygen binds , it moves heme to be in plane with the iron
Normally , there is an amino acid that causes the Tense / Strain state
That causes the proximal histidine to move with the iron
The proximal histidine is attached to the F-helix
This moves the F-helix
Deoxystate = 4 oxygens are closed off
Once 15 degree rotation happens , it moves to high affinity state
Hemoglobin in the T-state has a few hydrogens that can be protonated
When oxygen is added , hemoglobin binds to oxygen and releases protons
If you added acid , you are pushing the equilibrium to the left
Shifting from R-state to T-state
Shifts the partial pressure of oxygen / binding affinity graph to the right
T-state = left hand side
R-state = right hand side
Lactic acid lowers the pH , causes left shift
Hydrogen on hemoglobin deprotonates
In the R-state , the positive charges can no longer interact with 2,3-BPG , causing 2,3-BPG to leave
2,3-BPG = negative allosteric effector , causes right shift , increases delta y
Adult hemoglobin has positively charged histidine
Fetal hemoglobin has the histidine swapped out for serine
Does not bind 2,3-BPG
It takes longer to breathe in
Hyperventilation = left shift = decrease delta-y-O-2
Hemoglobin without allosteric effectors has huge left shift , very ineffective for transport
adding the effectors causes right shift , increases delta-y-O-2
Excess 2,3-BPG is bad for sickle cell anemia ?
Keeps it in the T-state longer ,
Body is trying to compensate , but it doesn’t know it will cause the formation of polymerization
Alpha Helixes tend to form with each other