(A) Schematic representation of the gene expression plasmid, p3216PECMS2
(B) Quantitative Southern blot of clone 2-6-3 genomic DNA.
(C) DNA fluorescence in situ hybridization (DNA FISH) of 2-6-3 cells shows that there is a single integration site in the euchromatic region of chromosome 1p36.
(D) Northern blot time course analysis of RNA isolated 0, 5, 10, 15, and 30 min after the induction of transcription.
(E) Immunoblot time course analysis of CFPSKL expression 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 hr after the addition of doxycycline.
(A–F) U2OS 2-6-3 cells were transiently transfected with pSV2-CFP-lac repressor, pTet-ON (rtTA) and MS2-YFP, and imaging was begun 2.5 hr posttransfection.
(A–C) At 0 min () dox, CFP-lac repressor marks the locus (A) and MS2-YFP is diffusely distributed throughout the nucleus (B).
(D–F) 2.5 hr after the addition of Dox, the locus is highly decondensed and CFP-SKL is seen in the cytoplasmic peroxisomes (D).
(G–L) Image stacks of cells expressing pSV2-CFP-lac repressor (pseudocolored red) and EYFP-rtTA-N1 (pseudocolored green) were collected and deconvolved in cells fixed 5 min (G–I) and 60 min (J–L) after the induction of transcription.
(M–U) Factors involved in gene expression colocalize with the decondensed locus.
(A–O) Still images from a time series of U2OS 2-6-3 cells during transcriptional activation showing the relationship between the chromatin of the locus, marked by CFP-lac repressor, and the RNA, marked by MS2-YFP.
(P) Quantitative analysis and modeling of RNA levels at the locus.
Immunoblot analysis of YFP constructs used in the imaging studies.
Blot was probed with a monoclonal anti-GFP antibody.