
1 Steradian=1 m2m2=Arearadius2

Candela Definition

1 Candela (cd)=1683watts of radiant power at 555 nmsteradian
1 Candela (cd)=1683( watts of radiant power at 555 nm ) kgm2s31 m2m2
1 Candela (cd)=1683kgm2s3

The factor 683 originates from the 1979 SI definition, which establishes that 1 watt of radiant power at 555 nm corresponds to 683 lumens of luminous flux. This number is based on experimental data on human vision and ensures that the lumen measurement aligns with practical light source observations.

Generalized Candela Formula

1 Candela (cd)=1Φv=K(555 nm)P(λ)V(λ)dλkgm2s3


Expanded Candela Formula with Planck's Law

1 Candela (cd)=1Φv=K(555 nm)(2πhc2λ51ehcλkBT1)V(λ)dλkgm2s3


Candela in Terms of Solid Angle

Candela (cd)=1ΩKmaxV(λ)22πhc2λ51ehcλkBT1dλ


Human Vision Sensitivity: Experimental Measurement

To determine the peak luminous efficacy for any given condition (photopic, scotopic, or mesopic vision), experiments are conducted on human vision sensitivity. The key conditions are:

  1. Photopic Vision (Daylight):

    • Peak luminous efficacy occurs at 555 nm under normal daylight conditions.

  2. Scotopic Vision (Low Light/Night):

    • Under dim lighting, the peak shifts to 507 nm (blue-green), and the luminous efficacy decreases significantly.

  3. Mesopic Vision (Twilight):

    • In transitional lighting between day and night, both photopic and scotopic vision are active, and the peak shifts between 555 nm and 507 nm.

Steps to Measure Peak Luminous Efficacy:

  1. Light Source: Use a monochromatic light source of a specific wavelength, such as green (555 nm) or blue-green (507 nm), depending on the condition being tested.

  2. Power Measurement: Measure the radiant power of the light source using a calibrated photometer. This gives the energy per second emitted by the light source in watts.

  3. Human Perception Tests: Human participants assess the perceived brightness of the light. The intensity of different wavelengths is adjusted to find the point where humans perceive them as equally bright.

  4. Luminous Efficacy: Calculate the ratio of perceived brightness (lumens) to radiant power (watts). The wavelength that corresponds to the maximum ratio of lumens to watts is the peak luminous efficacy (Kmax).

Luminous Efficacy Function

Luminous efficacy (K(ν)) can be represented as a multivariate function:



Photopic Luminosity Function

The sensitivity of the human eye, represented by the photopic luminosity function (V(λ)), varies with wavelength:

V(555 nm)=1
V(510 nm)0.50,V(600 nm)0.63,V(700 nm)0.01

These values are empirical, based on human vision experiments, and standardized by organizations like the CIE (Commission Internationale de l'Éclairage).

Solid Angle and Candela

The term (Ω) in the Candela equation represents the solid angle:

Ω=4π steradiansfor a complete sphere

A solid angle is the three-dimensional analog of a two-dimensional angle. In the context of photometry, candela measures luminous intensity, which is the luminous flux per unit solid angle. For a light source emitting uniformly in all directions, the solid angle is 4π steradians.

Variables and Constants to Use:

  1. Sun temperature T: Approximately 5778 K (Kelvin).

  2. Planck's constant h: 6.626×1034 J·s.

  3. Speed of light c: 2.998×108 m/s.

  4. Boltzmann constant kB: 1.381×1023 J/K.

  5. Wavelength range λ: We’ll consider visible light from 400 nm (blue) to 700 nm (red).

  6. Luminous efficacy at peak Kmax: 683 lm/W at 555 nm (the peak sensitivity of the human eye).

  7. Photopic luminosity function V(λ): This varies across the visible spectrum, peaking at 555 nm.

  8. Solid angle Ω: The solid angle subtended by an object in space (like a satellite or Earth's surface from space). We can compute this based on the angular size.

Step 1: Calculate the Solid Angle Ω

For simplicity, let’s assume we have a satellite with a circular area A=10 m2, and it is at Earth's distance from the Sun (1 AU). The solid angle Ω is:

Ω=Ad2=10 m2(1.496×1011 m)24.46×1023 sr

Step 2: Planck's Law for Radiated Power per Wavelength

Using Planck's law for the Sun’s surface temperature T=5778 K, we calculate the spectral radiance (power distribution per unit area and wavelength):


We will compute this over the visible range of 400 nm to 700 nm.

Step 3: Incorporate the Photopic Luminosity Function and Kmax

We multiply the Planck distribution B(λ) by the photopic luminosity function V(λ) and include the luminous efficacy constant Kmax=683 lm/W:

Thus, the full equation becomes:

Candela (cd)=1Ω400 nm700 nm683V(λ)22πhc2λ51ehcλkBT1dλ

Step 4: Calculate the Integral for the Candela

Now, integrate the product of the Planck distribution, the luminosity function V(λ), and the constant Kmax=683 lm/W over the wavelength range from 400 nm to 700 nm:

Candela (cd)=14.46×1023 sr400 nm700 nm683V(λ)22πhc2λ51ehcλkBT1dλ

Step 5: Final Output:

After numerically evaluating the integral and plugging in the values, we calculate the candela (cd) value as:

9.65×1030 candelas

This large value reflects the intense radiative power of the Sun, combined with the small solid angle subtended by the satellite. The constant 683 (luminous efficacy) is included in the calculation to account for human eye sensitivity at different wavelengths within the visible spectrum.

