In metal, many electrons are available.
If you put a charge inside a metal, or near a metal, these free electrons rearrange so as to completely cancel any electric field inside the metal:
In salt solution, there are quite a few free charges, in the form of ions now.
Both + and - charges now
If you put a charged object into a salt solutions, ions form a "cloud" around the object, which partially cancels the electric field that the charged object would have caused.
Without a salt solution, say in a vacuum, the electric field gets weaker as
With this cloud present in a salt solution, it will get weaker even faster as
There is a quantity called the Debye Length which describes how fast (at what distance) the electric field gets weaker
The derivation is complicated
Essentially it's a balance between potential energy and thermal energy
Potential energy is due to:
Thermal motion/entropy wants to keep all the ions evenly spread out.
The result is that the electric field ( and electric potential also ) fall off according to:
E field falls off a little faster than this
This equation indicates that if the distance from the charged object is
Compare this to vaccum ( no salt solution ).