Overview of key features

The definitive Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, Eighth Edition, continues to help students navigate the complex discipline of biochemistry with a clear and coherent presentation. Renowned authors David Nelson, Michael Cox, and new coauthor Aaron Hoskins have focused this eighth edition around the fundamental principles to help students understand and navigate the most important aspects of biochemistry. Text features and digital resources in the new Achieve platform emphasize this focus on the principles, while coverage of recent discoveries and the most up-to-date research provide fascinating context for learning the dynamic discipline of biochemistry.


Streamlined for easier navigation

Achieve supports educators and students throughout the full range of instruction, including assets suitable for pre-class preparation, in-class active learning, and post-class study and assessment. The pairing of a powerful new platform with outstanding biochemistry content provides an unrivaled learning experience.



A red box containing the two wavy lines of the Macmillan logo in white is next to the word Achieve with a red dot on the I and a check mark in place of the letter “V”.

Achieve is the culmination of years of development work put toward creating the most powerful online learning tool for biochemistry students. It houses all of our renowned assessments, multimedia assets, e-books, and instructor resources in a powerful new platform.

Achieve supports educators and students throughout the full range of instruction, including assets suitable for pre-class preparation, in-class active learning, and post-class study and assessment. The pairing of a powerful new platform with outstanding biochemistry content provides an unrivaled learning experience.

A figure shows how the interactive Achieve system works.

For more information or to sign up for a demonstration of Achieve, contact your local Macmillan representative or visit macmillanlearning.com/achieve

Full Learning Path and Flexible Resources

Achieve supports flexible instruction and engages student learning. This intuitive platform includes content for pre-class preparation, in-class active learning, and post-class engagement and assessment, providing an unparalleled environment and resources for teaching and learning biochemistry.

A figure shows how the Learning Curve system works.

Achieve MORE

Achieve supports teaching and learning with exceptional content and resources.

A figure provides more information and examples from Achieve.

Powerful analytics, viewable in an elegant dashboard, offer instructors a window into student progress. Achieve gives you the insight to address students’ weaknesses and misconceptions before they struggle on a test.

A figure shows analytics available to instructors through Achieve.

The authoritative reference, with a framework for understanding

Screenshots of two pages from the text are shown. The left-hand screenshot shows the first page of Chapter 3: Amino acids, Peptides, and Proteins. The screenshot at the lower right shows the second page of the chapter, which includes a figure with three photos, a photo of researcher Margaret Oakley Dayhoff, and a figure showing the general structure of an amino acid.

Achieve supports retention and assessment for Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry.

A figure shows a sample interactive question from Achieve.