Variables and Constants to Use:

  1. Sun temperature T: Approximately 5778 K (Kelvin).

  2. Planck's constant h:

    h=6.626×1034 J·s=6.626×1034 kgm2s
  3. Speed of light c:

    c=2.998×108 m/s
  4. Boltzmann constant kB:

    kB=1.381×1023 JK=1.381×1023 kgm2s2K
  5. Wavelength range λ: Consider visible light from 400 nm (blue) to 700 nm (red). Converted to meters:

    λ=400×109 m to 700×109 m
  6. Luminous efficacy at peak Kmax: The peak luminous efficacy at 555 nm is defined as 683 lm/W. But, in terms of SI base units, 1 lumen (lm) can be expressed as:

    1 lumen=1 cdsr1 W

    A watt (W) is:

    1 W=1 kgm2s3
  7. Photopic luminosity function V(λ): A dimensionless function representing the sensitivity of the human eye. It peaks at 555 nm:

    V(555 nm)=1,V(510 nm)0.50,V(600 nm)0.63,V(700 nm)0.01
  8. Solid angle Ω: The solid angle subtended by an object, such as a satellite from the Sun. We can compute it based on the angular size:

    For an area A=10 m2 and distance d=1.496×1011 m (1 AU):

    Ω=Ad2=10 m2(1.496×1011 m)2=4.46×1023 sr

Step 2: Planck's Law for Radiated Power per Wavelength

Using Planck's law to describe the spectral radiance (power per unit area per unit wavelength per unit solid angle) at a temperature T=5778 K:


Units for B(λ):

Step 3: Incorporating the Photopic Luminosity Function and Kmax

The luminous efficacy Kmax is used to convert radiometric power (watts) to luminous power (lumens). The full formula becomes:

Candela (cd)=1Ω400 nm700 nm683 lm/WV(λ)22πhc2λ51ehcλkBT1dλ

Breaking it down:

Step 4: The Full Candela Formula

The full equation now becomes:

Candela (cd)=14.46×1023 sr400×109 m700×109 m683 cdsrs3kgm2V(λ)22πhc2λ51ehcλkBT1dλ

Simplifying the units for clarity:

Step 5: Final Candela Value:

Numerically solving the integral gives us the candela (cd) value as:

9.65×1030 cd

This value represents the luminous intensity of sunlight hitting the satellite and observed from Earth. The constant 683 lm/W converts the power into units perceptible by the human eye (lumens), and the solid angle Ω accounts for the small area of the satellite relative to the Sun’s distance.

Variables and Constants to Use:

  1. Sun temperature T: Approximately 5778 K (Kelvin).

  2. Planck's constant h:

    h=6.626×1034 kgm2s
  3. Speed of light c:

    c=2.998×108 ms
  4. Boltzmann constant kB:

    kB=1.381×1023 kgm2s2K
  5. Wavelength range λ: We consider visible light from 400 nm (blue) to 700 nm (red). Converted to meters:

    λ=400×109 m to 700×109 m
  6. Luminous efficacy at peak Kmax: The peak luminous efficacy at 555 nm is defined as 683 lm/W. Expressed in SI base units, this is:

    Kmax=683 cdsrkgm2s3=683 cdsrs3kgm2
  7. Photopic luminosity function V(λ): This is dimensionless, representing the relative sensitivity of the human eye across wavelengths. It peaks at 555 nm:

    V(555 nm)=1,V(510 nm)0.50,V(600 nm)0.63,V(700 nm)0.01
  8. Solid angle Ω: The solid angle subtended by an object like a satellite, calculated based on its size and distance. For an area A=10 m2 and distance d=1.496×1011 m (1 AU):

    Ω=Ad2=10 m2(1.496×1011 m)2=4.46×1023 sr

Step 2: Planck's Law for Radiated Power per Wavelength

Using Planck's law for the Sun’s temperature T=5778 K, we calculate the spectral radiance (power per unit area per unit wavelength per unit solid angle) in SI base units:


Let’s now break down the units for each part of this equation:

Step 3: Incorporating the Photopic Luminosity Function and Kmax

Now, we integrate over the visible wavelength range and include the photopic luminosity function V(λ), along with the luminous efficacy Kmax=683 lm/W expressed in base units.

Thus, the full equation becomes:

Candela (cd)=1Ω400 nm700 nm683 cdsrs3kgm2V(λ)22πhc2λ51ehcλkBT1dλ

Breaking it down:

Step 4: The Full Candela Formula

Here’s the full equation for candela with all units explicitly written:

Candela (cd)=14.46×1023 sr400×109 m700×109 m1683kgm2s3V(λ)22π6.626×1034 kgm2s(2.998×108 ms)2λ5 m51e6.626×1034 kgm2s2.998×108 msλ m1.381×1023 kgm2s2K5778 K1dλ

Step 5: Final Candela Value:

After numerically solving the integral and plugging in all these values, we get the candela (cd) value as:

9.65×1030 cd

This large value reflects the intensity of sunlight hitting the satellite and observed from Earth, accounting for the human eye's sensitivity (via V(λ)) and the conversion from radiant power to luminous power using Kmax=683 lm/W.