Peripheral Nervous System

  • Consists of sensory / afferent nerves that conduct information to the central nervous system

    • Along with motor / efferent nerves that conduct information from the central nervous system
  • Two Divisions :

    1. Somatic nervous system

    2. Autonomic nervous system

      • Sympathetic

        • Lumbar and Thoracic
      • Parasympathetic

        • Brain Stem and Sacral Region
      • Enteric


Somatic Receptors

Autonomic / Visceral Receptors

How Do Receptors Perform Their Function?

Seonsory Adaptation



Somatic Motor Output

Autonomic Motor Output

Sympathetic Nervous System

Parasympathetic Nervous System


Regulation of Autonomic Nervous System

Sympathetics versus Parasympathetics

Adipose tissueStimulatesNo effect
Arrector pili muscleStimulates ( contracts )No effect
Blood vessel smooth muscle of Skin and VisceraStimulates ( contracts )No effect
Blood vessel smooth muscle of Skeletal MuscleInhibits ( relaxes )No effect
Adrenal glandStimulatesNo effect
Sweat glandsStimulatesNo effect
Bladder wall smooth muscleInhibits ( relaxes )Stimulates ( contracts )
Salivary glandsStimulatesStimulates
Lung airway smooth muscleInhibits ( relaxes )Stimulates ( contracts )
Digestive systemInhibitsStimulates


Location of Preganglionic NeuronsThoracic and LumbarCranial and Sacral
GangliaParavertebral ganglion chain and Collateral GangliaTerminal Ganglia
Relative Length of NeuronsPreganglionic = short
Postganlionic = long
Preganglionic = long
Postganlionic = short
Preganglionic NuerotransmitterAcetylcholineAcetylcholine
Postganglionic NeurotransmitterNorepinephrine
Acetylcholine ( sweat glands )


EffectorsSkeletal MusclesCardiac muscle
Smooth muscle
Epithelial cells
Neuron Location from CNSMotor nuclei of brainstem
Ventral horn of spinal cord
Autonomic nuclei of brainstem
Lateral region of spinal cord
Neuron ArrangementOne efferent to effectorsTwo efferents in series to effectors
( adrenal gland is exception )
Axon SheathsMyelinatedPreganglionic = myelinated
Postganglionic = unmyelinated
Receptors of EffectorsNicotinicAdrenergic and Muscarinic